Radiographic Evaluation of Shoulder Problems

Radiographic evaluation of the shoulder requires a minimum of two views of the area that are perpendicular to each other. The shoulder is a complicated anatomic unit made up of numerous bony landmarks, projections, and joints. The scapula, which lies on the posterolateral portion of the rib cage, rests at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the frontal plane of the thorax. Thus the plane of the glenohumeral joint is not the plane of the thorax, and radiographs taken in the anteroposterior plane of the thorax provide oblique views of the shoulder joint ( Fig. 4-1 ). All too commonly, though, a radiographic evaluation of the shoulder consists of two anteroposterior views of the rotated proximal humerus, which are taken perpendicular to the frontal axis of the thorax.


Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the shoulder taken in the plane of the thorax. Note that the film is actually an oblique view of the glenohumeral joint.

Orthopedists do not diagnose and treat injuries in any other part of the body on the basis of a one-plane radiographic evaluation. With the exception of localizing rotator cuff calcium deposits, the two traditional anteroposterior views of the shoulder in internal and external rotation are, by themselves, inadequate for evaluating injuries and disorders of the shoulder. Rotating the humerus into internal and external rotation does not change the orientation of the scapula to the x-ray beam. Therefore radiographic evaluation of the shoulder should consist of, at minimum, both anteroposterior and lateral views. Specific oblique views may also be required for the further investigation of specific pathologic conditions of the shoulder.

Fractures of the Glenohumeral Joint

Recommended Views

The recommended views are the trauma series of radiographs, that is, true anteroposterior radiographs in internal and external rotation and an axillary lateral or a scapulolateral view. Modified axillary laterals or a computed tomography (CT) scan may be required.

Radiographs of the injured shoulder in two planes (anteroposterior and axillary lateral or scapular lateral) are absolutely essential to evaluation of an acutely injured shoulder. McLaughlin, Neer, Neviaser, DeSmet, Rockwood and Green, Post, Rowe, Bateman, and many others have recognized the shortcomings of the usual two anteroposterior radiographs of the shoulder and have recommended both anteroposterior and lateral views for a proper assessment of shoulder problems.

The radiographs used to evaluate traumatic shoulder problems are referred to as the trauma series . The trauma series can also be used as baseline radiographs to evaluate many chronic shoulder problems.

Following are the recommended radiographs for the trauma series:

  • A true anteroposterior view in the plane of the scapula with the arm in internal and external rotation.

  • An axillary lateral view. If an axillary radiograph cannot be obtained, one of the following views must be obtained:

    • A scapulolateral view

    • One of the modified axillary views

    • A CT scan

Techniques for Taking the Trauma Series

True Anteroposterior Views

Because the scapula lies on the posterolateral aspect of the thoracic cage, the true anteroposterior view of the glenohumeral joint is obtained by angling the x-ray beam 45 degrees from medial to lateral ( Fig. 4-2 ; see also Fig. 4-1 ). The patient may be supine or erect, with the arm at the side or in the sling position. An alternative technique is to rotate the patient until the scapula is flat against the x-ray cassette and take the radiograph with the beam perpendicular to the scapula. Sometimes it is difficult for the technician to properly align the patient for the view. A simple technique to assist the technician in positioning the patient correctly consists of using a heavy marking pen to draw a line on the skin along the spine of the scapula. The technician aligns the x-ray beam perpendicular to the line on the skin and directs it at the cassette, which is placed parallel to the line and posterior to the scapula and glenohumeral joint ( Fig. 4-3 ). Although the scapular spine is not exactly parallel to the plane of the scapula, this technique has proved to be effective in clinical practice.


To obtain a true anteroposterior (AP) view of the glenohumeral joint, the beam must be angled 45 degrees, or the patient can rotate the body until the scapula is parallel to the x-ray cassette.


The position of the patient and the x-ray beam to obtain a true anteroposterior view of the glenohumeral joint.

The advantage of the true anteroposterior views of the scapula over traditional anteroposterior views in the plane of the thorax is that the radiograph demonstrates the glenoid in profile rather than obliquely and, in the normal shoulder, clearly separates the glenoid from the humeral head ( Fig. 4-4 ). In the true anteroposterior view, the coracoid process overlaps the glenohumeral joint. If the true anteroposterior view demonstrates the humeral head to be overlapping with the glenoid, the glenohumeral joint is dislocated either anteriorly or posteriorly.


The difference between the anteroposterior view in the plane of the thorax and true anteroposterior view. A and B, Note the two angles of the x-ray beam and the placement of the cassettes and the considerable difference between the resulting views of the glenohumeral joint (shown in the schematic drawings and sample radiographs). C, A radiograph of the shoulder in the plane of the thorax. D, A radiograph of the shoulder taken in the plane of the scapula.

(Modified from Rockwood CA, Green DP, eds. Fractures. vol. 3. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1984.)

Axillary Lateral View

Initially described by Lawrence in 1915, the axillary lateral view can be taken with the patient supine or erect. Ideally, the arm is positioned in 70 to 90 degrees of abduction. The x-ray beam is directed into the axilla from inferior to superior, with the x-ray cassette placed superior to the patient’s shoulder ( Fig. 4-5 ). To minimize the amount of abduction required to obtain an axillary lateral view, an alternative technique was devised by Cleaves in 1941. In this technique the patient may be sitting or supine; the arm is abducted only enough to admit a curved x-ray cassette into the axilla. The radiograph is then taken from superior to inferior through the axilla. In situations when abduction is severely limited to only 20 or 30 degrees, a rolled-up cardboard cassette can be substituted for the curved cassette in the axilla ( Fig. 4-6 ).


