Knowledge on idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) has evolved with the identification of myositis-associated and myositis-specific antibodies, development of histopathological classification and the recognition of how these correlate with clinical phenotype and response to therapy. In this paper, we outline key advances in diagnosis and histopathology, including the more recent identification of antibodies associated with immune-mediated necrotising myopathy (IMNM) and inclusion body myositis (IBM). Ongoing longitudinal observational cohorts allow further classification of these patients with IIM, their predicted clinical course and response to specific therapies. Registries have been developed worldwide for this purpose.
A challenging aspect in IIM, a multisystem disease with multiple clinical subtypes, has been defining disease status and clinically relevant improvement. Tools for assessing activity and damage are now recognised to be important in determining disease activity and guiding therapeutic decision-making. The International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies (IMACS) group has developed such tools for use in research and clinical settings.
There is limited evidence for specific treatment strategies in IIM. With significant development in the understanding of IIM and improved classification, longitudinal observational cohorts and trials using validated outcome measures are necessary, to provide important information for evidence-based care in the clinical setting.
Advances in diagnosis
The diagnosis of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) has traditionally been based on a clinical presentation with skeletal muscle weakness, elevated serum levels of muscle enzymes including creatine kinase (CK) and the myopathic triad (fibrillations with sharp positive waves, polyphasic motor units with low amplitude and short duration and spontaneous high-frequency discharges) on electromyography together with characteristic histopathological changes on muscle biopsy. Antibodies, both associated with and specific for myositis, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of muscles are increasingly used to support the diagnosis. The subtypes of IIM encompass polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), inclusion body myositis (IBM) and immune-mediated necrotising myopathy (IMNM).
A major focus in recent years within the field of IIM has been the recognition and characterisation of an increasing number of autoantibodies, schematically categorised as myositis-associated antibodies (MAAs) and myositis-specific antibodies (MSAs). MAAs are antibodies directed to nuclear and nucleolar autoantigens, seen in IIM and other connective tissue diseases (CTDs). They include antibodies to Ro52/TRIM21, PMScl, ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP; U1 RNP, U2 RNP, U4/U6 RNP and U5 RNP) and Ku. By contrast, MSAs are antibodies considered highly specific for IIM.
The close correlation of antibodies with clinical phenotype and their role in prognostication together with concerns about the potential for misclassification of disease using the Bohan and Peter criteria has led to the development of clinico-serologic classification systems .
The autoantibody response in IIM is likely to be antigen driven and genetically determined by HLA class II alleles ; the principal allelic markers associated with IIM are B*0801 and DRB1*0301. Notably, specific HLA signatures are associated with distinct IIM subsets and distinct autoantibodies . The predisposition of DR3 to form autoantibodies has long been recognised . More recently, DR4 has also been shown to be associated systematically with autoantibody formation in IIM .
Myositis-specific antibodies
Antisynthetase antibodies
Aminoacyl transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases (ARSs) are a group of cytoplasmic enzymes, each of which catalyse the binding of a specific amino acid to the cognate tRNA during protein synthesis. Antibodies directed to these enzymes (anti-ARS) interact with conformational epitopes in conserved regions of the enzyme to inhibit enzyme activity . The anti-ARS are highly specific, can be detected preceding disease onset and are thus considered to be critical in disease pathogenesis .
Antibodies directed to eight different ARSs are currently recognised ( Table 1 ); it is plausible that the remaining twelve tRNA synthetases are also antigenic and that antibody specificities directed to them will be identified. The antisynthetases are the most common MSAs and are identified in 35–40% of patients with IIM .
Antisynthetase Ab | tRNA synthetase | Clinical |
Anti-Jo-1 | Histidyl | PM, DM + ILD |
Anti-PL-7 | Threonyl | PM, DM + ILD |
Anti-PL-12 | Alanyl | ILD > myositis |
Anti-EJ | Glycyl | PM > DM + ILD |
Anti-OJ | Isoleucyl | ILD + PM/DM |
Anti-KS | Asparaginyl | ILD > myositis |
Anti-Zo | Phenylalanyl | ILD + PM/DM |
Anti-Ha | tyrosyl | ILD + PM/DM |
The antisynthetases are associated with a unique constellation of clinical features including myositis, interstitial lung disease (ILD), inflammatory arthritis, fever, mechanics’ hands and Raynaud’s phenomenon . Antibodies to Jo-1 (the most common antisynthetase) are associated with greater risk of myositis than the less common non-Jo-1 antisynthetases, in which ILD is often predominant . Individual differences are apparent, however, for each of the antisynthetases. For instance, anti-PL7 is associated with milder muscle disease and lower CK levels than anti-Jo-1 antibody , and myositis is a predominant clinical feature of anti-Jo-1, anti-EJ and anti-PL7 .
