The most common tool used for measuring effort perception is the rating scale of perceived exertion (RPE) developed by Borg. This scale is also used for various outcomes in the general population. The validity and reliability of this scale have already been reported in obese patients. However, the relevance of measuring perceived exertion in obese patients is still poorly known. This review of the literature presents the Borg RPE scale (i.e., validity, reliability and recommendations) and its main advantages during graded exercise tests (e.g., comparison of physical capacity, predicting physiological variables, verifying exhaustion and exercise safety) and rehabilitation programs (e.g., individualized exercise intensity, evaluation of the impact of a rehabilitation program and even determining the perceptual preference) in obese patients. This review of the literature underlines the relevance and usefulness of the Borg RPE scale, which is still underused in obese patients. However, additional studies are still necessary before using this scale routinely in all obese patients (regardless of the severity of their obesity or associated complications).
L’échelle de perception de l’effort (RPE) de Borg est actuellement l’outil le plus fréquemment utilisé pour mesurer la perception de l’effort. Cette échelle est utilisée à des fins variées dans la population générale. La validité et la reproductibilité de cette échelle ont déjà été étudiées chez le patient obèse. Cependant, les intérêts de la mesure de la perception de l’effort chez le patient obèse restent mal connus. Cette revue de littérature présente par conséquent l’échelle RPE de Borg (i.e., validité, reproductibilité et recommandations) et ses principaux intérêts lors d’épreuves d’effort maximal ou non (e.g., comparaison de la capacité physique, prédiction de variables physiologiques, vérification de l’exhaustivité d’un exercice, sécurisation des exercices) et de programmes de réadaptation à l’effort (e.g., prescription individualisée d’une intensité d’exercice, évaluation des effets d’un programme de réadaptation, ou encore détermination d’une préférence perceptive) chez le patient obèse. Cette revue de littérature démontre l’utilité encore mal connue de l’échelle RPE de Borg chez le patient obèse. Cependant, des études complémentaires restent encore à réaliser avant d’utiliser en routine cette échelle pour tous les patients obèses (quel que soit leur degré d’obésité et leurs comorbidités associées).
English version
The concept of perceived exertion was introduced in the late 1950s with methods measuring local fatigue or breathlessness . Perceived exertion is defined by sensations of effort, constraints, discomfort and fatigue felt by a person when exercising . Perceived exertion is also used in various situations: ergonomics, education, sports or clinical application to reach various objectives. Many authors have developed and validated several scales to measure perceived exertion. However, the Borg rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale remains the most commonly used one . Thus, this review of the literature is only dedicated to the Borg RPE scale . This scale is administered in training clubs, at home but also in many hospital and healthcare centers. It is also used in graded exercise tests (GXT) before and after a patient’s training program, as well as all along these training programs in order to optimize patients’ care management. In fact, the information delivered by the RPE scale can help design and manage each step of the patient’s rehabilitation program.
Furthermore, for many decades, France has observed a constant increase in the prevalence of obesity, even though the latter has been leveling off . In 2007, the total annual cost of obesity in France was estimated at oscillating between 2.1 and 6.2 billion Euros, i.e. corresponding to 1.5 to 4.6% of France’s total healthcare costs (this number is probably quite underestimated today, since it was based on data from 2002) . To decrease obesity prevalence and thus related healthcare costs, it has been proven that obese patients must exercise regularly. However, implementing a regular exercise activity (i.e., in a controlled setting with individualized exercise intensity) has been quite difficult with complicated technological apparatus used to set adapted exercise intensity (e.g., heart rate monitor, satellite tracking), sometimes quite costly (respiratory gas exchanges analysis to determine the patient’s maximum exercise capacity), or not adapted to the patient’s expectations (e.g., sometimes associations or healthcare centers propose walking exercises when the patient prefers cycling exercises).
As a result, the objective of this review of the literature was to present a simple and cost-effective tool, the RPE Borg scale , and to show its relevance when used with overweight or obese patients (most often without associated complications) in the framework of evaluating exercise capacity or prescribing the right rehabilitation program.