The axillary lateral radiograph. Ideally, the arm is abducted 70 to 90 degrees and the beam directed up to the x-ray cassette.


When the patient cannot fully abduct the arm, a curved cassette can be placed in the axilla and the beam directed inferiorly through the glenohumeral joint onto the cassette.

Axillary lateral radiographs provide excellent visualization of the glenoid and the humeral head and clearly delineate the spatial relationship of the two structures. Loss of glenohumeral cartilage is clearly revealed when the joint space between the glenoid and the humeral head is decreased or absent. Dislocations are easily identified, as are compression fractures of the humeral head and large fractures of the anterior or posterior glenoid rim (see Fig. 4-17 later in chapter). Some fractures of the coracoid and acromion and the spatial relationship of the acromioclavicular joint can also be seen on this view.

If a good-quality axillary lateral radiograph can be obtained, the true scapulolateral view and the modified axillary lateral views are not necessary. However, if because of pain and muscle spasm the patient does not allow enough abduction for a good axillary view, the scapulolateral or the modified axillary lateral views must be obtained.

Technique for the Scapulolateral Radiograph

The scapulolateral view is sometimes known as the transscapular , tangential lateral , or Y lateral view. The position of the injured shoulder, which is usually held in internal rotation (with the arm placed in a sling), is left undisturbed. A marking pen is used to draw a heavy line over the spine of the scapula ( Fig. 4-7A ). The technician then aligns the x-ray beam parallel to the line on the skin, directed at the cassette, which is placed perpendicular to the line at the anterolateral shoulder. The x-ray beam passes tangentially across the posterolateral chest, parallel to and along the spine of the scapula onto the cassette (see Fig. 4-7A and B ). The projected image is a true lateral view of the scapula and, hence, of the glenohumeral joint (see Fig. 4-7B ).


A, A line marked on the skin of the shoulder helps the technician visualize the plane of the x-ray for the true scapulolateral radiograph. B, A schematic drawing illustrates how the humeral head on the true scapulolateral radiograph should be centered around the glenoid fossa. C, In anterior dislocations of the shoulder, the humeral head is displaced anterior to the glenoid fossa. D, In posterior dislocations of the shoulder, the humeral head sits posterior to the glenoid fossa.

( A, Modified from Rockwood CA, Green DP, eds. Fractures. vol. 3. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1984.)

A lateral projection of the scapula forms a Y shape ( Fig. 4-8A to C ). The upper arms of the Y are formed by the coracoid process anteriorly and the scapular spine posteriorly. The vertical portion of the Y is formed by the body of the scapula. At the intersection of the three limbs of the Y lies the glenoid fossa. In the normal shoulder, the humeral head is located overlapping the glenoid fossa (see Figs. 4-7B and 4-8D ). This view is particularly helpful in determining the anterior or posterior relationship of the humeral head to the glenoid fossa.


Interpretation of a true lateral radiograph of the shoulder. A, A schematic drawing illustrates how a lateral view of the scapula projects as the letter Y. B, Lateral view of the scapula. C, A true lateral radiograph of the scapula shows the glenoid fossa located at the junction of the base of the spine and the base of the coracoid with the body of the vertically projecting scapula. D, A true lateral view of the glenohumeral joint shows the humeral head well centered around the glenoid fossa. E, In a posterior subacromial dislocation of the shoulder, the articular surface of the humeral head is directed posterior to the glenoid fossa. F, In an anterior subcoracoid dislocation of the shoulder, the humeral head is anterior to the glenoid fossa.

(Modified from Rockwood CA, Green DP, eds. Fractures. vol. 3. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1984.)

In anterior dislocations of the shoulder the humeral head lies anterior to the glenoid fossa (see Figs. 4-7C and 4-8F ); in posterior dislocations the humeral head lies posterior to the glenoid fossa (see Figs. 4-7D and 4-8E ). The scapulolateral view does not define fractures of the anterior or posterior glenoid rim, but it does reveal displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity. When this view is combined with the true anteroposterior and the axillary lateral views, they together provide three views, all 90 degrees to each other, which maximizes the information available to the clinician for an accurate diagnosis.

Techniques for the Modified Axillary Views

Velpeau Axillary Lateral View

Bloom and Obata’s modification of the axillary lateral view of the shoulder is known as the Velpeau axillary lateral view because it was intended to be taken with the acutely injured shoulder still in a sling without abduction.

With the Velpeau bandage or shoulder sling in place, the patient stands or sits at the end of the radiograph table and leans backwards through 20 to 30 degrees over the table.

The x-ray cassette is placed on the table directly beneath the shoulder, and the x-ray tube is positioned directly over the shoulder so that the beam passes vertically from superior to inferior through the shoulder joint onto the cassette ( Fig. 4-9 ). On this view the humeral shaft appears foreshortened and the glenohumeral joint appears magnified, but otherwise, it demonstrates the relationship of the head of the humerus to the scapula.


Positioning of the patient for the Velpeau axillary lateral radiograph, as described by Bloom and Obata.

