Epilepsy and Seizure Activity in Athletes
Seizure: A transient disruption of brain function from abnormal, excessive, synchronous neuronal activity in the brain; its clinical manifestation depends on the specific region and extent of the brain involved, which may include altered motor function, sensation, alertness, perception, and autonomic function.
Epilepsy: An enduring predisposition to generate recurrent, unprovoked epileptic seizures; Worldwide prevalence is approximately 8.2 per 1000 individuals; 75% of epileptics experience their first seizure before the third decade of their life.
Seizures can be systematically classified as focal or generalized.
Overview: Seizures involve both cerebral hemispheres, are of abrupt onset, and involve alteration in consciousness.
Tonic–clonic (grand mal): Occurs at all ages; may have a prodromal phase lasting hours to days
Typically starts with a tonic phase (rigid extension) lasting up to 20 seconds, followed by a clonic phase (synchronous muscle jerking) lasting 1–2 minutes; most last for <1 minute. Characteristics include loss of consciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity, and urinary but not fecal incontinence; may progress to generalized status epilepticus; a postictal phase (confusion, headache, and fatigue) is common. May be followed by focal weakness or paralysis, including vision and speech function, reflecting postictal depression of the epileptogenic cortical area; this phenomenon, known as Todd’s paralysis , is reversible and usually resolves within 48 hours.
Absence (petit mal): Occurs generally in children; no prodromal or postictal phase reported. Typical: Onset is acute, as is recovery, with seizure activity lasting <10 seconds. Atypical: Lasts for >10 seconds, with more gradual onset and recovery; sudden loss of awareness with associated staring, rhythmic blinking, and possibly clonic jerks
Generalized status epilepticus: Defined as a continuous seizure activity lasting 30 minutes or as two or more discrete seizures between which consciousness is not fully regained. Seizures lasting >5 minutes have a high likelihood of progressing to status epilepticus and should be treated aggressively. This is a medical emergency. Activate emergency medical services (EMS). Ensure adequate airway, breathing, and circulation. Attempt to obtain intravenous (IV) access and to prevent aspiration. Benzodiazepines are the drugs of choice for initial treatment because they are fast acting and effective. Lorazepam at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg IV over 2 minutes is considered as first-line treatment. Consider metabolic etiologies. Complications include dysrhythmias, metabolic abnormalities, hyperthermia, pulmonary edema, rhabdomyolysis, and pulmonary aspiration.
Overview: Originate in a localized region of the brain and cause symptoms specific to the part of the cortex wherein they originate; partial seizures may become secondarily generalized.
Broad Types
Simple focal: May include motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic symptoms; no alteration of consciousness occurs; may be isolated or progress to complex focal or generalized seizures; associated with Todd’s paralysis (see Tonic Clonic Seizures).
Complex focal: Most common type of seizure in epileptic adults; characterized by focal repetitive, purposeless, and complex movements (e.g., chewing, gesturing, lip smacking, and finger snapping) with alteration of consciousness; associated with auras that represent sensory and psychoillusory phenomena; most originate in the temporal lobe; typically last for <90 seconds and are associated with the postictal phase; amnesia specific to the event is common.
Posttraumatic Seizures
Description: Provoked seizures following traumatic brain injury (TBI); classified by timing of the seizure activity
I mmediate (concussive convulsions): Occurs within the first 24 hours after TBI; about one half of seizures occur during the first 24 hours and one quarter during the first hour; controversial classification as they are not felt to represent a true seizure but rather a fairly benign phenomenon that occurs immediately after a concussion; usually do not require anticonvulsant therapy
Early: Occurs within 1 week of TBI; risk factors include young age, severity of injury, alcoholism, and intracerebral or subdural hematoma. Incidence is approximately 6%–10% but higher in patients with marked head injury. Seizure activity is usually tonic–clonic within the first 24 hours, progressing to more focal symptoms thereafter. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the head indicated considering the higher incidence of intracranial bleeding; not felt to represent epilepsy but often treated with prophylactic antiepileptic medication to minimize the risk of status epilepticus and secondary injury; treatment with antiepileptic medications does not affect the risk of posttraumatic epilepsy.
