Important Points:
- 1
Mild pain is the most common presenting symptom of patients with an infected total hip arthroplasty, whereas radiographs commonly are negative.
- 2
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels are sensitive but nonspecific markers of inflammation.
- 3
When both erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels are above their cutoff value, aspiration is the cornerstone of diagnosis and treatment of infection.
- 4
Two-stage exchange arthroplasty with 4 to 6 weeks of antibiotic treatment between the stages remains the most preferred treatment.
- 5
Interleukin-6 may be promising serum marker to detect infection.
- 6
Molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction remain experimental. Polymerase chain reaction detects bacterial ribosomal 16S fragment.
- 7
Combined indium-111 and bone marrow scintigraphy is helpful, but fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission computed tomography has shown a higher sensitivity (95%) and specificity (93%).
- 8
Frozen sections with more than five polymorphonuclear leukocytes per high power field show high correlation with infection.
- 9
Practically, an aspiration leukocyte count of more than 2000 cells/μL and neutrophil percentage more than 70% can be used to assess for the presence of infection in patients with total hip arthroplasty.
- 10
An articulating cement spacer in selected patients with good skin and susceptible organism achieves mobility and soft tissue compliance.
- 11
Novel technologies such as antibiotic-tethered implants with promising applications are on the horizon.
Clinical/Surgical Pearls:
- 1
An elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 30 mm/hr for more than 3 months and C-reactive protein more than 1 mg/L for more than 3 weeks are indicators of infection, whereas normal sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein level exclude infection in the majority (96%).
- 2
Aspiration should not be used for screening because of high false-positive results. It can confirm infection in 90% of cases when both erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels are high.
- 3
Oral antibiotics should be avoided at least 2 weeks before the aspiration.
- 4
A combination of two antibiotics in the cement spacer can improve the elution of both agents.
Clinical/Surgical Pitfalls:
- 1
Nonspecific symptoms of minor hip pain, instability, and local inflammatory responses are present in more than 75% of patients; however, evidence of infection is obtained after the failure of the implant.
- 2
Polymerase chain reaction has a high false-positive rate because of its inability to differentiate between live or dead bacteria.
- 3
A delay of treatment of hip periprosthetic infection of more than 2 weeks compromises the success of treatment, with up to 40% failure rate for implant salvage.
- 4
Single-stage, direct exchange is contraindicated in cases with polymicrobial infection, virulent organisms, and compromised hosts.
- 5
The use of bone graft in patients with previous periprosthetic infection remains controversial.
Total hip arthroplasty is an effective means of improving and decreasing morbidity in patients with degenerative arthritis. However, despite the proven success, deep periprosthetic infection (PPI) remains one of the major complications that can ensue.
With the introduction of laminar flow and body exhaust systems the incidence of infection after joint arthroplasty has dropped significantly from 10% after first-generation primary arthroplasty and 7% after revision to a current rate of 1%.
Administration of prophylactic antibiotics within 30 to 60 minutes of incision has been the most important breakthrough. The introduction of the latest broad-spectrum antibiotics and complex antibiotic delivery systems to the site of PPI has had a minimal impact on the problem.
With the extension of indications to perform total joint arthroplasties in patients with medical comorbidities and immunocompromised status and the emergence of multidrug-resistant organisms, a substantial increase in the incidence of infection may result. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that the incidence of PPI may be greatly underestimated. Attachment of bacteria to the implant surface and formation of biofilm account for the failure to isolate organisms for diagnosis and also the inability to treat PPI with antibiotics only.
PPI is one of the most challenging and dreaded complications in orthopedics, often resulting in repeated surgeries, patient distress and disability, increased cost and use of medical resources, and in rare cases even death.
Most recent data show an increased cost associated with revisions for infection at more than $50,000 compared with approximately $16,000 for revision for aseptic loosening and $8500 for primary arthroplasty. At the current rate of PPI, the cost for management of this complication surpasses $1 billion annually.
Some of the risk factors for PPI include rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, sickle cell anemia, psoriatic arthritis, steroid use, malnutrition, compromised immune status, and previous surgeries on the affected limb.
Recent studies from the authors’ institution identified other factors, such as excessive anticoagulation and development of cardiac complications such as atrial fibrillation, as further risk factors for PPI.
Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, is associated with a 2.6-fold increase in infection rate. In addition, patients undergoing revision surgery have a threefold increase in risk of PPI. Poor nutrition is another factor predisposing to deep infection. A preoperative lymphocyte count of less than 1500 cells/mm was associated with a five times greater frequency of developing a major wound complication, and an albumin level of less than 3.5 gm/dL had a seven times greater frequency.
Surgical factors such as surgeon experience, timing and dosing of antibiotic administration, long operative time (more than 2.5 hours), operating room traffic, and the complexity of reconstruction are all important factors influencing the incidence of PPI.
Surgical contamination is the most common route for entry of organisms into prosthetic joints. Intraoperative infections usually manifest within the first 3 months after surgery. Diligence in administration of perioperative antibiotics and sterile techniques have a marked impact on the incidence of infection.
Another route for entry of organisms into prosthetic joints is by hematogenous spread, which can occur anytime after arthroplasty. Urinary tract infection and dental or other surgical procedures may result in bacteremia with settling of bacteria on the implants. Dissemination from an ulcer or an abscess in other parts of the body also can occur. Thus administration of prophylactic antibiotics before surgical and dental procedures is recommended. Antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedures currently is recommended for at least 2 years after surgery, although most surgeons advise the patients to take antibiotics before dental procedures indefinitely.
Local dissemination from a contagious focus is another important yet often overlooked mechanism of infection. Bacterial contamination of the joint and the surrounding tissues may occur as a result of a previous surgery. The bacteria can encapsulate themselves in small pockets or even hide inside osteoblasts. Later surgical procedure at the site results in release of the bacteria with seeding of the implant and subsequent infection and implant failure.
After implantation of a component, the competent immune system of the host is capable of eradicating a small load of microorganisms that may have gained access to the surgical site. In the absence of an implant or foreign surface, the immune surveillance is capable of eradicating large doses of bacteria. However, the mere presence of an implant reduces the number of colonies of bacteria needed to establish infection by more than 10 5 . Under these circumstances, microorganisms, even in small quantities, are able to escape immune surveillance and attach to the implant surface. The proliferation of the organisms on the surface of the implant results in the formation of a highly complex structure known as biofilm.
In recent years researchers have gained insightful knowledge regarding the structure of the biofilm. Bacteria in the biofilm are now known to communicate by way of complex molecular pathways, secrete numerous extracellular matrix products, and develop sophisticated mechanisms to escape immune attack. Some of the products in the biofilm include fibrinogen or collagen-binding proteins that allow adherence of bacteria to each other.
The virulence of bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has contributed to the complex formation of biofilm. Specific signals are required for successful colonization and biofilm formation. The process is not random, and specific molecular decisions take place in response to the suitability of the local environment, availability of nutrients, and the relative safety from bactericidal agents. Bacteria within the biofilm originally thought to maintain a low metabolic state are, in fact, more active than free-floating planktonic organisms. This high metabolism is necessary for producing extracellular polysaccharides, signaling proteins, and toxins.
Infections associated with biofilm remain subclinical for extended periods, with mild symptoms as the planktonic bacteria are removed by immune system. Local damage results in loosening of the prosthesis and osteolysis, but such symptoms often are difficult to identify and differentiate from aseptic loosening or associated foreign body reaction. Ultimately, if undiagnosed the growing and expanding biofilm may lead to osteomyelitis and life-threatening complications. In addition, the biofilm often harbors multidrug resistance that makes it difficult to eliminate, often requiring surgical interventions.
Biofilm is notoriously difficult to treat, and common antibacterial treatment strategies effective at killing cultures extracted from biofilm have minimal effect on bacteria adhered to implants and hidden within the biofilm. The microbial organisms are given time to adopt and survive, including genetic modification or gene transfer to acquire resistant phenotypes. These bacteria that have a low metabolic rate and fail to respond to sub-minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) concentration of antibiotics are called persisters; they have a similar susceptibility to growth inhibition but cannot be killed by normal antibiotic dosing. Extremely high doses of antibiotics that are too toxic to administer usually are required to eliminate persisters.
Despite the availability of various tests, the diagnosis of PPI remains elusive in some cases. The ultimate evidence for PPI is isolation of the infecting organism. This, however, relies on the presence of planktonic organisms in the periarticular tissue and fluid, which is not the case with some infections. The organisms usually form a biofilm that allows them to adhere to the surface of the implant and escape immune surveillance and antibiotic therapy.
