Review of the literature regarding the impact of brain injury on driving skills.
Materials and methods
Pubmed and Cochrane publications from 2000 to 2010.
Thirty-five articles were selected for this review of literature. Despite an increased risk of accident in this population according to retrospective studies, no methodology is currently validated to assess impact of brain injury, especially cognitive sequelae, on driving capacity, given the low level of evidence of studies. Assessment of attentional, executive and visuo-spatial deficits is given great importance. On-road assessments have to be carried out.
It appears necessary to combine medical and neuropsychological evaluations with an on-road assessment of driving capacity.
Revue de la littérature sur l’impact d’un traumatisme crânien sur les capacités de conduite automobile.
Matériel et méthode
Publications Pubmed et Cochrane de 2000 à 2010.
Trente-cinq articles ont été retenus pour cette revue de la littérature. Alors que des études rétrospectives retrouvent un risque accru d’accident dans cette population, aucune méthodologie n’est actuellement validée, au regard du faible niveau de preuve des études réalisées, pour évaluer l’impact d’un traumatisme crânien, en particulier des séquelles cognitives, sur les capacités de conduite automobile. Les évaluations des troubles attentionnels, exécutifs et visuospatiaux sont au premier plan. Des mises en situation sur route doivent être proposées.
La conjonction d’une évaluation médicale et neuropsychologique associée à une évaluation sur route apparaît nécessaire.
English version
Return to driving following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a positive element in the process of readaptation. Driving is often associated with greater independence and better quality of life , and is a public health issue. The regulation and the organisation of driving capacity assessments vary depending on the country. Some countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Canada have one or several dedicated centers specialised in such assessments. In Australia, some occupational therapists are recognised by the driving licence authorities. Despite this, the decision to return to driving appears to be most often taken by the person themselves, with or without the advice of family, without any medical advice and even against medical advice . This is well illustrated by Brooks et al. in a study carried out in England. They report that very few people with TBI refer themselves to the British mobility centre before returning to driving. This can be partially explained by the fact that professionals are often poorly informed themselves and thus cannot properly inform patients as well as the fact that it is completely up to the initiative of the persons concerned to consult competent authorities.
The frequency of return to driving following TBI (moderate to severe) varies in the literature between 32% and 52% .
Driving is a complex and dynamic activity. The most cited conceptual model of driving is that of Michon , which schematizes the activity in three interconnected levels. The strategic level requires decisions to be taken (such as the day, time, itinerary, filling up etc.) with no time constraints. The tactical level requires the capacity to plan, be flexible and to adapt within time constraints (such as adapting speed to the level of traffic, taking decisions such as changeing lanes etc.). And lastly, the operational level which includes all the perceptive and automatic skills necessary to drive the vehicle. This level requires a certain amount of practice as well as visuo-spatial skills, good reaction times and muscle strength, under permanent time constraints.
Compensatory strategies could easily be put into place at the tactical level, however, it is more difficult for the strategic and operational levels. People with TBI are likely to have deficits of the functions described in this model, thus justifying a driving capacity assessment. However, to the best of our knowledge, no validated consensus regarding the assessment of driving capacity currently exist. Practices, along with regulations, vary between countries. This article aims to review the current knowledge of the impact of TBI on driving activity.
Materials and methods
A literature review was carried out using Pubmed and the Cochrane Library using the following key words: “automobile driving (Mesh) AND Traumatic Brain Injury (Mesh not exp)” for the period January 2000 to December 2010.
Sixty-three abstracts were obtained, 34 of which were included because they included an assessment of cognitive sequelae following TBI and the impact on driving and/or the impact of TBI on driving capacity, in French or English. Among these 35 articles, five report of literature review including an “evidence-based literature review”, three are devoted to descriptions of assessment practices, four relate to road accident after TBI. All studies, who have all low level of evidence, using neuropsychological testing are summarized in Table 1 .
