Pediatric Proximal Humerus Fractures

Pediatric Proximal Humerus Fractures

Craig P. Eberson


  • The proximal humeral physis is responsible for 80% of humeral growth. It remains open usually until age 14 to 17 years in girls and age 18 years in boys.

    • A major portion of the physis is extracapsular and vulnerable to injury.

    • The anterior periosteum is usually thinner than the posterior, often leading to hinging of the fragments posteriorly and possible entrapment of the periosteum anteriorly.

  • The proximal humerus lies in close proximity to the brachial plexus and axillary vessels. Care should be taken to document function of the innervated musculature before initiating treatment (FIG 1).


  • Injuries to the proximal humerus occur from either a direct blow to the region or indirect trauma, such as a fall onto the outstretched hand.

    FIG 1 • Relationship of the brachial plexus and axillary artery to the proximal humerus. The axillary nerve wraps around the humerus to insert into the deltoid, roughly 5 cm distal to the acromion.

    • In cases of pathologic fractures through bone cysts, throwing a ball or reaching overhead can precipitate an injury.


  • Because of the significant remodeling potential in young children, most patients will heal without sequelae from fractures of the proximal humerus or clavicle.

  • Morbidity from associated injuries, however, may be significant and thus a thorough evaluation is of paramount importance.

  • General guidelines are available to define acceptable healing alignment for proximal humeral fractures (Table 1).

    • Examples of complete or near-complete remodeling are readily found in the literature for even completely displaced fractures in children younger than 15 years old, however, so a clear understanding of the goals of the procedure and its associated risks is crucial.1, 4


  • History should include mechanism of injury, antecedent pain, and neurologic symptoms in the hand and arm.

  • A high-energy injury should also prompt a full trauma workup using standard Advanced Trauma Life Support protocols.

  • Physical examination begins with a thorough assessment of the skin for areas of compromise, particularly with associated clavicle fractures.

  • A neurologic examination to include the brachial plexus distribution, as well as a vascular examination of the arm, is necessary.

    • Neurologic injury in conjunction with fracture may signify ongoing compression (ie, sternoclavicular dislocation) and may affect prognosis.

    • A high suspicion for vascular injury is important in preventing late sequelae.

Table 1 Acceptable Angulation for Proximal Humeral Fractures

Patient Age (y)

Maximum Acceptable Degrees of Angulation







Modified from Dobbs MB, Luhmann SL, Gordon JE, et al. Severely displaced proximal humeral epiphyseal fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 2003;23:208-215.

FIG 2A,B. Preoperative AP and lateral radiographs of a Salter-Harris type II fracture of the proximal humerus in a 15-year-old girl show mild valgus angulation and complete displacement with 90 degrees of angulation on the lateral view.


  • Standard initial views of the shoulder should include a true anteroposterior (AP) view, a “shoot-through” lateral, and an axillary lateral view (FIG 2).


  • Most of these injuries can be treated nonoperatively.

  • For proximal humeral fractures with acceptable alignment, treatment consists of sling management for comfort for several weeks, followed by a home range-of-motion program and return to activities in 6 to 8 weeks.


Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Pediatric Proximal Humerus Fractures

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