Metabolic Bone Diseases

Metabolic Bone Diseases

Se-Min Kim, MD

Michael Pazianas, MD

Tony Yuen, PhD

Roy K. Aaron, MD

Mone Zaidi, MD, PhD

Dr. Aaron or an immediate family member has received research or institutional support from Orthofix, Inc. and an immediate family member serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Dr. Zaidi is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of Diachi Sankyo, GLG, and GuidePoint; serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Diachi Sankyo, GLG, and GuidePoint; and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine. None of the following authors or any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this chapter: Dr. Kim, Dr. Pazianas, and Dr. Yuen.


Orthopaedic surgeons need to have a fundamental understanding of the metabolic bone diseases discussed in this chapter because these diseases compromise bone strength and increase fracture risk, including fragility fractures. A considerable number of patients treated by orthopaedic surgeons, particularly in the population older than 50 years, are at risk for a metabolic bone disease, including those patients who seek elective orthopaedic care, such as joint replacement and spine surgery. Compromised bone strength can contribute to the failure of surgical fixation and stability of the implant-bone interface. Knowledge of the diagnostic modalities and pathophysiology will help orthopaedic surgeons take an active role in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases and the avoidance of surgical complications.


Maintenance of serum calcium concentration is a homeostatic priority because cell membrane signaling and neuromuscular signal transmission are highly sensitive to serum and extracellular calcium concentrations. Cellular responses to several hormones, excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle contraction depend upon calcium concentrations within a narrow physiologic range. To accomplish this homeostatic priority, three organ systems, gastrointestinal, renal, and skeletal, the parathyroids, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D), interact in an elaborate series of physiologic mechanisms to regulate serum calcium concentration.1 Vitamin D and PTH maintain the concentrations of ionized calcium and phosphate at levels consistent with normal neuromuscular function and within safe range of the solubility product of CaHPO4.

Among the organs supporting serum calcium, bone is unique in that its role as a calcium donor can compromise its structure and lead to fracture. Among the physiologic roles of bone, its role as a calcium donor can take precedence over its structural roles leading to the perspective that the primary function of bone is as the calcium reservoir for serum calcium concentration. Because of the priority to maintain serum calcium concentration, needs for serum calcium or disorders of the integrated physiologic mechanisms to support serum calcium can lead to loss of calcium from bone characterized as metabolic bone diseases, loss of bone mass, structural failure, and fracture. A type of fracture seen with decreased bone density is the fragility fracture defined as a fracture due to a fall from a standing height or with minimal trauma.


Serum calcium exists in serum in two general forms—ionized and protein bound, binding usually to albumin. Calcium in the ionized form is metabolically active, essential to cell membrane signal transmission. Calcium can also be bound to phosphate in serum and the resulting salts are essential for healthy bone and tooth matrix. However, phosphate binding of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract can prevent calcium absorption and phosphate binding in the serum can exceed the solubility product of calcium phosphate. Decreased serum calcium concentration, due to deficiency or the extra needs of growth, pregnancy, or lactation, stimulates a concerted response by bone, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract, modulated by PTH and vitamin D, to restore and maintain calcium concentration in its physiologic homeostatic range. Elevated vitamin D and PTH stimulate renal tubular reabsorption of calcium, phosphate diuresis, increased intestinal absorption of calcium, and osteolysis. Under these conditions, bone mineral density and mechanical strength may be sacrificed to maintain serum calcium concentration.


Vitamin D derives from two sources, calciferol, the major dietary source, and cholecalciferol which derives from 7-dehydrocholesterol. Both are irradiated in the skin which opens their sterol ring structure. Both calciferol and cholecalciferol undergo two hydroxylation steps. The first takes place in the liver and adds a hydroxyl group to the 25 carbon position to form 25(OH)D which is the storage form of vitamin D and the metabolite usually measured in serum. The second hydroxylation step takes place in the kidney at either the 1 or 24 position in the sterol ring. The 1,25(OH)D form is much more metabolically active than is the 24,25(OH)D form. Which position is hydroxylated is largely under the control of PTH and calcium that result in hydroxylation in the 1 position under a hypocalcemic stimulus. The active form of vitamin D, calcitriol (1,25(OH)2D), is a steroid hormone that plays a crucial role in calcium homeostasis, in which it acts to raise serum calcium concentration. It enhances intestinal calcium and phosphate absorption and suppresses PTH secretion. In the kidney, it promotes diuresis of phosphate and stimulates tubular reabsorption of calcium. In bone, it transfers calcium to serum.


