Forefoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity

Forefoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity

Macalus Hogan

Forefoot Deformity

Preoperative Evaluation

  • Neurologic assessment

  • Coleman block testing determines forefoot versus hindfoot deformity.

    • Failure to achieve deformity correction on x-ray when positioning lateral foot/hindfoot on 1-cm block suggests fixed deformity (Figure 7-1).

  • Assess muscle imbalance that may contribute to recurrence.


  • Supine on the table with heel near the end of the table

  • Hip bump placed under the ipsilateral side with foot perpendicular to the floor

  • Thigh tourniquet with padding to prevent skin breakdown/injury

  • Bone foam or sterile bump (optional, but may permit improved exposure of the medial aspect of the foot)

Figure 7-1. A, Create a 3- to 4-cm incision over the insertion of the posterior tibial tendon (PTT) on the navicular bone. B, Dissect through subcutaneous tissue to expose the flexor retinaculum and PTT sheath.

Surgical Approach

Dec 14, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Forefoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity

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