Isokinetic strengthening is a rehabilitation technique rarely used in stroke patients. However, the potential benefits of force and endurance training in this population are strongly suspected.
This literature review synthesizes the results of clinical trials on this topic. The research was conducted on PubMed, using “Stroke”, “rehabilitation”, “isokinetic”, “upper limb” and “training” as keywords.
Seventeen studies focusing on the use of isokinetics in assessment or rehabilitation (six studies) following stroke were reviewed. For the lower limb, muscle strength and walking ability improved after isokinetic rehabilitation programs. For the upper limb, the only two studies found in the literature suggest improvement in the strength of the trained muscles, of grip force, of the Fugl-Meyer motor score and of global functional capacities. This review does not reveal any consensus on the protocols to be implemented: type of muscle contraction, velocities….
While isokinetic strengthening has not proven its efficiency in rehabilitation of the upper limb following stroke, its interest with regard to rehabilitation of the lower limbs has been recognized. Randomized controlled trials in this field are necessary to confirm its efficiency, especially concerning upper arm rehabilitation.
Le renforcement musculaire isocinétique (RMI) est une technique de rééducation peu utilisée dans la rééducation du patient hémiplégique. Le bénéfice potentiel du travail de la force ou de l’endurance dans cette population est pourtant fortement suspecté.
Cette revue de la littérature synthétise l’essentiel des études cliniques sur le sujet. La recherche a été effectuée sur PubMed à partir des mots clés stroke , rehabilitation , isokinetic , upper limb et training .
Dix-sept études utilisant l’outil isocinétique dans l’évaluation ou la rééducation (six études) après AVC ont été revues. Pour le membre inférieur, la force musculaire et les capacités de marche augmentent après avoir suivi un programme de RMI. Pour le membre supérieur, les deux études retrouvées suggèrent une amélioration de la force des groupes musculaires entraînés et de la force de préhension, du score moteur de Fugl-Meyer et des capacités fonctionnelles globales. Cette revue de la littérature ne permet pas de dégager un consensus quant aux protocoles à mettre en œuvre : type de contraction musculaire, vitesses…
Le RMI n’a pas fait la preuve de son efficacité dans la rééducation du membre supérieur après AVC, bien que son intérêt soit suspecté. Son intérêt est admis dans la rééducation des membres inférieurs.
English Version
Stroke is the first cause of adults’ acquired handicap in Western countries . Vascular cerebral accidents lead to cognitive and/or sensorimotor sequels in more than one third of the patients. Upper limb deficiency is the most frequently encountered sensorimotor sequel. While close to four fifths of stroke survivors learn to walk once again , only one third recover their ability to functionally use their upper limb (from 18% in severe strokes to 79% in minor ones) . The restoration of motor capacities in this population relies on interlinked mechanisms of neurological recovery, adaptation and compensation . The concepts underlying our rehabilitation practices dramatically improved over the past 20 years , as knowledge on brain neurophysiology and on the mechanisms of brain flexibility, now known as “neuroplasticity”, improved. Today’s rehabilitation programs carry out intense and highly repetitive exercises over a time that often exceeds three months subsequent to a stroke.
The interest of “task-oriented” rehabilitation has been demonstrated and its basic principle has been implemented in numerous programs, including: constraint induced therapy , body-weight support training, robotized rehabilitation , functional electrostimulation (FES) … In a similar way, new concepts based on experimental neurosciences have led to innovative programs based, for instance, on the theory of mirror neurons (rehabilitation with “mental imagery”, “mirror-based therapy”…) or on the notion of “inter-hemispheric balance” (bimanual rehabilitation).
