Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Cervical Spine

Chapter Preview

  • Chapter Synopsis

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is instrumental in evaluation of symptomatic cervical spine degeneration and guidance of surgical treatment. In the setting of trauma, MRI can help define unexplained neurologic injuries, assess for soft tissue damage, and exclude cervical spine injury. It has also become extremely beneficial in the diagnosis and management of spinal infection and inflammatory conditions of the spine and in the differential diagnosis of spinal tumors. The emphasis of this chapter is the utility of MRI in the diagnosis of different pathologic processes of the cervical spine.

  • Important Points

  • Spinal anatomy is challenging; therefore, gaining an understanding of normal spinal anatomy is vital before one can recognize subtleties of pathologic processes.

  • Systematic evaluation and review of MRI images greatly enhance the interpretation of the images and reduce the risk of missing pathologic features.

  • MRI abnormalities do not always correlate with symptomatic degenerative lesions. Sixty percent of asymptomatic patients who are more than 40 years old can have MRI evidence of cervical degenerative disorders.

  • Correlation of the patient’s history and examination with imaging findings is vital.

  • Although MRI is the imaging modality of choice for soft tissue lesions, it is only half as sensitive for osseous injuries.

  • Gadolinium-enhanced MRI can be helpful in the diagnosis and management of recurrent disk herniations, spinal infections, and tumors.

  • Techniques such as magnetic resonance angiography continue to evolve and can provide noninvasive means of assessing vascular injury and integrity in the cervical spine.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a very useful tool for assessing the cervical spine because it provides high-resolution multiplanar images of both osseous and soft tissue structures. The specifics of MRI image acquisition and physics are discussed in detail elsewhere. The emphasis of this chapter is the utility of MRI in the diagnosis of different pathologic processes of the cervical spine.

Pulse Sequences

Although the specifics of MRI procurement are discussed in detail elsewhere, the clinician should be able to identify the basic pulse sequences and be aware of the roles they play in imaging the cervical spine. Imaging protocols of the cervical spine vary by institution, but standard MRI sequences of the cervical spine include the following: sagittal T1-weighted spin-echo (SE), sagittal T2-weighted fast SE, axial gradient-echo, and axial T2-weighted fast SE.

T1-weighted images are best used to evaluate anatomy, fracture lines, and other osseous details. T2-weighted images are excellent for evaluating spinal cord parenchyma for lesions and edema. T2-weighted images are sensitive to pathologic changes in tissue, including any cellular process that increases the local water content. Gadolinium contrast–enhanced T1-weighted images are useful for assessing neoplasms, infections, and the postoperative spine. Fat-suppressed T2-weighted fast SE and short tau inversion recovery images accentuate fluid and edema and make abnormalities more conspicuous by eliminating the signal of fat. Gradient-echo images help detect degenerative changes, including osteophytes and neural foraminal narrowing. The susceptibility of gradient-echo sequences to magnetic artifact make it ideal for detecting areas of hemorrhage, such as those from trauma, or vascular malformations.

Steps in Cervical Spine Image Interpretation

Adapted from Khanna AJ, Carbone JJ, Kebaish KM, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am ; 84:70–80, 2002.

The complex anatomy of the cervical spine can be difficult to evaluate. A systematic approach to imaging can greatly enhance the interpretation of the images. The following algorithm, proposed by Khanna and associates, is one approach to the interpretation of MRI of the cervical spine:

  • 1.

    Determine the pulse sequence for all images.

  • 2.

    Locate the T2-weighted midsagittal image. Evaluate all normal structures.

  • 3.

    Serially evaluate all parasagittal images in each direction toward the facet joints and neural foramina. Use the coronal localizer to confirm right-left orientation.

  • 4.

    Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other pulse sequences (usually T1 and occasionally gradient-echo and postgadolinium T1).

  • 5.

    Locate the odontoid process on the T2-weighted axial images. Serially evaluate all images from the odontoid toward the first thoracic vertebra (determined by the presence of ribs). Use the intervertebral disks and sagittal localizer to confirm levels. Repeat this process for other pulse sequences.

  • 6.

    Correlate the MRI findings with the clinical history to arrive at the most likely differential diagnosis.

Normal Anatomy

Adapted from Khanna AJ, Carbone JJ, Kebaish KM, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine: current techniques and spectrum of disease. J Bone Joint Surg Am ; 84:70–80, 2002.

