Hindfoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity

Hindfoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity

Macalus Hogan

Hindfoot Deformity

Preoperative Evaluation

  • Patient history and physical

    • In cases of a tight Achilles tendon, a lengthening procedure or gastrocnemius recession should be performed before any osteotomy procedure.

    • This will reduce deforming forces on the heel.

  • Preoperative radiographic analysis critical to surgical indication and determination (Figure 8-1)

  • Visual inspection and gait analysis

  • Motor and neurologic assessment

  • Compare to contralateral extremity

  • Perform Coleman block testing: determine the presence of fixed hindfoot deformity, thereby warranting additional surgical correction1 (Figure 8-2).

    • Place patient’s heel and lateral foot onto a 2.5-cm block, permitting the first to fourth metatarsals (MTs) to fall into pronation.

    • Block size may be increased to reduce weight-bearing impact of first MT.

    • Obtain anteroposterior (AP) and lateral x-rays to document deformity changes with block.

  • Document and prioritize muscle imbalances that contribute to deformity recurrence.


  • Visually inspect surgical leg in preoperative area.

    • Confirm there are no active ulcers/infections.

    • Mark the operative extremity.

    • Preoperative ankle block with 1% lidocaine and 0.5% bupivacaine typically adequate for hindfoot procedure

  • Position patient supine on the table.

    • Heel should be positioned near the end of the table.

    • Place a bump (centered at the level of anterior superior iliac spine [ASIS]) under the hip of the operative leg to increase foot internal rotation.

    • May use either bone foam or sterile bump (surgeon preference) to improve access to the medial and lateral aspects of the foot

  • Well-padded calf tourniquet

  • Use a plastic shield barrier or foam tape to prevent skin breakdown secondary to retained operative prep.

Dec 14, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Hindfoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity

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