History and Physical Examination
A good history identifying the specific presentation, duration, and localization of symptoms, predisposing factors, and response to treatments may render an early diagnosis.
No universal criteria exist to determine and differentiate infection from aseptic loosening and osteolysis, and the entire process is based on the integration of clinical presentation, laboratory data, and imaging modalities.
PPI may present with nonspecific symptoms, including minor hip pain. Administration of antibiotics may ameliorate the symptoms but leave a nidus of infection that ultimately leads to chronicity and premature implant failure. Therefore a rigorous algorithm consisting of preoperative and intraoperative tests is required to confirm or refute septic failures. The presence of signs and symptoms such as a draining sinus tract ( Fig. 31-1 ), fever, chills, and/or a history of persistent wound drainage with concomitant painful range of motion can aid in the diagnosis of infection but often are absent. Some infections may be chronic or subacute in nature with insidious presentation that may overlap with aseptic failure of arthroplasty and hence go undetected. In fact, a recent study showed that, using sonication, bacteria could be isolated from the surface of 8.3% of implants of patients who were assumed to have an aseptic etiology for failure.

After the initial history and examination that may be revealing, a battery of tests often is performed. Radiographs are an essential part of the assessment. Radiographs are useful to determine the cause of implant failure and reveal problems such as wear, osteolysis, or fracture. Radiographs, besides providing important information about the local environment around the prosthesis, may, in cases of overt infection, reveal periosteal reaction, bone cysts, and focal resorption indicative of PPI. Other imaging tests such as computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging have little role in diagnosis of infection.
Certain changes such as focal areas of osteolysis, osteopenia, and endosteal or periosteal reaction ( Fig. 31-2 ) are consistent with PPI, whereas early loosening of the implant should alert the surgeon to the possibility of an underlying dormant infection. Although these characteristics can be used to determine PPI, they rarely manifest in infected joint arthroplasties; therefore the role of radiographs lies in ruling out the presence of other aseptic etiologies.

Radionuclide Modalities
Bone scans, particularly when combined with white blood cell labeling, may be a useful preoperative test. The technetium-99m ( 99m Tc) isotope bone scan that detects areas of increased uptake often is used as a part of initial workup for PPI. Three-phase bone imaging by itself caries a sensitivity of 33% and specificity of 86%, with poor predictive value. This enables the bone scan to play an important role in screening and ruling out the presence of infection. It is, however, rare for the technetium bone scan to be used alone in diagnosis of PPI. A dual-tracer technique such as the use of indium-111 ( 111 In)-labeled leukocyte scan usually is performed simultaneously with a 99m Tc diphosphonate scan. The combination of 99m Tc and 111 In decreases the rate of false-positive results and improves specificity.
In theory, labeled leukocyte tracers such as 111 In do not accumulate at sites of increased bone turnover in the absence of infection. The sulfur colloid scan combined with leukocyte scan also relies on a similar principle. Both the sulfur colloid and white blood cell tracers accumulate in normal bone marrow, but sulfur colloid does not accumulate in white cells present in the areas of infection. The diagnosis of infection therefore is based on the relative difference in the uptake of two tracers. The reported accuracy of this technique ranges from 89% to 98%.
Technically the combined scan is labor intensive and associated with risks such as transfusion reactions. The technetium tracer is first injected into the patient and allowed to accumulate in areas of high metabolic activity and increased blood flow. Leukocytes are then obtained from the patient, labeled with 111 In, and reinjected into the patient.
In recent years positron emission tomography with fluorodeoxyglucose imaging (FDG-PET) has been shown to have a promising role for diagnosis of PPI. FDG-PET has been shown to carry 95% sensitivity and 93% specificity for diagnosis of infection around a hip prosthesis. This imaging modality relies on glucose metabolism and uptake of FDG by inflammatory and metabolically active cells. The FDG, once taken up by the cells, is phosphorylated to deoxyglucose-6-phosphate and trapped in the cell long enough to be imaged by PET. However, PET generally is nonspecific and targets all areas of inflammation; thus inflammatory conditions must be ruled out to have any predictive value. Some centers are currently implementing FDG-PET as part of the preoperative evaluation with possible PPI.
