To assess with an isokinetic dynamometer the force and endurance of the spinal flexor and extensor muscles in pre-teens or teens aged 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 years with and without low back pain (LBP).
The control group and the LBP group were homogeneous in terms of age, weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI). Assessment was carried out with the isokinetic dynamometer Cybex Norm ® . The spinal flexors and extensors were explored concentrically at speeds of 60°, 90° and 120°/sec. The parameters chosen were: maximal moment of force (MMF), mean power (MP), total work (TW), F/E ratios (between the flexors and the extensors for the aforesaid parameters). In the LBP groups, clinical information (pain, extensibility of the spinal and sub-pelvic muscles, sports practice) and sagittal radiological data were all measured.
While no significant difference in isokinetic performance was found between asymptomatic and LBP children in the 11-to-13-year-old group, the isokinetic performances of the LBP children were influenced positively by BMI value, number of hours of physical activity and radiologic value of the lumbar lordosis. As regards these pre-teens, assessment with an isokinetic dynamometer does not highlight muscle characteristics that might explain LBP occurrence. As regards the 14-to-16-year-old group, muscle strength has been found to be correlated with age. LBP teens were showed to have weaker extensors and stronger flexors than the healthy teens. It is with regard to this age group that assessment with an isokinetic dynamometer clearly yields interesting results. Since we have yet to standardize our evaluation criteria (working speed, number of trials…), it is difficult to compare our results with those reported in the literature.
This is a preliminary study involving a relatively low number of patients. That said, given the fact that numerous parameters are connected with the age and height of the subjects, assessment with an isokinetic dynamometer can be constructively carried out from the age of 14. In order to further enhance understanding of this phenomenon, a longitudinal and comparative study of a larger group is needed.
Évaluer au dynamomètre isocinétique la force et l’endurance des fléchisseurs et extenseurs du rachis de 2 groupes d’adolescents de 11 à 13 ans et de 14 à 16 ans.
Les groupes témoins et lombalgiques sont homogènes en âge, poids, taille, indice de masse corporelle. L’évaluation est effectuée au dynamomètre isocinétique Cybex Norm ® . L’exploration se fait en concentrique, aux vitesses de 60, 90, et 120°/s. Les paramètres retenus sont : moment de force maximal, puissance moyenne, travail total série, ratios F/E (rapport fléchisseurs/extenseurs pour les paramètres précités). Concernant le groupe « lombalgique », des données cliniques (douleur, extensibilité des muscles sous-pelviens et rachidiens, pratique sportive) et radiographiques sagittales sont mesurées.
Pas de différence significative des performances isocinétiques entre les adolescents lombalgiques et les adolescents asymptomatiques dans la tranche d’âge retenue des 11–13 ans mais des performances isocinétiques chez les adolescents lombalgiques qui sont influencées positivement par la valeur de l’IMC, le nombre d’heures d’activité sportive et la valeur radiologique de la lordose lombaire. À la lumière de ce travail, et pour la tranche d’âge des 11–13 ans, il ne semble pas que l’évaluation par dynamomètre isocinétique apporte des éléments caractéristiques sur le plan musculaire pouvant expliquer la survenue de lombalgies. Pour la tranche d’âge 14–16 ans, on retient que la force musculaire est corrélée à l’âge et que les lombalgiques ont des extenseurs plus faibles que les témoins et inversement pour les fléchisseurs. Le dynamomètre isocinétique devient un mode d’évaluation intéressant. La comparaison des résultats à partir de la littérature est difficile tant que nous n’avons pas standardisé les critères d’évaluation (nombre d’essais, vitesse de travail…).
Il s’agit d’une étude préliminaire, sur de petits échantillons ; l’évaluation par dynamomètre isocinétique peut être proposée à partir de l’âge de 14 ans car de nombreux paramètres sont liés à l’âge et la taille des sujets. Cependant, afin de mieux comprendre ces phénomènes, une étude longitudinale et comparative avec des échantillons plus importants est nécessaire.
English version
Measurement of trunk muscle strength and endurance contributes to clinical evaluation of the LBP patient; however, their physiological and individual variability effectively complicates appraisal and comparison.
From a practical standpoint, muscle assessment methods using an isokinetic dynamometer are considered to be reliable and reproducible, with correlation coefficients between 0.93 and 0.99 for peak force values and between 0.91 and 0.96 for total workload values . This dynamic assessment technique necessitates written as well as oral information from the patient, who is called upon to follow instructions throughout the procedure (means of installation, strapping, warm-up, initiation to training, etc.).