Study | Objective | Type of study population | Used tests | Results |
Predictors of driving outcome after traumatic brain injury Coleman et al. (2002) | Studying predictors of driving ability after TBI | Retrospective and prospective follow-up cohort 71 TBI/71 close to the patient | WAIS III letter-number sequencing WAIS III matrix reasoning test Colored Trails | No significant difference between those who returned and those who did not resume driving |
The use of the color trails test in the assessment of driver competence: preliminary report of a culture-fair Elkin-Frankston et al. (2007) | Evaluate the relative effectiveness of TMT and CTT as a screening tool in identifying risk drivers requiring an assessment of road | 29 participants (8 stroke and 1 TBI) evaluated on road (60 minutes) | MMSE TMT A and B CTT | Subjects who passed the on-road evaluation had significantly better scores on the MMSE and the TMT and CTT. There is a significant correlation between CTT and TMT CTT can be an interesting alternative for illiterate subjects |
Useful Field of View after TBI Fisk et al. (2002) a | Consider the possibility that the TBI had poorer results in UFOV than controls | Experiment with 2 groups, unblinded 23 moderate to severe TBI/18 control subjects | UFOV and neuropsychological assessment also includes a measure of intelligence (WAIS-R or SILS or SIT-R), CVLT, Digit sapn subtest of Wais-R, grooved Pegboard Test, TMT A and B | Found a significant increase in the UFOV scores for TBI Scores divided and selective attention are significantly higher Not significant slowdown in processing speed subtest Significant correlation between the results of the TMT-B and UFOV Concluded that it is possible that the TBI having a pathological UFOV is an increased risk of accident, to be confirmed by other studies |
Driving with cognitive deficits: neurorehabilitation and legal measures are needed for driving again after severe traumatic brain injury Leon-Carrion (2005) a | Determine whether cognitive deficits prevent post-traumatic recovery of safe driving after severe TBI | Retrospective study 17 severe TBI 2 groups: those who conduct against medical advice early in their rehabilitation/those who did not take over the conduct | BNS tachistiscopic attention examination Hooper VOT, Benton VRT, Rey-Osterrieth complex figure, visual form discrimination test Tower of Hanoi-sevilla, WCST, STROOP BNS simple attention test, BNS examination of vigilance Grooved Pegboard test Tests for motor function of the Luria/Christensen Test Battery Nechapi | Neuropsychological test results are related accidents and driving skills |
Factors influencing driving 10 years after brain injury Lundqvist et al. (2008) | Assess whether the line 10 years after a brain injury is related to the results of neuropsychological tests and driving performance 10 years before the accident and whether these results are correlated with | Retrospective study case–control 38 patients (including 24 TBI and 22 stroke)/49 control subjects contacted by telephone 10 years after an assessment of driving ability, including an assessment of road and neuropsychological assessment | TMT A and B Complex Reaction Time Test Focused attention test Simultaneous Capacity test | Patients who still drive after 10 years had significantly better results of the neuropsychological assessment (NPA) Not possible conclusion from the evaluation results on the road 14 patients had an accident during this period. But no significant difference on the results of the NPA and evaluation on the road with those who have not had an accident |
UFOV performance and driving ability following TBI Novack et al. (2006) | Studying the correlation between UFOV and driving skills (evaluated on road) | 60 moderate to severe TBI | UFOV TMT | A high score on subtest 2 of the UFOV is a significant predictor of failure to evaluate road |
Role of premorbid factors in predicting safe return to driving after severe TBI Pietrapiana et al. (2005) a | Predict the recovery capability of safe driving after TBI | Retrospective study 66 severe TBI/66 close relation | Visual Search Test WAIS-R symbol-Digit Subtest | No results predictive of safe driving |
Validation of stroke drivers screening assessment for people with traumatic brain injury. Radfort et al. (2004) | To assess the value of SDSA, alone or with other cognitive tests to predict driving ability of TBI | Retrospective study 44 BI Neuropsychological assessment + on road assessment | SDSA comprend: Dot cancellation Square Matrices Road sign recognition PASAT STROOP Test of Motor Impersistence Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery | Discriminant analysis of the original equation of SDSA is predictive in 87% of cases |
Driving and community integration after TBI Rapport et al. (2008) | Assessing barriers to the resumption of driving after TBI | Cohort study (transverse) 261 TBI (moderate to severe for most) | Composite score from the following tests: Symbol-Digit modalities test, judgement of line orientation-Short form, WAIS-III: séquences de lettre–nombres, STROOP test, CVLT-II, TMT A and B, Digit vigilance test | The more the composite score is bad, the more patients have a risk of accident |
Comprehensive driving assessment: neuropsychological testing and on-road evaluation of brain-injured patients Schanke et al. (2000) | Study the correlation between the degree of neuropsychological impairment and the failure rate assessments on road | Cohort study 55 patients which 43 stroke and 5 TBI | Visual field deficit Visual attention Auditory attention Digit span (Wais) REACT Grooved pegboard test Serial digit modalities test TMT A and B Picture completion (Wais) Block design (Wais) Copy a cross STROOP Awarness index | Significantly discriminating elements for the recovery of lead are the test results of visual attention, REACT, STROPP and TMT, the visuo-spatial and visuo-constructive (Picture completion, block design and copy a cross), and anosognosia |
Utility of the UFOV test with mild traumatic brain injury Schneider et al. (2005) a | Study the predictability of the UFOV in road accidents after mild TBI? | Retrospective study case–control 40 students reported having a mild TBI/40 control subjects Declaration set the number of accidents and offense | TMT A and B Waiss III Processing speed index SMDT UFOV | No significant difference in results between UFOV of mild TBI and healthy controls Ditto for the other neuropsychological tests No increase in mild TBI offense, but the number of accidents significantly higher in the group TBI |
a Studies cited in “evidence-based literature review” Classens et al. .
Impact of traumatic brain injury on road traffic accidents
Retrospective studies carried out on road traffic accidents following TBI are interesting and motivating to better assess the capacity to return to driving. Indeed, even if the studies have a low level of evidence, they tend to show an increased risk of accident following TBI.
Mosberg et al. evaluated 62 brain-injured subjets (36 post stroke, 15 post TBI, mean age 50 years) who underwent a global assessment and were considered capable of driving. Fifteen months later, the same subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding their driving capacity and behaviour. There was a non-significant increase in the number of accidents for the whole group. However, the TBI subjects had a significantly greater number of accidents than the stroke subjects. The subjects implicated were mostly young TBI patients with executive function impairments.
An Italian study by Petrapiana et al. evaluated 66 subjects at least 1 year (mean 5.51 years) post severe TBI (initial Glasgow score ≤ 8, average of 12.44 days of coma) with a mean driving experience of 10.27 years. Close relatives who knew the subjects well before the TBI were questioned regarding their driving style and personality prior to the TBI. Thirty-three of 66 subjects (47%) had returned to driving at least one year previously. Twenty-one of these had received medical advice and ten had had no specific assessment. Thirty-five of 66 (53%) had not taken up driving again. It is interesting to note that there was no significant difference in the number of accidents or offences between the two groups prior to the TBI. However, eleven of the 31 subjects who returned to driving had had at least one accident (35.5%), which is reported as being higher than in the general population.