Before one can recognize the subtleties of pathologic processes, it is important to gain an appreciation of normal anatomy. When evaluating a cervical MRI scan, close attention should be paid to the following structures

Adapted from Takhtani D, Melhem ER: MR imaging in cervical spine trauma. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am ; 8:615–634, 2000.


  • Spinal column and vertebral bodies: alignment, vertebral body fracture, posterior element fracture, edema, degenerative change

  • Ligaments: anterior longitudinal ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament, interspinous ligaments, edema or rupture

  • Spinal cord: edema, hemorrhage, compression, syrinx

  • Epidural space: hematoma, disk herniation, osseous fragment

  • Vascular: vertebral artery

Sagittal Images

Following the approach outlined previously, and starting with midsagittal image of the T2-weighted sequence, the full profile of the odontoid, most vertebral bodies, and the spinal cord can be appreciated in patients without scoliosis. The facet joints and neural foramina are assessed next on parasagittal images. The dorsal and ventral nerve roots can be visualized within the neural foramina. The nerve roots show intermediate signal intensity and are surrounded by high-signal-intensity fat on T1-weighted images ( Fig. 10-1 ). While panning lateral to the midsagittal plane, the clinician can evaluate end plate and osteophyte anatomy and the margins of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments.


Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image of the cervical spine shows the cervical spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, and anterior and posterior elements of the cervical spine and intervertebral disks.

(From Dunleavy JD, Khanna AJ, Carrino JA: Normal MRI anatomy of the musculoskeletal system. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 17–76.)

Healthy intervertebral disks show intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted, gradient-echo, and T2-weighted images. For vertebral bodies, the normal fatty marrow shows bright signal intensity on T1-weighted images. A lordotic curvature of the cervical spine is expected, with tapering of the spinal canal diameter initially from the first to the third cervical vertebrae and a constant diameter thereafter ( Fig. 10-2 ). The entry site of basivertebral veins can often be seen at the midposterior portions of the vertebral bodies. The short cervical pedicles are seen on the parasagittal images ( Fig. 10-3 ).


Artist’s sketch shows the normal cervical spine anatomy seen on a sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image.

(Redrawn from Dunleavy JD, Khanna AJ, Carrino JA: Normal MRI anatomy of the musculoskeletal system. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 17–76.)


A sagittal T2-weighted paramidline magnetic resonance image of the cervical spine shows the vertebral artery in its long axis coursing through the transverse foramina of the cervical spine. The facet joints are most easily evaluated in the parasagittal plane, as shown here.

(From Dunleavy JD, Khanna AJ, Carrino JA: Normal MRI anatomy of the musculoskeletal system. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 17–76.)

Cerebrospinal fluid is seen as low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and as high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Spinal cord sagittal T2-weighted images provide a myelographic effect that allows evaluation of spinal cord morphology and evaluation for extrinsic compression. The spinal cord usually has a homogeneous signal without intrinsic abnormality. Ligaments show low signal intensity on all sequences. Ligaments that are important to identify in the review of sagittal images include the transverse ligament, ligamentum flavum, and anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments. The transverse ligament lies posterior to the odontoid process. The ligamentum flavum starts superiorly as a hypointense band just posterior to the dura and descends to the posterior aspect of the spinal canal. The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments typically adhere to the vertebral column.

Axial Images

Accurate identification of the vertebral level is always challenging on axial MRI scans. Most modern MRI studies provide a sagittal localizer, but in its absence, the level can be determined by identifying the odontoid process and numbering each vertebral body from that level. The difference in intervertebral disk and vertebral body signal facilitates distinction between vertebral levels. At each vertebral level, the spinal canal morphology, the traversing spinal cord, and associated roots should be scrutinized.

Coronal Images

Although almost all spinal structures can be examined with sagittal and axial images alone, coronal plane images should be reviewed to confirm normal anatomy. In addition, coronal plane images add an indispensable perspective when evaluating pathologic features in the presence of coronal plane deformities such as scoliosis, particularly with regard to the morphology of the neural foramen, lateral recesses, and facet joints.

