Femoral and Tibial Osteotomy for the Degenerative Knee
Stephanie Swensen, MD
Niv Marom, MD
Scott A. Rodeo, MD
Management of degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee in the young, active patient remains challenging. Accelerated cartilage degeneration in this patient population is often associated with increased medial or lateral knee compartment pressures due to lower extremity malalignment. Realignment osteotomies of the distal femur and proximal tibia function to offload the affected compartment and, therefore, function to prevent further cartilage degradation and improve pain.1 Despite the increasing utilization of knee arthroplasty procedures, there remain limitations in the use of arthroplasty in a young patient population due to the risk of early revision rates and lower return to high-impact activities.2,3 Osteotomies have garnered renewed attention in recent years as desirable alternatives to arthroplasty procedures due to the ability to preserve the native joint and potentially facilitate return to high-level activities and work.4,5,6,7 Additionally, osteotomies about the knee may be combined with various ligament reconstructions and meniscus and cartilage procedures to improve the success of these surgeries.
The most commonly performed osteotomies for the degenerative knee include proximal tibial osteotomies (“high tibial osteotomy,” HTO) for varus deformities and distal femoral osteotomies (DFOs) for valgus deformities. Advances in techniques and fixation devices have led to continued improvements in functional outcomes. The purpose of this chapter is to review the indications, preoperative planning strategies, and evolving surgical techniques for the various osteotomies utilized for treatment of the degenerative knee or realignment as part of cartilage repair/reconstruction.
Appropriate patient selection is paramount for optimal outcomes following osteotomy procedures. Although the specific indications for femoral and tibial osteotomies differ, general patient characteristics are important to consider when performing a realignment osteotomy. The ideal patient is a relatively young (<60 years old), active, nonsmoking individual with localized knee pain. The patient must be capable of enduring the average 6-month recovery and adhering to a rehabilitation protocol. Commonly accepted contraindications for realignment osteotomy include inflammatory arthritis, severe tricompartmental osteoarthritis, multiplanar ligamentous instability, extreme deformity, and bone loss.8,9 Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) insufficiency is not considered to be a definite contraindication, as these ligaments deficiencies can be addressed concomitantly with the osteotomy.10,11,12
The role of obesity in patient selection for realignment osteotomy has been debated within the literature. Obesity is defined as 1.32 times ideal weight and as body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2. Multiple studies have demonstrated an association between obesity and poor outcomes following lower extremity realignment osteotomy.13,14 Coventry et al13 reported probability of survival after HTO of only 38% after 5 years and 19% after 10 years in obese patients, compared with 90 and 65% probabilities in patients with average weight, respectively. A recent study by Liska et al15 demonstrated a significantly higher rate of nonunion in smokers and patients who underwent DFOs with BMI >30 kg/m2. However, some authors argue that osteotomy is preferable to the high rate of complications in the obese patient population undergoing knee arthroplasty.9,16
The decision to perform a realignment osteotomy should be individualized. It is imperative that patients are counseled on their unique risks, and general health must be optimized.
History and Physical Examination
A thorough history and physical examination should be performed for all patients considered candidates for osteotomy surgery. The onset of pain is typically insidious in nature in cases of degenerative osteoarthritis. Prior traumatic knee injuries should be noted, as well as any previous surgeries. Coronal and sagittal malalignment are most commonly the result of meniscal, ligamentous, or cartilage injuries.17 The patient should ideally be able to localize pain to a focal compartment of the knee. Diffuse knee pain should raise suspicion for arthritis involving multiple compartments. Additionally, any subjective sensation of instability may be due to chronic ligamentous injury. The patient should be assessed for current activity level and overall expectations for the proposed procedure.
Physical examination should begin with global inspection and careful evaluation of coronal, sagittal, and rotational alignment. Palpation of the joint lines may reveal tenderness in the affected compartment. A careful evaluation of knee range of motion is essential. Flexion contractures of greater than 15° and knee flexion of less than 90° are considered relative contraindications for osteotomy. Ligamentous examination is important in identifying cruciate ligament deficiency and varus or valgus laxity, assessing for any fixed deformity. Preoperative gait evaluation is crucial for identifying dynamic varus or valgus deformity. Several studies have found that HTO has the potential to modify gait mechanics and suggest overcorrection of the mechanical axis in patients with preoperative increased knee adduction moment and an associated lateral “thrust” during gait to improve outcomes.18,19 A complete physical examination should include assessment of hip and spine pathologies that may contribute to knee pain, as well as an evaluation of the neurovascular status.