(Modified from Bloom MH, Obata WG. Diagnosis of posterior dislocation of the shoulder with use of the Velpeau axillary and angled up radiographic views. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1967;49(5):943-949.)

Apical Oblique View

Garth, Slappey, and Ochs have described an apical oblique projection that reliably demonstrates the pathology of the glenohumeral joint. The patient may be seated or in a supine position, and the arm may remain in a sling. The x-ray cassette is placed posteriorly, parallel to the spine of the scapula. The x-ray beam is directed through the glenohumeral joint toward the cassette at an angle of 45 degrees to the plane of the thorax and is also tilted 45 degrees caudally ( Fig. 4-10A and B ).


A and B, Positioning of the patient to obtain an apical oblique radiograph. This is a true anteroposterior view of the glenohumeral joint with a 45-degree caudal tilt of the x-ray beam. C, A radiograph of the left shoulder in the plane of the thorax does not reveal any significant abnormality. D, In the apical oblique view, note the calcification on the anteroinferior glenoid rim ( arrow ).

( A and B, Modified from Garth WP Jr, Slappey CE, Ochs CW. Radiographic demonstration of instability of the shoulder: the apical oblique projection, a technical note. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1984;66(9):1450-1453. C and D, Courtesy William Garth, MD.)

The resultant radiograph demonstrates the relationship of the humeral head to the glenoid and therefore identifies the presence and direction of glenohumeral dislocations and subluxations. This view clearly defines the anteroinferior and posterosuperior rims of the glenoid and is useful for detecting calcifications or fractures at the glenoid rim (see Fig. 4-10C and D ). Posterolateral and anterior humeral head compression fractures are also revealed.

Kornguth and Salazar reported that this technique is excellent for diagnosis in the acute setting.

Stripp Axial Lateral View

The Stripp axial lateral view, described by Horsfield, is similar to the Velpeau axillary lateral view, except that the beam passes from inferior to superior and the x-ray cassette is positioned above the shoulder.

Trauma Axillary Lateral View

This is another modification of the axillary lateral view and has been described by Teitge and Ciullo. The advantage of this view over the Velpeau and Stripp views is that it can be taken while the patient is supine, as is often necessary in patients with multiple trauma. This view can be taken while the injured shoulder is still immobilized in a shoulder-immobilizer dressing. The patient lies supine on the radiograph table, with the involved arm supported in 20 degrees of flexion by placing radiolucent material under the elbow. The x-ray beam is directed up through the axilla to a cassette propped up against the superior aspect of the shoulder ( Fig. 4-11 ). This view defines the relationship of the humeral head to the glenoid fossa.


Positioning of the patient for the trauma axillary lateral radiograph. The patient is supine and the elbow is elevated by a piece of foam rubber to allow the x-ray beam to pass in an inferior direction up through the glenohumeral joint onto the x-ray cassette, placed superior to the shoulder.

(Modified from Teitge RA, Ciullo JV. The CAM axillary x-ray. Exhibit at AAOS Meeting. Orthop Trans . 1982;6:451.)

Computed Tomography Scan

A CT scan reliably demonstrates fractures, the number of fracture fragments, and fracture-dislocations of the glenohumeral joint. However, the addition of a CT scan to the trauma series does not apparently improve the reproducibility of the Neer or Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO) fracture classifications. The CT technique should consist of 3-mm-thick contiguous sections with a bone algorithm from the top of the acromion to the inferior pole of the glenoid. It is very important that the scan includes both shoulders so that the physician can compare the anatomy of the injured shoulder with that of the normal shoulder. Three-dimensional CT scans can provide additional information in the acute setting for the evaluation of complex or multiple shoulder girdle fractures.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is rarely indicated for managing fractures of the shoulder. However, MRI scans identify the presence of an occult greater tuberosity fracture and associated rotator tendon pathology in a posttraumatic situation and might also help diagnose the pattern of postfracture avascular necrosis.

Anterior Instability

Recommended Views

Recommended views for anterior instability are the true anteroposterior views, the West Point axillary lateral, and the apical oblique projection. Arthrograms, arthrotomograms, CT scans, CT arthrography, and MRI scans are discussed in the section “ Soft Tissue Evaluation of Shoulder Instability .”

With anterior dislocation or subluxation of the glenohumeral joint, there may be bone damage or soft tissue calcification adjacent to the anterior or, particularly, the anteroinferior rim of the glenoid. The true anteroposterior view can demonstrate a fracture of the inferior glenoid that might not be visualized on the anteroposterior views in the plane of the thorax. Although the axillary lateral view may be useful for demonstrating some anterior glenoid abnormalities, the West Point axillary lateral and the apical oblique views provide more information.

Anterior shoulder dislocations may be accompanied by fractures of the anterior glenoid rim, which may be demonstrated on a routine axillary lateral radiograph. However, in traumatic anterior subluxation, the glenoid defect almost exclusively involves the anteroinferior glenoid, which cannot be seen on routine axillary lateral views. In many cases the lesions seen on the anteroinferior glenoid rim provide the only radiographic evidence of traumatic anterior shoulder subluxation. Two techniques have been described to evaluate the anteroinferior glenoid rim: the West Point and the apical oblique projections.

