Traditionally the classification of shoulder instability has been based primarily on etiology and the direction of the instability. In other words, traumatic versus atraumatic in onset and anterior, posterior, or multidirectional in nature. Although this classification has withstood the test of time, patients with multidirectional instability (MDI) often do not fit uniformly into any one scheme. MDI patients can present with no history of injury (congenital laxity) or following a traumatic event that has converted their laxity to dysfunction. It is important to realize that laxity is not instability. Laxity allows athletes such as swimmers, gymnasts, overhead throwers, and divers to perform their sport using a large range of motion (ROM). Laxity is demonstrated on physical examination as the ability of the examiner to translate the humeral head on the glenoid fossa. It is not an indication of instability. Instability is the unwanted and uncontrollable humeral head translation that compromises the comfort and function of the individual. Athletes with great joint laxity control the shoulder’s stability with excellent neuromuscular control and proprioception. We often say “The thrower’s shoulder needs to be loose enough to throw but stable enough to prevent symptoms.”
Traditionally the MDI patient is thought of as the “born loose” type of individual who exhibits a lax glenohumeral joint capsule, enlarged capsular volume, and a large rotator interval. Closing the rotator interval in cadavers has been shown to reduce glenohumeral joint laxity. Furthermore, glenoid morphology also may be a cause of MDI, such as with glenoid hypoplasia or increased glenoid retroversion. ,
There are numerous inherent neuromuscular causes for dysfunction in the MDI patient. The role the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joint musculature plays in providing dynamic glenohumeral joint stability is well established, and symptomatic MDI patients have been shown to have muscular imbalances, proprioceptive deficits, and loss of coordination when compared to patients without symptoms. Electromyography studies have shown differences in shoulder muscle activation when comparing patients with MDI to a control group. Barden et al. reported that patients with MDI exhibited poorer shoulder proprioception and upper extremity (UE) spatial awareness. Ozaki et al. reported the scapulohumeral motion ratio is different in MDI subjects when compared to a control group, with the MDI subjects exhibiting less scapular motion relative to the humerus. Kibler has reported that 67% to 80% of patients with shoulder instability have scapular dyskinesis. These abnormalities in muscle imbalance and proprioception may explain the differences between the asymptomatic individual with significant glenohumeral joint laxity and the patient with similar or even less laxity who exhibits symptoms. We have seen high-level athletes in demanding sports, such as swimming, gymnastics, baseball, and diving, who exhibit significant multidirectional laxity on physical examination but who have no symptoms of instability because of their dynamic control of the joint.
This chapter describes the specific exercises and neuromuscular drills we recommend for the MDI patient treated nonoperatively and discusses the postoperative rehabilitation programs for procedures commonly utilized in this type of patient.
Rehabilitation factors
Ten factors must be considered in the design of a comprehensive rehabilitation program for the MDI patient ( Box 40.1 ). Each factor contributes significantly to the successful rehabilitation of the unstable shoulder, playing critical roles in program variations crucial to success and the symptom-free restoration of shoulder function.
- 1.
Onset of instability
- 2.
Duration of symptoms
- 3.
Primary direction of instability
- 4.
End-range neuromuscular control
- 5.
Presence of neurovascular symptoms
- 6.
Arm dominance and bilaterality of symptoms
- 7.
Concomitant pathologies
- 8.
Age of the patient
- 9.
Previous treatment
- 10.
Patient goals
Onset of instability
The onset of symptoms in the MDI patient is generally insidious in nature or from what would usually be considered a minor episode. However, it is important to keep in mind that a history of a defining traumatic event does not exclude someone from having MDI. Traumatic or athletic overuse, particularly in the overhead athlete, can result in the onset of symptoms in the MDI patient. So, too, can a period of inactivity. Consideration of the contributing nuisances that cause the onset of instability help to guide critical elements in the tenor of the rehabilitation process. Any instance that has any traumatic variation should initially concentrate on symptom management and reestablishing a nonpainful controlled ROM. The MDI element is focused on reestablishing neuromuscular control of the humeral head on the glenoid. Caution is placed on avoiding excessive stretching of the joint capsule through aggressive ROM activities. The goal is to return the patient’s symptom-free ROM and enhance strength, proprioception, dynamic stability, and neuromuscular control, particularly at the specific points of motion or directions that result in instability complaints.