Aggarwal et al. evaluated the disease manifestations and long-term outcomes of patients with antisynthetase syndrome (120 anti-Jo-1 and 80 non-Jo-1) . Patients with non-Jo-1 antisynthetase syndrome initially presented with symptoms of non-myositis-type CTD together with ILD, often had a delayed diagnosis and had increased pulmonary morbidity and worse survival than those with anti-Jo-1 antisynthetase syndrome . Another study revealed that 12/45 (27%) patients with antisynthetase syndrome presented with polyarthritis .
DM-specific antibodies (Mi-2, TIF1γ, MDA5, NXP-2 and SAE)
In addition to anti-Mi-2 antibodies, a number of other autoantibody specificities are found in DM , namely antibodies directed to transcriptional intermediary factor-1ϒ (TIF1γ), melanoma differentiation-associated gene-5 (MDA5), nuclear matrix protein-2 (NXP-2) and SUMO-1-activating enzyme heterodimer (SAE). These antibodies are associated with distinct clinical syndromes, including differential risk of cutaneous manifestations, ILD and malignancy. As such, DM is now considered a heterogeneous condition of characteristic syndromes associated with specific antibodies. It is likely that serological categorisation of DM for clinical and prognostic purposes will become routine as testing for antibodies becomes more widely available.
Anti-Mi-2 antibodies target the DM-specific autoantigen Mi2beta, which exists in a nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylase complex involved in nucleic acid binding and gene expression. Anti-Mi-2 antibodies are found in 10–30% of patients with IIM, and they are preferentially associated with DM and the classical cutaneous features of Gottron’s papules, heliotrope rash, shawl sign, V-neck sign, photosensitivity and cuticular hypertrophy . Anti-Mi-2 antibodies are associated with a low risk of ILD and malignancy , and they generally confer a favourable treatment response and prognosis .
Antibodies against MDA5 have been detected in DM , and they are predominantly associated with clinically amyopathic DM (CADM), hence their earlier name anti-CADM , and rapidly progressive ILD . They occur in approximately 20–30% of Asian DM patients and with lesser frequency in Caucasians . Characteristic cutaneous manifestations include skin ulceration, palmar papules, panniculitis and oral ulcers . Hoshino et al. compared the clinical characteristics of 21 anti-MDA5-positive DM patients with 61 DM patients without this antibody and reported a high incidence of ILD (a large proportion of whom had rapidly progressive ILD), an association with pneumomediastinum and less frequent CK elevation . In a US population of DM patients, anti-MDA 5 DM was associated with poor prognosis and survival .
Initially recognised as antibodies to nuclear protein p155/140 , these antibodies target TIF1ϒ and are detected in 20–30% of patients with DM . Anti-TIF1ϒ in DM is strongly associated with malignancy with 70% specificity and 89% sensitivity . Of note, the association with malignancy is seen in adult DM and not in juvenile DM .
Hoshino et al. described the clinical features associated with anti-TIF1ϒ antibody in DM, confirming the association with malignancy and reduced risk of ILD . Cutaneous features associated with anti-TIF1ϒ include diffuse photoerythema and characteristic ‘dusky red face’ .
A semi-quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the measurement of anti-TIF1ϒ has been developed and validated against other CTDs , and it may serve as an aid in the clinical assessment of risk of malignancy in DM. It remains to be seen whether longitudinal monitoring of anti-TIF1ϒ levels will be useful in measuring response to cancer treatment or risk of relapse.
Antibodies to NXP-2 occur in approximately 25% of cases of juvenile DM , but they have also been detected in adult DM . The prominent associations of NXP-2 in juvenile DM are calcinosis, severe skin disease and joint contractures. An association with malignancy in adults is reported . Among patients with cancer-associated DM, antibodies to TIF1ϒ or NXP-2 occur in >50% of patients .
Antibodies targeting SAE, a nuclear protein involved in post-translational conjugation of proteins, are seen in 8% of adult DM patients . These antibodies are associated with dysphagia and severe skin disease, but they generally confer a good prognosis . Of interest, anti-SAE antibodies are one of the few antibodies associated with DR4 .
IMNM-specific antibodies
Among patients with necrotising myopathy (which may be associated with infections or malignancy), a subset has a clearly identified autoantibody association, hence the term IMNM or necrotising autoimmune myositis (NAM) . At present, two autoantibodies associated with IMNM have been identified, namely antibodies to signal recognition particle (SRP) and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR).
SRP is a ribonucleoprotein particle involved in targeting secretory proteins to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and antibodies to SRP are found in 4–6% of patients with IIM . Myopathy associated with anti-SRP tends to be rapidly progressive (in contrast to PM, which has an indolent presentation), accompanied by marked CK elevation and significant dysphagia . Anti-SRP antibodies were previously considered as markers for cardiac involvement , although subsequent studies have not confirmed this .
Previously reported to be associated with an aggressive form of PM, the dominant histological finding is now recognised as a necrotising myopathy . Variation in clinical presentation and muscle histopathology associated with anti-SRP antibody has been demonstrated in a large cohort of 100 Japanese patients with anti-SRP myositis .