The positive correlation between the number of years post TBI and the number of accidents or offences post TBI suggests that dangerous driving behaviour persists over time.
In Sweden, Lundqvist et al. studied 38 brain-injured patients, of which 24 had diffuse cerebral lesions (ten TBI and 14 sub-arachnoid haemorrhage [SAH]), and compared them to 49 control subjects. All the subjects had undergone a neuropsychological assessment and an on-road assessment 10 years previously and replyed to a semi-strucutred interview regarding their current driving practices. The rate of accidents was significantly higher in the patient group (nine patients, six of which had TBI or SAH; 28%) in comparison with the control group (five subjects; 10%).
In Italy, a study by Formisano et al. confirmed this tendencywith a study of 90 subjects with severe brain injury which 80% of TBI. Only 29 subjects (32%) had returned to driving. An interview of their relatives revealed that 38% of the subjects who had returned to driving (11/29) had had at least one road traffic accident. Forty-five percent had had more than one accident and one subject, who had a prevalence of behavioural problems in proportion to his cognitive impairment according to a neuropsychological assessment, had had nine accidents. The risk of accident in this population is 2.3 times higher than in the general population.
Similarly, a study by Schanke et al. showed a significantly higher number of accidents per kilometre driven for TBI patients (28 subjects, on average 9.1 years post accident) compared with values in the general population in Norway, despite a specific assessment prior to returning to driving. This was not the case for the stroke population (65 subjects) of their study. The authors suggested that the long follow up in comparision with other studies, the difficulty in detecting impairments of executive function in their assessment and the possible existence of a premorbid “accident-type behaviour” could explain the high level of accidents in the TBI subjects.
The results of Schulheis et al. are more encouraging for multidisciplinary assessments, although the follow up was shorter. Forty-seven TBI subjects who had returned to driving since an average 2.14 years following a multidisciplinary assessment which included a neuropsychological assessment as well as an on-road assessment, were compared to 22 control subjects. The results showed similar numbers of offences and accidents declared to the insurance companies (around ¼) between the two groups. The only difference, which was not significant, was for accidents which were not declared to the insurance company, around 40% in the TBI group and 31.8% in the control group.
Traumatic brain injury and recovery of automobile driving: which predictive factors?
Clinical factors which could predict return to driving were investigated.
The impact of the initial severity of the TBI, most often assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), the duration of the inital coma and less frequently the duration of post-traumatic amnesia have been studied several times but without a consensus of results . Coleman et al. did not reveal any impact of the initial TBI severity, in a study of 71 subjects with moderate to severe TBI which occurred on average 4.3 years previously.
While studies of Pétrapiana et al. and Haway show a negative correlation between severity of TBI, in particular the duration of coma, and return to driving.
The TBI population is often described as young with risk behaviour prior to the accident.
The results regarding the impact of these factors as predictive or not on the resumption of driving diverge. Pietrapiana et al. studied a group of 66 severe TBI subjects at least 1 year post accident. According to the authors, the factors which predict safe driving following TBI are a low number of previous accidents or offences, a low-risk personality index (which includes indolence, impulsiveness, calmness, irritability, sociability, agressivity and a tendency to inattention) and a low-risk driving style (evaluating attention, tendency to inattention, competitiveness, adherence to the highway code and audacity). This was, however, not confirmed in a study by Coleman et al. in which only the history of accidents and offences were taken into account.
The young age at the time of the TBI has been found to be a negative predictive factor for return to driving . This factor is associated with the role of driving experience as a positive factor regarding the capacity to return to driving after TBI.
How should driving capacity following traumatic brain injury be evaluated?
Clinical assessment
The different results obtained in the studies following assessment of return to driving candidates reflects the large disparity between countries regarding regulations and assessments which may or may not be carried out.
When assessments have been described in the literature, the clinical assessment is almost always carried out as well as a verification of any contraindications to returning to driving. For example, epilepsy is taken into account depending on the laws of each country , along with visual field in 84% of cases, according to a survey of practices in the USA and Canada .
The presence of a severe frontal syndrome demonstrated by severe apragmatism or disinhibition is generally a contraindication to driving . Homonymous lateral hemianopia (HLH) is an absolute contraindication for most authors . Others, however, such as Brouwer are less categorical. They suggest that HLH can be compensated during driving as long as the macular zone is spared. This is based on the results of two patients following assessment on a simulator and one following an on-road assessment, however, further confirmation is necessary.
Fatigue is a common complaint following TBI. For example, 36% of the 139 TBI drivers evaluated by Hawley et al. complained of fatigue, and 33% of the 36 subjects with severe TBI in the study by Chaumet et al. presented with chronic fatique according to the Fatigue Severity Scale. The average severity of the fatigue score is significantly higher in TBI subjects than in control subjects. This is also true for results on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. The fatigue score (FSS) is correlated with an objective measurement of sleepiness, the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test, which is not the case for control subjects. This study also found a negative correlation between the severity of the fatigue score and driving performance evaluated using a simulator.
It is interesting to note that no correlation between the scores of independence and functional assessment (such as the Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure) has been demonstrated , but a good score for independence increases the risk of a resumption of driving while medical opinion against states, as has been shown by Leon-Carrion et al., in a study of 17 TBI patients .