Duration of symptoms
The longer symptoms have been present, the potentially more challenging the rehabilitation process becomes. Generally poorer rotator cuff and periscapular muscular control and performance are seen in longstanding symptomatic MDI patients. Often even the most basic traditional shoulder exercises are symptomatic and unsuccessful with these patients. The longer symptoms have been present, the potentially greater the level of difficulty in controlling dynamic upper limb movement. Positioning these patients often requires a nontraditional exercise approach that focuses on humeral head control in pain-free movements and exercises, allowing for the advancement of the patient to traditional exercises once the cycle of uncontrolled instability has been broken.
Primary direction of instability
The primary direction of instability will also play a role in program construction. Global capsular laxity is inherent to the MDI patient; however, most often they will exhibit greater symptoms and dysfunction in either an anteroinferior or posteroinferior direction.
Anteroinferior MDI patients most frequently exhibit instability complaints when the arm is moved into an abducted and externally rotated position. Conversely, patients with a predominantly posteroinferior instability component complain most often when their shoulder is brought into forward flexion and adduction. These patterns of symptom manifestation help in program creation. They guide the end range areas to avoid initially in order to control symptom exacerbation and the directions for greater focus later in the process to retrain proprioception and neuromuscular control to eliminate instability symptoms and complaints.
End-range neuromuscular control
The patient’s level of neuromuscular control, particularly at the end range of shoulder motion, is the next critical element to consider in the rehabilitation process. Neuromuscular control is best defined as the efferent, or motor, output in reaction to an afferent, or sensory, input. , The afferent input is the ability to detect the glenohumeral joint position and motion in space with resultant efferent response by the dynamic stabilizers as they blend with the joint capsule assisting in the stabilization of the humeral head on the glenoid. Instability results in the humeral head not centering itself within the glenoid, thereby compromising the surrounding static stabilizers and placing the dynamic stabilizers in a chronic position of inefficiency. The patient with poor neuromuscular control may exhibit excessive humeral head migration with the potential for reinjury, an inflammatory response, and reflexive inhibition of the dynamic stabilizers.
Several authors have reported that neuromuscular control of the glenohumeral joint may be negatively affected by joint instability. , Lephart et al. compared the ability to detect passive motion and the ability to reproduce joint positions in normal, unstable, and surgically repaired shoulders, reporting a significant decrease in proprioception and kinesthesia in the shoulders with instability when compared to both normal shoulders and shoulders undergoing surgical stabilization procedures. Smith and Brunolli reported a significant decrease in proprioception following a shoulder dislocation. Blasier et al. reported that individuals with significant capsular laxity exhibit a decrease in proprioception compared to patients with normal laxity. Zuckerman et al. noted that proprioception is affected by the patient’s age, with older subjects exhibiting diminished proprioception than a comparably younger population.
Combined, these investigations all point out reasons why the MDI patient will usually present with poor proprioception and neuromuscular control. This must be successfully addressed from the beginning of the rehabilitation process with humeral head control and periscapular activation exercises, then progression through the advanced phases of the process, where focus on end range dynamic control of the glenohumeral complex is essential.
Presence of neurovascular symptoms
Neurovascular symptoms of numbness and paresthesia can be present in the MDI patient, particularly one who participates in overhead activity and sports. , When present, these symptoms must be addressed and managed in conjunction with addressing the lack of dynamic control of the glenohumeral joint and scapulothoracic complex.
