Inspection of the Sense Organs and Orifices of the Head and Face

Inspection of the Sense Organs and Orifices of the Head and Face

Primary disease diagnosis

Internal accumulation of water-damp External contraction of cold-dampness Depressed dampness transforming into heat

105 Un-united skull, waggling tongue, and dry withered hair


Case example

Depressed dampness transforming into heat; Chronic respiratory tract infection; Asthma


Sticky, greasy and moist tongue coat-at first greasy and white in color and later becoming grey-black

Light red tongue color

Bright and damp along the sides

Internal accumulation of cold-dampness, or external contraction of cold-dampness

Yang deficiency and cold-dampness with internal collecting of phlegmrheum

Primary disease diagnosis

Spleen and kidney yang deficiency with internal collecting of phlegmrheum Chronic nephritis; Uremia

Case example

106 Square-like skull and frayed hair



Small, sharp and hard white blisters (shaped like rice grains) appearing along the tongue tip

Light red tongue body with tooth-marks along the sides

Greasy white coating along the tongue sides-peeled-like at the tip and center, but with thin white coating beginning to grow.

107 Square-like skull


Primary disease diagnosis

Qi and yin deficiency

Qi and blood insufficiency


Internal accumulation of phlegm-damp with spleen and heart fire toxins attacking upward

Case example

108 Facial swelling


Case example

Qi and yin deficiency with fire toxins attacking upward; Viral common cold in recovery; Vitamin insufficiency and unbalanced nutrition

Inspecting the condition of the head, face as well as hair color and sheen are especially significant when differentiating between excess and deficiency syndromes. Likewise, inspection of the five sense organs and seven orifices (nine orifices when including the anal and genital openings) are essential, perhaps even more so, when differentiating zang-fu syndromes.

Depressed fontanels-slowed closure of the fontanels

109 Deficiency type facial swelling


Accumulation of turbid redness along the cheeks

Persistent worrying tongue

Crimson tongue with no coating

Thin, straight and dry, withered hair


Heat accumulation in the heart and spleen

Heat in the liver and lung

Hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency

Kidney deficiency and essence depletion

Primary disease diagnosis

Gan accumulation; Kidney yin insufficiency; Exuberant heart and liver fire; Upper respiratory tract infection; Rickets

Case example

110 Swelling of the face and lips



Flattened occiput; frayed hair

Primary disease diagnosis

Kidney qi insufficiency, with spleen and blood deficiency

Case example

Gan accumulation; Spleen deficiency; Rickets

Protruding forehead

Flattening of the vertex

Same as case 106

111 Swelling of the cheeks



Puffiness and swelling of the face and body

Swelling of the eyelids with difficulty opening eyes

Yellow complexion with tender, shiny redness of the cheeks


Primary disease diagnosis

Yang water (water swelling)

Wind water swelling

Primary disease diagnosis

Case example

Wind pathogen assailing the lung; Acute glomerulonephritis

Case example

112 Moon face


Deficiency type facial puffiness and swelling

Lusterless, turbid pale yellow complexion

Bridge of the nose appears black; Dusky red lips

Spleen qi deficiency and debilitation

Spleen and kidney yang deficiency

Qi and blood insufficiency

Internal obstruction of damp pathogen

113 Red facial maculae


Yin water swelling with spleen and kidney yang debilitation, and damp turbidity floating upward; Chronic nephritis; Uremia



Facial puffiness and swelling

Redness and swelling of the lower lip

Swelling and weakness of the extremities


Fear of cold and preference for warmth

Blurry vision

Primary disease diagnosis

Primary disease diagnosis

Edema due to yang deficiency, constrained dampness transforming into heat, which further transforms into toxins.