As part of these new rehabilitation techniques, and while muscle strengthening techniques in stroke rehabilitation used to be largely decried, methods consisting in strength and endurance training are now part of the programs regularly offered to patients after damage of the central nervous system . Indeed, it is widely known that the strength deficit following stroke significantly contributes to functional limitations, both with regard to the upper and the lower limb . Morris et al. and Ramas et al. recently published two interesting literature reviews pertaining to the interest of muscle reinforcement in rehabilitation of stroke patients, whatever the strengthening technique employed. In the articles mentioned by these authors, the methods employed include both manual and instrument-assisted muscle strengthening techniques. The protocols generally involved only a limited number of repetitions (lower than 9), at approximately 60% of the theoretical muscle strength, over a period ranging from four to 12 weeks, with two to five sessions a week. Reported results are encouraging in terms of both strength level of the trained muscles and function, but heterogeneity of the studies precludes elaboration of precise recommendations on how to concretely implement such programs.
Isokinetic muscle strengthening (IMS) has been widely used for many years in rehabilitation after musculoskeletal lesions and consequently represents a potentially interesting technique of rehabilitation with regard to central nervous system damage.
The objective of this work is to review existing literature on the use of IMS in rehabilitation of hemiparetic patients, in order to directly apply it in current clinical use, particularly with regard to the upper limb.
Materials and methods
Our research was conducted with MEDLINE, using the following English-language keywords in combination with each other: “stroke”, “rehabilitation”, “isokinetic”, “upper limb” and “training”. Sixty-eight articles were found. Only the studies mentioning use of IMS for stroke rehabilitation were selected (17 studies), and no distinction was made between its application to the lower or the upper limbs. We did not keep works simply proposing isokinetism as a tool for assessing muscle strength of paretic limbs (nine articles), nor did we keep studies mentioning IMS as one among other techniques of rehabilitation (three articles), since they did not address the question of the interest of IMS as such.
Finally, we selected only six studies dealing with isokinetic rehabilitation IMS in hemiparetic patients. Three readers were involved in this review and applied the reading method drawn from the reading template of the French national health authority (Haute Autorité de santé).
General considerations on isokinetism
Isokinetic dynamometers may be used as instrumental muscle strength assessment devices or as muscle strengthening tools. Indeed, constant technological advances over the past 15 years facilitated the development of highly effective dynamometers usable for assessment and/or rehabilitation of most joints in upper and lower limb. These devices are regularly used in osteo-articular disorders or in the framework of sports training programs.
In the lower limb, muscular groups most often involved in assessment and/or isokinetic strengthening are knee muscles and, to a lesser extent, peri-articular muscles of the ankle. In the upper limb, rotators and abductors of the shoulder are generally involved, as are, to a markedly lesser extent, peri-articular muscles of the elbow.
Most of the isokinetic machines used in pathology are rotating dynamometers. Results of an isokinetic assessment are generally expressed as the peak torque value developed by the tested muscle group. It is also possible to evaluate the work provided by the same muscle group and the power developed at the joint.
Assessment and isokinetic strengthening protocols are generally described in terms of mode of muscle contraction (concentric or eccentric), value of imposed angular velocity, and number of repetitions. The choice of the working protocol depends on the subject and on the required objectives, as well for the upper and for the lower limb.
The concentric mode is the most widely employed because it is easy to use and well tolerated. The eccentric mode has been less regularly proposed, because this mode of contraction is difficult for patients, and may lead to musculo-tendinous micro-injuries (especially aches or delayed onset muscle soreness: [DOMS]), which are more frequent than in concentric work. Moreover, interpretation of values obtained in eccentric mode is largely discussed . On the other side, some consider eccentric muscular contraction to be closer than the concentric mode to normal muscle physiology: indeed, eccentric contraction may be observed in many activities of daily life (fight against gravity or against inertia), often in combination with the concentric mode (“plyometric” contraction).
The choice of the working speed determines the level of strength that the muscle is supposed to produce. In the coupling that is characteristic of the concentric mode, strength and speed are inversely related: the higher the speed, the less the muscle develops strength. In the eccentric mode, this relation is reversed. Consequently, training that aims at increasing strength is carried out at low speed, while exercises at high speed demand more muscle power. It should also be noted that slow speeds engender more joint stress but are closer to normal muscle physiology. More generally speaking, the choice of speed depends on both the objectives of the training program and on the function of the to-be-trained muscle group. Isokinetic speeds usually proposed for the concentric mode range from 0 to 300°/s. Distinctions are made between low speeds (from 0° to 100°/s), medium speeds (from 100 to 200°/s) and high speeds (from 200 to 300°/s). The speeds suggested for the eccentric mode are generally lower, practically never exceeding 150°/s (only for some apparatus models).