The impact of drugs on driving capacity, despite the relevance for a large number of TBI subjects, is described only by two authors in this review of literature . Hopewel reminds the impact on cognitive function of psychotrophic drugs, including in particular anxiolytic, neuroleptic, narcotic and hypnotic drugs which may have, in addition to sequelae of head inury, an impact on driving, must be taken into account.
Neuropsychological assessment
Neuropsychological assessments are generally considered as useful, providing information regarding the skills required for driving such as selective and divided attention, information processing speed, working memory and motor-perceptive capacity as well as visuo-spatial and visuo-constructive functions and executive function .
However, as shown by Classen et al. in their review of literature , no test has been found to predict return to drive capacity. However, two tests appear to provide useful elements which can help decision making. One, the Trail Making Test (TMT) is carried out as routine practice in France and abroad. The other, the Useful Field Of View test (UFOV) is less well known, particularly in France.
Fisk et al. used the TMT and found significantly less good results in a TBI population (moderate/severe) that in a control group. Lundqvist et al. found significantly higher results for TBI patients who had returned to driving than for those who had not. Novack et al. also found that poor performance on the TMT-B (a sub-test of the TMT) was predictive of failure in an on-road assessment of driving capacity.
The UFOV is composed of three sub-tests, described as measuring the functional and useful range of peripheral vision in conditions of cognitive load . It evaluates certain pertinent competances for safe driving, such as the speed of processing of visual information as well as divided and selective attention in central and peripheral vision.
Fisk et al. compared the results of a neuropsychological evaluation (including the California Verbal learning Test, the Digit span sub-test of the WAIS, the Grooved Pegboard Test, the TMT A and B) and the UFOV in 23 moderate to severe TBI subjects with that of 18 young adults with no neurological problems. They showed on the one hand a significant correlation between the results on the TMT-B and the UFOV and on the other hand that the UFOV scores were significantly higher (therefore less good) in the TBI subjects, particularly the sub-tests of divided and selective attention. Novack et al. found a significant correlation between the conclusions of an on-road driving assessment (from the Driving Assessment Scale) and the results of the sub-tests of divided attention and selective attention of the UFOV for a population of 60 moderate (18%) to severe (72%) TBI subjects. This correlation was not, however, confirmed in a population of mild TBI subjects which suggests that it is only useful for moderate to severe TBI subjects. Classen et al., in their “evidence-based literature review” issue, a recommendation level B, which can be considered predictive of on-road driving performance for moderate or severe TBI patients .
Two authors have developped and evaluated batteries of neuropsychological tests. The “Stroke Drivers Screening Assessment” was developed by Nouri et al. and consists of three tests which assess memory, attention and executive and visuo-spatial function. The predictive value for returning to drive was found to be 81%. Radfort et al. , however, coupled the test with an on-road assessment in 88 TBI subjects and found a specificity of 84.2% but a low sensitivity–35.7%.
The “Expert System traffic” developed by Schuhfried was evaluated by Sommer et al. . The battery of tests had already been validated in healthy subjects and the authors studied the predicitve validity in a group of brain-injured subjects (stroke 61.2%, TBI 38.8%). This battery of tests includes an assessment of inductive reasoning (Adaptative Matrice test), a “test of peripheral perception”, which evaluates the visual field and divided attention, an objective personality test on the level of accepted risk in traffic (Vienna Risk-Taking test traffic) as well as a questionnaire on personality traits related to driving (inventory of driving-Related Personality Traits). The results were compared with the results from an on-road assessment. They showed more positive results for the stroke group than the TBI group for whom the validity coefficient was 0.78, the sensitivity 74.2%, the specificity 89.7% and the stability 0.87. It is considered useful for evaluating brain-injured drivers and predictive performance in traffic situation according Classen et al. .
The problem of the impact of unilateral neglect on the activity of driving is weakly mentioned in the literature. Schanke et al. consider that its presence states against the resumption of driving. While Brouwer et al. estimate that an overall assessment should be performed, and appreciating the impact of this disorder, as well as other cognitive dysfunction.
Anosognisia is an important element to consider. It may be, including, originally from a misunderstanding of a statement against return to drive , the person who is not aware of identified difficulties, particularly during on-road assessment. Brooks et al. report that Van Zomeren concluded (in 1988) following several case studies that insight and self-criticism are more important regarding driving capacity than the level of cognitive deficit. Since then, three studies have tended to show that subjects with a good awareness of their problems are more likely to return to driving . Rapport et al. showed that subjects with a good performance in neuropsychological tests but a poor self-assessment of their capacity are more at risk of accident and/or offences than TBI subjects with greater cognitive deficits but good self-assessment capacity.
In addition to this neuropsychological evaluation, the need for a more ecological evaluation which focuses on driving is unanimous recognized. The question remains whether the assessment should be carried out in a driving simulator or on the road in a vehicle with double controls. The literature shows a wide variety of practices and poorly defined assessment modalities.
Practical assessment
Driving simulator
Several benefits of the use of driving simulators to evaluate driving capacity in brain-injured patients have been highlighted ( Table 2 ). Firstly, quantative and qualitative data can be obtained in reproducible situations. The most common parameters which are measured are reaction time to breaking, speed and deviations from the trajectory. The simulator also avoids putting the person, as well as other road users in danger. It is, however, necessary that the person adapts well to the simulator. Lex et al. have suggested that some subjects (healthy or TBI) may find the assessment in the simulator more difficult than an on-road assessment .