Case example

114 Dim and clouded eyes


Case example

Edema due to yang deficiency with depressed damp transforming into heat and toxins; Nephrotic syndrome; Uremia

Complete swelling of both cheeks from below the ear to the neck

Neck area is wide and distended

Appearance of sores at the mouth corners

Thorough red facial complexion

Bright piercing eyes

Exuberant heat toxin

115 Eyes possess vitality



Heat toxin attacking upward; Lymphoma


Face appears like a full moon (fatness of the face)

White complexion appearing red

Plump and thick shoulders and upper back (buffalo hump)

Primary disease diagnosis

Primary disease diagnosis

Side effects of corticoid steroid use

Case example

116 Blue eyes


Case example

Spleen deficiency with internal accumulation of damp heat; Rheumatoid arthritis

Superficial and dispersed facial complexion with concealed red maculae

Moist and lustrous ear

Thick and fat earlobes

Vitality of the eyes

Exterior syndrome

Quickening of ying and blood due to internal heat toxins

Condition of ear and earlobes indicates a natural endowment of abundant kidney qi

117 Redness of the eyes


Quickening of ying and blood due to lung heat; Upper respiratory tract infection with concurrent skin eruptions from drug intake



Dim, pale and lusterless eyes, with no desire to open the eyes

Cloudy spirit

Pale white complexion

Patient has become thin

Open mouth

Primary disease diagnosis

Primary disease diagnosis

Yin and yang debilitation

Qi and blood depletion

Case example

118 Slight redness of the eyes


Case example

Viscera type wind stroke with coma

Cerebrovascular thrombosis

Bright shining eyes possessing vitality

Sallow facial complexion

Shiny, red tongue with no coating-yet still moist and lustrous

Damage to qi and yin, but with the return of right qi

119 Reddish yellow sclera due to yang jaundice



Damage to both qi and yin, but with the return of right qi

Recovery stage of myocardial infarction


Eyes possess vitality

Blueness of sclera, with clear distinction between the white and dark part of the eye

Redness of the upper eyelid

Redness of the cheek and blueness of the nose

Primary disease diagnosis

Red tongue with bluish purple liver spots on the sides, yellow coating

Case example

120 Light yellow sclera


Primary disease diagnosis

Damp heat of the liver and gallbladder with liver wood insulting earth

Case example

Damp heat of the liver and gallbladder with liver wood insulting earth

Liver cancer, post surgery

Redness of the sclera, especially the left eye

Photophobia and tearing of the eyes

Painful dry and rough eyes

Redness of the cheeks

121 White sclera


Wind-heat in the liver channel with exuberant fire of the heart and liver


Exuberant fire of the heart and liver

Hypertension with acute conjunctivitis

Primary disease diagnosis


Sluggishness of the eyes

Slight redness of the sclera

Redness and deficiency type puffiness of the cheeks

Case example

122 Sunken orbits


Primary disease diagnosis

Deficiency fire of the heart an liver flaring upward with heat accumulation of the liver and spleen

Case example

Heat accumulation of the liver and spleen


Black host facial color

Disease complexion is reddish yellow

Reddish yellow eyes

Emaciation of the face

123 Swelling of the orbits



Damp heat accumulation, with more heat and less damp

Spleen and stomach damp-heat

Gastric pain

Damp heat accumulation with qi stagnation and blood stasis

Bile duct and pancreatic cancer

Primary disease diagnosis


Light yellow sclera-left eye is bloodshot

Waxy yellow facial complexion

White tongue

Pale lips

Case example

124 Swelling of the eyelids


Primary disease diagnosis

Spleen deficiency with qi and blood depletion

Case example

Qi and blood depletion

Hemolytic anemia

Gaping eyes

White sclera

Startled expression

125 Swelling and drooping (ptosis) of the eyelids



Counterflow of lung qi

Counterflow of lung qi

Acute onset of bronchial asthma

Primary disease diagnosis


Sunken orbits

Dim and clouded eyes

Dim, dark facial color

Dark black color at the mid-forehead

Case example

126 Redness and swelling of the lower eyelid with redness of the eyes


Primary disease diagnosis

Essential qi exhaustion of the viscera

Case example

Essential qi exhaustion of the viscera

Gastric cancer (post surgery) with recurring metastasis

Swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, especially the left eye

Sunken red facial complexion

Deficiency type facial puffiness and swelling

Dusky red tongue with gray coating

127 Sty (infection of the eyelid)



Spleen and kidney deficiency

Internal accumulation of damp-heat

Spleen and kidney deficiency with internal accumulation of damp-heat

Pulmonary heart disease with insufficient heart function

Primary disease diagnosis


Swollen upper and lower eyelids, especially the left eye

White facial complexion with slight redness

Facial puffiness and swelling

Case example

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Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Inspection of the Sense Organs and Orifices of the Head and Face

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