IMNM has been found in association with an antibody directed to 100-kDa/200-kDa proteins , since identified as HMGCR , the target of statins. These antibodies are rarely detected in patients administered statins with self-limited musculoskeletal symptoms . However, these antibodies were found in 45/750 (6%) patients with suspected IIM at the Johns Hopkins Center and in 19/207 (9%) South Australian patients with histologically confirmed IIM .
In the South Australian cohort, no preferential occurrence of anti-HMGCR with IMNM was found. Rather, the antibody was equally distributed among disease subgroups (including DM, PM and IBM), suggesting that anti-HMGCR antibody may be an MSA triggered by statin exposure and unrelated to the myositis type . Certainly, an inflammatory (rather than purely necrotising) component to anti-HMGCR myopathy is supported by the finding of scattered CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytic cells together with plasmacytoid dendritic cells in muscle specimens .
Development of anti-HMGCR is associated with DRB1*11 and is strongly associated with statin exposure (OR = 39, p = 0.0001) . Among patients with myositis, statin-exposed HLA-DR11 carriers have the highest risk of developing anti-HMGCR antibodies (90% positive predictive value), suggesting a two-hit phenomenon . Recommendations for genetic screening prior to statin therapy in the general population are premature at present, and the risk of developing IIM among anti-HMGCR-positive individuals is unclear.
Testing for anti-HMGCR antibodies by ELISA has high sensitivity (94%) and specificity (99%) using immunoprecipitation as the gold standard . The levels of anti-HMGCR antibodies have been shown to correlate with CK levels and muscle weakness, and the antibodies persist despite clinical improvement following immunosuppressive therapy . Testing for anti-HMGCR antibodies is considered a useful diagnostic tool in patients suspected of statin-mediated IMNM .
Myositis-specific antibodies
Antisynthetase antibodies
Aminoacyl transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases (ARSs) are a group of cytoplasmic enzymes, each of which catalyse the binding of a specific amino acid to the cognate tRNA during protein synthesis. Antibodies directed to these enzymes (anti-ARS) interact with conformational epitopes in conserved regions of the enzyme to inhibit enzyme activity . The anti-ARS are highly specific, can be detected preceding disease onset and are thus considered to be critical in disease pathogenesis .
Antibodies directed to eight different ARSs are currently recognised ( Table 1 ); it is plausible that the remaining twelve tRNA synthetases are also antigenic and that antibody specificities directed to them will be identified. The antisynthetases are the most common MSAs and are identified in 35–40% of patients with IIM .
Antisynthetase Ab | tRNA synthetase | Clinical |
Anti-Jo-1 | Histidyl | PM, DM + ILD |
Anti-PL-7 | Threonyl | PM, DM + ILD |
Anti-PL-12 | Alanyl | ILD > myositis |
Anti-EJ | Glycyl | PM > DM + ILD |
Anti-OJ | Isoleucyl | ILD + PM/DM |
Anti-KS | Asparaginyl | ILD > myositis |
Anti-Zo | Phenylalanyl | ILD + PM/DM |
Anti-Ha | tyrosyl | ILD + PM/DM |
The antisynthetases are associated with a unique constellation of clinical features including myositis, interstitial lung disease (ILD), inflammatory arthritis, fever, mechanics’ hands and Raynaud’s phenomenon . Antibodies to Jo-1 (the most common antisynthetase) are associated with greater risk of myositis than the less common non-Jo-1 antisynthetases, in which ILD is often predominant . Individual differences are apparent, however, for each of the antisynthetases. For instance, anti-PL7 is associated with milder muscle disease and lower CK levels than anti-Jo-1 antibody , and myositis is a predominant clinical feature of anti-Jo-1, anti-EJ and anti-PL7 .
Aggarwal et al. evaluated the disease manifestations and long-term outcomes of patients with antisynthetase syndrome (120 anti-Jo-1 and 80 non-Jo-1) . Patients with non-Jo-1 antisynthetase syndrome initially presented with symptoms of non-myositis-type CTD together with ILD, often had a delayed diagnosis and had increased pulmonary morbidity and worse survival than those with anti-Jo-1 antisynthetase syndrome . Another study revealed that 12/45 (27%) patients with antisynthetase syndrome presented with polyarthritis .
DM-specific antibodies (Mi-2, TIF1γ, MDA5, NXP-2 and SAE)
In addition to anti-Mi-2 antibodies, a number of other autoantibody specificities are found in DM , namely antibodies directed to transcriptional intermediary factor-1ϒ (TIF1γ), melanoma differentiation-associated gene-5 (MDA5), nuclear matrix protein-2 (NXP-2) and SUMO-1-activating enzyme heterodimer (SAE). These antibodies are associated with distinct clinical syndromes, including differential risk of cutaneous manifestations, ILD and malignancy. As such, DM is now considered a heterogeneous condition of characteristic syndromes associated with specific antibodies. It is likely that serological categorisation of DM for clinical and prognostic purposes will become routine as testing for antibodies becomes more widely available.