Most existing studies focusing on isokinetic assessment of trunk muscle function involve adult populations consisting in healthy subjects, LBP subjects or operated subjects . On the other hand, studies assessing trunk muscle strength in children and adolescents have remained scarce .
Through clinical trunk muscle endurance tests, Salminen et al. evaluated the strength of the flexors and extensors in 15-year-old and observed diminished endurance in the LBP group compared to the control group. In the study by Sjolie and Ljunggren , diminished muscle strength in the spinal extensors and increased spinal mobility served as predictive factors for lower back pain in subjects between 14 and 16 years of age.
The studies conducted in children have underscored a number of non-specific factors associated with LBP: relatively advanced age , female sex , past family LBP history , stiffness of the posterior muscle chain , vigorous physical activity , as well as the type and duration of seated position . In a previous study we showed that when using the Sorensen test, the spinal extensors were weaker in LBP patients than in members of the control group, and we wished to know if this remained the case from an isokinetic standpoint.
The main objective of this study consists in comparing by means of an isokinetic dynamometer the respective strength, power and endurance in healthy and LBP children with ages ranging from 11 to 16. The secondary objective, which pertains to the LBP population alone, consists in analyzing the relative influence of various clinical (pain intensity, hours of sports practice per week, muscle extensibility…) and radiologic (pelvic incidence, lumbar lordosis…) with regard to isokinetic performance.
Patients and method
The population consists in two groups: a group of pre-teens and teens suffering from lower back pain (LBP) and a control group (CG), all of the subjects aged from 11 to 16 years.
Since growth is particularly pronounced during puberty, in order to take it into full account, both the healthy and the LBP children were divided into two distinct age groups, one from 11 to 13, and the other from 14 to 16 years old.
This study was approved by the ethics committee of the CMCR des Massues, Croix Rouge française.
The lower back pain population
The LBP population consists in pre-teens and teens from 11 to 16 years of age monitored in our child/adolescent unit, where they receive orthopedic treatment for back pain. A child is included in this category when his or her pain is chronic (more than 3 months), despite independent physical therapy carried out on a regular basis for more than 3 months. There exists no clearly defined protocol for management of LBP patients by private practitioners through physical therapy; in fact, a prescription merely indicates that their work has got to revolve around the recruitment of trunk muscles, generally with mild loss of lumbar lordosis correlated to pelvic incidence. In any event, pain intensity in these patients as measured by the visual analog scale (VAS) has not lessened with time and remains greater than 50%. The LBP children are evaluated prior to the outset of orthopedic treatment by means of codified clinical examination of the spine and frontal and lateral X-rays of the rachis taken as a whole.
As for the criteria of non-inclusion in the study, they pertain to pre-teens and teens with lower back pain that lessened with time and whose functional impairment (use of analgesic medication, school absences, limited sport practice…) did not suffice, either for the child or the parents, to justify immobilization by bracing.
Our study included 42 children: 29 girls and 13 boys. LBP prevalence was found to be higher in the former than in the latter .
The control population
The control population consists in volunteers ranging in age from 11 to 16 years, and whose participation in the study presupposes parental authorization. Oral information is given to the child and the parent so as to explain the modalities and interest of determining spinal muscle strength, which shall serve as a reference, by means of an isokinetic dynamometer. These children suffer from no known spinal disease and do not present with any pain syndrome. They are isokinetically assessed on the occasion of a special call for participation. They do not benefit from radiological exploration of the spine, from a clinical examination or from a comprehensive functional evaluation comparable to the assessment carried out in LBP patients. Our study includes 41 healthy children: 21 girls and 21 boys.
For the 2 populations (healthy and LBP)
Each child and his or her family received advance oral and written information on isometric assessment of spinal strength and on the precautions to be taken so as to avoid fasting in the event of morning testing, on preliminary warm-ups using a cycle ergometer and on possible risks such as occurrence or exacerbation of pain. The parents then authorized their children’s participation by written consent. The examination was carried out according to medical prescription. For technical and safety reasons, minimum height was set at 150 cm. For both populations, testing was to take place only once, so that all of the children found themselves in the same learning situation with regard to the isokinetic apparatus. All in all, the test performance protocol, which involved preliminary warm-up, a precise number of repetitions in each series and the vocal encouragement of the laboratory’s physical therapist, was strictly the same for the two populations. The relatively low number of participants may be explained the fact that controls were difficult to recruit; in order to ensure intergroup homogeneity, it was consequently necessary to limit the number of LBP patients included in the study.