West Point Axillary Lateral View

This projection was described by Rokous, Feagin, and Abbott when they were stationed at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York; Rockwood has therefore referred to this technique as the West Point view . The patient is positioned prone on the radiograph table, with the involved shoulder on a pad raised approximately 8 cm from the surface of the table. The patient’s head and neck are turned away from the involved side. With the cassette held against the superior aspect of the shoulder, the x-ray beam is centered at the axilla with 25 degrees of downward angulation of the beam from the horizontal and 25 degrees of medial angulation of the beam from the midline ( Fig. 4-12A and B ). The resultant radiograph is a tangential view of the anteroinferior rim of the glenoid.


A and B, Positioning of the patient for the West Point radiograph to visualize the anteroinferior glenoid rim of the shoulder. Asterisk, beam target. C and D, Examples of calcification on the anteroinferior glenoid rim, as noted on the West Point view.

( A and B, Modified from the work of Rokous JR, Feagin JA, Abbott HG. Modified axillary roentgenogram. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1972;82:84-86. C and D, Modified from Rockwood CA, Green DP, eds. Fractures. vol. 3. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1984.)

The usual finding seen in the traumatic anterior-subluxating shoulder is soft tissue calcification located just anterior to the glenoid rim or anteroinferior bony fracture avulsions (see Fig. 4-12C and D ). A cadaveric study revealed that a 21% glenoid bony defect appeared to be approximately 18% of the intact glenoid on a West Point axillary radiograph. Therefore the West Point axillary view provides decisive information regarding anteroinferior glenoid rim fractures and their operative treatment.

Apical Oblique View

The apical oblique view clearly defines the anteroinferior and posterosuperior rims of the glenoid. Pathologic findings of the rim associated with recurrent instability, such as displaced malunited rim fractures, glenoid bone loss, or anterior inferior cartilage loss, are identified with this view ( Fig. 4-13 ). Posterolateral and anterior humeral head defects are also revealed by this view, although CT is needed to quantify the size of the defect.


A, Apical oblique radiograph revealing an anterior glenoid rim fracture ( arrow ). B, Apical oblique radiograph revealing anteroinferior glenoid cartilage and bone loss ( arrow ).

Recurrent Anterior Glenohumeral Instability

Radiographic views for recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability include the apical oblique view for anterior glenoid erosion, the Stryker notch view for a posterolateral humeral head defect, and MRI or CT arthrography for detachment of the labrum.

Posterior Humeral Head Compression Fractures Associated with Anterior Dislocation: the Hill-Sachs Lesion

Recommended Views

The recommended views for posterior humeral head compression fractures are the Stryker notch view, the anteroposterior view with the arm in full internal rotation, and other views.

A commonly encountered sequela of anterior shoulder dislocation is a compression fracture of the posterolateral humeral head. Such a fracture can occur during the first traumatic dislocation or after recurrent anterior dislocations. This is commonly referred to as a Hill-Sachs lesion and was reported by Hill and Sachs in 1940 ( Fig. 4-14 ). However, prior to this it had clearly been described by Eve in 1880. In the period between the report by Eve in 1880 and by Hill and Sachs in 1940, it was described by Malgaigne, Kuster, Cramer, Popke, Caird, and Broca and Hartman, Perthes, Bankart, Eden, Hybbinette, Didiee, and Hermodsson.


The Hill-Sachs lesion. A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the right shoulder in 45 degrees of abduction and external rotation. Note that some sclerosis is present in the superior aspect of the head of the humerus. B, In full internal rotation. Note the defect in the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head ( white arrow ) and the dense line of bone condensation marked by the black arrows , the Hill-Sachs lesion.

The indentation, or compression fracture, may be seen on the anteroposterior view if the arm is in full internal rotation, and it may be seen occasionally on the axillary lateral view. However, we believe that one of the best views for identifying the compression fracture is the technique reported in 1959 by Hall and colleagues ; they credited this view to William Stryker, leading Rockwood to call it the Stryker notch view .

Stryker Notch View

For the Stryker notch view, the patient is placed supine on the radiograph table with the cassette under the involved shoulder ( Fig. 4-15A ). The palm of the hand of the involved upper extremity is placed on top of the head, with the fingers toward the back of the head. The x-ray beam is tilted 10 degrees cephalad and centered over the coracoid process. A positive result is a distinct notch in the posterolateral part of the humeral head ( Fig. 4-15B ).


A, Position of the patient for the Stryker notch view. The patient is supine with the cassette posterior to the shoulder. The humerus is flexed approximately 120 degrees, placing the hand on top of the head. The angle of the x-ray tube is 10 degrees superior. B, Defects in the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head seen in three different patients with recurring anterior dislocations of the shoulder.

(Modified from Hall RH, Isaac F, Booth CR. Dislocation of the shoulder with special reference to accompanying small fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1959;41-A[3]:489-494.)

Anteroposterior View in Internal Rotation

Probably the simplest view, but not the most diagnostic, is the one described by Adams. It is an anteroposterior view of the shoulder with the arm in full internal rotation. This reveals an indentation or compression in the posterolateral portion of the humeral head, a defect that may simply appear as a vertical condensation of bone. Pring and colleagues compared the Stryker view with the internal (60 degrees) rotation view of Adams in 84 patients with anterior dislocation of the shoulder for establishing evidence of a posterolateral defect in the humeral head. The internal rotation view was positive in 48% of patients, whereas the Stryker notch view was positive in 70%.