Arm dominance and bilaterality of symptoms
The involvement of the dominant versus nondominant arm and/or the presence of bilateral symptoms also must be considered in the rehabilitation process. Arm dominance significantly influences the successful outcome of shoulder instability patients with the success rates of patients returning to overhead sports after a traumatic dislocation of their dominant arm being shown to be extremely low. , While this is not a direct corollary to the MDI patient, it provides some insight into the difficulty of returning the MDI athlete to overhead sport. Patients that frequently perform an overhead motion or sport—such as tennis, volleyball, or a throwing sport—must be rehabilitated with elements that include sport-specific, end-range dynamic stabilization exercises, neuromuscular control drills, and plyometric exercises in the overhead position once pain-free ROM and adequate strength have been achieved.
Concomitant pathologies
The next factor involved is the consideration of concomitant pathologies, including other tissues that may have been affected in an injury as well as the patient’s premorbid tissue status. Disruption of the anterior capsulolabral complex from the glenoid commonly occurs during a traumatic injury, resulting in an anterior Bankart lesion; these injuries can render the MDI patient even more unstable. ,
Additional possible concomitant injuries that may occur and affect the rehabilitation process include Hill-Sachs lesion, reverse Hill-Sachs lesion, glenoid bone loss, bone bruise, bony defect of the glenoid, type V superior labrum anterior posterior lesion, and injury to the rotator cuff. Significant or problematic bone loss is unusual in the vast majority of MDI patients.
These concomitant lesions will significantly affect the course of rehabilitation and program development to protect the healing tissue after injury or following surgery. The tissue with the greatest susceptibility for compromise or reinjury must always be the primary considering factor in the formulation of a rehabilitation program in the presence of concomitant injury.
Patient age
Because patients with MDI are typically in their teens to 20s, special consideration should be paid to this factor in the development of a rehabilitation program. Education of both the patient, parents, and/or significant other along with any other stakeholders is crucial to program success. Everyone must understand the expected course and the critical elements of compliance and receive a clear explanation of the requirements to address the MDI component effectively. Psychological factors of this variable are often significant and cannot be overlooked when creating a successful program. Not only must the program requirements be clearly articulated, but it is also imperative that the patient be positively supported and encouraged. Patient buy-in is essential to the successful implementation of a rehabilitation program in the younger, chronically affected MDI patient.
Previous treatment
Previous treatment, whether nonoperative or operative, should be considered in program construction. The MDI patient may have undergone multiple previous attempts in resolving the symptoms; many of these are often unsuccessful or of limited positive results. These attempts must be understood, both for their successes and failures. Program construction should be focused on fashioning a program that creates an alternative direction in rehabilitation geared to reestablish dynamic upper limb control and to provide the MDI patient with a positive psychological framework to approach a new round of rehabilitation that is different from the previously unsuccessful interventions.
Patient goals
The last, and possibly most critical, factors to consider in the MDI rehabilitation process are the level of participation and type of activities the patient desires to return to once asymptomatic control and dynamic stability have been obtained. Patients who desire to return to strenuous and aggressive activities, especially overhead or contact sports, must understand the potentially prolonged nature of MDI rehabilitation and the need for continued ongoing stabilization training. The challenges should not be understated and the importance of a commitment to participation in the entire program must be emphasized. Rehabilitative success for the MDI patient involves not only regaining dynamic humeral head control but also retraining end-range neuromuscular function in previously symptomatic movements to return to higher level function. This is no short-term, easy feat and will require the dedication of both the patient and the clinician to successfully attain the desired function level.
Nonoperative multidirectional instability rehabilitation guidelines
Rehabilitation of the MDI patient poses a significant challenge for the rehabilitation specialist. The focus of the rehabilitation program is to improve proprioception, dynamic stability, and neuromuscular control; to increase muscle tone; and to optimize scapular position and muscle strength to gradually return the patient to functional activities without limitations. We have developed 10 essential keys and rehabilitation guidelines critical to this process ( Box 40.2 ).
- 1.
Muscle activation
- 2.
Dynamic stabilization
- 3.
Proprioception—improve and enhance
- 4.
Scapular foundation—posture
- 5.
Neuromuscular control of scapula
- 6.
Scapulothoracic and glenohumeral rhythm
- 7.
Scapular mobility
- 8.
Core stabilization and control
- 9.
Patient education
- 10.