Study | Objective | Population | Results |
Cognitive control by brain-injured car drivers: an exploratory study Charrona et al. (2010) | Studying cognitive control and the various adaptations between TBI and control drivers | 7 severe TBI/6 control subjects | Cognitive control appears more symbolic in TBI straight TBI fixed over the immediate environment that controls the environment by exploring more distant and, except when the script is secure and instructions Significant difficulty in dual task of TBI: Use less mirror their straight TBI less capable of detecting a wild |
Driving difficulties of brain-injured drivers in reaction to high-crash risk simulated road events: a question of impaired divided attention? Cyr et al. (2009) | Assess the impact of divided attention disorders and slowing the accident risk after TBI | 17 TBI and 16 control subjects | The TBI group significantly more accidents than the control group ( P < 0.5) The performance dual tasks were significantly correlated with accident rates ( P = 0.5) |
Predictive validity of driving simulator assessments following traumatic brain injury: a preliminary study Lew et al. (2005) a | Evaluation simulator, can it predict actual driving performance after 10 months? | 11 moderate to severe TBI less than 2 years of their TBI/16 control subjects | TBI are less successful than controls on two measures of performance simulator (55% failure/0%) No significant correlation between DPI score simulator and on the road SPI is predictive of return of close to 10 months after the conduct regarding the handling of the vehicle, speed, trajectories, self-control, judgment, and trends in accidents |
The studies described here found varying results with regard to the correlation between performance in the simulator and on the road . Lew et al. carried out a long-term follow up of 11 subjects with moderate to severe TBI. The subjects carried out the two types of assessment and their results were compared with a control group. The assessment was found to have a predictive value of 82% with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 71%. However, no significant correlation between the two assessments was found. In Switzerland, in 2001, assessment on the simulator is systematic and allows the physician to make a decision in 80% of cases . The on-road assessment is only carried out if there is a doubt.
The simulator is also used in research to evaluate the capacity of TBI subjects to cognitively adapt whilst driving as well as to assess visual exploration deficits . These authors have demonstrated that TBI subjects spend more time looking at the close environment and do not use the rear-view mirror as much as control subjects, showing a lack of anticipatory control. TBI subjects who have poor visual exploration also score poorly for processes of attention and executive function in neuropsychological assessments.
The impact of attention disorders was also studied. The Canadian team of Cyr et al. showed, in a simulator with periods of dual-tasks, as 17 TBI drivers had an accident rate significantly higher than the 16 control subjects and that dual task performance was significantly correlated with the rate of accident.
No recommendation emerges from the evidence-based literature review of Classen et al. .
The above-mentioned authors, however, conclude that assessments using the simulator provide complementary information to that obtained in the on-road assessment, although the on-road assessment is the most realistic for the evaluation of all the difficulties which TBI subjects could encounter.
On-road assessment
The on-road assessment is considered to be the most pertinent in the literature. A study by Korner-Bitensky et al. showed that 98% of professionals implicated in the assessment of driving capacity who replied to their survey in the USA and Canada, carry out on-road evaluations . This assessment has been shown to complement the neuropsychological assessment. Schanke et al. found that more than 58% of subjects who had scores in the neuropsychological assessment which suggested that they would have difficulty in taking up driving again, were considered to be safe drivers following an on-road assessment.
The on-road assessment is an excellent way of evaluating automatic procedural processes as well as the effect of fatiguability, depending on the duration of the assessment.
However, this assessment is also criticised in the literature . The main criticism is the fact that it is difficult to carry out standardized assessments for all subjects since this depends on many factors such as the environment, the intensity of the traffic, etc.
Seventy-eight percent of professionals interviewed by Korner-Bitensky use a standardized route which may help to minimize differences. It is important to remember that even in the basic driving licence test, no two tests are identical.
There are few details in the literature regarding the modalities of the on-road assessement. All the authors highlight that the evaluators should be professional and experienced, whether they are driving tutors carrying out the assessment alone , or accompanied by another assessor (usually an occupational therapist in the USA and Canada ), however, the criteria used to validate return to driving are not standardized.
For example, the duration of the assessments varies from 45 minutes to 2 hours . The assessment lasts for over 1 h in 61% of cases according to a survey carried out in the USA and Canada . Some authors prefer to use distance to quantify the assessment . The number of on-road assessments also varies. Most often, only one is carried out but some authors carry out successive evaluations, increasing the complexity of the route each time . In the USA and Canada, it appears to be frequent to carry out driving training following failure of an on-road assessment .
There is also a large variability in the scales used to evaluate performance (such as the Driving Assessment Scale or Driver Personal Inventory).
If certain points are usually observed, such as the “technical” mastering of the vehicle, including manouvers , management of speed , position on the road , decision making/insertion into traffic , and divided attention (road signs or direction signs, consideration of other road users etc.) , authors do not all use the same methods to score performance. This is probably due to the fact that it is difficult to base the final decision on a performance score, rather than on a general opinion regarding safe driving procedures, although this implies some subjectivity. Only 10% of professionals use a threshold value according to the study by Korner-Bitensky .
Comprehensive driving assessment
Comprehensive driving assessment is considered as the “gold standard”, and includes a clinical, neuropsychological and on-road assessment .
Galski et al. summarise very well the fact that driving requires complex interaction between several skills (physical, cognitive, psychological and behavioural). Since one or more of these skills could be affected by the TBI, they recommend a multidimensional assessment carried out by experienced professionals and taking into account all of the clinical, neuropsychological and ecological parameters in the decision regarding the safey of returning to drive following TBI.