Presenting the Borg RPE scale
The first version of the RPE scale was designed in the 1960s by Gunnar Borg, PhD in Psychology. Since then, this tool has been updated to become the most commonly used scale to assess effort exertion . This scale is made up of 15 different levels, comprised between 6 and 20, associated to verbal feedback (going from “extremely light” for level 7 to “extremely hard” for level 19), in order to obtain a subjective description of exercise strenuousness ( Table 1 ). The numeric values of the various levels were chosen in order to determine the heart rates (HR) of a medium-aged, sedentary and healthy man during GXT on an cycle ergometer or treadmill (RPE × 10 = HR) . Thus the numbers 6 and 20 were chosen as minimum and maximum values, since these numbers multiplied by ten are meant to represent respectively the resting heart rate (HRrest = 60 bpm) and the maximum heart rate (HRmax = 200 bpm) of a young healthy and sedentary adult male . The RPE scale has been designed to correlate various physiological and perceived responses to different exercise constraints . As reminded by Garcin , perceived exertion is a quantitative translation of a complex psychological and physiological process based on the individual assimilation of varied sensations and perceptions of effort and stress caused by physical workout, with each sensation bearing a subjective value. From its beginnings, the RPE scale has been widely promoted and used in various applications such as sports training, ergonomics or rehabilitation programs . This scale has been translated and validated in several languages including French ( Table 1 ) . Thus, in French-speaking countries to assess perceived exertion, one just needs to ask the following question: “How hard do you feel this exercise is?” . In order to answer, the patient must use the different ratings described on the RPE. For example, if the patient perceived the exertion as “very light” he or she will rate it as 9 on the scale, whereas if the patient felt the effort as “hard” he or she will rate it as 15. Furthermore, the patient can also pick an intermediate value if he or she perceives the effort between “very light” (i.e., RPE = 9) and “light” (i.e., RPE = 11), even if that number does not have a verbal description (i.e., RPE = 10; Table 1 ).
How hard do you feel this exercise? | While exercising we want you to rate your perception of exertion, i.e., how heavy and strenous the exercise feels to you. The perception of exertion depends mainly on the strain and fatigue in your muscles and on your feeling of breathlessness or aches in the chest Look at this ratin scale; we want you to use this scale from 6 to 20, where 6 below while means “no exertion at all” and 20 means “maximal exertion” 9 corresponds to “very light” exercise. For a normal, healthy person it is like walking slowly at his or her own pace for some minutes 13 on the scale is “somewhat hard” exercise, but it still feels OK to continue 17 “very hard” is very strenous. A healthy person can still go on, but he or she really has to push him- or herself. It feels very heavy, and the person is very tired 19 on the scale is an extremely sternous exercise level. For most people this is the most strenous exercise they have ever experienced Try to appraise your feeling of exertion as honestly as possible, without thinking about what the actual physical load is. Do not underestimate it, but do not overestimate it neither. It is your own feeling of effort and exertion that is important, not how it compares to other people’s. What other people think is not important neither. Look at the scales and the expressions and then give a number. Any question? |
6 | |
7 Very very light | |
8 | |
9 Very light | |
10 | |
11 Light | |
12 | |
13 Somewhat hard | |
14 | |
15 Hard | |
16 | |
17 Very hard | |
18 | |
19 Very very hard | |
20 |
Psychometric qualities of the RPE scale
Validity of the RPE scale
The validity of the RPE scale has been demonstrated within different studies during walking , running , ergometer cycling , or even swimming , in children and adolescents , healthy individuals , athletes , and elderly populations . However, one of the first studies testing the validity of the RPE scale was conducted on an all together different population: obese patients . In this study, eight young students without weight disorders and eight obese students performed, in a random order, two types of exercise on a cycle ergometer: a classic GXT and a discontinuous random-loading test (i.e., a test where the loads where presented in a random order and separated by 8-minute intervals of passive training recovery). During these two exercises, and for each different workload, the experiment team collected various physiological variables (e.g., ventilation, breathing frequency, oxygen consumption and HR) and the subject’s RPE results. Afterwards, physiological and RPE data collected for each different workload during the classic GXT were compared to physiological and RPE variables collected during the discontinuous random-loading test. The results reported no significant difference between these values ( p > 0.05). Furthermore, moderate to high correlations were found between these values ( r = 0.60 to 0.98; p < 0.05). More specifically, Skinner et al. showed that the RPE results were not significantly different ( p > 0.05) between the two tests, and that there was a significant correlation between RPE data from both tests ( r = 0.79; p < 0.05). Based on these results, the authors concluded that individuals were capable of perceiving small differences regarding the intensity of the exercise on a cycle ergometer. Thus, the RPE scale seems to be a valid tool for the general population as well as obese patients. However, one should keep in mind that this study was based on a very small cohort (i.e., eight healthy patients and eight obese patients) and that the authors came to the conclusion that the RPE was sensitive to change without delivering more statistical analyses on this responsiveness to change.