Type of study
This was a retrospective study conducted from 2008 to 2011 in the pediatric reeducation unit of the CMCR des Massues, Croix rouge française (medical and surgical rehabilitation center).
For each child, different morphological data were recorded: age, weight and height. For the LBP children, the following clinical and radiological data were added:
- •
pain : intensity (in terms of the VAS, the Visual Analog Scale), impact (by means of the modified Saint-Antoine pain questionnaire with emotional and sensory scores) ; frequency (“sometimes”, “often”, “very often”, “all the time”); length of time (in months); location on a body map;
- •
extensibility of the sub-pelvic and spinal muscles: popliteal angle, distance from heel to buttock, distance of fingers from floor, rachis extension (goniometric) ;
- •
sports practice: type (school and/or after school, for fun or in competition); number of hours/week, the sport(s) practiced;
- •
the radiologic parameters (lateral X-rays) ; angles (in degrees) of the sacral base, the lumbar lordosis (from L1–L5 lumbar vertebrae) and the dorsal kyphosis (from T4–T12 thoracic vertebrae).
Central criterion of judgment
Muscle strength assessment by isokinetic dynamometer is carried out with a Cybex Norm ® apparatus . The spinal flexors and extensors are concentrically explored at speeds of 60°, 90° and 120°/s. The children are set up in a standing position, and their legs, pelvis and chest are kept in place with fastening material ( Fig. 1 ).

The patient is informed of the apparatus’s operational principle and is given advice on how to provide maximum repetitive effort throughout his movements, whether they consist in bending or in extending. The isokinetic test is preceded by 20 to 30 minutes of warm-ups on a cycle ergometer and a preliminary phase is carried out with less than maximal exertion. The protocol itself consists in 3 series of 4 consecutive bending-extension movements with trunk anteflexion at 60°, 90° and 120°/sec and at an amplitude of 0–70°; it also involves a series of 20 movements at 120°/s. Rest time between series lasts 1 minute. All of the recordings are carried out by the same examiner. During each series, the subject is encouraged by the examiner.
The parameters studied
The parameters studied are:
- •
the maximum moment of force (MMF) in Newton-meter (Nm) for the 3 speeds during the 4 repetitions; it is the moment of highest force in the course of a series;
- •
mean power (MP) in watts (W) at 120° during the 4 repetitions. It is translated by P = W.t −1 and corresponds to the work performed within a given span of time;
- •
total workload (TW) by series in Joule (J) at 120° during 20 repetitions. The work corresponds to integration of the surface situated under the curve and is cumulative with regard to the 20 repetitions; it is expressed in joule (J);
- •
the F/E ratios: it is the flexor/extensor ratio for the aforecited parameters.
Comparisons are performed on the values expressed in body weight percentage for MMF and MP. As regards equilibrium, spinal muscle balance is considered as respected for F/E ratios lower than 1 if we use as a reference the literature pertaining to the adult rachis (0.64 to 0.72 without gravity correction, according to the authors, or 0.80 to 0.85).
Statistical analysis
All of the collected information was coded and subsequently captured by computer equipment using SPSS 11.5 software for analysis, which is carried out with the support of the suitable statistical tests (Anova and correlation study). The isokinetic parameters have been chosen as dependent variables. Correlation analysis between the clinical and radiologic data and the isokinetic parameters is performed in the LBP group through use of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r).
Comparison of the mean values for each of the isokinetic variables between the groups was carried out through non-parametric analysis of variance (Anova).
For all of the tests, the degree of statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
Analysis of the demographic data
There exists no statistically significant difference with regard to age, weight, standing height and body mass index (BMI) between the LBP group and the control group in any age category ( P < 0.05) ( Table 1 ).