Late: Occurs over 1 week after TBI, with most occurring before 2 years after injury
Risk factors: early posttraumatic seizures, severity of injury, age > 65 years, alcoholism, brain contusion, and intracerebral or subdural hematoma. Overall incidence is approximately 2% but is strongly correlated with severity of TBI. Seizures are also associated with underlying brain pathology. They may recur in up to 70% of cases and often require long-term anticonvulsant medication.
Precipitating Factors for Seizure
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Idiopathic, new-onset epilepsy, stress, sleep deprivation, fatigue, prenatal or perinatal brain injury, hyperthermia, metabolic (dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, etc.), infectious (e.g., meningitis), trauma, drugs/alcohol (intoxication and withdrawal), febrile (usually occur between 6 months and 5 years of age), and intracranial lesions (mass, hematoma, etc.)
Evaluation of Epileptic Athletes
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Before participation, the physician should be familiar with certain aspects of seizure history including seizure types (frequency, duration, and manifestations), precipitating factors, postictal recovery, any history of status epilepticus, current anticonvulsant use, including side effects and medication adherence, and head trauma history.
On-Field Treatment
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Standard guidelines for management of airway, breathing, and circulation should be followed.
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Assist the patient to the ground, and clear the area of any potential hazards.
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Do not restrain the athlete.
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Rolling the athlete to his or her side while he or she is convulsing may lead to injury; wait until the seizure is over before attempting this.
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Do not place anything in the athlete’s mouth, particularly fingers. The mouth guard may be removed if it can be performed safely.
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If there is any concern for status epilepticus, activate EMS for transport to a medical facility.
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If this was the patient’s first onset of a seizure or if clinical presentation is different from baseline seizure history, additional workup including imaging is indicated.
Epilepsy and Sports
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Points to consider:
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Does the specific type of seizure disorder place the athlete at an increased risk of injury (e.g., absence vs. simple focal)?
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Will the athlete’s condition place others at a risk of injury?
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How intent is the athlete on playing the sport?
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Sports participation is associated with factors that may alter the seizure threshold.
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Stress: Known risk factor for seizures, and this should be addressed on an individual basis
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Hyperventilation: Resting hyperventilation may predispose to a decreased seizure threshold. Exercise-induced hyperventilation, however, is a physiologic response and does not seem to have a negative effect on the seizure threshold.
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Alterations in drug metabolism: Studies have found no significant difference in metabolism during pre-exercise, exercise, and postexercise periods. However, if seizure activity increases, this should be considered.
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Exercise-induced seizures:
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Although there are certain cases of exercise lowering the seizure threshold, this seems to be the exception. Overall, the frequency of seizure is decreased by aerobic activity and is supported by electroencephalogram (EEG) findings. Aerobic exercise should be encouraged in epileptic patients.
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Prolonged exercise, as seen in endurance athletes, may alter physiologic parameters associated with seizure activity (hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, etc.).
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Consider diagnosis of seizures with episodes of exercise-induced syncope.
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People with epilepsy are less active, less physically fit, less likely to participate in sports, and are at a risk of social isolation.
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There is currently no evidence that contact sports are harmful to most athletes with epilepsy.
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There is evidence to suggest that severe head injury causes or exacerbates preexisting epilepsy, but this does not apply to repeated mild TBI.
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Contact sports should be evaluated on an individual basis based on the presumed danger an athlete may present to themselves or others.
Sport-Specific Guidelines
Contact sports: No restriction unless newly diagnosed or unclear course
Water sports: Generally permitted with appropriate precautions (avoid open water, wear flotation device, and supervised by qualified personnel); scuba diving, competitive underwater swimming, and diving prohibited with active epilepsy although may be considered after a prolonged seizure-free period (e.g., the UK Sport Diving Medical Committee suggests 5 years free of seizures without medication).
Motor sports: Discouraged with active epilepsy
Aerobic sports: No restrictions; wear appropriate protective gear
Sports at heights: Equestrian sports should be avoided with active epilepsy. Certain gymnastic events (e.g., high bar) should be discouraged. Skydiving, hang gliding, and free climbing should be discouraged. Pilot’s license is prohibited.