Reproducibility of the RPE scale
According to Atkinson and Nevill , reproducibility may be considered as the amount of measurement error that has been deemed acceptable for the effective practical use of a measurement tool. It can be established when two experiences are conducted in similar situations (i.e., test-retest reliability) in order to obtain similar or almost identical scores. Skinner et al. were the first to study the reproducibility of the RPE scale in obese patients. In their study, the authors analyzed the correlations between RPE data collected during the test-retest assessment. Results showed that variables were significantly correlated during classic GXT ( r = 0.80; p < 0.05), and discontinuous random-loading tests ( r = 0.78; p < 0.05). Furthermore, the same team reported that these correlations were better than the ones obtained with certain physiological variables (i.e., breathing frequency and tidal volume). Moreover and as shown in this study, during similar tests significant correlations were obtained between RPE data, thus suggesting that the Borg RPE scale is a reliable and reproducible tool in obese patients. Since then, several studies have validated the reproducibility of the RPE scale during various types of exercises and in different populations .
Recommandations before using the RPE scale
Definition, information and instructions
The administrator must first clearly explain to the patient that the RPE scale is dedicated to evaluate effort exertion and not the intensity of the exercise or the difficulty of the performed task. Then, the patients should read the scale’s instructions before each exercise ( Table 1 ) . Afterwards, it is essential to make sure that the patient understood how to use the scale and deliver the RPE, mainly the fact that he or she must self-assess on a continuum between the minimum value (RPE = 6 corresponding to rest) and the maximum value (RPE = 20 corresponding to maximum exertion) of the RPE scale. In order to achieve these goals, the following questions should be asked :
- •
How do you feel right now? Please give a number on the scale.
- •
How do you feel when you perform your favorite recreational activity? Please attribute a number on the scale.
- •
How did you feel when you performed the most exhausting exercise that you can remember doing? Please point to a number on the scale.
Perceptual anchors
When a perception scale is used for the first time, it is quite useful to determine anchor points . The latter helps determine the intensity of the signals perceived at the extreme ranges of the scale. These anchors also serve as references for patients and can help them express their feelings by using the complete range of numbers on the scale. Mainly two methods are used to implement these anchors: “exercise anchoring” and “memory anchoring” .
Exercise anchoring
In the case of “exercise anchoring” , the subject performs a short exercise (i.e., 1 to 2 min) at a really low intensity, using if possible the same exercise modality that will be used afterwards. The subject needs to be reminded that at the end of the short exercise duration the effort must be associated to one of the lowest values on the scale. Afterwards, the subject must perform the same exercise, over a short period of time, but at maximum capacity until complete exertion. When the patient reaches complete exertion, he or she is reminded that this effort must correspond to one of the highest values on the scale. In practice, this procedure is quite difficult to implement in pathological populations, since it requires maximum capacity (that could lead to real cardiovascular risks) and is quite time consuming. In this case, memory-based anchoring should be chosen.
Memory anchoring
When “memory anchoring” is used , patients must remember the time when they felt a level of effort corresponding to the least strenuous (minimum anchors: RPE = 6–7), and most strenuous (maximum anchors: RPE = 19–20) verbal descriptions on the scale. Afterwards, during exercise, patients must evaluate the RPE by comparing their actual perceptions to the memories of these minimum and maximum anchors.
Combined memory and exercise anchoring
Even though memory anchoring and exercise anchoring are commonly used separately, they can also be combined . In this case, the subject first starts with exercise anchoring (e.g., during the GXT before starting the rehabilitation program) and then continues with memory anchoring to reinforce perceptual anchors (e.g., at the beginning of some rehabilitation training sessions).
Relevance of RPE measurements
RPE data are often associated to physiological data during GXT . Administering the RPE scale is cheap, non-invasive and does not require any complex apparatus . Furthermore, it offers the advantages to be relevant for any type of exercise (e.g., walking, biking) and applicable in various locations (e.g., sports center, at home, in a healthcare setting). Moreover, it is validated and reliability and is very easy to use . This is probably why the RPE scale is one of the most used tools during GXT.
RPE measurements during GXT
Progression, safe stop and maximum capacity status during GXT
According to several authors , the main application of the RPE scale is measuring the progression of a GXT in a clinical context. In fact, during these tests, RPE values collected at a given time provide a proper indication of the progression of the GXT (i.e., how long the patient can still go on before safely stopping the exercise). For example, during GXT and for similar loading a patient reporting an RPE at 17 (equal to “very hard” perceived exertion) is closer to exhaustion than another one evaluating his or her effort as “hard” (i.e., RPE = 15). In this light, the RPE scale seems to be a precious complementary measurement tool to help appreciate the progression of exercise testing . In a similar manner, it was reported that a RPE score between 15 and 17 during GXT in cardiac patients, often implies stopping the exercise at the next stage . Thus, when a high score is expressed by the patient, the supervising physician (present during the GXT) can better anticipate the end of the exercise . For example, in our hospital, to show maximum muscle capacity during GXT based on peak lactate levels, we start by preparing the portable clinical lactate analyzer when an obese and cardiac patient reports an RPE score equal or above 15. Moreover, RPE measures during GXT can also help the physician to take the decision to safely stop the exercise . In obese individuals, it is recommended to stop the GXT when the RPE score reaches 15 or above . In fact, below an exertion perceived as “hard” (i.e., RPE = 15), the risk of cardiovascular complications remains low in obese patients. On the other hand, when the maximum or sub-maximal RPE score is reached this value can validate the exhaustiveness of the exercise test . In fact, the physiological criteria used commonly to guarantee that maximum exercise capacity has been reached (e.g., high respiratory exchange ratio or HR close to the theoretical HRmax) are often not sensitive enough to validate exhaustion, whereas the maximum RPE score matches the final point of the exercise . Thus, it is recommended to note, in addition to physiological criteria for maximum exercise capacity, the RPE score, if the latter is close or equal to the maximum value (i.e., RPE = 20), this value can validate that the patient has stopped the exercise because of exhaustion .