Due to the fatigue induced in trained muscles, the number of repetitions for low speeds generally does not exceed five. For higher speeds, the number of repetitions varies from five to ten. Stress tests, also called endurance tests, are frequently carried out at high speed (180°/s minimum), and the number of repetitions may reach 50 . Once again, however, exercise speed in stress tests depends both on the muscle group being tested and on the kind of patients concerned by the exercise . In sport training programs, the number of repetitions may rise or fall, depending on the goal of the session .
The interest of isokinetic muscle strengthening in rehabilitation after stroke
Isokinetic muscle strengthening for the lower limb of the hemiplegic patient
Publications mentioning IMS use in rehabilitation of hemiplegic patient’s lower limb are very sparse. We have identified four pertinent studies, which main results are summarized in Table 1 . Among these studies, only a single controlled randomized trial has been found .
Authors | Patients | Joint(s) | Results |
Engardt and al. 1995 | 20 patients > 12 months post stroke 1 eccentric training group (10) 1 concentric training group (10) | Knee | Improved peak torque in the two groups of patients (S), but more pronounced in the eccentric training group Symmetrized body weight distribution during a sitting to standing transfer, but only in the eccentric training group (S) Improved walking speed (S), identical in the two groups |
Sharp and al. 1997 | 15 patients > 6 months post stroke Open study | Knee | Improved peak torque in the strengthened muscles (S) Improved walking speed, (S) No improvement in stair climbing or in the Time Up and Go Test Improvement in the general functional capacities (S) assessed by the “Human Activity Profile” (HAP) No spasticity aggravation in the Pendulum Test (S) |
Rouleaud and al. 2000 | 10 patients > 6 months post stroke Open study | Knee | Improved peak torque, work and muscle power for the trained muscles (S) Improvement of the Motricity Index (NS) from 68.6/100 to 73.6/100 Higher walking speed (S) Higher speed in climbing stairs (NS) Subjective improvement felt by patients No spasticity aggravation on the Ashworth scale |
Kim and al. 2001 | 20 patients >6 months post-stroke Controlled randomized trial | Knee, hip and ankle | Improved muscle strength and walking speed in the two groups (S) No significant difference between the two groups of patients No improvement in the quality of life score in the two groups (SF36) |
The four publications deal with the strengthening of the peri-articular muscles of the knee, quadriceps and hamstrings. Only Kim et al. mention association of isokinetic work on the peri-articular muscles of the ankle and hip.
From an overall standpoint, increased strength of the reinforced muscle groups has been reported by all authors. Increase in muscle strength was quite largely variable, ranging from 17 to 54% of basic numerical values, reaching 155% for some muscles as mentioned in the work by Kim et al. . Among the four studies, increased segmental strength was accompanied by a functional benefit, as evaluated in terms of walking performance, ability to climb stairs and, for two authors , with regard to more general functional indexes ( Table 1 ).
Moreover, Kim et al. tried to compare the isokinetic strengthening technique (ten patients) with a “placebo” technique consisting in passive mobilization of the limb on an isokinetic machine (ten patients). The authors did not demonstrate any significant difference between the two groups of patients as regards to enhanced strength or functional improvement. Numerous methodological limits of this study — small population sample, heterogeneity of the population — require careful interpretation of its results.
Reported side effects are rare and limited to muscle aches. Rouleaud et al. and Sharp et al. assessed spasticity of strengthened muscles before and after the program: they did not mention any increase in its value.
