Lateral Ankle Instability

Lateral Ankle Instability

Andrew J. Rosenbaum


  • Supine on operating room table

  • Bump placed under ipsilateral hip to ensure foot is straight up and down

  • Thigh-knee holder and noninvasive ankle distractor applied next if arthroscopy to be performed

    • Use a gel pad to minimize pressure on peroneal nerve and the popliteal space.

Surgical Approach

  • Anterior approach begins 1.5 cm proximal to the tip of the fibula and extends 1.5 cm distal distally in line with the fifth metatarsal base (Figure 17-1).

  • Avoid superficial peroneal and sural nerve branches.

  • Identify the interior extensor retinaculum and tag it with a no. 0 absorbable suture.

  • Identify the anterolateral capsule and release in a subperiosteal manner off the distal fibula.

    • Do not stray too far anterior to prevent iatrogenic injury to the superficial peroneal nerve.

    • The posterior landmark is the peroneal sheath, which allows inspection of the tendons.

    • Address any peroneal tendon pathology at the time.

  • If additional tissue is needed for repair, elevate the distal fibula periosteum from distal to proximal.

Ligament Stabilization

Dec 14, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Lateral Ankle Instability

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