Other views predating the Stryker notch view have been described by Didiee and Hermodsson and are useful in demonstrating the presence and size of the posterolateral humeral head compression fractures. Although these techniques involve views of the proximal humerus with the arm in internal rotation, they are slightly awkward to obtain. The apical oblique view described by Garth and colleagues also demonstrates the compression fracture. Strauss and colleagues and Danzig and colleagues have independently evaluated the efficacy of the various views in revealing the Hill-Sachs lesion and reported that although none of these views reveals the lesion in every case, the Stryker notch view is probably the most effective. The presence of the compression head fracture on the radiograph confirms that the shoulder has been dislocated, whereas its absence suggests that the head may be subluxating rather than frankly dislocating.

After a study of Hill-Sachs lesions created in the posterolateral humeral head, Danzig, Greenway, and Resnick concluded that three views were optimal for defining the lesion: the anteroposterior view with the arm in 45 degrees of internal rotation, the Stryker notch view, and the modified Didiee view.

In a study of 120 patients Strauss and colleagues reported that a specific set of views could confirm the diagnosis of anterior shoulder instability with 95% accuracy; these were the anteroposterior view of the shoulder in internal rotation and the Hermodsson, axillary lateral, Stryker notch, Didiee, and West Point views.

Whereas the Stryker notch view can document the presence of a compression fracture, advanced imaging studies with CT or MRI provide information that affects surgical decision-making. CT, particularly three-dimensional CT, provides images that reveal defect orientation, width and depth, and quantitative information that specifically affects surgical planning ( Fig. 4-16 ).


Three-dimensional computed tomographic scan revealing an engaging posterior humeral head defect.

Posterior Instability

Recommended Views

Recommended views for posterior instability are the trauma series of radiographs and modified axillary views. Arthrograms, arthrotomograms, CT scans, CT arthrography, and MRI scans are discussed in the section “ Soft Tissue Evaluation of Shoulder Instability .”

Techniques to Evaluate Posterior Instability

Posterior dislocation of the shoulder is a rare problem, comprising only 1% to 3% of all dislocations of the shoulder, and it is commonly misdiagnosed. There are three reasons for missing the posterior displacement:

  • 1.

    Inadequate patient history

  • 2.

    Inadequate physical examination

  • 3.

    Inadequate radiographic evaluation

All too often, only two anteroposterior views with the arm in internal and external rotation are obtained. Radiographs of the injured shoulder must be made in two planes, 90 degrees to each other. The diagnosis of posterior dislocation of the shoulder can always be made if the anteroposterior view and one of the previously described lateral views are obtained. Usually, the patient does not allow enough abduction to obtain the true axillary view, in which case the scapulolateral or modified axillary view (apical oblique) or a CT scan must be obtained.

Traumatic posterior glenohumeral instability may be accompanied by either damage to the posterior glenoid rim or impaction fractures on the anteromedial surface of the humeral head, the reverse Hill-Sachs lesion ( Fig. 4-17 ). Lesions of the posterior glenoid rim can usually be noted on the axillary view. CT and MRI scans are very helpful in defining the glenoid rim fracture and in determining the size of the compression fracture of the humeral head.


A, An axillary lateral view of a normal left shoulder shows the normal articulation of the humeral head with the glenoid fossa and the normal relationship of the humeral head to the coracoid process and the acromion process. B, An axillary lateral view of the injured right shoulder shows a large anteromedial compression fracture of the humeral head, the reverse Hill-Sachs lesion. The arrow indicates the posterior glenoid rim that has produced the hatchet-like defect in the humeral head.

(From Rockwood CA, Green DP, eds. Fractures. vol.3. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1984.)

Soft Tissue Evaluation of Shoulder Instability

Patients with recurrent instability often have radiographically occult soft tissue abnormalities. Although their routine radiologic examination may appear normal, a significant injury to the soft tissues is frequently present. In anterior dislocations, the anterior capsule and glenoid labrum may be stripped off the glenoid rim with an intact periosteum forming a pseudo joint-space, as originally described by Perthes in 1906, or a complete avulsion of the labral-ligamentous complex from the glenoid, described by Bankart in 1923.

Plain film arthrography, arthrotomography, and pneumotomography have all been shown to be effective in demonstrating lesions associated with instability, but these are infrequently utilized today for this purpose. CT arthrography, MRI, and MR arthrography have largely replaced these techniques for instability evaluation.

CT arthrography can demonstrate the status of the anterior or posterior labrum. Shuman and colleagues used double-contrast CT to study the glenoid labrum with a high degree of accuracy ( Fig. 4-18 ). MRI is currently the standard for imaging a suspected labral and capsular abnormality associated with anterior or posterior instability because it provides anatomic images of soft tissue structures and does not use ionizing radiation. MRI without intra-articular contrast provides only limited specific information regarding glenohumeral instability, and a study that is interpreted as normal—especially by radiologists with limited experience in shoulder instability—does not rule out symptomatic glenohumeral instability. Authors have reported the sensitivity of MRI without intra-articular contrast to detect anterior labral tearing to range from 44% to 100% and the specificity from 68% to 95%. Posterior labral abnormalities have been detected with a reported sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 95% and superior labral tearing with a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 100%. Capsular laxity and capsular insertion sites cannot be assessed by MRI without intra-articular contrast. The cost of MRI, initially prohibitive in many cases, is now within the same range as that of CT scans and occasionally even of plain film arthrography. Variability in the accuracy of interpretation of the images has improved, especially with improved communication between the radiologist and orthopedist, and MRI studies for the evaluation of shoulder instability are now commonplace.