Isokinetic muscle strengthening for the upper limb of the hemiplegic patient
To our knowledge, only two publications have dealt with IMS use in rehabilitation of a patient’s upper limb after a stroke. These two works are summarized in Table 2 . It should be noted that the study by Chang et al. is an open study in which a non-rotating, non-commercialized dynamometer was used as an IMS apparatus; what is more, the work carried out was bimanual, a factor that may constitute a confounding bias when interpreting the results. The study by Patten et al. is a simple clinical case.
Authors | Patients | Design | Joint(s) | Results |
Patten and al. | A female patient 16 weeks after an ischemic stroke | Case Report | Shoulder Elbow | Enhanced strength in the elbow and shoulder muscle groups improvement in the Fugl-Meyer Assessment score No spasticity aggravation(Ashworth score) Improvement in the functional capacities: Wolf Motor Function Test, Functional Ability Scale, Functional Independence Measure |
Chang and al. | 20 patients > 6 months post-stroke Bimanual work Non-rotating isokinetic dynamometer | Open study | Shoulder Elbow | Increased grip strength, increased push and pull strength of the upper limb (S) Increased Fugl Meyer score (S) Improvement in kinematic characteristics of prehension movements (S) No improvement in grasping capacities (Frenchay Arm Test) No spasticity aggravation (Ashworth score) |
Proposed Isokinetic muscle strengthening protocols
Installation of patients
Installation of patients for work with the lower limbs doesn’t differ from the mode of installation generally applied in cases of osteo-articular diseases and for sports training.
Concerning the upper limb, the installation described by Chang et al. is strongly constrained by the employed apparatus (non-rotating dynamometer): patient seated, arm along the torso and elbows bent at 90°. Required movements consist in flexion/extension of the shoulder combined with extension/flexion of the elbow in the sagittal plane. In Patten’s case report, a rotating dynamometer is used . The patient is in a seated position with the back of the chair slightly backwards tilted. Abduction/adduction shoulder movements are carried out along the plane of the scapula, with a splint keeping the elbow in extension. Flexion/extension shoulder movements are carried out on the sagittal plane, with the elbow once again kept in extension. Finally, elbow flexion/extension is carried out on the horizontal plane, the forearm resting on a support placed at the lower level of its distal third. In the two studies, weak grip of patients requires fixation of the hand on the distal effector with an elastic bandage.
Reproducibility of isokinetic measurements in stroke patients
Clark et al. focused on the reproducibility of isokinetic measurements applied to the lower limbs in stroke patients. The authors analyzed quadriceps force measures obtained at speeds ranging from 30°/sec to 240°/s in the concentric mode and from 30°/s to 180°/s in the eccentric mode in a group of 17 chronic hemiparetic patients. They showed that the reproducibility of their results was comparable to the reproducibility attained in a group of control subjects. Similar results were reported by Tripp et al. in a population of 20 hemiparetic patients and by Noorizadeh et al. in a group of 30 subjects. Conversely, Hsu et al. studied the reproducibility of measurements of peak torque, work and power of the hip flexors, the knee extensors and the ankle plantar flexors in a population of 9 hemiparetic patients evaluated twice, one week after the next. These authors showed that measurement reproducibility varied in accordance with the selected speed and the muscle group being tested. To our knowledge, isokinetic measurement reproducibility of upper arm muscles’ strength has not been studied in hemiparetic patients.
Isokinetic muscle strengthening rehabilitation protocols for the lower limbs
Generally speaking, proposed speeds for strengthening programs in published studies vary between low (30°/s and 60°/s) and medium ones (120°/s and 180°/s). Both concentric and eccentric contractions are used. A one-minute recovery interval between series is described in all studies. The number of repetitions varies, with programs of up to 15 series not exceeding ten contractions within each.
Only the study by Engardt et al. provided comparison of two modes of isokinetic strengthening, concentric and eccentric one. Results reported by the authors suggest that, in spite of greater difficulty in implementation, work in the eccentric mode seems to be more effective.
None of the identified studies provided comparison of the results recorded at different speeds.
The different protocols identified in the literature are summarized in Table 3 .