11–13 years | P | 14–16 years | P | |||
LBP group n = 22 | Control group n = 22 | LBP group n = 20 | Control group n = 20 | |||
Age | 12.5 ± 0.6 | 12.2 ± 9.8 | NS | 14.8 ± 0.8 | 14.8 ± 0.8 | NS |
Weight (kg) | 49.4 ± 9.8 | 46.4 ± 9.1 | NS | 57.5 ± 8.1 | 57 ± 9.7 | NS |
Height (cm) | 160.8 ± 3.4 | 155.3 ± 8.2 | NS | 168.1 ± 8.7 | 163.25 ± 9.4 | NS |
BMI (kg/m 2 ) | 19.4 ± 3.4 | 18.9 ± 2.1 | NS | 20.5 ± 2.8 | 19.6 ± 2.4 | NS |
Analysis of the clinical and radiologic data for the LBP populations
Pre-teen (11–13 years of age) LBP group
The lower back pain has been developing for 12 months on the average, and mean VAS pain is 56.5/100 ( Table 2 ).
Variables | LBP 11–13 years n = 22 | LBP 14–16 years n = 20 |
Values | Values | |
Development time (months) | 12.5 ± 12.6 [3–60] | 20.2 ± 13 [3–48] |
Back pain frequency | ||
At times | 12 (54.5%) | 9 (45%) |
Often | 1 (4.5%) | 2 (10%) |
Very often | 9 (40.9%) | 5 (25%) |
No reply | – | 4 (20%) |
Pain location | ||
Lower back | 20 (90.9%) | 13 (65%) |
Between the shoulder blades | 1 (4.5%) | – |
All along the spine | 1 (4.5%) | 4 (20%) |
No reply | – | 3 (15%) |
VAS pain (/100) | 56.5 ± 21.9 [20–95] | 45.1 ± 233 [6–75] |
SA emotional (/32) | 7.3 ± 5.2 [0–18] | 7.2 ± 6,7 [0–23] |
SA sensory (/32) | 6.4 ± 3.3 [0–11] | 4.7 ± 4.8 [0–17] |
Types of sport activity | ||
Medical waiver | – | 6 (30%) |
School sport | 6 (27.2%) | 6 (30%) |
After-school sport | 2 (9.1%) | – |
School and after-school sport | 11 (50%) | 6 (30%) |
Competition | 3 (13.6%) | 2 (10%) |
Sports hours/week | 3.5 ± 0.9 [3–6] | 5.1 ± 4 [2–13] |
Finger-floor distance (cm) | 7.7 ± 10.4 [0–39] | 8.6 ± 7.56 [0–20] |
Trunk extension ( ° ) | 32.6 ± 13.7 [5–60] | 27.8 ± 4 [10–45] |
Popliteal angle ( ° ) | 43 ± 25.8 [0–90] | 26.8 ± 21.3 [10–70] |
Heel-buttock distance (cm) | 0.6 ± 1.1 [0–3] | 1.3 ± 2.8 [0–10] |
Sacral slope ( ° ) | 38 ± 9 [21–57] | 36.6 ± 9.7 [25–62] |
Lumbar lordosis ( ° ) | 40.9 ± 9.2 [23–58] | 40.7 ± 11.2 [30–73] |
Dorsal kyphosis ( ° ) | 35.7 ± 8.7 [23–57] | 31.5 ± 9.4 [17–54] |
All of the pre-teens have some sports activity, including 50% both in and after school.
Duration of the sports activities ranges from 3 to 6 hours a week.
The most widely practiced sports are gymnastics, swimming and skating.
Teen (14–16 years of age) LBP group
The lower back pain has been developing for 20 months on the average, and mean VAS pain is 45.1/100.
Thirty percent of these teenagers no longer practice a sport (medical waiver), whether it be in or out of school.
Duration of the sports activities ranges from 2 to 13 hours a week.
The sports practiced are skiing, team sports, gymnastics and skating.
For the two groups
The radiologic parameters appear relatively normal with regard to the mean value for the sacral base, but they are weak for lumbar lordosis and dorsal kyphosis in comparison with the results reported by Mac-Thiong and Berthonnaud , whose studies were conducted in asymptomatic children and teenagers. As for the mean extensibility values, they are lower than those recorded for controls in a preliminary study conducted in the unit ( Table 2 ).