In addition to taking into account a unique RPE value (e.g., RPE = 15 to safely stop the GXT in a patient or RPE = 20 to validate maximum exercise capacity), it seems that the RPE slope between two levels, could be used to estimate the progression rate towards the end of the GXT . It means that if two patients report the same RPE score (e.g., RPE = 15) at a similar absolute exercise intensity (e.g., power = 50 W on an ergocycle; Fig. 1 ), the patient with the highest rising slope (e.g., Patient B: two ratings for a power increment of 10 W min; Fig. 1 ) is closer to exhaustion than the patient with a lower slope (e.g., Patient A: one rating for a power increment of 10 W min; Fig. 1 ). GXT are often conducted on patients taking cardiovascular drugs . The pharmacological actions of these drugs can alter the hemodynamic responses such as HR . Thus, since HR is modified by some types of drugs, RPE measures are especially relevant to evaluate the progression of exercise. In fact, for a similar exercise loading (e.g., power = 70 W), the intake of beta-blocker drugs, such as propanolol, decreases the HR (e.g., 180 vs. 170 bpm in a same patient respectively with and without beta-blocker drugs; Fig. 2 ), whereas RPE is not affected by this pharmacological substance (e.g., RPE = 17 for the same patient respectively with and without beta-blocker drugs; Fig. 2 ) . In conclusion, it would seem, under certain conditions, that RPE is more sensitive to change for detecting exercise progression than the HR.
Comparing physical capacities
According to Noble and Robertson , RPE, just like HR, can be used during GXT to compare the physical fitness of two different patients. In order to do so, one needs to collect the RPE scores at each different stage of GXT ( Fig. 3 ) . Then, for the same RPE (e.g., RPE = 15), the patient who maintained the highest exercise loading (Patient A ≈ 70 W vs. Patient B ≈ 50 W) is the one with the best physical fitness (Patient A; Fig. 3 ). Furthermore, for a same given exercise load, (e.g., power = 70 W), the patient reporting the lowest RPE (Patient A ≈ 15 i.e. “hard” vs. Patient B ≈ 17 i.e. “very hard”) will be in the best physical fitness (Patient; Fig. 3 ). Previously, Hulens et al. validated that RPE values could be used to compare the physical fitness of obese patients during walking exercises. In fact, after having differentiated three groups of female patients (group of women without weight problems with a BMI ≤ 26 kg/m 2 ; group of overweight women or moderately obese with a BMI between 27.5 and 34.9 kg/m 2 ; group of severely obese women with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m 2 ), the authors have shown that obese patients (with moderate or severe obesity) had higher RPE values during the 6-minute walk test and also covered a shorter walking distance. Since walking distance during the 6-minute walk test is used to evaluate the physical condition of obese patients , we could say that obese women are in a worse physical fitness than women without excessive weight, and these women must in theory perceive maximum exercise intensity (and sub-maximal) as more hard. Consequently, RPE could be used to compare the physical fitness of obese patients.