Love et al noted that the combined 99m Tc/ 111 In scans had a greater specificity than FDG-PET, but other centers reported superior results in terms of sensitivity and specificity with PET scan. A recent prospective study by Pill et al compared FDG-PET scan to the combined 99m Tc/ 111 In and concluded that FDG-PET scan has a far greater sensitivity (95% vs. 50%) than the 99m Tc/ 111 In scans and is a useful diagnostic tool with promising ability in differentiating PPI from aseptic failures of the hip. However, false-positive results still plague FDG-PET scans, especially in areas of particle-induced inflammation, where macrophages accumulate.
Overall, radionuclide imaging is an exciting test but requires extensive resource utilization that is not easily available at most centers. Other cheaper and cost-effective tests, namely blood tests, still remain the workhorse of diagnosis of PPI.
Serologic Tests
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are traditional serologic markers used as a part of a diagnostic workup for infection. ESR greater than an arbitrary cutoff of 30 mm/hr and CRP greater than 1 mg/dL are considered abnormal. However, elevated ESR and CRP levels may occur in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica, and temporal arteritis as well as metastatic disease. The ESR also tends to be high in patients with anemia, renal failure, or obesity and during pregnancy. On the other hand, a low ESR concomitant with a red blood cell disorder or an abnormality in plasma protein production can mask PPI.
CRP is one of many acute-phase reactants or proteins produced by hepatocytes in response to various pathologic states. Because plasma levels of CRP in healthy individuals are present in trace amounts undetected by standard laboratory techniques, they often are reported as less than 0.5 mg/L. After total joint arthroplasty CRP begins to rise, reaching a peak at 48 hours postoperatively. It then begins to normalize and reaches a normal level within 3 weeks. On the other hand, ESR reaches a maximal level at 5 to 7 days postoperatively and may not return to normal up to 3 months postoperatively. In the absence of the confounding factors previously listed, persistent elevations of ESR for more than 3 months and CRP for more than 3 weeks postoperatively are alarming signs for possible joint infection.
A prospective study of revision hip arthroplasty that excluded patients with inflammatory arthropathy was conducted by Spangehl et al. The authors concluded that an ESR of greater than 30 mm/hr has a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 85% in determining infection. However, a C-reactive protein level greater than 1 mg/dL was a better prognostic indicator of infection than the ESR and achieved a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 92%. Although the ESR and CRP are not diagnostic of infection when used individually, Spangehl et al concluded that when the ESR and CRP are below their respective cutoff values, PPI can reliably be excluded from the differential in the majority of cases.
Another serologic marker that has shown promising results is interleukin-6 (IL-6). This cytokine is produced by monocytes and macrophages and induces the production of acute-phase proteins, including CRP. IL-6 achieves its peak level during the first 12 hours postoperatively and returns to its preoperative baseline value within 3 days. Therefore serum IL-6 levels can be used to detect early postoperative infections and monitor the patient’s response to treatment, which the other commonly used serologic markers cannot do. DiCesare et al showed that a cutoff value of 12 pg/mL has adequately high sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value and acceptable positive predictive value to diagnose PPI.
Joint Aspiration, Fluid Analysis, and Culture
Joint aspiration remains as one of the most important diagnostic tests for PPI. Aspiration can confirm the diagnosis and identify the infecting organism, which in turn guides antibiotic therapy and the surgical management. Joint aspiration may be considered in patients with abnormal ESR and CRP. Once aspirated, the joint fluid should be sent for cell count and neutrophil differential count as well as culture for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and fungi.
Joint aspiration does not, however, have absolute accuracy. False-negative aspirations occur, particularly in patients who are taking antibiotics. Hence aspiration of the joint should be deferred for at least 2 weeks in patients taking antibiotics. In addition, repeat aspirations may be considered in patients with suspected infection in whom initial aspiration failed to isolate an organism. Aspiration should be performed only in patients with a strong suspicion for infection because the rate of false-positive results also can be unacceptably high.
The joint aspirate should be analyzed for absolute white cell count and neutrophil differential. Cell count analysis of the joint aspirate is demonstrated to have a high accuracy (90%) for diagnosis of PPI. The neutrophil percentage is more efficient in excluding infection but could be inundated with a high false-positive rate because of the inclusion of bloody or clotted aspirates. Trampuz et al, in a prospective study of total knee arthroplasties, defined a cutoff value of fluid cell count of 1700 cells/μL and neutrophil percentage of 65%. These authors concluded that the neutrophil percentage was a significantly better diagnostic modality than the leukocyte count. In a recent study performed by Parvizi et al, similar cutoff values for fluid cell count (1760 cells/μL) and a neutrophil percentage (73%) were conceived. The fluid cell count had a slightly higher positive predictive value and a slightly lower negative value compared with neutrophil percentage. From a practical aspect, a leukocyte count greater than 2000 cells/μL and neutrophil percentage greater than 70% can be used to assess for the presence of infection in patients with artificial hip or knee joints.