Shooting sports: Specific consideration for type and frequency of seizures, pattern of occurrence, and type of weapon fired
Cervical Cord Neurapraxia (Transient Quadriplegia)
Overview: Transient neurologic episodes characterized by a temporary loss of motor or sensory function, or both. This is likely secondary to central cord contusion with or without associated ischemia. Most common with contact sports. Prevalence is estimated at 7 per 10,000 football participants.
Mechanism of injury: Varied mechanisms (usually hyperflexion, hyperextension, or axial loading of the neck) resulting in cervical cord contusion and decreased blood flow; suspected to be associated with spinal stenosis and the shape of the spinal canal. Degree of stenosis may be estimated using the Torg ratio (ratio of spinal canal width to vertebral body diameter). A ratio of <0.80 is considered indicative of “significant cervical stenosis”; this ratio has been shown to be an unreliable measure in larger athletes because of the relative vertebral body width yielding poor positive predictive value, and it has been replaced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation.
Symptoms: Bilateral sensory changes, motor changes, or combined sensorimotor deficits. Total body numbness may occur. Neck pain is usually absent.
Physical examination:
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On the field
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Assume cervical spine injury until proven otherwise. Follow cervical spine precautions and use cervical collar and spine board.
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Athlete should be stabilized and transported to the nearest appropriate facility by EMS for further evaluation.
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For football, remove the face mask, but helmet and shoulder pads should remain in place. According to the most recent position statement by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), it is strongly advised to not remove an American football helmet and shoulder pads from an unconscious athlete or an athlete who has sustained a neck injury. If any of the criteria below are met, the helmet and the shoulder pads should be removed maintaining cervical spine precautions:
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If the helmet and chin strap do not securely hold the head, such that immobilization of the helmet does not also immobilize the head
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If the design of the helmet and chin strap is such that even after removal of the face mask, the airway cannot be controlled or ventilation provided
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If after a reasonable period of time, the face mask cannot be removed to gain access to the airway
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If the helmet prevents immobilization for transportation in an appropriate position
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Standard guidelines for management of airway, breathing, and circulation must be followed.
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Off the field
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Thorough cervical spine and neurologic evaluation is necessary.
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Pain and tenderness over the cervical spine is not associated with transient quadriplegia and should prompt consideration of other injuries such as fracture.
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Diagnostics: Plain cervical spine trauma radiograph series should be obtained to rule out fracture or dislocation. Once a fracture is definitively ruled out, flexion and extension views may be obtained to check for ligamentous instability. CT to rule out occult facture. MRI should be obtained to evaluate spinal stenosis, spinal cord, and associated injuries.
Treatment: Initial treatment should focus on cervical spine immobilization, medical stabilization, and transport via EMS. The most recent Cochrane review recommends high-dose methylprednisolone within 8 hours of spinal cord injury because it has been shown to improve recovery of motor functions. However, controversy still exists, and additional research is needed. There is no role for steroids in athletes with transient quadriparesis who show resolution of symptoms. Systemic hypothermia, which is thought to decrease tissue metabolism and limit secondary hypoxic injury, has also been used but is still experimental and not part of routine care.
Prognosis and return to play (RTP): Temporary condition by definition, but both extent and duration of neurologic dysfunction factor in the overall prognosis; average rate of recurrence for players who return to football is 56%. Repeat episodes may be associated with cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy. Predisposition to permanent neurologic injury after an episode of cervical cord neurapraxia is controversial, but there are published case reports regarding the same; RTP decisions are made on an individual basis taking into account history of injuries, anatomical predisposition, and future risk of injury. Although discussing all possible scenarios is beyond the purpose of this text, we have enlisted a few examples here: If an athlete is asymptomatic without documented stenosis, it is generally accepted that he/she be allowed to RTP. If an athlete is asymptomatic with documented stenosis, significant controversy exists regarding RTP. Stenosis is more accurately defined by adequate cerebrospinal fluid around the cord as opposed to by absolute canal diameter. Opinions range from considering this as a relative contraindication to an absolute contraindication. Multiple episodes without documented stenosis should prompt serious consideration of discontinuing contact sports.