Predicting peak exercise capacity
Measuring perceived exertion during sub-maximal effort is also particularly relevant to predict peak exercise capacity. In fact, since there is a linear relationship between RPE and certain variables such as HR and oxygen uptake ( ˙VO2
V ˙ O 2
) or developed power, one can extrapolate the relationship between these values to determine the final point of the exercise corresponding to peak exercise capacity . Moreover, it has been validated that the peak oxygen uptake ( ˙VO2peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
) could be predicted in healthy subjects . Recently, Coquart et al. reported that the linear relationship between RPE and ˙VO2
V ˙ O 2
during sub-maximal GXT could be used to determine ˙VO2peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
in obese patients. The authors suggested to report on a chart RPE and ˙VO2
V ˙ O 2
values collected at each stage during sub-maximal GXT ( Fig. 4 ) and to draw the line closest to these points. Once the line is drawn, a horizontal line going through the RPE maximum value (RPE = 20) must be added ( Fig. 4 ). Finally, at the intersection between the horizontal line going through maximal RPE (i.e., RPE = 20) and the continuation of the regression line (highlighting the relationship between RPE and ˙VO2
V ˙ O 2
values) a vertical line must be projected onto the horizontal coordinates in order to predict the ˙VO2peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
( Fig. 4 ). However, this study by Coquart et al. must be confirmed since it concerned solely severely obese women (BMI = 39.6 ± 6.1 kg/m 2 ). Theoretically, since the relationship between RPE values and other indicators of workload (such as power or velocity) is also linear, it seems possible to predict several indicators of peak exercise capacity (e.g., maximum aerobic power or velocity), using the similar method described above.
On the other hand, since respiratory gas exchanges analysis is still not possible, due to the cost and availability of specific measuring tools, some authors suggested using equations to predict ˙VO2peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
. In order to do so, Coquart et al. recruited 30 obese women, submitted to GXT. During this test, the authors collected several variables, including the power developed at RPE = 15 (i.e., P RPE = 15 , power developed at the RPE value considered as “hard”). Furthermore, the authors collected several anthropometric variables. Afterwards, Coquart et al. conducted a multiple regression analysis with variables such as: P RPE = 15 , body mass, BMI, age. The results of this multiple regression analysis showed it possible to predict ˙VO2peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
based on age and P RPE = 15 in obese patients. To estimate ˙VO2peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
, the authors proposed the following equation:
V ˙ O 2 peak L/min = 1.355 − 9.920 e − 3 × age + 8.497 e − 3 × P R P E = 15
In their study, the model including age and P RPE = 15 (determined during GXT stopped at RPE = 15) explained more than 80% V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
and reported a very low standard error of estimate (i.e., around 10%).
Consequently, whether using the linear relationship between RPE and V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
values or the equation based on age and P RPE = 15 , it is possible to estimate V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
in obese patients. According to Coquart et al. , the relevance of this type of prediction in obese patients (often at a high risk of cardiovascular complications) lies in the fact that they would avoid high exercise loading during maximal GXT and thus reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that a maximal GXT is recommended in obese patients before proposing the adequate rehabilitation program for this population (e.g., to detect any contraindications to exercise). Predicting V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
from RPE values is mostly relevant to prescribe individualized exercise intensity (e.g., based on a percentage of the ventilatory threshold according to the method described by Beaver et al. ), readjusting loading during rehabilitation program (e.g., monthly) and/or evaluating the impact of rehabilitation program on V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
at the end of the rehabilitation program (to motivate patients to continue exercising at home). In the future, additional studies based on predicting V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
in obese patients using RPE values collected during sub-maximal constant exercise tests (such as a walking test or 6-minute test on a step) and other variables could be useful.
Measures of RPE during rehabilitation program
Prescription of individualized exercise intensity
During rehabilitation programs, the prescription of personalized exercise intensity is based on the independent or concomitant use of physiological and perceptual data (collected during GXT), since these data are intimately related . Among the physiological variables used to prescribe individualized exercise intensity in obese or overweight patients, the HR is most often selected (expressed in percentage of HRmax or HR reserve) . However, as previously described, HR can vary when taking certain drugs (e.g., beta-blockers; Section ). Thus it is preferable, in obese patients treated with these drugs to use another method to prescribe adapted exercise intensity. A potential alternative would be to use the target RPE range. In fact, Tabet et al. , showed that in patients with coronary heart disease under beta-blockers, using the target RPE range (or target power) was more effective than prescribing a set HR to reach the intensity corresponding to first ventilatory threshold (VT 1 ). However, it required two distinct phases: “estimation” and “production” .
Estimation phase
During the estimation phase, the patient performs an exhaustive GXT. During the latter, RPE and V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
values are recorded at the end of each stage of GXT and the V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
is then measured (e.g., V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
= 20 ml/min/kg; Fig. 5 ). Afterwards, the V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
of each stage is expressed in relative values (e.g., % V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
; Fig. 5 ). Then, a chart relating the RPE and relative V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
values is drawn ( Fig. 5 ). From that chart, it is then possible to estimate the perceived exertion for a target intensity range . For example, Fig. 5 shows that for intensity ranging between 35 and 50% V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
, the level of exertion perceived by the patient was comprised between RPE = 11 (i.e., effort perceived as “light”) and RPE = 13 (i.e., effort perceived as “neither light, nor hard”).
V ˙ O 2 peak
, peak oxygen uptake; RPE, ratings of perceived exertion.