A computed tomographic arthrogram of posterior instability. The arrows indicate the presence of an impacted Hill-Sachs lesion and traumatic changes to the posterior glenoid rim.

(Courtesy Phillip Tirman, MD.)

MRI combined with intra-articular gadolinium or saline provides images that accurately identify labral and glenohumeral ligament anatomy and injury, associated rotator tendon tearing, biceps abnormalities, and osseous and cartilaginous abnormalities ( Figs. 4-19 to 4-21 ). Intra-articular injection of gadolinium-DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetate) at 2 mmol/L has been shown to have complete passive diffusion from the joint within 6 to 24 hours, and rapid renal elimination has led to almost no systemic side effects. A study evaluating MR arthrography of normal shoulders accurately revealed anatomic variations of the anterior labral signal intensity, form, and size, and the authors concluded that only major tears or detachments of the labrum should be diagnosed. Other studies have shown accurate depiction of labral and capsular abnormalities, especially when accurate history is taken into consideration and there is communication between the radiologist and orthopedist. In a prospective study of 30 patients, surgical correlation was used to show MR arthrography to be superior to CT arthrography in detecting anterior labral pathology. MR arthrography is also useful in evaluating failed anterior instability surgery, with a reported sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 60% in detecting recurrent anterior labral tears. The addition of the abduction and external rotation (ABER) position has been shown to increase the sensitivity of MR arthrography in revealing tears of the anterior glenoid labrum ( Fig. 4-22 ). Cvitanic and colleagues compared conventional axial MR arthrograms to oblique axial MR arthrograms in the ABER position and found the latter to be significantly more sensitive in revealing anterior glenoid labral tears ( P =.005; Fig. 4-23 ).


The benefit of arthrography. A, Prearthrographic axial and coronal proton density images demonstrate postoperative changes of a Bankart repair and an impacted Hill-Sachs lesion ( arrow ). This study was initially interpreted as showing expected postoperative findings. However, the patient experienced clinical recurrent instability and therefore arthrography was requested. B, After the introduction of intra-articular contrast, the labrum and capsule are lifted away from the glenoid, demonstrating incompetency. The superior arrows in both images point to the Hill-Sachs lesion, and the inferior arrows point to the lesion lifted from its origin by contrast fluid.

(Courtesy Phillip Tirman, MD.)


Arthrogram of an anterior labral periosteal sleeve avulsion lesion before and after the introduction of intra-articular contrast: axial and coronal images. A, After the injection of intra-articular contrast, the axial T1 image demonstrates medial displacement of the labral ligamentous attachment site to the anterior inferior glenoid with some overlying fibrotic change and resynovialization. B, Before the introduction of intra-articular contrast material, the anteroinferior labrum is shown to be thickened, irregular, and edematous, and there is evidence of healing change. Before contrast the arrow points to the healing tissue. After contrast the arrows reveal displaced labral tissue. The contrast helps delineate the displacement.

(Courtesy Phillip Tirman, MD.)


Arthrogram of Perthes lesion before and after the introduction of contrast. A, An axial proton density (PD) fat-saturated image of a patient with a history of multiple dislocations demonstrates slight edema at the base of the anterior labrum. This study was initially interpreted as negative. B, A coronal PD fat-saturated image in the same patient demonstrates mild chondral edema with subtle underlying bone marrow edema of the anterior inferior glenoid but no evidence of labral detachment. C, An axial T1-weighted image after the introduction of intra-articular contrast material shows stripping of the thickened irregular periosteum and displacement of the anterior labrum at the Perthes lesion site ( arrows ).

(Courtesy Phillip Tirman, MD.)


A, An axial, gadolinium-enhanced, magnetic resonance arthrogram that does not identify an anterior labral tear. B, Addition of the oblique axial image in the abduction and external rotation position identifies the anterior labral detachment (arrow) .


Perthes lesion in a patient with a history of anterior instability shown on abduction and external rotation (ABER). A, The coronal image demonstrates an intact labral ligamentous attachment to the glenoid ( arrow ). B, The axial image does not demonstrate detachment ( arrow ). C, The ABER image shows a labral tear ( arrow ).

(Courtesy Phillip Tirman, MD.)

Capsular laxity remains problematic. In a study of 121 patients undergoing surgery for anterior instability, capsular laxity was missed in all shoulders, and capsular insertion sites were found to have no role in predicting clinical shoulder instability. As MR arthrography can show labral tears and avulsions and the position of the labral ligamentous complex after injury, it is helpful for preoperative planning in distinguishing between regular Bankart lesions, Perthes lesions (which can potentially be deceptively difficult to diagnose in their chronic form), anterior labral periosteal sleeve avulsion (ALPSA) lesions (which can also be deceptively occult with resynovialization), and humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament (HAGL) lesions. These lesions can have similar clinical presentations and examination findings and can be difficult to diagnose any other way.