Peripheral Nerve Injury in Athletes
Overview of anatomy: The peripheral nervous system includes cranial nerves, spinal nerves and their roots and branches, peripheral nerves, and neuromuscular junctions.
Classification of injury: There are two primary classification systems: Seddon and Sunderland. Descriptions of each type, prognosis, and associated electrodiagnostic findings are compared in Table 38.1 (see also Fig. 38.1 ). Neuropraxia (grade I) is typically a demyelinating injury with good recovery. Axonotmesis (grades II–IV) involves axon disruption but with preservation of some degree of supporting structures (endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium). The more supporting structures involved, the worse the outcomes. Neurotmesis (grade V) is complete disruption of both axons and supporting structures, with limited scope of recovery without surgical intervention.
TABLE 38.1
Electrodiagnostic Findings
Conduction block
Excellent, recovery typically 2–3 months
Demyelination and axon loss
Axon loss
Good, but limited by distance to muscle
II + endoneurium involvement
Axon loss
Fair, surgery may be required
III + perineurium involvement
Axon loss
Poor, surgery usually required
IV + epineurium involvement
Axon loss
Poor, no spontaneous recovery and surgery required
Figure 38.1
Peripheral nerve injury classification.
Mechanism of injury: Injuries can be subcategorized into acute, subacute, or chronic. Acute injuries may result from nerve compression, stretch/traction, or laceration and usually result from an unexpected fall or extrinsic force (e.g., tackle). Stretch/traction injuries are most common; most nerves can tolerate 10%–20% lengthening before structural damage occurs. Subacute or chronic injuries are best classified as overuse injuries resulting from repetitive microtrauma or compression.
Evaluation: History should elicit a specific time course and mechanism of injury. A detailed physical examination is essential and includes muscle bulk inspection, strength testing, deep tendon reflexes, and sensory examination. Provocative maneuvers should be performed, including neural tension testing (i.e., straight leg raise) and direct nerve percussion (i.e., Tinel’s sign). Equipment should be inspected for appropriate use and fit. In addition, a kinetic chain evaluation must be performed in search of a root cause for overuse injuries (i.e., a volleyball athlete with knee pain leading to shoulder overuse and subsequent suprascapular nerve injury).
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Electrodiagnostic testing: Used to assess the neurophysiologic function of the peripheral nervous system, including nerve roots, plexus, and peripheral nerves; testing includes nerve conduction studies (NCS) and needle electromyography (EMG). Used as an extension of physical examination and can help clarify or confirm a suspected diagnosis; more specifically, it can help to define location, duration, severity, and prognosis of neuromuscular disorders. NCS are performed by placing electrodes on the skin and stimulating the nerve of interest with electrical impulses. NCS are divided into motor and sensory nerve testing and help to determine if there is dysfunction of the myelin sheath (slowed electrical impulse), axons (reduced amplitude), or a combination of both. EMG involves a needle electrode that is inserted into a muscle of interest and is able to analyze motor units and their recruitment. Moreover, EMG can detect muscle denervation and whether or not any re-innervation has occurred.
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MRI: Useful as an adjunct in diagnosis and prognosis; may help with acute injuries in assessing soft tissue damage and deciding on surgical intervention. Normal peripheral nerves appear isointense compared with surrounding muscles, reveal a fascicular pattern, and are usually surrounded by a small rim of fat tissue. Nerve hyperintensity can be detected on T2-weighted MRI within 24 hours of a nerve injury. Focal demyelination reveals hyperintensity at the lesion site, whereas axonal injury with Wallerian degeneration reveals hyperintensity in the entire nerve segment distal to the lesion. Magnetic resonance neurography (MRN) refers to nerve-specific imaging using pulse sequences for optimal visualization. Axial T1-weighted and fluid-sensitive fat-suppressed T2-weighted images serve as the mainstay for interpreting peripheral nerve signal intensity, course, caliber, fascicular pattern, size, perineural fibrosis, and mass lesions. MRI can also identify masses that cause nerve compression.