Cervical Spine Disorders

Degenerative Disk Disease

Degenerative abnormality can affect multiple areas of the cervical spine, including intervertebral disks, facet joints, uncovertebral joints of Luschka, ligaments, and paravertebral musculature. MRI is considered the preferred initial advanced imaging modality for the evaluation of symptomatic cervical spine degeneration, with a reported sensitivity and specificity of 91% each for the detection of cervical degenerative changes. Despite this high sensitivity and specificity, however, MRI abnormalities do not always correlate with symptomatic degenerative lesions. Boden and associates reported that almost 60% of asymptomatic patients who were more than 40 years old had cervical spine degenerative disk disease on MRI. Therefore, correlating a patient’s history and physical examination with imaging findings is of paramount importance.

The structural composition of the intervertebral disk changes with age: the water content of the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosis decreases from approximately 90% in the first year of life to 70% to 75% in the eighth decade. Disk desiccation results in bulging of the annulus fibrosus and concomitant loss of disk height; the result is increased stress transfer to the facet and uncovertebral joints that propagates osteocartilaginous hypertrophy and osteophyte formation. On MRI, a normal intervertebral disk has intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, whereas disk desiccation is seen as low signal intensity on T1-weighted and T2-weighted images ( Fig. 10-4 ). Degeneration and desiccation of the annulus fibrosus can result in annular tears. Tears manifest as areas of high signal intensity within the annulus on T2-weighted sequences ( Fig. 10-5 ). A weakened annulus fibrosus may lead to a spectrum of intervertebral disk abnormality based on the extent of annulus bulging and disk herniation ( Table 10-1 ). Findings of degenerative disk disease on MRI should always be correlated with cervical radiographs.


Multilevel degenerative disk disease. A, A sagittal T2-weighted image shows multilevel degenerative disk disease as evidenced loss of the normal high signal intensity within the disks. Note the degenerative spondylolisthesis at C2 to C3, C3 to C4 (subtle), and C7 to T1 and the multilevel anterior osteophyte formation ( arrowheads ). A loss of the normal cervical lordosis is also noted. B, An axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image at the C3-C4 level shows a right paracentral disk bulge ( arrow ) resulting in moderate stenosis with asymmetric cord compression. C, An axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image at the C5-C6 level shows moderate central stenosis. D, A sagittal reconstructed computed tomography image also shows multilevel degenerative disk disease and provides improved osseous detail that complements the information seen on the images. Note the subchondral cyst at the inferior end plate of C6 ( arrowhead ) and the multilevel anterior osteophyte formation.

(From Zebala LP, Buchowski JM, Daftary AR, et al: The cervical spine. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 229–268.)


Annular tear. Sagittal ( A ) and axial ( B ) T2-weighted magnetic resonance images show a high-intensity zone in the posterior annulus at C5-C6. This finding is compatible with an annular tear that may be responsible for the patient’s diskogenic neck pain.

(From Zebala LP, Buchowski JM, Daftary AR, et al: The cervical spine. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 229–268.)

Table 10-1

Intervertebral Disk Pathology

Disk Pathology Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings
Bulge Symmetric extension of annulus beyond the confines of adjacent end plates
Protrusion Focal area of disk material that extends beyond vertebral margin but remains contained within the outer annular fibers
Extrusion Herniation of nucleus pulposus beyond the confines of the annulus with disk attached to the remainder of nucleus pulposus by a narrow pedicle
Sequestration Portion of disk fragment entirely separated from the parent disk

Modified from Khanna AJ, Carbone JJ, Kebaish KM, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84:70–80, 2002.

Disk herniation resulting from degenerative disease can impinge on structures in the spinal canal. The size of the disk abnormality is less important than the degree of the mass effect on neighboring neural structures. The direction and location of herniation (i.e., central, paracentral [left-right], foraminal, or far lateral) should be noted and carefully correlated with the patient’s history and examination.

In addition to being evaluated for the level, direction, and configuration of disk displacement, the MRI should also be scrutinized for the presence or absence of areas of calcium deposition, anterior or posterior osteophyte formation, and vertebral end plate changes. These findings should be correlated with lateral and oblique cervical spine radiographs.