Anti-Mi-2 antibodies target the DM-specific autoantigen Mi2beta, which exists in a nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylase complex involved in nucleic acid binding and gene expression. Anti-Mi-2 antibodies are found in 10–30% of patients with IIM, and they are preferentially associated with DM and the classical cutaneous features of Gottron’s papules, heliotrope rash, shawl sign, V-neck sign, photosensitivity and cuticular hypertrophy . Anti-Mi-2 antibodies are associated with a low risk of ILD and malignancy , and they generally confer a favourable treatment response and prognosis .
Antibodies against MDA5 have been detected in DM , and they are predominantly associated with clinically amyopathic DM (CADM), hence their earlier name anti-CADM , and rapidly progressive ILD . They occur in approximately 20–30% of Asian DM patients and with lesser frequency in Caucasians . Characteristic cutaneous manifestations include skin ulceration, palmar papules, panniculitis and oral ulcers . Hoshino et al. compared the clinical characteristics of 21 anti-MDA5-positive DM patients with 61 DM patients without this antibody and reported a high incidence of ILD (a large proportion of whom had rapidly progressive ILD), an association with pneumomediastinum and less frequent CK elevation . In a US population of DM patients, anti-MDA 5 DM was associated with poor prognosis and survival .
Initially recognised as antibodies to nuclear protein p155/140 , these antibodies target TIF1ϒ and are detected in 20–30% of patients with DM . Anti-TIF1ϒ in DM is strongly associated with malignancy with 70% specificity and 89% sensitivity . Of note, the association with malignancy is seen in adult DM and not in juvenile DM .
Hoshino et al. described the clinical features associated with anti-TIF1ϒ antibody in DM, confirming the association with malignancy and reduced risk of ILD . Cutaneous features associated with anti-TIF1ϒ include diffuse photoerythema and characteristic ‘dusky red face’ .
A semi-quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the measurement of anti-TIF1ϒ has been developed and validated against other CTDs , and it may serve as an aid in the clinical assessment of risk of malignancy in DM. It remains to be seen whether longitudinal monitoring of anti-TIF1ϒ levels will be useful in measuring response to cancer treatment or risk of relapse.
Antibodies to NXP-2 occur in approximately 25% of cases of juvenile DM , but they have also been detected in adult DM . The prominent associations of NXP-2 in juvenile DM are calcinosis, severe skin disease and joint contractures. An association with malignancy in adults is reported . Among patients with cancer-associated DM, antibodies to TIF1ϒ or NXP-2 occur in >50% of patients .
Antibodies targeting SAE, a nuclear protein involved in post-translational conjugation of proteins, are seen in 8% of adult DM patients . These antibodies are associated with dysphagia and severe skin disease, but they generally confer a good prognosis . Of interest, anti-SAE antibodies are one of the few antibodies associated with DR4 .
IMNM-specific antibodies
Among patients with necrotising myopathy (which may be associated with infections or malignancy), a subset has a clearly identified autoantibody association, hence the term IMNM or necrotising autoimmune myositis (NAM) . At present, two autoantibodies associated with IMNM have been identified, namely antibodies to signal recognition particle (SRP) and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR).
SRP is a ribonucleoprotein particle involved in targeting secretory proteins to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and antibodies to SRP are found in 4–6% of patients with IIM . Myopathy associated with anti-SRP tends to be rapidly progressive (in contrast to PM, which has an indolent presentation), accompanied by marked CK elevation and significant dysphagia . Anti-SRP antibodies were previously considered as markers for cardiac involvement , although subsequent studies have not confirmed this .
Previously reported to be associated with an aggressive form of PM, the dominant histological finding is now recognised as a necrotising myopathy . Variation in clinical presentation and muscle histopathology associated with anti-SRP antibody has been demonstrated in a large cohort of 100 Japanese patients with anti-SRP myositis .
IMNM has been found in association with an antibody directed to 100-kDa/200-kDa proteins , since identified as HMGCR , the target of statins. These antibodies are rarely detected in patients administered statins with self-limited musculoskeletal symptoms . However, these antibodies were found in 45/750 (6%) patients with suspected IIM at the Johns Hopkins Center and in 19/207 (9%) South Australian patients with histologically confirmed IIM .
In the South Australian cohort, no preferential occurrence of anti-HMGCR with IMNM was found. Rather, the antibody was equally distributed among disease subgroups (including DM, PM and IBM), suggesting that anti-HMGCR antibody may be an MSA triggered by statin exposure and unrelated to the myositis type . Certainly, an inflammatory (rather than purely necrotising) component to anti-HMGCR myopathy is supported by the finding of scattered CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytic cells together with plasmacytoid dendritic cells in muscle specimens .
Development of anti-HMGCR is associated with DRB1*11 and is strongly associated with statin exposure (OR = 39, p = 0.0001) . Among patients with myositis, statin-exposed HLA-DR11 carriers have the highest risk of developing anti-HMGCR antibodies (90% positive predictive value), suggesting a two-hit phenomenon . Recommendations for genetic screening prior to statin therapy in the general population are premature at present, and the risk of developing IIM among anti-HMGCR-positive individuals is unclear.