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Ultrasound: Provides immediate, nonionizing, high-resolution, bedside assessment of peripheral nerves and surrounding tissues with ease of contralateral comparison; functional assessment is possible and can detect abnormal nerve motion and nerve entrapment with joint movement (subluxing ulnar nerve at the elbow). In addition, sonopalpation (transducer pressure) to the area of nerve dysfunction is useful for confirming typical symptoms. In long-axis view, peripheral nerves appear fascicular with hypoechoic fascicles surrounded by hyperechoic connective tissue. In short-axis view, peripheral nerves display a honeycomb or speckled appearance. With regard to nerve entrapment, ultrasound can demonstrate sudden flattening (notch sign) or gradual narrowing (dumbbell sign) at the compression site with proximal hypoechoic nerve swelling.
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Surgical: Open, sharp traumatic injuries should be immediately repaired through surgical intervention. For open, blunt injuries, delayed repair after 2–3 weeks is recommended to allow scar formation and demarcation of healthy nerve ends. Closed injuries are usually initially treated conservatively. Axonotmetic versus neurotmetic lesions should be differentiated using serial examinations and electrodiagnostic studies after 3 weeks. Surgical exploration using intraoperative electrophysiologic monitoring is suggested if no recovery is seen after 3–4 months. At that time, neurotmetic lesions are repaired and axonotmetic lesions are treated conservatively.
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“ Rule of three”: Immediate surgery within 3 days for clean and sharp injuries; early surgery within 3 weeks for blunt injuries; delayed surgery at 3 months for closed injuries
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Conservative management: Includes a period of rest and avoidance of aggravating activities along with bracing and padding for protection of the injured region; a full kinetic chain evaluation should be performed to identify underlying faulty biomechanics predisposing to an overuse neuropathy. Physical therapy can aid in neuromuscular retraining and progressing back to appropriate sport-specific technique. Medications for symptomatic relief, including anti-inflammatory and neuromodulating agents (i.e., gabapentin), can be used for unpleasant dysesthesias.
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Prognosis and recovery: Largely dependent on the type of nerve injury; most traumatic injuries are a combination of axonal and demyelinating pathologies, and prognosis depends on the predominant injury. Mechanisms of recovery include resolution of conduction block (failure of nerve propagation beyond the demyelinated segment), distal axonal sprouting, and axonal regeneration. Resolution of conduction block is typically the first mechanism to promote strength recovery. Recovery after an ischemic injury is quick, whereas demyelinating injuries take up to several months. With an incomplete axonotmesis injury, distal sprouting of intact motor axons starts within 4 days after an injury. In minor axonotmesis injuries, axons can traverse the segment of injury in 8–15 days and then regenerate at a rate of 1–5 mm/day. The regeneration rate is faster for more proximal lesions and after a crush injury, whereas it is slower for distal lesions and after a laceration injury. Even if axons are unable to grow across the injury site, sprouting of motor axons can re-innervate about 5 times their original muscle fiber territory. Moreover, recovery depends on muscle integrity when the nerve reaches it. Muscle remains viable for re-innervation until about 18–24 months after an injury, following which fibrosis develops. Therefore, recovery, including surgical repair, is poor if denervation persists beyond 1–2 years.
Optimal timing of electrodiagnostic testing: NCS can help immediately localize a lesion as conduction is absent across the injury site and is normal distally until Wallerian degeneration is complete as early as day 7. EMG in the first week can help determine whether an injury is complete or incomplete. Presence of even a single motor unit firing on EMG signifies at least partial axonal continuity of a nerve. Using NCS to achieve stimulation above and below an injury site can differentiate between neuropraxia and more severe axonotmesis and neurotmesis as early as day 7 for motor and day 11 for sensory nerves owing to completion of Wallerian degeneration. However, the most useful diagnostic information can be obtained 3–4 weeks after an injury when needle EMG reveals denervation abnormalities. Findings of re-innervation are first seen proximally, progressing distally. Paraspinal re-innervation can be seen as early as 6–9 weeks after an injury, followed by proximal and then distal muscles between 2 and 6 months.
