Infectious and Dermatologic Conditions

Definitions and Epidemiology


A number of common contagious diseases (Table 18-1) have special significance in the athletic setting. For the athletes, this may mean not being able to continue participation, subpar performance, or risk of potentially serious complications as a result of continued physical stress.

Table 18-1. Common Contagious Diseases in Athletic Setting

Sports in which outbreaks or clusters of contagious diseases have been reported are listed in Table 18-2.1 Infections in the athletic settings can be transmitted via either person-to-person spread or common-source spread (Table 18-3).1–6 The most common infection transmitted by direct contact is Herpes simplex virus infection among wrestlers and rugby players. Outbreaks associated with person-to-person spread have also been caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Group A Streptococci, and fungi and involve participation in wrestling, basketball, football, rugby, and orienteering.2 The most frequently reported common-source infections are owing to enteroviruses. Outbreaks of aseptic meningitis and pleurodynia have been documented in football and soccer players associated with oral contamination of shared water sources and drinking containers.2 Most cases of aseptic meningitis are caused by echoviruses (types 5, 9, 16, 24) and Coxsackie viruses (types B1, B2, B4, B5) from sharing of common contaminated source of drinking water.1,5 Epidemics of measles among athletes and spectators have been reported, spread by air-borne droplets in crowded confined environments in basketball, wrestling, and other sports necessitating mass immunizations and relocation or cancellation of events.3

Table 18-2. Sports with Reported Outbreaks of Infections

Table 18-3. Modes of Infection Transmission in Athletic Settings



In contact sports such as wrestling, direct skin contact can spread dermatologic infections. In water sports, the athletes may acquire the infection through unsanitary swimming pools. Infection may also be acquired from contaminated equipment, clothing, and towels; while air-borne and droplet spread can occur in crowded gymnasium and locker room environments.1–6 In air-borne transmission, dissemination of the infection occurs via droplet nuclei or dust particles, which may remain suspended in air for longer periods of time.7 In droplet transmission, micro-organisms are spread during coughing or sneezing to susceptible individuals. The relative humidity around showers and changing rooms predisposes to spread of many respiratory and fungal infections.6

Physical Activity, Immune Function, and Susceptibility to Infection

There has been a long-term interest in the relationship between exercise and immunology. Neiman reviewed 629 published papers on the topic between 1900 and 1995.8 It is important to note that most studies of exercise immunity and infections are done in elite endurance athletes in controlled laboratory settings. Generally speaking, an acute exercise of moderate duration and intensity, affected the immune system less than more prolonged high-intensity sessions, such as running a marathon race.8,9 During acute physical activity, the immune and hormonal responses resemble those observed during a stress reaction in general, such as with an acute infection or trauma. The natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils, and macrophages are most affected by exercise. Unlike the relative immunosuppressive effects of an acute or prolonged high-intensity activity, regular moderate exercise does not seem to have any adverse effects on immune function and in fact may enhance it. Brenner et al. has described a hypothetic model of the relationship between athletic activity and infection which is depicted in Figure 18-1.10

Figure 18-1

A hypothetical model of the relationship between athletic activity and infection. IgA, Immunoglobulin A; NK, natural killer cell; Th, T helper cell; Ts, T suppressor cell. (Adapted from Brenner IKM, Shek NP, Shephard RJ. Infections in athletes. Sports Medicine 1994:17:86.)

Studies suggest that the relative risk of acquiring upper respiratory infections is decreased with regular moderate exercise compared to a sedentary life style; on the other hand, the risk is increased with excessive or long-term endurance activity.9,11,12 Thus a J-shaped relationship between the risk of URI and the intensity of physical activity has been proposed as depicted in Figure 18-2.9 However, this model is not universally accepted.

Figure 18-2

The J-shaped relationship between the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and the intensity of physical activity.

Clinical Presentation


Most athletes present with symptoms and signs of either skin infections or viral upper respiratory illness or viral systemic illnesses.1,7,12,13 The clinical presentations of various infectious illnesses in athletes are similar to those seen in the nonathletic settings. Aspects relevant to athletes and sports participation are reviewed under specific sections later in the chapter.

Diagnostic Studies


Most contagious diseases are diagnosed based on clinical presentation. Microscopic examination of skin scraping may be useful in some cases of skin infections. Cultures of skin lesions are rarely warranted to diagnose fungal infections. Complete blood counts and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are nonspecific tests considered in some cases of systemic febrile illnesses. Specific serologic tests may be indicated in hepatitis virus, human immunodeficiency virus, and Epsetin-Barr virus infections. In diarrheal illnesses, stool studies are rarely indicated. Material aspirated from abscesses should be sent for culture and sensitivity.



Treatment of specific infectious diseases in athletes is no different than those in the nonathletic settings. Treatment modalities and medications used in the treatment of warts are summarized in Table 18-4.14–16 Drugs used in the treatment of herpes virus infections are listed in Table 18-5, those used for fungal infections of the skin in Table 18-6, and 18-7,17–19 and commonly used antibiotics for skin and soft tissue infections are listed in Table 18-8.7,20–22

Table 18-4. Treatment Modalities for Warts

Table 18-5. Drugs Used for Cutaneous or Genital HSV Infections

Table 18-6. Topical Drugs Used for Fungal Skin Infections in Athletes

Table 18-7. Systemic Agents Used for Fungal Skin Infections in Athletes

Table 18-8. Common Antibiotics Used for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Athletes

Aspect of treatment that is different in athletes is the decision when to allow the athlete back to sport participation. The nature of the particular infection, athlete’s sense of well-being, route and likelihood of transmission to other athletes, nature of the particular sport, and availability of effective treatment are major factors considered in making return to play decisions. General guidelines for sport participation by athletes with skin and soft tissue infections are presented in Table 18-9.23–26 Guidelines to minimize the risk of transmission of blood-borne infections are summarized in Table 18-10.27–31 Minimum treatment guidelines before allowing wrestlers with certain infections back to wrestling are summarized in Table 18-11.24 Since several infectious outbreaks that occur in the athletic settings are vaccine-preventable, all athletes should receive the recommended vaccines, if there are no contraindications (Table 18-12; Table 18-13).7,32

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