Cervical stenosis secondary to disk displacement must be distinguished from ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament because treatment algorithms for each condition are distinct. Stenosis secondary to disk abnormality is seen only posterior to the vertebral disk (in the absence of extrusion with migration) ( Fig. 10-6 ). In contrast, stenosis in patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament is shown on MRI along the course of the posterior longitudinal ligament, not just posterior to the disk ( Fig. 10-7 ). In patients with suspected ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament, computed tomography (CT) imaging provides optimal visualization of calcification in the ligament and helps confirm this diagnosis.


Cervical disk extrusion. A, A sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image shows a large disk extrusion at the C4-C5 level ( arrow ) that has migrated proximally, tenting the posterior longitudinal ligament. B, A sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image shows the disk extrusion at the C4-C5 level ( arrow ) that is isointense to the intervertebral disk. C, An axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image shows a left paracentral disk extrusion ( arrow ) that produces severe foraminal stenosis and deformity on the left side of the spinal cord.

(From Zebala LP, Buchowski JM, Daftary AR, et al: The cervical spine. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 229–268.)


Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. A, Midline sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study shows multilevel degenerative disk disease and moderate stenosis from C3 and C4 to C6 and C7. The stenosis appears to be centered at the level of the disk spaces on this midline image. B, A parasagittal T2-weighted MRI study obtained a few millimeters lateral to the midline suggests that the posterior longitudinal ligament is thickened and that the stenosis is present at the level of the vertebral bodies and disks from C3 to C7. C, A parasagittal T2-weighted MRI study obtained farther from the midline shows that the posterior longitudinal ligament is markedly hypertrophied and nearly fills the spinal canal ( between arrows ). D, An axial T2-weighted MRI study shows severe left paracentral stenosis secondary to what appears to be a disk protrusion ( upper arrow ) but is actually a focal region of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament at the level of the C4 vertebral body. (The lower arrow is a pointer from the computer workstation and should be ignored.) E, An axial T2-weighted MRI study at the level of the C4-C5 disk shows similar findings. F, A sagittal reconstructed computed tomography (CT) image shows anterior osteophyte formation but no substantial spinal canal stenosis. G, A parasagittal reconstructed CT image (obtained at the same level as C ) shows ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament extending from C3 and C4 to C5 and C6. H, An axial CT image (obtained at the same level as D ) shows that what appears to be a disk protrusion on MRI is actually a focal region of ossification.

(From Zebala LP, Buchowski JM, Daftary AR, et al: The cervical spine. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 229–268.)

Spinal Stenosis

General Description

Spinal stenosis can have congenital or acquired causes ( Table 10-2 ). On MRI, central canal stenosis is characterized by focal or concentric compression of the thecal sac that is best seen on sagittal and axial T2-weighted images. The cerebrospinal fluid around the spinal cord produces a bright signal anterior and posterior to the cord on midsagittal images and circumferentially around the spinal cord on axial images. Parasagittal images allow for visualization of lateral recess and foraminal stenosis. The degree of central spinal canal stenosis can range from mild encroachment on the ventral subarachnoid space to severe compression and flattening of the spinal cord with myelomalacia. MRI findings may correspond to the severity and duration of the compression. Acute spinal cord compression can produce spinal cord edema with high-signal areas on T2-weighted images. Progressive compression may trigger spinal cord atrophy ( Fig. 10-8 ), cystic degeneration, and syrinx formation.

Table 10-2

Acquired and Congenital Factors Associated with Spinal Stenosis

Type Factor
Acquired Intervertebral disk disease
Uncovertebral joint hypertrophy
Facet joint hypertrophy
Ligamentous (ligamentum flavum hypertrophy or ossification, ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis)
Metabolic conditions
Postinflammatory status
Postoperative status
Neoplastic disorders
Congenital Idiopathic condition with short pedicles
Skeletal growth disorders
Down syndrome

From Zebala LP, Buchowski JM, Daftary AR, et al: The cervical spine. In Khanna AJ, editor: MRI for orthopaedic surgeons, New York, 2010, Thieme, pp 229–268.


Spinal cord atrophy. A, A sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image shows moderate to severe stenosis at C4 to C6 with resultant atrophy of the spinal cord at the level of C5 and regions of spinal cord edema proximal and distal to the region of atrophy. B, A sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image shows a segment of low signal intensity within the spinal cord from C4 to C7. C, An axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image at the level of C4 to C5 shows atrophy of the spinal cord and indistinct margins between the spinal cord and the surrounding cerebrospinal fluid.

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