In the past, MRI and MR arthrography were found to be limited in providing diagnostic information important to the patient’s surgical management. Close correlation with clinical history, open communication between orthopedists and radiologists, and an increase in the number of musculoskeletal-trained radiologists have led to an improvement in the utility of MRI and MR arthrography in shoulder instability. However, an MR arthrogram study that is interpreted as negative does not rule out symptomatic clinical glenohumeral instability.

Imaging of the superior labrum may be difficult. However, on coronal fat-suppressed proton-density–weighted MRI, a hyperintense linear fluid signal within the superior labrum creating a 5-mm superior shift of the labrum indicates a superior labral tear. Additionally, the presence of a paralabral cyst indicates tearing of the adjacent labrum ( Fig. 4-24 ). Surgical confirmation has shown that MR arthrography reliably and accurately reveals superior labral tears. With a sensitivity of 84% to 92% and specificity of 82% to 91%, along with substantial interobserver agreement, MR arthrography is the gold standard for radiographically evaluating superior labral tears.


A superior labrum anterior to posterior lesion with a paralabral cyst. A, Coronal proton density fat-saturated image demonstrating a multiloculated cyst adjacent to a torn superior labrum. The cyst extends to the junction between the spinoglenoid notch and the suprascapular notch. B, Image anterior to a showing early denervation changes of the origin of the supraspinatus tendon ( arrows ).

(Courtesy Phillip Tirman, MD.)

Glenohumeral Arthritis

Recommended Views

Recommended views for glenohumeral arthritis are the true anteroposterior views in internal and external rotation and an axillary lateral view. A limited CT scan may be required to assess glenoid erosion.

Loss of articular cartilage leads to shoulder pain from glenohumeral arthritis. The radiographic views that demonstrate joint space narrowing or articular cartilage loss are the true anteroposterior, the axillary lateral ( Fig. 4-25 ), and the apical oblique. Osteophyte formation and humeral head deformity are revealed by internal and external rotation anteroposterior radiographs of the shoulder. Posterior glenoid erosion and posterior humeral head subluxation can also be shown by the axillary lateral and apical oblique views. However, the axillary lateral view should not be relied on to determine glenoid version , the angle formed by a line between the anterior and posterior rims of the glenoid and a line perpendicular to the axis of the scapular body ( Fig. 4-26 ), because Galinat determined that up to 27 degrees of variation exists, depending on the angle of the x-ray beam and scapular rotation.


Axillary lateral radiograph revealing loss of the clear space between the humeral head and glenoid, indicating the loss of cartilage.


The normal glenoid version varies from 0 to 7 degrees of retroversion. On a computed tomography scan, measurement of version is accomplished by drawing a line along the axis of the scapular body and then drawing a line perpendicular to it ( B ). A third line is drawn along the anterior and posterior rims of the glenoid ( C ). The angle between B and C is the glenoid version.

Glenohumeral arthritis may be accompanied by various patterns of glenoid erosion (e.g., central or posterior). CT of the glenohumeral joint has been shown to be accurate and reliable in assessing glenoid morphology and version ( Fig. 4-27 ). To determine the glenoid version, a limited CT scan of both shoulders should be performed, beginning just inferior to the coracoid process ( Box 4-1 ). The normal glenoid version varies from 0 to 7 degrees of retroversion. The version increases when posterior glenoid erosion is present ( Fig. 4-28 ).


Computed tomography scan revealing posterior subluxation of the head of the humerus along with posterior glenoid erosion of 30 degrees.

Box 4-1

Technique for Limited Computed Tomography Scans of the Shoulders


  • To determine the glenoid version of both shoulders

Scout Scans

  • Bilateral shoulders in a straight line, symmetrically placed across the top of each acromion

  • Bilateral shoulders with scan lines


  • No tilt


  • Bone windows only (9 on 1, only 1 sheet)

  • Bilateral shoulders

Intravenous Contrast

  • None


  • Bone algorithm


  • Arms: Neutral at the sides

  • Shoulders: Flat, at the exact same level or height

  • kVp: 140 to 160

  • mAs: 300 or higher

  • FOV: 28 to 32 cm

Start Location

  • Inferior tip of the coracoid process

End Location

  • Six images below the tip


  • Axial or helical


  • 3 mm


  • No gap

FOV, field of view.

Courtesy Becky Laredo, MD, San Antonio, Texas.


A, An increase in retroversion to 25 degrees is usually accompanied by posterior subluxation of the head of the humerus. B, A computed tomography scan reveals posterior glenoid wear and humeral head posterior subluxation.

A preoperative shoulder CT scan to assess glenoid version has been shown to avoid shoulder arthroplasty component malposition and subsequent failure due to unrecognized posterior glenoid wear. A CT scan is recommended before shoulder arthroplasty if the patient has less than 0 degrees of glenohumeral external rotation, has had a previous anterior reconstructive procedure, or has a possible radiographic posterior glenoid erosion or posterior humeral head subluxation. Preoperative three-dimensional CT scans have also been shown to accurately reflect the glenoid vault and surface. This information may be useful in the preoperative evaluation of shoulder arthroplasty patients who have significant glenoid bone loss.

Glenohumeral Arthroplasty

Recommended Views

Recommended views for glenohumeral arthroplasty are the true anteroposterior views in internal and external rotation, and an axillary lateral or apical oblique view. Fluoroscopy is helpful for assessing glenoid component fixation. A limited CT scan may be required to assess glenoid erosion.