Authors | Joint(s) | Used appparatus | Angular velocities | Mode of contraction | Mouvements | Protocol |
Rouleaud and al. 2000 | Knee Healthy side and paretic side | Biodex | 60°/s, 120°/s and 150°/s | Eccentric | Flexion-extension | 6 weeks 3 times/week 9 series averaging 10 repetitions (pyramidal training) 1 min of recovery/series |
Engardt and al. 1995 | Knee Paretic side | Kin-Com | 60°/s, 120°/s and 180°/s | Eccentric (10 patients) Concentric (10 patients) | Flexion-extension | 6 weeks 2 times/week Maximum of 15 series of 10 repetitions (pyramidal training) 1 min of recovery/series |
Sharp and al. 1997 | Knee Paretic side | Cybex II | 30°/s, 60°/s and 120°/s | Concentric | Flexion-extension | 6 weeks 3 times/week 40 min/session -9 series of 6 to 8 repetitions (3 series for each selected speed) 1 min of recovery/series |
Kim and al. 2001 | Knee, Hip and Ankle Healthy side and paretic side | Kin-Com | 60°/s | Concentric | Flexion-extension at the three joints | 6 weeks 3 times/week 45 min/session 3 series de 10 repetitions by joint 1 min of recovery/series |
Isokinetic muscle strengthening rehabilitation protocols for the upper limbs
Concerning the upper arm, the few studies found in the literature deal only with muscular strengthening in the shoulder or in the elbow. To our knowledge, no published work takes up IMS of the wrist and/or finger muscles in stroke patients. The protocols used are summarized in Table 4 . The concentric and the eccentric modes of contraction have both been used, at low to medium speeds (30 to 120°/s). The choices of number of weekly sessions (three), their duration (40 to 45 minutes), the number of series (three) and the number of repetitions by series (ten to 20) have drawn their inspiration from the protocols applied in IMS of the lower limbs.
Authors | Joint(s) | Used apparatus | Angular velocity | Contraction mode | Mouvements | Protocol |
Patten and al. | Shoulder Elbow | Biodex | 30 to 75°/s (increased by 15°/s every 2 weeks) 30 à 90°/s (increased by 30°/s every 2 weeks) 60 à 120°/s (increased by 30°/s every 2 weeks) | Eccentric Concentric 1 Concentric 2 | Flexion-extension + abduction-adduction + outer-inner rotation/paretic limb Flexion-extension (horizontal plan)/paretic limb | 6 weeks 3 times/week 35 min/session (+40 min conventional rehabilitation) 3 series of 10 repetitions |
Chang and al. | Shoulder Elbow | BFIAMT: Bilateral Force-Induced isokinetic Arm Movement Trainer | Non-rotating dynamometer | Isokinetic | Global movements of “push” and “pull” on the handles of the dynamometer | 8 weeks 3 times/week 40 min/session (+10 min conventional rehabilitation) 3 series of 20 repetitions 5 min of recovery |
The few studies we found on the topic do not present sufficient methodological qualities, which would allow us to claim positive effects of IMS when this form of strengthening is used in rehabilitation of stroke patients. In order to confirm its interest and, more particularly, to demonstrate its superiority in comparison with other already validated rehabilitation methods, randomized controlled trials would be necessary.
Anyway, in a general manner, the interest of muscle strengthening in rehabilitation after stroke is likely to exist . Since IMS is just a different way to conduct muscle strengthening, one may consider this kind of rehabilitation to be effective like other strengthening programs.
There is no scientific evidence that IMS is of more interest than other muscle strengthening methods, especially in neurological patients. Concerning athletes, Croisier et al. suggest that the development of a maximal moment of force over the whole range of amplitude of movement may be of interest in muscle physiology, sustaining the superiority of isokinetic reinforcement compared to conventional one. Moreover, most of the authors consider that the main interest of IMS, when compared with other muscle strengthening methods, consists in the following: reproducibility of exercises, accuracy in scheduling and building contents of work sessions, adherence to the program facilitated by the visual and/or auditory feedback provided by the machine in real time, easy monitoring of patient performance. This argumentation can be applied to patients.