However, “given the lack of studies examining the predictive validity” of this type of assessment “to real-world driving performance in people with TBI”, the level of recommendation is C, asking more longitudinal studies to help discern the predictive validity of that kind of comprehensive assessment .
To whom and when should the assessment be proposed?
There are currently no validated recommendations regarding the population concerned by these assessments, nor the most appropriate time for their realisation. Most studies focus on moderate to severe TBI. Schanke et al. and Hawley suggest that an on-road assessment should be carried out if the neuropsychological assessment reveals deficits. Brouwer proposes a cascade of assessments for subjects with severe TBI, with an initial neuropsychological assessment and an on-road assessment if visual-spatial or visuo-motor slowness or behavioural deficits are found.
A recent study by Preece et al. , suggests that more prudence is necessary. Indeed, they showed that the perception of danger (which is correlated with an increased frequency of accidents) is significantly reduced for 24 h following mild TBI in comparison with people who are admitted to accident and emergengy departments with no TBI.
With regard to the question of when these assessments should be carried out, Novack et al. highlight the importance of taking into account recovery and progress between 6 and 12 months following moderate to severe TBI and conclude that it is unwise to evaluate patients less than one year post TBI. A longitudinal study carried out by the same group on return to driving following TBI tended to show that if the return to driving is not possible within 2 years following non-severe TBI (defined by an initial GCS ≥ 9), it is unlikely to change. However, for subjects with severe TBI, the chances of returning to driving increases each year and is always greater at 5 years than 2 years post TBI.
This review of literature highlights the many difficulties surrounding the issue of assessing the impact of cognitive impairment on the on-road capacity after TBI.
It is interesting to notice that the studies concern only TC moderated in severe. The impact of a light TC on the capacities of driving, if only in the short term, are never mentioned. Such studies would better define the criteria of the populations TC whose driving skills shoud be assessed.
Some disturb deserve special attention.
Firstly, the unilateral neglect. If Brouwer and al considers it as being able to be estimated in situation of driving, implying that this one can be compensated in situation of driving, what asks the question of the possibilities of compensation of a “unconscious” disorder. Can we end that the absence of appearance of this unilateral neglect in situation of driving (on a duration varying from 45 till 120 minutes) means no “over risk” in situation of driving? Many elements of answers are still lacking, in particular as regards the tests to be used and their value threshold, which remain to define.
The anosognosia is considered as having an important influence on the capacities of resumption of the conduct driving after a TBI . However, no author specifies the modalities of evaluation of this one. It would be certainly useful to define a scale, which would include, in particular, elements relative to the critique of on road situation(s). The use of embarked cameras, allowing to visualize at the same time the field before and defers, as well as the face of the driver could become tools of completely interesting awareness. If all the elements of this review of the literature demonstrates the interest and the importance of a global evaluation of the capacities of driving after TBI moderated in severe, their modalities must be specified. As far as the definition of a “security” driving, is for our sense, not stemming from a “binary” system, because it is a question of correlating numerous elements supplied by the clinical examination, and on road situation, with the estimated cognitive functions. However, multicenter studies, based on harmonized evaluations would allow to improve our knowledge. It would require the definition on one hand, of one neuropsychologic protocol of evaluation in terms of tests and used standards. If the interest of the UFOV and the TMT A-B is recognized, the tests of evaluation of the other functions (offices), such as the attention with the “Test of Attention Performance” for example, remain to define. On the other hand, a harmonization of the evaluations on road, what is complex to realize, because these cannot be reproduced as before, according to the environment of every center, conditions of circulation (traffic), meteorological… However, the definition of situations of driving to be estimated (as for example the insertion in freeway, traffic circles, the turned left, maneuver), and of criteria of security driving (such as the preservation of trajectories, the adaptation of the speed, the anticipation) with common modalitiesof quotation, would allow to limit the disparities of results. As suggested by the results of Mosberg et al. and Lundqvist et al. studies , make sure of the validity of these evaluations would be desirable. Yet, the factors of validity are not clearly formulated. We can reasonably think that the absence of on-risk of accident (declared and undeclared) for this population estimated TBI, with regard to the general population, would be the best answer. This subject remains to discuss, and its complex implementation. But the results of such studies would favor certainly the evolution of the regulations as for the capacity in the driving after TBI. If the evaluation of the capacities of driving after TBI gives rise to a binary answer (possibility of resumption of a security driving or not), it is also the opportunity to propose a reeducation, centered on the persistent cognitive difficulties. As such, it is surprising to find no study, in this review of the literature, stating the interest, or not, the training in driving activity (on simulator or on road). It would be certainly useful for the TBI persons that such studies can be realized.
Driving is an important activity which provides autonomy for the person concerned and is often associated with a better quality of life and better socioprofessional integration following TBI.
However, it is also a potentially dangerous activity for the person as well as for other road users and thus requires particular consideration.
Although the increased risk of accident following moderate to severe TBI is well recognised, there are no specific regulations or recommendations which harmonise assessment practices in this population to ensure safe return to driving. Much research is still required in this area.
However, it seems necessary that a comprehensive evaluation is conducted before a decision on the resumption of the driving is given. This should include a physical examination, a neuropsychologic evaluation, in particular attentional abilities, executive, visuo-spatial functions, processing speed of the information, in particular visual, and on road situations, in the presence of a healthcare professional (occupational therapist mostly). This evaluation must not overlook the pre- and post-traumatic behavioral, as well as the degree of anosognosia of the TBI person, and can be renewed because it was shown that driving skills could evolve until at least 5 years after a severe TBI.