The routine radiographic evaluation of a glenohumeral arthroplasty should consist of the recommended views for evaluating component position and glenoid articulation. Humeral stem lucencies or migration and humeral head height with respect to the greater tuberosity can easily be followed with anteroposterior views in internal and external rotation. The axillary lateral and apical oblique views can reveal glenoid wear or humeral component instability.

Radiographic evaluation of the glenoid component should routinely consist of a true anteroposterior view of the glenohumeral joint, an axillary lateral view, or an apical oblique view. The presence of lucent lines about a keeled or pegged component should be noted at the first postoperative visit, as well as the seating of the component on the native glenoid. The fluoroscopic positioning of radiographs has been shown to be a more accurate method of identifying glenoid component radiolucent lines, but it exposes the patient to a large amount of radiation and is time-consuming for the patient.

The painful shoulder arthroplasty radiographic evaluation should consist of the recommended views to assess component fixation, position, and stability. Occasionally, a limited CT scan provides useful information regarding glenoid wear or humeral component malposition. CT of a cemented pegged polyethylene glenoid component has been shown to be more sensitive than radiography in identifying the size and number of peg lucencies. MRI and ultrasonography have been reported as useful for identifying rotator cuff tendon tears in painful shoulder arthroplasty. MRI with metal-artifact reduction fast spin-echo (FSE) and multiacquisition variable-resonance image combination (MAVRIC) sequencing can reveal synovitis, periprosthetic osteolysis, and supraspinatus tendon tears.


Recommended views for the clavicle are an anteroposterior radiograph in the plane of the thorax, a 30-degree cephalic tilt radiograph, a 30-degree caudal tilt radiograph, and occasionally a tomogram or CT scan. These three radiographs are useful for delineating the characteristics of an acute fracture ( Fig. 4-29 ) and are even more helpful in monitoring progress of the fracture toward union. Tomograms or CT scans are required to assess fracture healing and evaluate fractures of the medial portions of the clavicle.


Clavicle trauma views for delineating fracture pattern and displacement. A, A routine anteroposterior view. B, Caudal tilt view. C, Cephalic tilt view.

Acromioclavicular Joint and Distal Clavicle

Recommended Views

Recommended views for the acromioclavicular joint and distal clavicle are an anteroposterior view in the plane of the thorax, a 10-degree cephalic tilt view of the acromioclavicular joint, and an axillary lateral view. A scapulothoracic lateral radiograph, stress views, tomograms, a bone scan, CT, or MRI may be required.

Evaluation Techniques

Reduced Voltage

The technician should be specifically requested to take films of the acromioclavicular joint and not of the shoulder because the technique used for the glenohumeral joint produces a dark, overexposed radiograph of the acromioclavicular joint, which can mask traumatic or degenerative changes ( Fig. 4-30A ). The acromioclavicular joint can be clearly visualized by using 50% of the x-ray voltage that is used to expose an anteroposterior radiograph of the glenohumeral joint (see Fig. 4-30B ).


Routine radiographs of the shoulder often produce a poorly visualized acromioclavicular joint. A, A routine anteroposterior view of the shoulder demonstrates good visualization of the glenohumeral joint. However, the acromioclavicular joint is overpenetrated by the radiograph technique. B, When the exposure is decreased by 50%, the acromioclavicular joint is much better visualized. However, the inferior aspect of the acromioclavicular joint is superimposed on the spine of the scapula. C, With the Zanca view, tilting the tube 10 to 15 degrees superiorly provides a clear view of the acromioclavicular joint.

(From Rockwood CA, Green DP, eds. Fractures. vol. 3. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1984.)

Zanca View

Sometimes, fractures about the distal end of the clavicle or the acromion, osteolysis of the distal end of the clavicle, or arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint is obscured on routine anteroposterior radiographs of the joint because the inferior portion of the distal part of the clavicle is obscured by the overlapping shadow of the spine of the scapula. To obtain the clearest unobstructed view of the acromioclavicular joint and distal portion of the clavicle, Zanca recommended that the x-ray beam be aimed at the acromioclavicular joint with a 10-degree cephalic tilt ( Fig. 4-31 ).


A, Positioning of the patient to obtain a Zanca view of the acromioclavicular joint. B, A Zanca view of the joint reveals significant degenerative changes ( arrow ). C, An anteroposterior radiograph of good quality fails to reveal any abnormality of the joint. D, With the Zanca view, a loose body ( arrow ) is clearly shown within the joint.

Occasionally, none of the routine radiographs clearly delineate the extent of the pathology in this region, and tomograms, a CT scan, MRI, or a bone scan may be required.

Anteroposterior Views

If the patient has a drooping injured shoulder, it is important to compare radiographs of the injured acromioclavicular joint with those of the normal shoulder. The radiograph may be taken with the patient either standing or sitting and the arms hanging free. If the patient is small, both shoulders may be exposed on a single horizontal 14 × 17 inch x-ray cassette, but for most adults, it is better to use a separate 10 × 10 inch cassette for each shoulder. To interpret injuries to the acromioclavicular joint, the appearance of the acromioclavicular joint and the coracoclavicular distance in the injured shoulder are compared with those in the normal shoulder ( Fig. 4-32 ).

Jun 9, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Radiographic Evaluation of Shoulder Problems

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