Production phase
During the production phase, the target RPE range (e.g., effort perceived between RPE = 11 and RPE = 13) corresponding to the target intensity range (e.g., between 35 and 50% V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
) is used in order for the patient to produce the required physiological stimulus ( Fig. 5 ) . In other terms, by asking the patient to produce an effort corresponding to an RPE valued comprised between 11 and 13, the patient will develop an exercise intensity requiring an V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
between 35 and 50% V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
( Fig. 5 ). Regulating exercise intensity by introducing the RPE target range is deemed valid when the V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
corresponding to the target RPE range during the estimation phase is not significantly different from the V ˙ O 2
V ˙ O 2
recorded during the production phase . Several studies have already proven the prescriptive validity of the RPE scale for a wide range of exercise intensities, various types of exercises and in different populations . One of these studies was conducted in overweight children aged 9 to 15 years .
In this study, four exercise intensities (i.e., RPE = 7, 10, 13 and 16) were tested during two different types of exercises (i.e., cycling and walking/running). The results revealed that overweight children were capable of precisely regulating the intensity of the exercise on a cycle ergometer. However, the intensities were overestimated during walking/running. To our knowledge, the only study focusing on exercise prescription based on RPE values in overweight adults is the one by Gondoni et al. . However, these authors showed that using RPE could lead to an overestimation around 20% of the exercise intensity. Consequently, even though the RPE scale seems a valid tool for the prescription of exercise intensity in the general population , additional studies must be conducted in order to use the RPE in any type of activity in obese or overweight patients.
Prescription of exercise intensity corresponding to the VT 1
The VT 1 is a physiological marker corresponding to the transition between aerobic metabolism and a mixed aerobic-anaerobic metabolism . In obese children and adults in order to reach cardio-circulatory and respiratory benefits, the intensity of the exercise should be at least around VT 1 . To prescribe the exercise intensity at VT 1 , it is possible to use the target RPE range . In fact, in obese patients (with or without arterial hypertension) it has been demonstrated that the VT 1 is located around RPE = 12, approximately at 60% HRmax, and 30% HR reserve . Prescribing this exercise intensity during one entire year seems effective to fight obesity and arterial hypertension . Furthermore, intermittent exercises seem beneficial in obese patients (with or without type 2 diabetes) .
Subconscious regulating of the exercise intensity
Regular physical exercise has been validated as a mean to improve physical fitness. Thus, by prescribing a target RPE range, the patient will progressively (and subconsciously) achieve the highest absolute exercise intensity, while perceiving the same effort (i.e., by producing the same RPE) . In this case, the absolute intensity of the exercise is greater, thus producing a new optimal stimulus that can help patients improve their physical fitness. For example, an obese and sedentary patient with a maximal aerobic power (MAP) at 80 W before starting the rehabilitation program and RPE = 16 at 60 W (i.e., at 75% MAP), could subconsciously develop a power of 75 W for the same RPE value (i.e., RPE = 16) after the rehabilitation program (if the latter helped improved the MAP by 20 W, corresponding to post-program MAP = 100 W; Fig. 6 ). In this case, even though the absolute power is higher by 15 W after MAP improvement, the relative power developed would remain the same (i.e., 75% MAP; Fig. 6 ). In fact, by prescribing a target RPE at 16 in this patient, he or she will still train at 75% MAP. Conversely, if instead of prescribing the exercise intensity based on the RPE, we use the power (e.g., 60 W), this intensity will match the initial 75% MAP, corresponding to 60% MAP when the patient’s MAP will be at 100 W. In that case, the prescribed intensity will be below the initial chosen optimal stimulus (i.e., 75% MAP). To prevent this problem, it will then be necessary to frequently evaluate the MAP in order to continuously readjust the exercise intensity (so that the imposed power always matches 75% MAP). Nevertheless, if the intensity of the exercise based on absolute power requires regular adjustments of the exercise load, another solution is predicting MAP from sub-maximal GXT based on RPE (as shown in Section ).
Controlling the adaptations related to the rehabilitation program
RPE values measured during GXT can be used to perform inter- (Section ), but also intraindividual comparisons . The intraindividual comparison is commonly used in order to evaluate the impact of a rehabilitation program on physical fitness . In fact, during maximal GXT, the intensity increases in a cyclic manner up to the patient’s voluntary exhaustion. At each stage of the GXT, it is possible to ask the patient to give a RPE value. Afterwards, the linear regression between RPE and exercise intensity can be drawn in order to visualize, for a given intensity, the RPE quoted by the patient . If this type of regression can be obtained before and after a rehabilitation program, the RPE value quoted by the patient at a given developed power can be compared between the beginning and the end of this program. In this case, if for a given power (e.g., power = 110 W), a decreased RPE is observed after the rehabilitation program (e.g., RPE = 17 before vs. 15 after the rehabilitation program; Fig. 7 ); the patient has improved his or her physical fitness .