When elaborating an IMS protocol for a stroke patient, the choice of a concentric or eccentric operating mode should be discussed in light of the previous published works on the topic. While the concentric mode has been more frequently used, some points suggest the interest of the eccentric mode, notwithstanding the above-mentioned difficulty in implementation:
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eccentric muscular contraction exercise is known to be highly efficacious with regard to muscle strengthening not only in athletes , but also in patients after a stroke ;
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for Rouleaud et al. , eccentric exercises appear to be well-tolerated in hemiplegic patients since they require a lesser degree of energy expenditure;
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rapid concentric movements stretch the antagonist muscles and for some patients, this stretching could theoretically enhance spasticity. Eccentric exercises could avoid this phenomenon .
None of the identified studies mention application of the “continuous passive mobilization” (CPM) mode in stroke patients. CPM is a variant of isokinetic exercise. In the CPM mode, movement is carried out at constant speed by the machine, whatever the patient is able to develop as muscle couple of force. The patient may produce either concentric contraction (in the same direction as the movement induced by the dynamometer) or eccentric contraction (braking force of the movement induced by the dynamometer) . CPM is suspected to be an interesting way to assess muscles’ strength in weak patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases , for example when severity of the neurological deficit does not allow them to move the limb against gravity.
Its potential interest could be summarized as follow:
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whatever the patient’s degree of fatigue, the addition of CPM ensures that the movement will be carried out through a full range of motion, even when the torque produced by the person is quite weak;
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the “guiding” of the movement by the machine may facilitate the achievement of the task in a context where sensory or cognitive disorders could render isokinetic training difficult.
The theoretical risk of enhanced spasticity during muscle strengthening after central nervous system damage has been widely discussed in the literature. Most authors mentioned in this review took this point into consideration . On the basis of these preliminary results, it is possible to claim that, when applied following central neurological injury, IMS does not aggravate spasticity. On the other hand, the existence of high spastic hypertonia with an Ashworth score greater than 3/5 may limit the use of the technique because installation of patients may be compromised. To our knowledge, this point has not been evaluated previously in the literature.
The paucity of literature focusing on IMS use in the treatment of the paretic upper limb following a stroke may be explained in several ways:
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frequency of complete upper limb motor deficiency rendering use of the tool impossible ;
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frequency of pain syndrome, particularly at the shoulder, rendering installation and strengthening work particularly difficult in this population ;
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absence of consensual data on the muscle groups to be strengthened, including the literature dealing with IMS use in osteo-articular pathology ;
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connection between strength gain and functional improvement still quite contestable at the level of the lower limb , but also at the level of the upper limb. While this question has been raised by several authors, the answer is not clear ;
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lastly, “task-oriented rehabilitation techniques” have gradually assumed greater and greater importance in rehabilitation programs of the upper limb after vascular cerebral accident. These methods include not only conventional occupational therapy techniques , but also “constraint-induced therapy” . Other emerging rehabilitation methods may be considered as “task-oriented”: “robotic rehabilitation” or “electro-mechanical assisted” rehabilitation , functional electro-stimulation , virtual reality or interactive video gaming rehabilitation . The role of upper limb muscle strengthening in therapeutic strategies remains unclear: this method may usefully complement task-oriented rehabilitation techniques , but will not replace them .
Numerous arguments from the literature suggest the interest of IMS in rehabilitation of hemiplegic patients, particularly with regard to the lower limb. Indeed, the beneficial effects of IMS in rehabilitation of the hemiparetic lower limb need to be confirmed in further studies and its place in rehabilitation of the upper limb has to be clarified. The choice of IMS protocols needs to be carried out in light of the works cited above, and special attention should be paid to the CPM mode. Many questions remain with regard to the interest and feasibility of eccentric exercises, especially for the upper limb. Lastly, the role of IMS to complement other rehabilitation methods for patients following a stroke should be taken into consideration.
Disclosure of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this article.

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