Testing for anti-HMGCR antibodies by ELISA has high sensitivity (94%) and specificity (99%) using immunoprecipitation as the gold standard . The levels of anti-HMGCR antibodies have been shown to correlate with CK levels and muscle weakness, and the antibodies persist despite clinical improvement following immunosuppressive therapy . Testing for anti-HMGCR antibodies is considered a useful diagnostic tool in patients suspected of statin-mediated IMNM .
IBM-specific antibodies
cN1A antibody
Antibodies to cytoplasmic 5′-nucleotidase 1A (cN1A), a 43-kDa muscle autoantigen, have recently been identified in patients with IBM, supporting a role for B-cell-mediated humoral immunity in its pathogenesis . Anti-cN1A antibodies have high specificity for IBM, but they may also be found in patients with other autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Sjögren’s syndrome . In a South Australian cohort of patients with histologically proven IBM, 24/69 (34.8%) patients exhibited antibodies to cN1A, although sensitivity has been reported to be as high as 70% .
Novel autoantibodies in IIM
Recently, Albrecht et al. identified a novel antibody against a muscle-specific protein, four and a half LIM domain 1 (FHL1), present in 25% of patients with IIM and associated with muscle atrophy, dysphagia, myofibre necrosis and vasculitis . This protein is expressed homogeneously in normal muscle; however, among antibody-positive patients, focal expression of the protein was noted in myofibres. These antibodies were suggested to have a direct pathogenic role in the increased weakness following immunisation of myositis-prone mice with the protein. Anti-FHL1 antibody may be useful in identifying subsets of patients with severe muscle disease, although this has yet to be confirmed in other cohorts.
Immunoblotting sera from patients with DM revealed a protein of 60-kDa specificity in a number of patients, notably in the absence of anti-Ro52/60 antibodies. Further studies identified this protein as poly(U)-binding-splicing factor 60 (PUF60) , a protein involved in RNA splicing and transcription . Antibodies to PUF60 were detected in 25/84 (30%) sera from patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome and from 48/267 (18.0%) with DM. Interestingly, anti-PUF60 antibodies showed disease-specific associations: in primary SS, they were associated with anti-Ro52, rheumatoid factor and hyperglobulinaemia, while in DM, anti-PUF60 were seen more commonly in Caucasians and were associated with anti-TIF1ϒ in 71% of cases . The latter finding is of interest, with elevated PUF60 levels in some cancers . An interaction of TIF-1ϒ and PUF60 is plausible, and defining this interaction may offer a unifying explanation for anti-TIF1ϒ-positive DM patients who develop malignancy. The differential and disease-specific serologic associations of anti-PUF60 antibody may provide important clues to disease pathogenesis.
Myositis-associated antibodies
Antibodies to Ro52 are the most commonly detected MAAs , and they have been found in the sera of 35/147 (23.8%) myositis patients from an Australian cohort , 30/155 (19%) patients from a French cohort , 30/100 (30%) Canadian patients and 104/417 (25%) patients in a European cohort . Importantly, when tested with Ro60 (SSA) by ELISA using a combination of the two antigens, up to 20% of anti-Ro52 antibodies are missed. As reactivity to Ro52 and Ro60 represents two distinct antibody systems, separate detection of anti-Ro52 antibody specificity is required . Furthermore, Ro52 can be a cytoplasmic antigen, and a negative anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) test does not exclude positivity to Ro52. Among patients with autoimmune disease, the presence of anti-Ro52 antibodies is associated with ILD .
Antibodies to PMScl (human exosome complex) are a subset of anti-nucleolar antibodies observed in patients with PM, systemic sclerosis (SSc) and PM/SSc overlap syndrome . The autoantigens within the complex have been identified as PM-Scl75 and PM-Scl100. Reactivity to both antigens is detected in patients with overlap syndromes . Among patients with PM or DM, anti-PMScl antibody is associated with lung and oesophageal involvement, and some manifestations of antisynthetase syndrome (ASS) . Marie I et al. found that in addition to lung and oesophageal pathology, anti-PMScl antibody may coexist with malignancy in patients with PM/DM and is a poor prognostic marker . It was therefore recommended that myositis/overlap patients with PMScl antibody specificity be closely monitored for pulmonary manifestations, gastrointestinal manifestations and malignancy .
Anti-Ku antibodies are found in up to 55% of patients with PM/SSc overlap syndrome . Anti-Ku-positive myositis patients frequently show joint involvement and Raynaud’s phenomenon , and they are at a risk of ILD .
Concurrence of MSA/MAA
Koenig et al. investigated the relationships and outcomes of MSA/MAA in 100 patients with DM or PM classified by the Bohan and Peter criteria. A number of antibodies were found to occur in combination. Antibodies to SRP, Mi-2 and antisynthetases were mutually exclusive. Notably, antibodies to Ku, PmScl, U1RNP and antisynthetases were found in association with another antibody in a large proportion of patients and with two other antibodies in one-third of sera . Antibodies to Ro52 most frequently occurred in combination with antisynthetase antibodies (14/31, 45%), especially Jo-1 (11/31, 35%) , although antisynthetases themselves are largely mutually exclusive .