Determination of a perceptual preference
According to several authors , the lack of motivation for exercising could sometimes be avoided by taking into account the patients’ perceptual preference. The latter corresponds to the exercise level associated to the lowest exertion (i.e., the lowest RPE) for a given exercise intensity . For example, Coquart et al. confronted, in 20 obese women (ten with diabetes and ten without), the RPE obtained during the two exercise modalities: continuous exercise (exercise with a constant workload at 100% VT 1 ) and intermittent exercise (exercise where the intensity oscillates every 2 min between 80% and 120% VT 1 ) on a cycle ergometer. The authors demonstrated that even though exercise duration and intensity were similar (30 minutes at 100% VT 1 ), patients reported lower RPE values during intermittent exercise (obese patients with diabetes: RPE = 13.7 ± 2.3 vs. 12.3 ± 2.3; obese patients without diabetes: RPE = 13.2 ± 1.6 vs. 11.9 ± 1.1, respectively for continuous and intermittent exercise), suggesting that obese patients prefer intermittent exercise to continuous exercise. These authors also suggested that by prescribing to patients the type of exercise they prefer (i.e., intermittent exercise), it could increase patients’ compliance to rehabilitation program . However, additional studies must be conducted to validate this hypothesis. In a similar manner, these authors had already tried to determine the type of exercise (e.g., treadmill vs. cycle ergometer), best perceived by patients based on RPE values . However, according to our knowledge no study has focused specifically on obese patients.
The Borg RPE scale is a valid and reproducible tool that can be used in obese patients. However, before using it, it is essential to follow some recommendations (e.g., read the instructions, deliver information to the patient or implement perceptual anchors). Afterwards, it is possible to use the RPE scale during GXT (e.g., inter-individual comparisons of physical fitness, validation of exercise exhaustiveness or predicting V ˙ O 2 peak
V ˙ O 2 peak
) and/or during rehabilitation program (e.g., prescribing an individualized exercise intensity, evaluating the effects of rehabilitation program or determining a perceptual preference). The Borg RPE scale is thus a useful and reliable tool in the care management of obese patients. However, additional studies are necessary before using this scale routinely in all obese patients (regardless of the severity of their obesity and associated complications).
Version française
La perception de l’effort est un concept introduit à la fin des années 1950, grâce à l’utilisation de méthodes mesurant la fatigue locale ou encore l’essoufflement . Elle se définit par les sentiments d’effort, de contrainte, d’inconfort et de fatigue, qu’une personne éprouve durant un exercice . La perception de l’effort est utilisée dans des applications diverses, d’ordre ergonomique, pédagogique, sportif ou encore clinique et pour différents objectifs. De nombreux auteurs ont développé et validé différentes échelles permettant d’évaluer la perception de l’effort. Cependant, l’échelle de perception de l’effort : Rating scale of Perceived Exertion (RPE) reste celle qui est la plus couramment utilisée . De ce fait, cette revue de littérature porte seulement sur l’échelle RPE de Borg . Cette échelle est administrée dans les structures d’entraînement associatives, chez soi ainsi que dans de nombreux centres hospitaliers. Elle est utilisée lors les épreuves d’effort réalisées avant et après un programme d’entraînement chez des patients, mais aussi tout au long de ce programme, dans le but d’optimiser la prise en charge des patients. En effet, les informations apportées par l’échelle RPE permettent de prescrire et de contrôler chaque étape du programme de réadaptation à l’effort.
Par ailleurs, depuis plusieurs décennies, la France témoigne d’une augmentation régulière de la prévalence de l’obésité, bien que cette dernière semble se stabiliser . En 2007, le coût total annuel de l’obésité en France était déjà estimé entre 2,1 et 6,2 milliards d’euros, soit entre 1,5 et 4,6 % de la dépense courante de santé (estimation probablement sous-estimée à l’heure actuelle puisque obtenue à partir des données de 2002) . Pour diminuer la prévalence de l’obésité, et ainsi réduire les dépenses de santé, il n’est plus à démontrer que les patients obèses doivent réaliser une activité physique régulière. Cependant, la mise en place de cette dernière (dans les règles de l’art, i.e. en proposant une intensité d’exercice individualisée) n’est pas toujours simple (utilisation d’appareils technologiques plus ou moins compliqués pour fixer une intensité d’exercice adaptée : cardiofréquencemètre, système de géolocalisation par satellite…), parfois onéreux (utilisation de système d’analyse des gaz pour déterminer un pourcentage de la capacité maximale du patient), ou encore adaptée à la motivation du patient (e.g., certaines associations ou centres hospitaliers proposant probablement de la marche alors que le patient préfère perceptivement l’exercice de pédalage).
