In children with cerebral palsy (CP), overactivity of the peroneus longus (PL) muscle is a major contributor to pes planovalgus. This retrospective study assessed whether abobotulinumtoxinA injections into a PL showing premature activity on electromyography (EMG) clinically improved foot morphology in children with CP.
Study participants were < 6 years old, had a diagnosis of CP, good functional abilities (Gross Motor Function Classification System level 1 or 2), equinovalgus (initial contact with the hallux or head of the first metatarsal) and overactive PL on EMG. The fore-, mid- and hindfoot were evaluated clinically and radiologically before and after injection of abobotulinumtoxinA (6–7 U/kg) into the PL. Radiological data were compared with reference values for children without pes planovalgus.
In total, 16 children (8 males; 10 hemiplegia, 6 diplegia; mean age: 3.2 ± 1.5 years) received treatment. Mean pre-and post-treatment angles in clinical assessment of dorsiflexion of the talocrural articulation did not differ with both knees flexed (24.4 ± 7.5 vs. 22.2 ± 8.0 degrees; P = 0.19) or extended (17.2 ± 8.0 vs. 16.6 ± 6.8 degrees; P = 0.36). Radiographic data pre-treatment versus reference data revealed forefoot pronation (metatarsal stacking angle 2.1 ± 8.3 vs. 8.0 ± 2.9 degrees; P = 0.002), midfoot planus (lateral talo-first metatarsal 28.5 ± 15.0 vs. 13.0 ± 7.5 degrees; P < 0.001; talocalcaneal angle 54.6 ± 8.6 vs. 49.0 ± 6.9 degrees; P = 0.004) and significantly decreased calcaneus dorsiflexion, without hindfoot equinus (calcaneal pitch angle 7.9 ± 6.0 vs. 17.0 ± 6.0 degrees; P < 0.001). After treatment, the metatarsal stacking angle did not differ from reference values ( P = 0.15). As compared with before treatment, treatment improved mean angles for metatarsal stacking (2.1 ± 8.3 vs. 7.1 ± 3.9 degrees, respectively, P = 0.002), lateral talo-first metatarsal and talocalcaneal (both P < 0.001), with no change in the hindfoot.
PL may be an early target for abobotulinumtoxinA treatment in pes planovalgus associated with premature PL activity in children with CP.
Pes planovalgus, the most common foot deformity in cerebral palsy (CP) , is characterized by “hindfoot and/or forefoot valgus/pronation or midfoot break in stance or swing, with or without equinus” . The causes are multifactorial; 2 factors are early muscle imbalance as a result of spasticity and overactivity of peroneal muscles . As the planovalgus deteriorates, more severe foot deformities develop , and surgical interventions, such as lengthening the peroneal muscle (e.g., peroneus longus [PL], peroneus brevis), may be necessary to prevent further decline .
Use of dynamic electromyography (EMG) revealed that overactivity of the PL was the major contributing factor in spastic planovalgus foot deformity in neurologically impaired adults with premature onset of PL activity during the swing phase . Similarly, overactive PL (and gastrocnemius medialis) was demonstrated by EMG in young children with CP (< 6 years of age) and hemiplegia with equinovalgus during swing, especially at initial contact, and planovalgus during stance . EMG may be a useful tool for early detection of abnormal muscular patterns, for early intervention to halt or delay the progression of planovalgus.
Early botulinum toxin injection into the overactive PL may offer clinical benefits, including restoring muscle balance during growth and preventing further progression to fixed deformity. Because the muscle must retain its ability to adapt to skeletal growth , repeated injections of abobotulinumtoxinA may be of interest.
In this retrospective study, we examined injection of abobotulinumtoxinA into the PL for early restoration of dynamic muscular balance during swing, especially at initial contact, and for enhancing stance stability in young children with hemiplegia or diplegia, an approach not previously described. Treatment impact was assessed by clinical and radiologic evaluation of fore-, mid- and hindfoot positions before and after treatment. Radiologic data were compared with reference values from children without pes planovalgus.
Study design and patients
This retrospective study included children receiving treatment at the Timone Children’s Hospital, Marseille, France, between January 2007 and June 2010. Written informed consent was obtained from parents at the time of treatment. According to French law, approval by an ethics committee was not required for the study.
Children with hemiplegia or diplegia attending the hospital underwent a series of examinations before and after abobotulinumtoxinA injection. Eligibility for inclusion was determined from medical histories. In brief, study participants were children < 6 years of age, with a diagnosis of CP by a pediatric neurologist (BC), a Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level 1 or 2 (good or very good functional abilities), and equinovalgus (defined as initial contact with the hallux or head of the first metatarsal [M1]) confirmed independently by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician (CB) and a physical therapist (GA). Patients were excluded if they had a fixed equinus deformity due to a triceps surae contracture (tested passively with the planovalgus corrected) or a limb length discrepancy > 1 cm that could provoke a false equinus by compensation at initial contact. EMG was used to identify premature activity of the PL.
AbobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport ® , Ipsen, Paris; 6–7 U/kg) was injected into the PL, localized by using stimulo-detection with an intramuscular electrode (Needle Electrodes, Bioject™ DHN 37). The needle was introduced in the lateral side of the leg with the same landmarks used during EMG electrode placement.
During the study period, no patients wore a serial cast or ankle-foot orthotic, but all wore a foot plantar orthotic, which was custom-made by the same orthotic technician, to correct planovalgus (i.e., to mitigate forefoot pronation and hindfoot valgus). Physiotherapy was not prescribed.
Clinical evaluation
Clinical and video observations were used to determine ankle, and fore-, mid- and hindfoot positions at initial contact and to confirm an equinovalgus diagnosis. A posterior view at initial contact was used to characterize both the position of the hindfoot and the area of initial contact. Clinical examination of the plantar side of the foot for hyperkeratosis of the M1 head and/or hallux provided objective evidence of the preferred M1 and/or hallux placement at initial contact. Two physicians (C.B. and G.A.) performed a clinical bilateral goniometric assessment to assess pre- and post-treatment angles for dorsiflexion of the talocrural articulation; this assessment involved low-speed measurement of end-range resistance with the child in the supine position with knees flexed, then extended, while ensuring no pronation of the forefoot. These steps prevented contracture and/or spasticity of the triceps surae. Lower-limb length (distance from anterior superior iliac spine to medial malleolus) and foot morphology in a standing position were assessed.
The mean number of gait cycles analyzed was 15 ± 10. Because previous authors have demonstrated that muscle activation depends on speed , patients were barefoot during gait analysis so that their walking velocity was spontaneous (rather than at an imposed pace) and thus more easily reproduced .
EMG evaluation
Children underwent bilateral EMG examination. EMG data were collected by using a Wifi system (Zero Wire, Aurion, Italy). EMG signals were acquired at a rate of 2000 Hz, amplified 1000 times, filtered (10 Hz high-pass filter, 500 Hz low-pass filter) and rectified to zero. This EMG technique integrates a foot-switch system that identifies the anatomic area at initial contact. A force platform was not used.
Before positioning the electrodes, the skin was degreased, stripped and cleaned. Two electrodes (Ag-AgCl, diameter 10 mm) were positioned parallel to the PL fibres one-quarter of the way down the line running from the fibular head to the edge of the lateral malleolus. As recommended in the Surface EMG for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles protocol , electrode centers were placed 10 mm apart and electrode positioning was validated to minimize crosstalk between muscles (gastrocnemius medialis and PL, and PL and tibialis anterior). Validation was achieved by monitoring EMG activity while the patient performed plantar flexion movements with stretched knees (gastrocnemius medialis testing), then eversion by moving the M1 downwards and pronating the forefoot (PL testing), and finally dorsal inversion–flexion (for tibialis anterior testing). The procedure ensured asynchronicity in the bursts of EMG activity during phases of voluntary movement.
Premature muscle activity was determined by EMG as described previously for the PL . In brief, the onset of EMG activity was identified by using a semi-automatic method: the EMG signal was defined as active with rectified raw signal > 20 μV . This threshold is commonly used for studying motor unit potentials and excluding artifacts. The timing of EMG activity in the PL was analyzed and expressed as a percentage of gait cycle (0–100%). Premature onset of PL activity was defined as EMG activity during the swing phase before initial contact (when PL contraction does not occur in children without pes planovalgus) . As a convention, an activation that occurred before the initial contact (0%) was noted as a negative value.
Radiology evaluation
A set of weight-bearing radiographs, including standard standing lateral, dorso-plantar and anteroposterior ankle radiographs, was obtained for both feet of children before and 4 to 6 months after the last abobotulinumtoxinA injection to determine a therapeutic direct benefit. The following variables were assessed: forefoot pronation (metatarsal stacking angle), midfoot planus (lateral talo-M1 angle and talocalcaneal angle) and hindfoot equinovalgus (anteroposterior ankle angle for hindfoot valgus and calcaneal pitch angle for plantar-flexed hindfoot). Intra- and interobserver variability was assessed and compared with published data .
Statistical analyses
Paired t -test was used for pairwise comparisons of data from children without pes planovalgus (reference) and for data for angles before and after treatment, except for the anteroposterior ankle angle, for which no reference data are available for pediatric patients. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Study design and patients
This retrospective study included children receiving treatment at the Timone Children’s Hospital, Marseille, France, between January 2007 and June 2010. Written informed consent was obtained from parents at the time of treatment. According to French law, approval by an ethics committee was not required for the study.