The isolation of an organism from joint fluid or periprosthetic tissue obtained intraoperatively is considered the gold standard of diagnosing PPI. Although this test possesses high specificity (97% to 100%) and a near absolute positive predictive value, limitations exist. False-positive cultures may occur in 6% of cases, and an organism may not be isolated in 10% to 12% of the cases with “confirmed” PPI. Another drawback of relying on intraoperative culture to diagnose PPI is that the result of the culture usually is not available for 3 to 4 days after the surgery.
The exact number of samples that must be obtained to confirm the presence of PPI is debated. Some investigators advocate obtaining five or more samples for accurate diagnosis of PPI. However, for practical purposes and cost effectiveness most surgeons obtain two to three culture samples.
Intraoperative Tests
A few intraoperative tests may aid the surgeon in reaching or refuting the diagnosis of PPI. Analysis of tissue samples for the presence of organisms (Gram stain) and the presence of leukocytes (more than five per high power field) are some of those tests. Although the latter test has near absolute specificity, the sensitivity is exceedingly low at 30% to 40%. Part of the problem is that the histologic criteria and neutrophil cutoff values used for the diagnosis of infection vary from center to center.
Gram stain of periprosthetic tissue samples has demonstrated consistently poor sensitivity. The sensitivity has ranged from 15% to 30% depending on the criteria used as standard for diagnosis of PPI and therefore lacks the ability to detect infection in a consistent manner. On the contrary, the specificity and positive predictive value of this test is high at 98% to 100%, which enables the surgeon to confirm the presence of PPI when a positive smear is encountered. At the present time the Gram stain is an ineffective tool for the diagnosis of PPI and further investigation is required to reveal its importance.
No concrete data have been presented to date concerning the indications and timing for performing frozen sections. Some investigators have conducted prospective studies in which frozen sections were obtained from every patient undergoing revision surgery, and others have analyzed frozen sections when a high clinical suspicion for infection was present. Two early studies conducted by Mirra et al began the process of clarifying the histologic criteria used to diagnose infection. These authors documented the presence of more than five neutrophils per high power field (hpf) in five separate fields in samples taken from sites of acute inflammation with confirmed positive cultures. However, in both original articles histologic analysis was performed under a magnification of ×500, which may influence results when applying the criteria to the more commonly used ×400 microscopes. Other investigators, including Lonner et al, attempted to validate these criteria in a prospective study of 175 consecutive patients. They reported a sensitivity and specificity of 84% and 96%, respectively, when implementing the above recommended criteria using ×400 magnifications. However, the specificity improved to 98% when using more stringent criteria of more than 10 neutrophils/hpf in more than five fields. In another prospective study of 106 total knee and hip revision arthroplasties, Athanasou et al compared the following histologic criteria (more than 5 cells/hpf, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells in more than 10 fields) to the gold standard of intraoperative culture and yielded adequate sensitivity (90%) and specificity (96%). On the other hand, Pandey et al performed a large retrospective study of 617 revision total joint arthroplasties in which they considered the presence of 1 cell/hpf in at least 10 fields to be consistent with infection in 97.8% of the cases of septic failures.
Molecular Techniques
Novel molecular techniques for diagnosing PPI have previously been described. During recent years molecular techniques based on selective DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have been introduced. PCR analysis has been reported by some investigators to have better specificity and sensitivity than the standard culture methods. The technique involves the identification and amplification of the bacterial ribosomal 16S fragment. A drawback of this technique is that it does not differentiate between live and dead bacteria, and a high number of false-positive results may occur. Although PCR is a highly sensitive test that can detect the presence of bacteria even in small quantities, its role in routine clinical investigation remains unestablished. A recent study that applied PCR technology to dry reagent dipsticks showed it was able to detect different pathogens within a few hours.
During recent years the role of other molecular techniques, such as microarray, also has been tested. Deirmengian et al demonstrated that white blood cells found in synovial fluid of patients with PPI express a “signature” gene. Among the genes found to be differentially expressed were IL-1, chemokine ligands CCL3 and CCL4, and intercellular adhesion ligand ICAM1.

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