Central criterion of judgment
For the entire group
There exists no significant difference between the two groups as regards maximum moment of force (MMF), total workload (TW) and mean power (MP). Values for the extensors are higher than values for the flexors. As the speed is augmented, a decrease in MMF is observed. Values for the back pain patients are greater than those of the healthy subjects, except for mean power, in which the controls are superior to back pain patients in terms of flexion and extension. As concerns F/E ratios, there exist few differences between patients and controls. As the speed is augmented, so (in both groups) are the ratios. For the series taken as a whole, a total workload ratio close to 1 indicates lower endurance and reproducibility of the extensors. It should also be noted that in the two groups of pre-teens, the mean value of this ratio is more elevated than is usually the case in adults (0.91 vs. 0.8).
For the girl sub-group
Study of the populations consisting in girls showed no significant difference.
For the boy sub-group
There exists a significant difference in favor of the controls as regards mean power in flexion and extension ( P < 0.05). The ratios show greater equilibrium in the controls.
Sub-group comparison
Boys/girls with back pain
There exists no significant difference.
The girls’ performances are superior to the boys’, with the exception of total work.
The ratios are relatively similar, and the total workload ratio is elevated.
Boys/girls without back pain
On an overall basis, the boys’ performances are more elevated, with significant differences in power ( P = 0.05) and in total workload ( P = 0.03) at the level of the extensors.
The ratios are lower for the boys, and there exists a significant difference as regards the ratio for the maximum moment of force at 90°/s ( P = 0.05).
There exist significant correlations between:
- •
total workload in flexion and extension and BMI;
- •
total workload of the extensors and number of sports practice hours;
- •
mean power of the extensors and the lumbar lordosis;
- •
as regards the other parameters, no correlation has been found.
For the entire group
There exists no significant difference between the two groups as regards to maximum moment of force (MMF), total workload (TW) and mean power (MP). Values for the extensors are higher than values for the flexors. As the speed is augmented, a decrease in MMF is observed. As concerns F/E ratios, they are augmented along with speed; for the series taken as a whole, a total workload ratio higher than 1 in back pain patients indicates lower endurance and reproducibility for the extensors, but remains non-significant. When comparing controls and patients, the ratios are significantly different for MMF at 90°/s and for MP at 120°/s.
For the girl sub-group
Values for the girls in the control group are higher, but without significant difference and with lower ratios. 71% of the back pain girls present inverted ratios in terms of mean power and total workload, as opposed to 30% in power and 40% in total workload for the control group girls.
For the boy sub-group
As regards the flexors, the back pain patients show superiority to the healthy subjects. Conversely, as regards the extensors the latter record more satisfactory results than the former.
Sub-group comparison
Boys/girls with back pain
An overall superiority of the boys has been observed.
The differences are significant as regards to all the moments of force ( P < 0.05) and power in flexion ( P < 0.02).
There exist differences close to significance as regards total workload in flexion and in extension ( P < 0.08) and mean power in extension ( P = 0.09).
The ratios in boys are more favorable.
Boys/girls without back pain
Superiority of the boys is underscored for all parameters of the extensors.
There exist significant differences for moments of force at 60° and 90°/sec and total workload ( P < 0.05) and very significant differences for moments of maximum force at 120°/sec and mean power ( P < 0.02).
On an overall basis, flexor performance is superior.
Ratios are more favorable, with a difference close to significance, for total workload ratio ( P = 0.08) ( Table 3 ).
Populations 14–16 years | LBP group ( n = 20) | Control group ( n = 20) | P | |
Flexors | MMF 60°/s | 215.37 ± 38.58 | 211.29 ± 36.14 | NS |
MMF 90°/s | 212.27 ± 36.41 | 210.02 ± 38.31 | NS | |
MMF 120°/s | 206.50 ± 42.01 | 207.54 ± 35.37 | NS | |
MP 120°/s | 236.25 ± 55.18 | 247.32 ± 46.98 | NS | |
TW series 120°/s | 1671 ± 538.55 | 1671.3 ± 498.89 | NS | |
Extensors | MMF 60°/s | 272.94 ± 84.61 | 297.98 ± 54.87 | NS |
MMF 90°/s | 256.73 ± 82.32 | 293.02 ± 50.55 | NS | |
MMF 120°/s | 244.78 ± 83.19 | 271.04 ± 53.13 | NS | |
MP 120°/s | 263.18 ± 104.6 | 309.31 ± 67.19 | NS | |
TW series 120°/s | 1776.65 ± 766.12 | 2036.65 ± 661.05 | NS | |
FL/EXT ratios | MMF 60°/s | 0.90 ± 0.26 | 0.78 ± 0.18 | NS |
MMF 90°/s | 0.88 ± 0.26 | 0.72 ± 0.13 | 0.024* | |
MMF 120°/s | 0.84 ± 0.25 | 0.72 ± 0.14 | NS | |
MP 120°/s | 0.97 ± 0.29 | 0.82 ± 0.17 | 0.046* | |
TW series 120°/s | 1.02 ± 0.30 | 0.86 ± 0.24 | NS |
There exist significant correlations between:
- •
all of the flexors’ isokinetic parameters and age;
- •
the flexors’ maximum moments of force at 60° and 90°/s and height;
- •
total workload, power of the flexors and height;
- •
all of the flexors’ maximum moments of force, the flexors’ total workload and the sacral base with a negative correlation;
- •
the extensors’ maximum moment of force at 60°/sec and age;
- •
the extensors’ total workload and age;
- •
the extensors’ total workload and weight.
