Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) can cause knee pain and dysfunction in children. The etiology of OCD remains unclear; theories on causes include inflammation, ischemia, ossification abnormalities, genetic factors, and repetitive microtrauma. Most OCD lesions in skeletally immature patients will heal with nonoperative treatment. The success of nonoperative treatment decreases once patients reach skeletal maturity. The goals of surgical treatment include maintenance of articular cartilage congruity, rigid fixation of unstable fragments, and repair of osteochondral defects with cells or tissues that can adequately replace lost or deficient cartilage. Unsalvageable OCD lesions can be treated with various surgical techniques.
High-quality evidence for the optimal evaluation and management of pediatric OCD lesions remains sparse, and continued research is needed.
High-quality evidence for the optimal evaluation and management of pediatric OCD lesions remains sparse, and continued research is needed.
Although the precise etiology of OCD is unclear, it is known that if these lesions are left untreated and fail to heal appropriately, they have a high potential of contributing to the development of future osteoarthritis.
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