Brachial Plexus and Cervical Root Injuries (“Stingers/Burners”)
Overview: Transient neurologic injury accompanied by burning pain in the upper extremity believed to be the result of unilateral nerve traction or compression, generally involving C5 or C6 levels or the superior trunk of the brachial plexus ( Fig. 38.2 ); unclear if this results from brachial plexus or cervical root injury. One of the most common injuries in sports medicine; up to 65% of college football athletes have reported such an injury in their career
Figure 38.2
Brachial plexus schema.
Proposed mechanisms of injury: Neck extension with lateral bending, resulting in a compression injury; distraction of the shoulder from the head and neck causing nerve traction; or direct blow to the supraclavicular region at Erb’s point (where the brachial plexus is most superficial), causing compressive injury
Cervical stenosis predisposes to stingers and may contribute to more complicated mechanisms.
Presentation: Symptoms include unilateral, transient burning pain or numbness with or without weakness starting from the neck/shoulder and commonly radiating in a C5 or C6 distribution. A circumferential rather than dermatomal pattern may be present. Symptoms in lower extremity or bilateral upper extremities should prompt consideration of central cord injury. Care should be taken to distinguish this condition from transient quadriplegia, which may present with bilateral sensory changes, motor changes, or combined sensorimotor deficits. Typically not associated with neck pain or limited range of motion (ROM); symptoms generally last from seconds to minutes; if symptoms last longer or if there is cervical pain or limited ROM, cervical spine MRI should be strongly considered before RTP. Up to 10% have a neurologic deficit lasting from hours to weeks.
Physical examination: Athletes frequently leave the field shaking their arm and hand and may elevate the arm to decrease the neural tension. Initial evaluation should focus on the cervical spine for any evidence of fracture (bony tenderness [particularly midline], deformity, or swelling). If initial evaluation is normal, assess ROM. Conduct a complete neurologic examination, including strength, sensory, and muscle stretch reflex testing. The time of onset and severity of weakness may vary. C5 and C6 are the most common levels affected. Most common sites of weakness are deltoid, biceps, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus, resulting in weak shoulder abduction, elbow flexion, and external rotation of upper arm. Percussion of Erb’s point may elicit radiation of pain. A Spurling maneuver has been shown to recreate symptoms in 70% of cases—good specificity but variable sensitivity. Contralateral examination should be normal. If bilateral symptoms are present, full cervical precautions should be initiated, and the athlete must be transported to an appropriate medical facility for further evaluation and imaging. Shoulder examination must also be performed to rule out other injuries.
Diagnostics: Diagnosis based on physical examination. Radiographs usually normal; consider MRI for prolonged symptoms or recurrent stingers. EMG may be appropriate if symptoms persist beyond 3 weeks. The role of EMG in RTP decisions is controversial because EMG findings may remain abnormal long after clinical symptoms have resolved.
Treatment: Athletes should be removed from play until completely asymptomatic. Immediate supportive treatment includes rest and use of a sling. More chronic symptoms may necessitate anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and occasionally, nerve root blocks. Prevention of recurrence is central to treatment. Rehabilitation should be instituted for neck and shoulder strengthening.
Preventative equipment: To limit excessive neck extension and lateral flexion, high-riding shoulder pads and neck rolls may be considered, but efficacy is debatable. Straps that connect the helmet and shoulder pads are not recommended. Evaluate tackling technique.
Prognosis and RTP: Decision is clinical. Athletes may return to full contact when they have pain-free, full ROM of the neck and shoulder, and normal neurologic examination, including normal symmetric strength. Longer rest periods are indicated for symptoms lasting >15 minutes and for recurrent stingers in the same season. Continue to evaluate for delayed weakness during the same event and for the next 2 weeks. Repetitive or prolonged episodes warrant additional diagnostic testing. Chronic and recurrent stingers have been associated with cervical disk disease, spinal stenosis, and/or neural foraminal narrowing. Prolonged time to symptom resolution (particularly >3 weeks) and recurrent stingers over a short period of time have poorer prognosis. Some experts advocate that if cervical foraminal stenosis is discovered, the athlete should discontinue contact sports.

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