The multidisciplinary teams within physical medicine and rehabilitation departments play an important role in the assessment and provision of information and advice for the person concerned and his/her family.
Disclosure of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this article.
Version française
La reprise de la conduite automobile pour les personnes victimes d’un traumatisme crânien (TC) est un élément favorisant leur processus de réadaptation. Souvent associée à une meilleure autonomie et une meilleure qualité de vie , elle représente également une préoccupation de santé publique. La réglementation et l’organisation de l’évaluation des capacités de conduite automobile varient selon les pays. Certains, comme le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie, la Belgique, le Canada, possèdent une ou plusieurs structures dédiées à ces évaluations. En Australie, certains ergothérapeutes sont agréés par l’autorité responsable des permis de conduire. Malgré cela, la décision pour reprendre cette activité semble le plus souvent prise par la personne elle-même avec ou sans le conseil de ces proches, sans aucun avis médical, voire même contre avis médical . Cela est très bien illustré par Brooks et al. qui rapportent que très peu de sujets inclus dans leur étude au Royaume-Uni, se sont référés au centre de mobilité anglais avant d’envisager une reprise de la conduite automobile. Le manque d’information des professionnels , associé au fait que la présentation auprès des autorités ou structures compétentes soit laissée à l’initiative de chacun, peuvent en partie expliquer ce constat.
Le taux de reprise de la conduite automobile après un TC (d’intensité modérée à sévère) varie dans la littérature de 32 % à 52 % .
La conduite est une activité complexe et dynamique. Le modèle conceptuel le plus souvent cité est celui de Michon , qui schématise l’activité de conduite en trois niveaux interconnectés. Le niveau stratégique, comporte les décisions à prendre en rapport avec la conduite (tels que le jour, l’heure, l’itinéraire, faire le plein…), et n’implique pas de contrainte temporelle. Le niveau tactique qui implique des capacités de planification, de flexibilité et d’adaptation sous contrainte de temps (tels que l’adaptation de la vitesse au trafic, les prises de décision pour les changements de voies…). Et enfin, le niveau opérationnel, qui concerne toutes les compétences perceptives et automatiques nécessaires à l’utilisation du véhicule. Ce niveau dépend à la fois d’une certaine pratique, mais également de capacités visuospatiales, des temps de réaction, de la force musculaire, alors qu’il existe une contrainte temporelle permanente.
On peut concevoir sans difficultés la mise en place de stratégies de compensation pour le niveau tactique, mais cela semble plus difficile pour les niveaux stratégique et opérationnel. Or, les traumatisés crâniens sont susceptibles de présenter des déficits cognitifs des fonctions décrites dans ce modèle, ce qui justifie qu’une évaluation des capacités de conduite automobile soit réalisée pour cette population. Cependant, il n’existe à ce jour, à notre connaissance, aucun consensus validé pour leur réalisation. Les pratiques, tout comme la réglementation, varient d’un pays à l’autre. Cet article vise à faire le point sur les connaissances actuelles de l’impact d’un TC sur l’activité de conduite automobile.
Matériel et méthode
Il s’agit d’une revue de la littérature réalisée sur Pubmed et Cochrane Library sur la période janvier 2000 à décembre 2010, en utilisant les mots clés suivants: « automobile driving (Mesh) AND Traumatic Brain Injury (Mesh not exp) ».
Soixante-trois abstracts ont été obtenus, 35 articles ont été retenus dès lors qu’ils abordaient l’évaluation des séquelles cognitives du TC et leur retentissement sur la conduite et/ou le retentissement d’un TC sur les capacités de conduite automobile en langue anglaise ou française. Parmi ces 35 articles, cinq font état de revue de la littérature dont un evidence-based literature review , trois sont consacrés à des descriptions de pratiques d’évaluation, quatre concernent l’accidentologie routière après TC. L’ensemble des études, toutes de faible niveau de preuve, utilisant des évaluations neuropsychologiques sont synthétisées dans le Tableau 1 .