The association of anti-Ro52 with anti-Jo-1 has long been recognised . More recently, anti-Ro52 antibodies were identified in 57% of anti-Jo-11 sera but also in 67% of sera with anti-PL7 antibodies . The concurrence of antibody specificities is considered to reflect a heterogeneous B-cell response in IIM .
Muscle histopathology
A muscle biopsy is essential to confirming IIM, distinguishing between disease subsets and excluding other conditions. The cardinal histological feature common to DM, PM and IBM is mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate in skeletal muscle. These infiltrates consist of lymphocytes and macrophages within and/or around muscle fascicles and may invade muscle fibres . Despite this unifying thread, distinct histopathological differences separate the subsets of IIM, reflecting underlying differences in pathogenesis . These features may vary in early and late disease. Furthermore, there can be significant variation, overlap and patchy involvement. Collaboration with an experienced muscle pathologist is essential.
In 2002, Hohlfield et al. provided a detailed description of the histological features unique to each of DM, PM and IBM . More recently, additional classification systems have been developed including the Pestronk classification system .
The hallmark of DM is perifascicular atrophy, typically with perivascular and perifascicular chronic inflammatory cell infiltration . The inflammatory cells are mainly lymphocytes, which are predominantly B cells, although CD4+ T cells are also observed. Complement activation and deposition of the membrane attack complex (MAC) in endomysial vessels are involved in the microangiopathy of DM, which may lead to distal hypoperfusion and perifascicular cellular stress .
PM is characterised by an endomysial inflammatory cell infiltrate of clonally expanded CD8+ T lymphocytes and macrophages that surround and focally invade MHC-1-expressing myofibres, that is, primary inflammation, although several variations are found in patents with PM .
Reflecting the parallel myodegenerative process in IBM, this condition is characterised by ‘rimmed’ vacuoles in addition to the changes of PM. The vacuoles contain a number of proteins including amyloid beta, phosphorylated tau, TDP-43, aB-crystallin, myotilin and p62 . A variable inflammatory response comprising CD8+ lymphocytes and macrophages invading major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 1 immunolabelled myofibres is present. The number of myofibres deficient in cytochrome oxidase (COX negative) is greater than that expected for age , and it is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, recently shown to be secondary to multiple acquired deletions in mitochondrial DNA . Electron microscopy characteristically reveals 15–20-nm filamentous cytoplasmic (occasionally nuclear) inclusions, although the absence of these filaments does not exclude a diagnosis of IBM. According to the 2011 European Neuromuscular Centre IBM Research Diagnostic Criteria, the pathological requirements to fulfil a diagnosis of clinico-pathologically defined IBM include endomysial inflammatory infiltrates, rimmed vacuoles and demonstration of protein accumulation or 15–18-nm filamentous inclusions .
IMNM, earlier thought a subset of PM, is now recognised as a distinct disease entity , characterised by dominant myofibre necrosis with a paucity of inflammatory infiltrates. Immunostaining identifies lymphocytes (CD45) and macrophages (CD68) within inflammatory infiltrates.
Diagnosis of IIM based on skeletal muscle inflammatory infiltrates alone is problematic. Inflammatory infiltrates are patchy and may be ‘missed’ in active disease. They are attenuated by immunosuppression and thus may be absent following initiation of therapy . Moreover, inflammatory infiltrates are not specific to IIM and are readily detected in other conditions, including muscular dystrophies. In view of the limitations of relying solely on inflammatory cell infiltrates to diagnose IIM, more sophisticated immunohistochemical tests have been developed to accurately identify and distinguish IIM from other potential mimics.
MHC I and II
MHC class I antigens are not expressed by normal muscle fibres but are up-regulated in IIM in response to interferons and other cytokines . MHC class I up-regulation on muscle fibres may make them targets for CD8+ cytotoxic T cells and contribute to muscle fibre necrosis. The antigen target in muscle fibres and mechanisms for muscle fibre destruction have not been identified. In addition to enabling adaptive immune responses, MHC I molecules may themselves be pathogenic as MHC I transgenic mice develop weakness before lymphocytic infiltration has occurred , supporting the role of MHC I in non-immune pathways. Expression of MHC I is an early feature in IIM, preceding lymphocytic infiltrates , and persisting late into the disease, without being attenuated by immunosuppressive therapy . These attributes make this an attractive immunohistochemical marker for the diagnosis of IIM. The role of MHC class II is less well defined. This marker is absent in normal muscle, but it is present on antigen-presenting cells such as myofibres .