Due to missing values, no search for correlations in the control population between demographic data and isokinetic parameters could be carried out.
Girls with back pain
There is little difference, as augmentation of performances is lower than 15%.
Only total workload is augmented by 22%, P < 0.05.
On an overall basis, the ratios are augmented. Mean power and total workload ratios are inverted (> 1).
Girls without back pain
There occurs an augmentation higher than 20% of mean power ( P < 0.01), and an increase greater than 30% of total work ( P < 0.01).
At a rapid speed the ratios remain elevated, for power and workload in particular.
Boys with back pain
At the level of the flexors, all of the parameters are augmented by more than 15%.
The augmentations are significant for:
- •
maximum moments of force ( P < 0.02), with an increase of 25%;
- •
mean power ( P < 0.02), with an increase of 90%.
Improvement of total workload close to 50% has also been noted, but it is non-significant.
At the level of the extensors, all the parameters are augmented by more than 20%.
The gains are significant for:
- •
the maximum moment of force at 120°/s ( P < 0.05), with a progression of 30%;
- •
mean power ( P < 0.01), with a progression of 80%.
Boys without back pain
At the level of the flexors, all of the parameters at a rapid speed increase significantly ( P < 0.05), with an augmentation greater than 17% for maximum moments of force and a progression of more than 20% for mean power and total workload.
At the level of the extensors, all of the parameters increase significantly.
A highly significant increase ( P < 0.01) is observed for the moment of force at 120°/s (> 20%) and for mean power (> 20%).
The results of our study show that when bracketed by age, our healthy and back pain populations are homogeneous. In our work, we wished to classify the subjects by age brackets in order to take into account the growth of the rachis during the pubertal growth spurt. We have observed that the 14-to-16-year-old practice less sport (30% of them no longer practice) than the 11-to-13-year-old; it is as though the pain had become more of a functional impairment.
For the two classes, radiologic lordosis and kyphosis parameters have largely disappeared (Type 2 in the Roussouly classification), but given the absence of radiological data in the controls , it is difficult to further advance the discussion.
The results of our study do not illustrate a significant difference in isokinetic performances between children with and without back pain in the age brackets of 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 years. With regard to the latter, however, we observed significantly different ratios having to do with loss of capacity in the spinal extensors. Balagué et al. found no significant difference in isokinetic performances between children with and without back pain. It is in terms of patient recruitment that our study differs from Balagué’s; our back pain population, unlike his, is treated during a hospital stay for long-standing pains that interfere with everyday activities on account of their intensity (VAS > 50%) and their functional repercussions; what is more, they are insufficiently responsive to physical therapy. The lower back pain patients in Balagué’s study were all enrolled in school and not under treatment. We have already noted this difference in a previous study involving static assessment of muscle strength in which children going to school, tested in their school setting and presenting with back pain were found to be statistically comparable to healthy children tested on the same site but statistically different in terms of muscle strength from our hospitalized children with back pain . This result means that the pain experienced by a pre-adolescent or an adolescent going to school and having a backache not entailing functional repercussions (school absenteeism, medication, para-medical care…) will be neither as intense nor as long-standing as the pain undergone by children receiving institutional care (physiotherapy, braces…) for spinal pain. This comparison underscores the limits of pain assessment on the sole basis of a visual analog scale and the complexity of analyzing functional repercussions .