Long-term exercise and activity program/guidelines
The first key factor is that proper muscle activation must be established. Shoulder muscle activation has been shown to differ in patients with congenital laxity versus a normal, stable shoulder. , , , , , Normal force coupling that exists to dynamically stabilize the glenohumeral joint is altered, resulting in excessive humeral head migration and a feeling of subluxation by the patient. Burkhead and Rockwood found that an exercise program was effective in the management of 80% of atraumatic instability. Misamore et al. reported improved results in 28 of 59 patients in a long-term follow-up study of atraumatic athletic patients. To establish proper muscle activation, the MDI patient must be able to recruit specific muscles around the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints in a coordinated fashion, enabling adequate dynamic stabilization. Clinical biofeedback to key important muscles may assist in this process. The use of biofeedback may teach the patient to utilize proper muscles to enhance stabilization and to improve the synchronizing of muscle firing.
The second key factor to successful rehabilitation is dynamic stabilization. We believe this is the key to pain-free shoulder function. Dynamic stabilization means the patient can activate specific muscles, often in a co-contraction fashion to maintain joint congruency and stability. A proper force couple relationship is essential for this to occur. The third key factor is that the MDI patient’s proprioceptive abilities must be improved. Patients must be able to recognize where their shoulder and/or scapula is in space to enable proper dynamic stabilization and symptom-free movements. Proprioception can be trained through numerous techniques, including eyes-closed training, joint repositioning, arm movements with stabilization, and others discussed later in this chapter. The fourth key factor is scapular stability to ensure that the scapula provides a stable base of support from which the arm can function. We often refer to this as the foundation from which the arm moves, or proximal stability for distal mobility.
The next three factors are closely related: neuromuscular control of the scapula, proper scapulothoracic-glenohumeral movement ratios, and scapular mobility. These elements refer to the patient’s ability to move the UE in proper alignment with the scapula, both in the plane and in the amount of motion. In addition, it is essential that the ratio of scapula to humeral motion is proper and in the right sequence. The rehabilitation technique to restore this includes side lying and seated scapular neuromuscular control drills, reactive scapular movements, and rhythmic stabilization drills for the scapulothoracic muscles. The eighth factor is core strength and control. We believe if the patients exhibit scapular dyskinesis, they almost always present with poor hip strength and core control.
The ninth factor includes educating the patient with regard to which activities and exercises would be best to perform in the long term. These activities include rotator cuff and scapular strengthening exercises; specific sport activities that are not detrimental to the patient would also be beneficial. Lastly, it is critical for the clinician to place the MDI patient on a long-term exercise program, which we refer to as a postural exercise program and an essential shoulder exercise program.
The nonoperative rehabilitation program for the MDI patient is presented in Table 40.1 . Special attention is placed on avoiding positions, movements, or stretches to the involved tissues that may place the shoulder in an unstable position. The primary focus of the early phase of the rehabilitation program is to minimize any further muscle atrophy and reflexive inhibition resulting from disuse, repeated subluxation episodes, and pain. Exercises are focused on creating dynamic stability, improving scapular position, enhancing proprioception, and increasing muscle tone throughout the body, including isometric glenohumeral/rotator cuff exercises and rhythmic stabilization drills. Rhythmic stabilization drills are excellent interventions to facilitate a muscular co-contraction/co-activation, to improve neuromuscular control, and to enhance the sensitivity of the afferent mechanoreceptors, creating more efficient agonist/antagonist co-contractions to improve force coupling and joint stability during active movements ( Fig. 40.1 ).
Nonoperative Rehabilitation for Atraumatic Instability |
This multi-phased program is designed to allow the patient/athlete to return to their previous functional level as quickly and safely as possible. Each phase will vary in length for each individual depending upon the severity of injury, ROM/strength deficits, and the required activity demands of the patient. |
Phase I—Acute Phase |
Note: It is important to refrain from activities and motion in extreme ranges of motion early in the rehabilitation process in order to minimize stress on the joint capsule. |
Phase II—Intermediate Phase |
Phase III—Advanced Strengthening Phase |
Phase IV—Return to Activity Phase |

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