De ce fait, l’objectif de cette revue de littérature est de présenter un outil simple et non coûteux : l’échelle RPE de Borg et de montrer les intérêts de son utilisation chez des patients en surpoids ou obèses (la plupart du temps sans autre comorbidité) dans le cadre de l’évaluation des capacités d’effort ou de la prescription de l’exercice.
Présentation de l’échelle RPE
La première version de l’échelle RPE a été construite dans les années 1960 par le docteur en psychologie Gunnar Borg. Depuis, cet outil a été modifié pour devenir aujourd’hui, l’échelle la plus fréquemment utilisée pour estimer la pénibilité de l’effort . Cette échelle est constituée de 15 échelons, compris entre 6 et 20, associés à des informations verbales (allant de « très très léger » pour 7 à « très très dur » pour 19), permettant la description subjective de la pénibilité de l’effort ( Tableau 1 ). Les valeurs numériques des échelons ont été choisies afin de pouvoir estimer les fréquences cardiaques (FC) d’un homme d’âge moyen, sédentaire et en bonne santé, lors d’une épreuve d’effort sur bicyclette ergométrique ou sur tapis roulant (RPE × 10 = FC) . Ainsi, les nombres 6 et 20 ont été choisis respectivement comme valeurs minimale et maximale, car ces cotations multipliées par dix, sont censées représenter respectivement la fréquence cardiaque de repos (FCrepos = 60 bpm) et la fréquence cardiaque maximale (FCmax = 200 bpm) d’un jeune adulte sain et sédentaire . L’échelle RPE a été élaborée pour permettre la mise en relation des réponses physiologiques et perceptives à différentes charges de travail . Comme le rappelle Garcin , la perception de l’effort traduit quantitativement un processus psychophysiologique complexe, basé sur l’intégration individuelle de sensations et perceptions variées d’effort et de stress causées par le travail physique et ayant différentes valeurs subjectives. Depuis sa création, l’échelle RPE a connu un engouement croissant dans des domaines aussi variés que l’entraînement sportif, l’ergonomie ou la réadaptation à l’effort . Cette échelle a été traduite et validée dans plusieurs langues dont le français ( Tableau 1 ) . Ainsi, dans les pays francophones, pour estimer la perception de l’effort, il suffit de poser la question suivante : « comment percevez-vous l’effort effectué ? » . Pour répondre, le patient doit utiliser les cotations de l’échelle RPE. Par exemple, si le patient perçoit l’effort comme « très léger », il cotera 9 sur l’échelle, tandis que s’il le ressent comme « dur », il pointera le nombre 15. De plus, s’il perçoit l’effort entre « très léger » (i.e., RPE = 9) et « léger » (i.e., RPE = 11), le patient pourra coter une valeur intermédiaire sur l’échelle, laquelle n’a pas de description verbale (i.e., RPE = 10 ; Tableau 1 ).
Comment percevez-vous l’effort effectué ? | Nous allons évaluer pendant l’expérience le coût subjectif de l’épreuve à l’aide de l’échelle de percerption de l’effort (RPE) de Borg (1970) Nous voulons que vous estimiez le degré d’effort ressenti lors de l’exercise en vous demandant comment vous percevez l’exercise effectué. Il s’agit d’évaluer les sensations qui sont causées par le travail et non le travail lui-même L’évaluation de l’effort se fait sur le total de toutes les sensations intérieures de stress physique et de pénibilité de l’effort plutôt que sur tout autre facteur Vous allez nous dire comment vous percevez l’effort effectué en répondant à l’aide d’un nombre. Vous avez à choisir dans l’échelle contenant des nombres de 6 à 20 (6 correspond au minimum : pas d’effort du tout ; 20 correspond au maximum : effort maximal : je m’arrête) Utilisez les nombres de telle façon que le rang entre eux corresponde au rang entre les différentes sensations perçues. N’hésitez pas à utiliser des cotations intermédiaires si les sensations perçues sont intermédiaires des expressions verbales indiquées Essayez de faire cette estimation aussi objective que possible ; ne sous-estimez ne ni surestimez pas le degré d’effort perçu. Gardez à l’esprit qu’il n’y a ni de mauvais ni de bon nombre et utilisez celui qui vous semble le plus approprié |
6 | |
7 Très très léger | |
8 | |
9 Très léger | |
10 | |
11 Léger | |
12 | |
13 Ni léger ni dur | |
14 | |
15 Dur | |
16 | |
17 Très dur | |
18 | |
19 Très très dur | |
20 |
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