International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification Code |
Description |
829.0 |
Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (angulated) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (displaced) (closed)a |
824.8 |
Ankle (malleolus) (closed) |
818.0 |
Arm (closed) |
819.0 |
Arms, both (any bones) [with rib(s)] (with sternum) (closed) |
829.0 |
Bone (closed) |
825.0 |
Calcaneus (closed) |
814.00 |
Carpal bone(s) (wrist) (closed) |
810.00 |
Clavicle (closed) |
813.41 |
Colles’ (reversed) (closed) |
821.00 |
Femur, femoral (closed) |
823.81 |
Fibula (closed) |
817.0 |
Hand, multiple bones of one hand (closed) |
820.8 |
Hip (closed) |
812.20 |
Humerus (closed) |
827.0 |
Leg (closed) |
828.0 |
Legs, both (any bones, closed) |
824.8 |
Malleolus (closed) |
815.00 |
Metacarpus, metacarpal [bones(s)], of one hand (closed) |
825.25 |
Metatarsus, metatarsal [bones(s)], of one foot (closed) |
813.03 |
Monteggia’s (closed) |
814.01 |
Navicular, carpal (wrist) (closed) |
733.82 |
Nonunion |
808.8 |
Pelvis, pelvic [bone(s)] (with visceral injury) (closed) |
826.0 |
Phalanx, phalanges, of one foot (closed) |
816.00 |
Phalanx, phalanges, of one hand (closed) |
813.81 |
Radius (alone) (closed) |
825.22 |
Scaphoid |
811.00 |
Scapula (closed) |
825.21 |
Talus (ankle bone) (closed) |
825.29 |
Tarsus, tarsal bone(s) (with metatarsus) of one foot (closed) |
816.00 |
Thumb [and finger(s)] of one hand (closed) |
823.80 |
Tibia (closed) |
826.0 |
Toe(s) of one foot (closed) |
823.41 |
Torus |
813.82 |
Ulna (alone) (closed) |
805.8 |
Vertebra, vertebral (back) (body) (column) (neural arch) (pedicle) (spine) (spinous process) (transverse process) (closed) |
814.00 |
Wrist (closed) |
a Closed includes the following descriptions of fractures: comminuted, torus (buckle), linear, greenstick, impacted. |