The mean power of the extensors for back pain children aged 11 to 13 years is positively correlated with lumbar lordosis; on the average, the lordosis is rather weak in comparison with the control population reported by Mac-Thiong; this finding could mean that back shape (type 2 in the Roussouly classification, with small lordosis) could have a direct impact on extensor strength and consequently on the agonist/antagonist imbalance from which the pains originate. As for the children aged 14 to 16 years, the moments of force and total workload of the extensors are negatively correlated with the sacral base; this result may signify that the greater the lumbar lordosis, the weaker the flexors. It would be interesting to correlate these data with pelvic incidence, which is a fixed parameter, rather than with the sacral base, which constitutes a variable parameter.
In our work, the isokinetic performances of the back pain patients were correlated neither with the modified Saint-Antoine questionnaire score nor with the back pain VAS. The limited number of patients studied, the long-standing nature of their pain and its average intensity and frequency did not cumulatively suffice to produce “muscle deconditioning” and to influence the performances of the spinal musculature during the isokinetic tests. On the other hand, Anne Keller et al. showed that age, sex, trunk muscle density, psychological state and pain as evaluated on the visual analog scale influenced the isokinetic performances of the trunk in adults with chronic lower back pain. Pain as evaluated on the VAS was considered a predictive factor for the isokinetic performances of the trunk in extension. It has also been noted that isokinetic performances are not influenced by the emotional and general mental state . As for Ebermeyer et al. , in a population of 23 female gymnasts they took note of a correlation between pain and small F/E ratio for the rachis in comparison with female gymnasts not in pain.
In our population of pre-teen (11-13-year-old) back pain and control subjects, gender had no influence on their isokinetic performances, which may perhaps mean that the isokinetic dynamometer is not a sufficiently sensitive device or that the children in this age bracket are too young or that their back pain is not intense enough to evaluated. Among the 14-to-16-year-old, on the other hand, whether they are healthy or not, the boys appear stronger than the girls, with higher values for the extensors in the controls and higher values for the flexors in the patients. In a study involving 62 school children with an average age of 12 years, Mérati et al. found that isokinetic performances pertaining to peak torque, total workload and mean power were higher for boys as regards the trunk extensors at 60°/s and at 90°/s. Was the population healthy or not? The authors found that in the back pain population, gender had differing effects on isokinetic performances, particularly with regard to the spinal extensors. However, Balagué et al. showed that in children with back pain, there was no connection between the isokinetic performances of the trunk and the various clinical parameters (age, gender, sports practice). If the conclusions to our study differ from Balagué’s, this is probably due to the fact that the typology of the back pain patients differs. Let us recall that as a general rule, in a healthy adult subject the extensors are stronger than the flexors and that a typical man’s muscle capacity is greater than a woman’s, with differences approximating 25% for the extensors and 20% for the flexors ; moreover, athletic subjects show more muscle capacity than sedentary subjects . A normal flexor/extensor ratio is lower than 1, ranging from 0.80 to 0.85 according to Grémion and from 0.64 to 0.72 according to Voisin , without correction for gravity. Most authors would agree that the trunk extensor/flexor ratio in healthy subjects ranges from 1.2 to 1.4 . In our study we have noted that the control children performed more efficiently in terms of power; this is likely to be explained by a form of inhibition toward high-speed movement existing in the children with back pain. The deficiencies detected at the level of the extensors may be interpreted as a loss of actual force or, more precisely, as a loss of the straightening function due to the proprioceptive deficit of the posterior muscle chain.
The isokinetic performances with regard to endurance (total workload) are strongly correlated in the back pain population with the number of sports practice hours. According to Negrini , isokinetic performances in flexion and in extension at 60°/s are better in children participating in regular physical activity in a competitive setting. He goes on to conclude that participation in regular physical activity has a significant effect on the isokinetic performances of healthy school children. In the adult, the relationship between isokinetic trunk muscle performances and sports activity in LBP patients is controversial . Balagué et al. have observed that peak torque in extension is at its maximum level in 12-year-old girls and that in boys, from the age of 14 years it increases constantly.
Negrini et al. have observed that in LBP school children a diminution of peak torque for the trunk flexors and extensors occurs at 60°/s.
