Inspection of the Skin

Inspection of the Skin

Exposed bluish sinews

Wrinkled skin, lacking elasticity

Purple stasis spots on the right arm

Primary disease diagnosis

Exhaustion of the essential qi of the viscera with disharmony of qi and blood

189 Liver palm



Case example

Exhaustion of the essential qi of the viscera with disharmony of qi and blood

Late stage liver cancer with severe malnutrition

Atrophy of the thenar and hypothenar muscles

Contracture and shrinkage of the sinews and vessels of the fingers

Hypertenacity of the muscles

Primary disease diagnosis

Case example

190 Yang jaundice-A


Heart and spleen depletion with extreme deficiency of qi and blood

Wind-phlegm obstructing the collaterals

Damage and depletion of yin fluids

Wind-phlegm obstructing the collaterals

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (same as case 095)


Bilateral fusiform deformation, swelling and distention of the metacarpal joints of the first digit

Disorder is characterized by morning stiffness, bilateral symmetry and tendency to affect the small joints

Primary disease diagnosis

Wind, cold, damp and/or heat bi syndrome with stagnation in the sinews and joints

191 Yang-jaundice-B



Case example

Bone bi, similar to rheumatic arthritis Enlargement of the distal interphalangeal joints-also called drumstick fingers

Spleen deficiency generating phlegm to the degree in which there is phlegm-rheum congestion of the lungs, as well as heart blood stasis and obstruction (often seen in bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, lung cancer, secondary acute endocarditis, and/or cyanotic congenital heart disease).

Primary disease diagnosis

Case example

192 Yin jaundice-A


Phlegm-rheum congestion of the lung

Bronchial asthma, emphysema and pulmonary heart disease


Reddish purple swelling and distention of the right leg

Blackened, necrosis of the toes

Primary disease diagnosis

Cold-dampness pouring downward, with long term constraint transforming into heat and toxins, and damp-heat in the collaterals (seen in thromboangiitis obliterans and in disease conditions of the leg due to diabetes).

193 Yin jaundice-B


Case example

Damp-heat obstructing the collaterals

Disease conditions of the leg due to diabetes

Dusky redness, swelling and distention of both legs

Blackened, necrosis of the large toe


Cold-dampness pouring downward with long term constraint transforming into heat and toxins, and damp-heat in the collaterals (seen in thromboangiitis obliterans, thromboangiitis obliterans, and disease conditions of the leg due to diabetes).

Primary disease diagnosis

Damp-heat obstructing the collaterals


(Autoamputation of the right toe 7-8 years prior)

Case example

194 Red papulae


Inspection of the skin involves examining its color, luster and texture. These characteristics allow the practitioner to understand the state of the lung organ, the strength of qi and blood, as well as determine the nature and level of disease pathogens. Healthy, normal skin should be soft and tenacious, shiny and lustrous.

Although inspection of changes in color, luster and texture of the skin are considered within the scope of external medicine, dermatological diseases and the internal organs are very closely related.

Redness of the muscle belly of the thenar and hypothenar

Liver and gallbladder damp-heat, with qi stagnation and blood stasis

195 Measles affecting the abdomen



Liver and gallbladder damp-heat, with qi stagnation and blood stasis

Chronic hepatitis, early stage liver cirrhosis

Primary disease diagnosis


Pale yellow, bright and supple facial complexion

Indistinct red spots and lines

Yellow jaundice of both eyes

Case example

196 Measles affecting the low back


Spirit lacks vigor, vitality

Pale yellow tongue with white coat, peeled in the center

Primary disease diagnosis

Spleen deficiency and exuberant damp, more heat less damp

Spleen deficiency with liver constraint and qi stagnation

Injury to stomach yin by damp-heat

Case example

Yang jaundice with spleen deficiency, liver constraint and liver and gallbladder damp-heat

Acute infectious hepatitis with jaundice

Black host complexion

197 Yang maculae


Yellow disease complexion

Yellow jaundiced eyes

Emaciation of the face


Damp-heat accumulation with more heat, less damp

Liver and gall-bladder damp-heat

Spleen and stomach damp-heat

Primary disease diagnosis

Epigastric pain

Damp-heat accumulation with qi stagnation and blood stasis

Cancer of the biliary duct and pancreas

Case example

198 Polymorphic red maculae (erythema)



Soot-like, tarnished, dim and pale yellow facial complexion

Pale, tender tongue with sticky, grayish black coat

Primary disease diagnosis

Yang deficiency of the kidney and the spleen

Cold dampness in the spleen and the stomach

Insufficiency of both qi and blood; with more dampness and less heat

Case example

Yin jaundice

Spleen deficiency and blood depletion; Cold-dampness constraint and accumulation

Acute infectious hepatitis with jaundice

Soot-like, tarnished, dim and yellow facial complexion

Dark blackness at the mid-forehead

Blackness around the mouth

199 Nodule-like red maculae (erythema nodosum)


Emaciation of the face

Eyes are closed and patient does not speak


Spleen deficiency with exuberant damp, more damp less heat

Cold-damp injuring the spleen

Kidney water subjugating the heart

Yin jaundice

Primary disease diagnosis

Constrained damp transforming into heat, with injury to yin and yang

Cholangiole hepatitis


Yellow host complexion, neither lifeless nor turbid

Concealed red papulae

Case example

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Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Inspection of the Skin

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