Children with hemiplegia or diplegia attending the hospital underwent a series of examinations before and after abobotulinumtoxinA injection. Eligibility for inclusion was determined from medical histories. In brief, study participants were children < 6 years of age, with a diagnosis of CP by a pediatric neurologist (BC), a Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level 1 or 2 (good or very good functional abilities), and equinovalgus (defined as initial contact with the hallux or head of the first metatarsal [M1]) confirmed independently by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician (CB) and a physical therapist (GA). Patients were excluded if they had a fixed equinus deformity due to a triceps surae contracture (tested passively with the planovalgus corrected) or a limb length discrepancy > 1 cm that could provoke a false equinus by compensation at initial contact. EMG was used to identify premature activity of the PL.
AbobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport ® , Ipsen, Paris; 6–7 U/kg) was injected into the PL, localized by using stimulo-detection with an intramuscular electrode (Needle Electrodes, Bioject™ DHN 37). The needle was introduced in the lateral side of the leg with the same landmarks used during EMG electrode placement.
During the study period, no patients wore a serial cast or ankle-foot orthotic, but all wore a foot plantar orthotic, which was custom-made by the same orthotic technician, to correct planovalgus (i.e., to mitigate forefoot pronation and hindfoot valgus). Physiotherapy was not prescribed.
Clinical evaluation
Clinical and video observations were used to determine ankle, and fore-, mid- and hindfoot positions at initial contact and to confirm an equinovalgus diagnosis. A posterior view at initial contact was used to characterize both the position of the hindfoot and the area of initial contact. Clinical examination of the plantar side of the foot for hyperkeratosis of the M1 head and/or hallux provided objective evidence of the preferred M1 and/or hallux placement at initial contact. Two physicians (C.B. and G.A.) performed a clinical bilateral goniometric assessment to assess pre- and post-treatment angles for dorsiflexion of the talocrural articulation; this assessment involved low-speed measurement of end-range resistance with the child in the supine position with knees flexed, then extended, while ensuring no pronation of the forefoot. These steps prevented contracture and/or spasticity of the triceps surae. Lower-limb length (distance from anterior superior iliac spine to medial malleolus) and foot morphology in a standing position were assessed.
The mean number of gait cycles analyzed was 15 ± 10. Because previous authors have demonstrated that muscle activation depends on speed , patients were barefoot during gait analysis so that their walking velocity was spontaneous (rather than at an imposed pace) and thus more easily reproduced .
EMG evaluation
Children underwent bilateral EMG examination. EMG data were collected by using a Wifi system (Zero Wire, Aurion, Italy). EMG signals were acquired at a rate of 2000 Hz, amplified 1000 times, filtered (10 Hz high-pass filter, 500 Hz low-pass filter) and rectified to zero. This EMG technique integrates a foot-switch system that identifies the anatomic area at initial contact. A force platform was not used.
Before positioning the electrodes, the skin was degreased, stripped and cleaned. Two electrodes (Ag-AgCl, diameter 10 mm) were positioned parallel to the PL fibres one-quarter of the way down the line running from the fibular head to the edge of the lateral malleolus. As recommended in the Surface EMG for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles protocol , electrode centers were placed 10 mm apart and electrode positioning was validated to minimize crosstalk between muscles (gastrocnemius medialis and PL, and PL and tibialis anterior). Validation was achieved by monitoring EMG activity while the patient performed plantar flexion movements with stretched knees (gastrocnemius medialis testing), then eversion by moving the M1 downwards and pronating the forefoot (PL testing), and finally dorsal inversion–flexion (for tibialis anterior testing). The procedure ensured asynchronicity in the bursts of EMG activity during phases of voluntary movement.
Premature muscle activity was determined by EMG as described previously for the PL . In brief, the onset of EMG activity was identified by using a semi-automatic method: the EMG signal was defined as active with rectified raw signal > 20 μV . This threshold is commonly used for studying motor unit potentials and excluding artifacts. The timing of EMG activity in the PL was analyzed and expressed as a percentage of gait cycle (0–100%). Premature onset of PL activity was defined as EMG activity during the swing phase before initial contact (when PL contraction does not occur in children without pes planovalgus) . As a convention, an activation that occurred before the initial contact (0%) was noted as a negative value.
Radiology evaluation
A set of weight-bearing radiographs, including standard standing lateral, dorso-plantar and anteroposterior ankle radiographs, was obtained for both feet of children before and 4 to 6 months after the last abobotulinumtoxinA injection to determine a therapeutic direct benefit. The following variables were assessed: forefoot pronation (metatarsal stacking angle), midfoot planus (lateral talo-M1 angle and talocalcaneal angle) and hindfoot equinovalgus (anteroposterior ankle angle for hindfoot valgus and calcaneal pitch angle for plantar-flexed hindfoot). Intra- and interobserver variability was assessed and compared with published data .
Statistical analyses
Paired t -test was used for pairwise comparisons of data from children without pes planovalgus (reference) and for data for angles before and after treatment, except for the anteroposterior ankle angle, for which no reference data are available for pediatric patients. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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