PTH is a peptide hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands under the control of serum ionized calcium concentration. Under conditions of low ionized serum calcium, PTH is secreted and, with intact renal parenchyma, stimulates the production of 1,25(OH)D. Together, these two hormones act to raise serum ionized calcium concentration by increasing the renal tubular reabsorption of calcium, increasing calcium absorption in the small bowel, and mobilizing calcium from bone. PTH also reduces serum phosphate concentration by decreasing the tubular reabsorption of phosphate and promoting a phosphate diuresis. The consequences for bone are decreased mineral density and structural weakness to withstand physiologic stresses. Homeostatic mechanisms are less efficient in responding to hypercalcemia.2


The kidney influences calcium homeostasis by controlling calcium and phosphate diuresis by tubular reabsorption of minerals. Diffusible calcium passes through the glomeruli and both PTH and vitamin D modulate the relative extents of tubular reabsorption of both minerals. Another important contribution of the kidney to calcium homeostasis is the second hydroxylation step of vitamin D. Under the influence of PTH, the second hydroxylation takes place at the 1 position in the sterol ring and results in the much more physiologically active 1,25(OH)D. In these ways, the kidney participates in a feedback loop that acts to raise serum calcium concentration under a hypocalcemic stimulus. Conditions that interfere with the kidney’s role in calcium homeostasis can do so through (1) loss of renal parenchyma that results in a failure of the second hydroxylation of vitamin D to its active form and (2) tubular dysfunction resulting in a loss of calcium in the urine (diuresis) exerting a downward pressure on serum calcium concentration. Reductions in both active vitamin D and calcium availability stimulate secondary hyperparathyroidism that results in bone resorption and low bone mineral density.


Dietary intake of calcium varies widely. Absorption of calcium is regulated by vitamin D and PTH, both of which promote intestinal absorption to raise serum calcium. As vitamin D is fat soluble, it is dependent on intact bile salts for absorption in the proximal duodenum and proximal jejunum. Upper gastrointestinal disorders that interfere with fat digestion and absorption, notably, biliary and pancreatic disorders, can limit vitamin D absorption leading to deficiency.


Peak bone mass is attained in the third decade of life. Thereafter is a steady loss of bone mineral density (BMD) with an accelerated loss after menopause. Conditions that interfere with the attainment of peak bone mass, such as dietary deficiencies, anorexia, athletic amenorrhea, etc. can lead to age-associated osteoporosis in the later years of life. Physiologic needs for serum calcium that are unmet by other physiologic mechanisms place a downward stress on the calcium reservoir function of bone, leading to skeletal mineral depletion and reducing BMD and bone strength.

Four groups of metabolic bone diseases can lead to decreased bone density—osteoporosis, osteomalacia, renal osteodystrophy, and hyperparathyroidism.2


Fractures, especially hip fractures, not only cause mortality and morbidity, but also significantly increase health care costs. In 2005, $17 billion was spent for more than two million fractures in the United States, and the cost is expected to increase.3 As a fracture is a multifactorial event, it is imperative to assess both skeletal integrity—bone quantity and quality—and the risk of falls when estimating fracture risk. All postmenopausal women, and men aged 50 years or older, should be screened for the risk of osteoporosis. Important clinical risk factors include age ≥65 years, early menopause (age ≤45 years), prior history of fracture, history of parents having a fracture, and a history of malnutrition or eating disorder during adolescence and puberty that potentially prevents the attainment of peak bone mass. Lifestyle factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol intake can also impair bone strength. Attention has been called to the role of falls in fracture risk4 (Figure 1). Many medical conditions and medications can contribute to falls particularly those resulting in visual deficits, such as glaucoma and cataracts, dehydration, postural hypotension, or loss of balance (Table 1).

High-risk patients for osteoporosis and fracture (eg, women ≥65 years, men ≥70 years, or younger patients with significant risk factors) should be tested for low bone density. The most common method of assessment is dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in which soft tissue is extracted from the density analysis. Bone mineral density (BMD) is expressed in g/cm2 and is a planar rather than a volumetric measurement. BMD measured at any skeletal site is a strong predictor of hip or vertebral fracture. The Z-score compares density to an age- and sex-matched cohort; the T-score compares density to a reference group at age 20 years. The current diagnosis of low bone density and decision for treatment are often based on the T-score. Based on World Health Organization criteria, a T-score of -1.0 or above is considered normal, between -1.0 and -2.5 as osteopenia, preferably termed low bone mass, and -2.5 or below is categorized as “osteoporosis.” Low BMD in the range of osteopenia or osteoporosis does not indicate a specific disease entity because DEXA does not discriminate between osteoporotic and osteomalacic bone structure. Metabolic bone histopathology can be highly characteristic and often diagnostic (Figure 2).