Étude | Objectif | Type d’étude population | Tests utilisés | Résultats |
Predictors of driving outcome after traumatic brain injury Coleman et al. (2002) | Étudier les facteurs prédictifs des capacités de conduite après TC | Rétrospective et suivi prospectif de cohorte 71 TC/71 proches du patient | WAIS III letter-number sequencing WAIS III matrix reasoning test Colored Trails | Pas de différence significative entre ceux qui ont repris et ceux qui n’ont pas repris la conduite |
The use of the color trails test in the assessment of driver competence: preliminary report of a culture-fair Elkin-Frankston et al. (2007) | Évaluer l’efficacité relative du TMT et du CTT comme instrument de dépistage dans l’identification des conducteurs à risque nécessitant une évaluation sur route | 29 participants (dont 8 AVC et 1 TC) évalués sur route (60 minutes) | MMSE TMT A et B CTT | Les sujets ayant réussi l’évaluation sur route ont significativement de meilleurs scores au MMSE ainsi qu’au TMT et au CTT. Il existe une corrélation significative entre le CTT et le TMT Le CTT peut dont être une alternative intéressante pour les sujets analphabètes |
Useful Field of View after TBI Fisk et al. (2002) a | Étudier la possibilité que les TC aient de moins bons résultats à l’UFOV que les sujets témoins | Expérimentation avec 2 groupes, sans aveugle 23 TC modérés à sévères/18 sujets témoins | UFOV et bilan neuropsychologique comprenant également une mesure d’intelligence (WAIS-R ou SILS ou SIT-R), CVLT, Digit span subtest de la Wais-R, grooved Pegboard Test, TMT A et B | Retrouve une augmentation significative des scores de l’UFOV pour les TC Les scores d’attention divisée et sélective sont significativement plus élevés Ralentissement non significative au subtest de vitesse de traitement Corrélation significative entre les résultats au TMT-B et l’UFOV Conclue qu’il est possible que les TC ayant un UFOV pathologique est un risque accru d’accident, à confirmer par d’autres études |
Driving with cognitive deficits: neurorehabilitation and legal measures are needed for driving again after severe traumatic brain injury. Leon-Carrion (2005) a | Déterminer si les déficits cognitifs posttraumatiques empêchent une reprise de la conduite sécuritaire après TC sévère | Étude rétrospective 17 TC sévères 2 groupes : ceux ayant la conduite contre avis médical au début de leur réadaptation/ceux n’ayant pas repris la conduite | BNS tachistiscopic attention examination Hooper VOT, Benton VRT, Rey-Osterrieth complex figure, visual form discrimination test Tower of Hanoi-sevilla, WCST, STROOP BNS simple attention test, BNS examination of vigilance Grooved Pegboard test Tests for motor function of the Luria/Christensen Test Battery Nechapi | Les résultats aux tests neuropsychologiques sont en lien avec les accidents et les capacités de conduite |
Factors influencing driving 10 years after brain injury Lundqvist et al. (2008) | Évaluer si la conduite 10 ans après une atteinte cérébrale est en lien avec les résultats des tests neuropsychologiques et les performances de conduite 10 ans avant et si les accidents sont corrélés à ces résultats | Étude rétrospective cas–témoin 38 patients (dont 24 TC et 22 AVC)/49 sujets témoins contactés par téléphone 10 ans après une évaluation des capacités de conduite comprenant une évaluation sur route et un BNP | TMT A et B Complex Reaction Time Test Focused attention test Simultaneous Capacity test | Les patients qui conduisent toujours 10 ans après avaient des résultats significativement meilleurs au BNP Pas de conclusion possible à partir des résultats des évaluations sur route 14 patients ont eu un accident sur cette période. Mais pas de différence significative sur les résultats au BNP et à l’évaluation sur route avec ceux n’ayant pas eu d’accident |
UFOV performance and driving ability following TBI Novack et al. (2006) | Étudier la corrélation entre UFOV et capacités de conduite automobile (évaluées sur route) | 60 TC modérés à sévères | UFOV TMT | Un score élevé au subtest 2 de l’UFOV est un facteur prédictif significatif d’échec à l’évaluation sur route |
Role of premorbid factors in predicting safe return to driving after severe TBI Pietrapiana et al. (2005) a | Prédire la capacité de reprise d’une conduite sécuritaire après un TC | Étude rétrospective 66 TC sévère/66 proches | Visual Search Test WAIS-R symbol-Digit Subtest | Pas de résultats prédictifs d’une conduite sécuritaire |
Validation of stroke drivers screening assessment for people with traumatic brain injury Radfort et al. (2004) | Évaluer l’intérêt du SDSA, seul ou avec d’autres tests cognitifs pour prédire les capacités de conduite des TC | Étude rétrospective 44 TC Évaluation neuropsychologique + mise en situation sur route | SDSA comprend : Dot cancellation Square Matrices Road sign recognition PASAT STROOP Test of Motor Impersistence Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery | Une analyse discriminante de l’équation originale du SDSA est prédictive dans 87 % des cas |
Driving and community integration after TBI Rapport et al. (2008) | Évaluer les barrières à la reprise de la conduite automobile après TC | Étude de cohorte (transversale) 261 TC (modérés à sévères pour la majorité) | Score composite à partir des tests suivants : Symbol-Digit modalities test, judgement of line orientation-Short form, WAIS-III : séquences de lettre – nombres, STROOP test, CVLT-II, TMTa et B, Digit vigilance test | Plus le score composite est mauvais, plus les patients ont un risque d’accident |
Comprehensive driving assessment: neuropsychological testing and on-road evaluation of brain-injured patients. Schanke et al. (2000) | Étudier la corrélation entre le degré de déficience neuropsychologique et le taux d’échec aux évaluations sur route | Étude de cohorte 55 patients dont 43 AVC et 5 TC | Visual field deficit Visual attention Auditory attention Digit span (Wais) REACT Grooved pegboard test Serial digit modalities test TMT A et B Picture completion (Wais) Block design (Wais) Copy a cross STROOP Awarness index | Les éléments significativement discriminants pour la reprise de la conduit sont les résultats aux tests d’attention visuelle, REACT, STROPP et TMT, les troubles visuospatiaux et visuo-constructifs (Picture completion, block design et copy a cross), et l’anosognosie |
Utility of the UFOV test with mild traumatic brain injury Schneider et al. (2005) a | Étudier la prédictibilité de l’UFOV dans les accidents de la route après TC léger ? | Étude rétrospective cas–témoin 40 étudiants ayant rapporté un TC léger/40 sujets témoins Déclaration du nombre d’accidents et d’infractions | TMT A et B Waiss III Processing speed index SMDT UFOV | Pas de différence significative aux résultats de l’UFOV entre TC légers et sujets témoins Idem pour les autres tests neuropsychologiques Pas d’augmentation du nombre d’infractions chez les TC légers, mais nombre d’accidents significativement supérieur dans le groupe TC léger |

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