In a review of 120 muscle biopsies from patients with IIM (61 PM, 14 DM and 45 IBM), Das et al. showed that the sensitivity for MHC I and II in IIM was 100% and 93%, respectively . The proportion of patients with >25% of MHC II-positive myofibres was higher in IBM than DM or PM. All 45 biopsies from IBM were immunopositive for MHC I and II. Interestingly, in 30/45 biopsies, 100% of fibres expressed these markers . Rodriguez Cruz et al. confirmed the high sensitivity (and low specificity) for MHC I in diagnosis of IIM, and reported a much higher specificity of MHC II, especially in IBM. Hence, they proposed that combined immunostaining for MHC I and II increases specificity for the diagnosis of IIM, and that positive immunostaining for MHC II in biopsies with inflammatory features supports a diagnosis of an immune-mediated myopathy . The proportion of internal fibres positive for MHC I is useful for distinguishing IIM from non-inflammatory myopathies; a threshold of 50% is optimal, with 100% positive predictive value and 94% negative predictive value . Importantly, the validity of quantitative assessment of MHC I for diagnosis of IIM has been confirmed according to Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy recommendations. The marker showed almost perfect inter-observer agreement and was readily reproducible .
The distribution of MHC I expression may also serve to distinguish subsets of disease: in DM, expression of MHC I may typically show perifascicular accentuation . This can also be seen in patients without cutaneous manifestations of DM, and in patients with antisynthetase antibodies.
Membrane attack complex
The role of complement activation in DM with deposition of MAC in endomysial vessels increases the possibility of using MAC as a diagnostic tool to differentiate DM from other subsets of disease. Immunostaining for MAC showed high sensitivity (80.9%) and specificity (85%) for a diagnosis of DM when comparing 21 cases of DM with 42 cases of PM/IBM, and an even higher specificity (98.4%) for distinguishing IIM from non-inflammatory myopathies . A retrospective analysis of 33 cases of IIM and 59 biopsies with non-inflammatory myopathies did not confirm the ability of MAC positivity to distinguish subsets of disease. However, a high negative predictive value (95%) was noted for a diagnosis of IIM if both MAC and MHC I were negative . Similarly, another study showed that MAC deposition is not exclusive to DM, and the complex was detected in necrotic fibres and vessels from patients with DM and PM .
MAC staining in non-necrotic fibres has been used to distinguish IIM from dysferlinopathies (in which inflammatory infiltrates may lead to confusion with IIM) . Brunn et al. found the cellular infiltrates in dysferlinopathies to be mainly CD4-positive, CD25-negative T cells and macrophages, and that MAC was detected on intact and necrotic myofibres . Dysferlinopathies have been reported to have a more dominant infiltrate of macrophages than T cells, with absence of T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity (in contrast to PM), but together with positive immunostaining for MHC I .
Pathology of IBM
Autophagy, the process by which intracellular proteins are cleared, is impaired in IBM. This process, together with misfolding of proteins, results in protein aggregates and rimmed vacuoles . Overexpression of a number of markers of autophagy including LC3a, LC3b and Beclin 1 has been noted in IBM and is considered critical to vacuolar degeneration . P62 is a protein that transports ubiquitinated proteins for degradation in either the proteasome or lysosome , and increased expression of p62 protein and mRNA has been found in IBM . Moreover, immunoreactivity to p62 was found to be a specific marker for IBM and therefore useful in distinguishing this condition from PM . The autophagic markers p62 and LC3 were confirmed to be sensitive markers for IBM, and the protein aggregation marker TDP-43 was shown to be highly specific for IBM . This study by Hiniker et al. suggested that quantitative assessment of the proportion of fibres positive for LC3 and TDP-43 helps diagnose IBM; <14% LC3-positive fibres makes a diagnosis of IBM unlikely, whereas a finding of >7% of fibres positive for TDP-43 supports a diagnosis of IBM .
Antibodies and histopathology
The question as to how an autoantibody response to myositis autoantigens, known to be ubiquitously expressed , leads to localised disease remains unanswered. Target tissues may regulate the response , and to better understand the effects of myositis-specific autoantibodies on skeletal muscle, concerted efforts to determine whether different antibodies are associated with distinctive histopathology are under way.
Aouizerate J et al. compared muscle MHC I and II expression in DM patients with and without antisynthetase syndrome. Although MHC I expression was ubiquitously observed in ASS and DM without antisynthetase antibodies, MHCII expression was found more frequently in ASS (27/33 patients) than in DM patients without antibodies (4/17; p < 0.001) . Furthermore, in patients with antisynthetase myositis, a distinctive perifascicular expression of MHCII was observed.
An investigation into the autoantibody–histopathological correlations among patients with DM (probable or definite by the Bohan and Peter criteria) at Johns Hopkins Centre showed, for the first time, that individual myositis (DM)-specific antibodies are associated with unique combinations of pathological features. Interestingly, antibodies to NXP-2 and TIF1γ showed similar histological features of prominent perifascicular atrophy and perivascular inflammation, with a paucity of inflammatory infiltrates. The distinguishing pathological feature between these antibodies was the frequency of mitochondrial dysfunction, seen commonly in association with anti-TIF1γ. Antibodies to Mi-2 were associated with the highest prevalence of perifascicular atrophy and perivascular inflammation and showed prominent inflammation. Consistent with the association of anti-MDA5 antibodies with CADM , the muscle histological results in these patients showed a paucity of primary and perivascular inflammation and perifascicular atrophy. The concurrence of anti-Ro52 with anti-Jo-1 antibodies was associated with a higher prevalence of perivascular inflammation, suggesting that antibody specificities may act synergistically or additively.