FIGURE 1 Illustration demonstrating the interactions of falls and low bone density in the fracture diathesis. Bone-related and fall-related risk factors interact with low bone density contributing to fractures. (Data from van Helden S, van Geel AC, Geusens PP, et al: Bone and fall-related fracture risks in women and men with a recent clinical fracture. JBJS 2008;90[2]:241-248.)

TABLE 1 Risk Factors for Fracture

Bone-Related Risk Factors

Fall-Related Risk Factors

  • Fracture history

  • Mother with fracture history

  • Body mass index (BMI) < 19

  • Severe immobility

  • Glucocorticoids

  • > 1 fall last year

  • Psychoactive drugs

  • Low level of activities of daily living

  • Articular symptoms

  • Impaired vision

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Parkinson Disease

Adapted from van Helden S, van Geel AC, Geusens PP, et al: Bone and fall-related fracture risks in women and men with a recent clinical fracture. JBJS 2008;90(2):241-248.

There are a number of helpful tools to assess fracture risk. Among them, the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool, or FRAX, is the most commonly used in clinical practice because it is well validated in large cohort studies and freely available ( FRAX predicts 10-year risks of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fractures (eg, spine, hip, proximal humerus, and distal forearm fracture) using easily accessible clinical risk factors for osteoporosis together with femoral neck bone mineral density in the FRAX calculation.

Measuring BMD using DEXA has inherent limitations because it measures areal BMD (aBMD, g/cm2) not volumetric BMD (vBMD, g/cm3). Patients with a smaller bone size, such as women or short individuals, can have lower aBMD despite having the same vBMD compared with age-matched counterparts. Additionally, artifacts from vertebral fractures, arthritic and degenerative changes (eg, sclerosis, osteophytes, osteochondrosis, etc), scoliosis, vascular calcification, laminectomy, and poor positioning can mislead clinicians with spuriously high or low results.

Importantly, DEXA does not assess bone quality, such as geometry, microarchitecture, trabecular connectivity, or bone turnover, which are critical determinants of bone strength. For that reason, large cohort studies have shown that skeletal health
assessment based on BMD alone underestimates the risk of fracture. The Manitoba Bone Density Program cohort showed that more than 60% of fractures in postmenopausal females occurred with normal BMD or low bone mass.5 Importantly, patients with type 2 diabetes have significantly high risks of fracture despite having normal or even high BMD.6

FIGURE 2 Metabolic bone histopathology. A, Trabecular morphology. (Left) Normal bone volume and trabecular thickness; (right) low bone volume (density) and thin discontinuous trabeculae. B, Osteoid borders. Trichrome stain demonstrating unmineralized osteoid (red) on trabecular surfaces. C, Mineralization front. Double tetracycline label is incorporated into the calcification front, fluoresces under ultraviolet light, and reveals the rate of bone formation.


Advances in imaging techniques and bioengineering allow the study of bone quality parameters without invasive bone biopsy (Table 2). Trabecular bone scoring (TBS) is an indirect measurement of trabecular bone structure. This software analyzes conventional DEXA lumbar spine images and quantifies gray-scale values of each pixel. Dense trabecular structure yields high TBS scores, whereas porous trabecular bone produces a low TBS score. TBS has been validated in postmenopausal women and in older men.7

Quantitative ultrasonography (QUS) measures the attenuation of sound waves and the speed of sound through bone tissue and provides information on mechanical properties such as bone stiffness and elasticity. QUS of the calcaneus predicted the risk of osteoporotic fractures and discriminated between patients with or without fragility fractures.8

CT-based technologies are capable of assessing skeletal microarchitecture. A reconstructed three-dimensional image of femur or vertebra from low-resolution quantitative volumetric CT (QCT) provides not only vBMD but also geometry and structure. vBMD using QCT has demonstrated better predictive value than aBMD in postmenopausal women receiving long-term glucocorticoids.9 However, measuring axial bone density using QCT is associated with significant radiation exposure compared with DEXA. High-resolution peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT) has a high spatial resolution up to ˜40 µm (thickness of a single trabeculae is 100 to 150 µm and of the cortex is ˜500 µm) and separately examines cortical and trabecular compartments. Trabecular connectivity and cortical porosity can be assessed.10 Evaluating the cortical component provides
important insight in understanding the pathophysiology of secondary osteoporosis. For example, patients with type 2 diabetes have normal or high trabecular bone density, but significantly increased cortical porosity that might explain the increased risk of fracture in this group.11 The major drawback of HR-pQCT is that it examines only peripheral appendicular bone.