In our study, we have observed weaker performances with regard to power at high speed in LBP children compared to the healthy population; this may be explained by a form of inhibition toward high-speed movement existing in LBP children. In this population, the mean high-speed isokinetic power with regard to trunk extension depends on the value of the radiologic lumbar lordosis. Once the correlation between power and lordosis was found to be positive, we could conclude that the more pronounced the lordosis, the stronger the thrust of the lower limbs as trunk extension motion gets underway. That said, only a complementary and comparative study with a healthy population could allow us to confirm this hypothesis.
Several authors have recommended strengthening of the spinal muscles (rachis extensors) in order to support maintenance of physiological lumbar lordosis, to diminish axial loading , to improve overall posture (or sagittal balance) , to protect the ligamentary structures of the rachis and, finally, to facilitate lifting of a heavy weight .
The main objective of this comparative study was to attempt to discern a connection between trunk muscle strength and LBP occurrence in children. If we decided to perform this study in a pre-teen age bracket (11–13 years), it was largely in order to reduce the influence of pubertal gain in weight and height. This is a necessary limitation to our work as it was not possible to regroup all the children, given that the gains in height and weight vary greatly between boys and girls (including within each of the groups) at the time of puberty, which occurs earlier in girls (11–13 years) than in boys (14–16 years). So it is that we chose 11-to-13-year-old in order to obtain two populations that would be homogeneous in weight and height. Below the age of 11, on the other hand, there would have been a problem of critical height (lower than 150 cm). While our populations are hardly sizable, our results are largely in agreement with those of the literature pertaining to adults, which has reported predominant muscular capacity in men as opposed to women, deficient extensors in LBP patients (especially at high speeds), and flexor/extensor ratios approximating 1.
Longitudinal monitoring of the LBP children would allow us to underline the development of capacities and the possible risk of deconditioning.
Muscle assessments in healthy children should be carried on at the same time as surveillance of LBP children in view of pinpointing a possible relationship between development of symptoms and eventual diminution of muscle strength.
Ours is a preliminary study involving small samples, and the age brackets assessed have been limited so as to diminish any biases due to pubertal growth.
In our populations, we could not deduce reference values for the isokinetic parameters; all we could do in this respect was establish frameworks for values that will be adjusted as our series of tests increase in number:
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for the girls:
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the MMF and MP values for the flexors range from 1.7 to 2 times body weight,
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the MMF and MP values for the extensors range from 2 to 2.8 times body weight.
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for the boys:
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the MMF and MP values for the flexors range from 1.4 to 2 times body weight at 11–13 years and from 2.4 to 2.8 times the body weight at 14–16 years,
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the MMF and MP values for the extensors range from 1.7 to 2.7 times body weight at 11–13 years and from 2.4 to 3.5 times body weight at 14–16 years,
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as regards the ratios, they tend to be normalized for the boys, decreasing with growth from 0.72–0.91 to 0.67–0.77,
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the girls in our populations show more elevated ratios, evolving from 0.81–0.94 to 0.75–0.95 for the controls and from 0.75–0.91 to 0.85–1.06 for the LBP patients,
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71% of the LBP girls present inverted ratios in MP and TW at 14–16 years, as opposed to only 9% at 11–13 years.
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While there exists no significant difference in isokinetic performances between LBP and asymptomatic children in the 11–13 year age bracket, the isokinetic performances in the LBP subjects are positively influenced by the BMI index, the number of hours of sports activity and the radiologic value of lumbar lordosis. Performances in terms of power are weaker in the LBP sub-group. Given these results, as regards 11-to-13-year-old assessment by isokinetic dynamometer does not apparently yield characteristic muscle-related elements liable to explain LBP incidence.
As regards the 14–16 year age bracket, we have observed that muscle strength is correlated with age and that the extensors of the LBP patients are weaker than those of the controls, while the flexors of the LBP patients are stronger. At this stage, the isokinetic dynamometer becomes an interesting means of evaluation. For this age bracket, the secondary objective of the study has been addressed, with results on extensor capacity in LBP patients that confirm the static evaluation carried out in preceding work.
As we have not standardized our criteria of judgment (number of trials, work speed…), it is difficult to compare or results with those reported in the literature. In order to better comprehend the phenomena studied, a comparative and longitudinal study with a larger population remains necessary.
Disclosure of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this article.
The authors wish to thank the Association de Recherche Médicale of the Centre Médico-Chirurgical de Réadaptation des Massues and the documentation unit, particularly Pascale Raillard, for the assistance they gave in writing this article. They also wish to thank Rachel Bard-Pondarré for her critical review.

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