Among patients with anti-Jo-1 antibodies, there were no differences between histopathological features when comparing patients with a Bohan and Peter diagnosis of DM versus PM. Further, Pinal-Fernandez et al. suggested these patients not be classified as DM or PM, but rather as anti-Jo-1 syndrome . Mescam-Mancini et al. also investigated the histopathology associated with anti-Jo-1 antibodies and found perifascicular necrosis (rather than perifascicular atrophy), perimysial inflammation and fragmentation and diffusely positive MHC I expression with perifascicular accentuation, together with sarcolemmal complement deposition .
Collective study of biospecimens from large national and international repositories in the future is expected to further our understanding of autoantibody–muscle pathology correlations, which may enable the development of targeted therapies.
The coexistence of IIM and other CTDs is widely recognised. There may be a true overlap of two disease entities where both classification criteria are met, or myositis complicating another CTD, as is seen in mixed CTD, SSc, Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) and vasculitis. This remains an area of interest, with implications for treatment approaches.
In a well-characterised cohort of 648 patients in the South Australian myositis registry, 118 (11.1%) patients with IIM had a concurrent CTD identified. Maundrell and colleagues identified PM to be the predominant histological subtype on muscle biopsy where another CTD was present (personal communication). In a cohort of patients with SSc from the Johns Hopkins Scleroderma Center database, 42 patients underwent muscle biopsy for muscle weakness . Interestingly, in this cohort, PM was uncommon and non-specific myositis and IMNM were the predominant histological subtypes. Importantly, a significant proportion also showed evidence of acute motor denervation, highlighting the role of other factors in muscle weakness in these patients. This was reiterated in a small cohort of 15 patients with SLE who underwent muscle biopsy for weakness, fatigue or myalgia . Seven demonstrated evidence of non-specific myositis, and 13 of the 15 showed evidence of type 2 atrophy, seen in glucocorticoid use and disuse.
Disease activity measures
With the rapid development of definitions and understanding of the pathophysiology of IIM, there has been growing understanding of clinically meaningful outcomes relevant to IIM. Robust clinical trials require reliable, validated outcome measures to adequately assess the efficacy of therapy. As outcome measures and definitions of improvement (DOIs) have changed to reflect the evolving understanding of disease, this has led to difficulty interpreting the evidence base for therapies in IIM.
As IIM is a complex, multisystem condition, there is no single gold-standard measure for assessing disease activity. Multiple disease activity measures have been developed and used both in practice and in clinical trials. A single tool cannot cover all facets of relevant disease outcome; thus, combinations have been used to reflect disease activity. In recent years, this has been most clearly defined by the International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies (IMACS) group .
One of the challenges in IIM is to distinguish disease activity (considered amenable to treatment and potentially reversible) from damage (considered largely irreversible, and often the result of cumulative disease activity or therapy). To this end, IMACS has established separate tools to assess disease activity and cumulative damage.
Assessment of disease activity
Over several years, the IMACS group comprising both adult and paediatric experts in myositis have agreed on a core set of disease activity measures, after reviewing the reliability, validity and feasibility.
The IMACS core set measures include
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physician’s global disease activity assessment by visual analogue and five-point Likert scale
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patient’s global disease activity assessment on visual analogue scale
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manual muscle testing (MMT)
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physical function measured by Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)
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serum levels of muscle enzymes
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Myositis Disease Activity Assessment Tool (MDAAT) capturing extra-muscular disease activity
These measures have good content validity and have been partially validated on construct and criterion validity .
Preliminary DOIs were proposed in 2004 . The DOI that ranked highest was improvement by ≥20% in any three of the six core set measures with no more than two worsening by ≥25% (which cannot include MMT). This dichotomous outcome measure does not allow differential weighting for individual components. As such, these measures are currently being re-evaluated, and efforts to develop new consensus criteria for improvement and to allow for weighting of the six core set measures are ongoing.
Assessment of damage
IMACS has also developed tools to evaluate cumulative damage. Global damage can be scored by physicians and patients using visual analogue scales. The myositis damage index (MDI) captures the presence or absence of damage in nine domains (muscle, skeletal, cutaneous, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, endocrine and ocular), in addition to infections, malignancy and death. Each domain is further evaluated by visual analogue scales for severity of damage.
While an indication of active disease on the MDAAT may prompt escalation of therapy, the use of the MDI in clinical practice allows for longitudinal assessment of the effects of disease and therapy not only on skeletal muscle but also on other organ systems. Such a tool in routine clinical practice documents cumulative muscle and extra-muscular damage, and can potentially be used to compare patient cohorts treated with different therapies. The MDI has been validated for use in IIM and is sensitive to change. Damage is defined as ‘persistent or permanent change in anatomy, physiology, and function that develops from previously active disease, complications of therapy, or other events’ despite treatment, after 6 months .

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