TABLE 2 Techniques for Measuring Material Properties of Bone



  • DEXA with trabecular bone Scoring

  • DEXA quantifies bone density

  • TBS assesses trabecular microarchitecture of the lumbar spine

  • Quantitative ultrasonography

  • Quantifies bone mechanics

  • Quantitative CT

  • Assesses bone microarchitectures

  • High-resolution peripheral QCT

  • Assesses microarchitecture and cortical porosity

  • Indentation testing

  • Measures resistance to plastic deformation

DEXA = dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, TBS = trabecular bone scoring, QCT = quantitative volumetric CT

Indentation testing permits studying the material properties of bone. A rigid indenter with a depth-sensing indenter tip applies a determined force into smooth and flat areas of interest (tibial midshaft). The resulting impression quantifies resistance to plastic deformation and characterizes mechanical properties with an order of individual trabeculae and osteons. With a higher spatial resolution, nanoindentation can examine bone structures as small as individual lamellae and lacunae (˜1 µm).12


Osteoporosis is the most common cause of low bone density and is associated with low energy or, fragility, fractures. In the United States alone, 40 million adults suffer from osteoporosis or low bone density.13 Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone volume, endosteal resorption, cortical thinning and increased porosity, and trabecular thinning and loss of connectivity (Figure 3). Deterioration of bone microarchitecture significantly reduces bone strength and increases the risk of fracture. Radiographically, trabecular resorption is characteristic and endosteal resorption is seen as widening of the medullary canal (Figure 4).

Once osteoporosis is diagnosed, possible secondary causes should be sought and treated. Vitamin D deficiency (discussed below) is very common and can be diagnosed by measuring the storage form of vitamin D, (25(OH)D). Other conditions can result in low bone density and mimic osteoporosis including prominently the endocrine disorders, hyperparathyroidism, hypercortisolism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and hypogonadism. A variety of other conditions including premature menopause, anorexia nervosa, athletic amenorrhea, immobilization, and alcohol abuse can also result in osteoporosis. Other, more rare conditions that include osteoporosis are discussed in Chapter 25. Medications can also contribute to osteoporosis (Table 3). Important conditions associated with low bone mass are hormonal therapies, organ transplantation, and immunosuppression.

FIGURE 3 Histologic image of osteoporosis histology. Osteoporotic bone exhibits low bone volume, cortical thinning, and thin, discontinuous trabeculae.

FIGURE 4 Radiographs of osteoporotic bone (A) Hand. In normal bone, the two cortices of the third metacarpal of should occupy about ½ the width of the bone (left). Osteoporotic bone exhibits endosteal resorption of the cortices and widening of the medullary canal (right). An incidental distal radius fracture is seen. B, Hip. In the normal proximal femur, thick cortices and well-defined trabeculae are seen (left). In the osteoporotic proximal femur, trabeculae are not distinct due to resorption (right).


Adjuvant hormonal therapy for prostate or breast cancer can significantly decrease BMD and increase the risk of fracture. Androgen deprivation treatment using gonadotropin-releasing
hormone agonist/antagonists in patients with prostate cancer decreases BMD and increases fracture risk. Loss of bone is noted in multiple skeletal sites including trabecular and cortical bone.14 Aromatase inhibitors used for breast cancer deprive the skeleton of estrogen and elevate follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), decreasing BMD and increasing the risk of fracture compared with tamoxifen treatment.15

TABLE 3 Medications Contributing to Osteoporosis

  • Glucocorticoids (≥5 mg/d prednisone or equivalent for ≥3 mo)

  • Proton pump inhibitors

  • Heparin

  • Oral hypoglycemics: thiazolidinedione, SGLT-2 inhibitors

  • Anticonvulsants: phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine

  • Immune-modulating agents: methotrexate, tacrolimus, cyclosporine

  • Hormonal suppressive agents: GnRH, aromatase inhibitors, tamoxifen

  • Thyroid hormone (over treatment)


End-stage organ failure and organ transplantation-related osteoporosis have gained much attention as survival rates have improved. Transplantation related bone loss occurs mostly in the first 3 to 6 months post-transplant. A significant decline in lumbar spine BMD has been observed (6.8%) during the first 6 months after renal transplantation, which accounts for most of the bone loss (8.8%) over 18 months. BMD in the radial shaft did not show significant bone loss within 6 months,16 suggesting that trabecular bone is more affected than is cortical bone during the initial posttransplantation period. This acute, rapid and severe bone loss after renal transplantation is caused by multiple factors, including immunosuppressant-induced bone loss, immobilization, vitamin D deficiency, preexisting osteodystrophy, and hyperparathyroidism.17

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