Radiologic evaluation of the degenerative knee includes weight-bearing anterior-posterior, lateral, and patellar views of the knee. Posterior-anterior weight-bearing 45-degree flexion view (Rosenberg) is useful for identifying early osteoarthritis changes in the posterior part of the tibiofemoral compartment, as this view has been found to have a higher sensitivity for detecting early medial or lateral tibiofemoral compartment changes compared to standard anterior-posterior radiographs made in full extension.20,21 The radiographs should be closely inspected for subtle joint space narrowing, osteophytes, and early changes in subchondral bone morphology and geometry of the joint surface. Careful evaluation of the lateral compartment when considering HTO to unload a degenerative medial compartment is important to ensure the best possible outcome following the procedure. Similarly, the medial compartment should be examined when planning for a varus-producing osteotomy to unload the valgus knee. The lateral radiographs are useful for examining tibial slope, particularly in cases of cruciate ligament deficiency.12,22 Additionally, patellar height should be evaluated on the lateral radiograph, given the risk of patella baja following HTO procedures.23,24,25 Lower extremity hip-to-ankle alignment radiographs are essential in the workup for measuring the mechanical axis of the limb and the degree of deformity for surgical planning.
Advanced imaging may be performed to identify concomitant intra-articular pathology and further delineate the status of the articular cartilage and menisci. MRI is a useful adjunct to plain radiographs for characterizing the progression of osteoarthritis by demonstrating subchondral bone edema, early changes in subchondral bone geometry and architecture, and the overlying articular cartilage. Computed tomography (CT) can be utilized to evaluate for rotational malalignment of the limb. However, these advanced imaging modalities are costly, and there is a significantly increased radiation risk associated with CT.
Characterizing the nature of the deformity is critical for determining the optimal corrective osteotomy procedure for the degenerative knee. The surgeon must first determine the location, direction, and magnitude of the deformity. Knee alignment is analyzed by measuring the mechanical and anatomic axes of the lower extremity on standing alignment radiographs. The weight-bearing line of the knee is measured from a straight line drawn from the center of the femoral head to the center of the talus and crosses the tibial plateau at a point 48% to 62.5% of the distance from the medial proximal tibial edge in a normally aligned knee.22,26 The deformity is determined based of the location of the center of the knee in relation to the weight-bearing line (Fig. 26-1).
The location of the osteotomy is traditionally determined to avoid joint line obliquity. Varus deformities with medial compartment wear are typically treated with an HTO, and valgus deformities are managed with DFOs to offload the lateral compartment. However, the decision as to the optimal location and type of osteotomy is ultimately based upon the individual patient’s characteristics and degree of deformity. It is critically important to identify if the bony deformity is on the tibial versus femoral side, as this determines the site for the osteotomy. The mechanical lateral distal femoral angle and medial proximal tibial angle should be measured to more accurately identify the site of deformity (Fig. 26-2). For example, although a valgus deformity is felt to be usually associated with a degree of hypoplasia of the lateral femoral condyle and is thus typically corrected on the femoral side, Eberbach et al27 measured coronal alignment on 420 standing long-leg radiographs of patients with valgus malalignment and found that 41% of valgus deformities were tibial based, 24% were femoral based, 27% were tibial and femoral based, and 9% were intra-articular/ligament based, suggesting that varus-producing osteotomy may need to be done on tibial side or as a double-level osteotomy in order to avoid an oblique joint line. Severe coronal deformities (greater than 10° to 15°) will often require combined tibial and femoral osteotomy to avoid joint line obliquity.28 Schroter and colleagues29 described the use of a double-level osteotomy in severe varus osteoarthritis (average 11°) and demonstrated good functional outcome with restoration of the joint line and improved angular measurements.
Opening wedge osteotomy is currently the preferred technique in the literature for both varus and valgus deformities. The opening wedge technique has the theoretical advantage of simplifying the procedure with a single bone cut, allowing for improved control over the degree of correction. The potential disadvantages include the risk of delayed union or nonunion. Closing wedge osteotomies have been suggested as a more favorable technique for patients with comorbidities that may increase the risk for nonunion, such as smoking and obesity.22,30 Another proposed benefit of the closing wedge technique is the ability to bear weight earlier than opening wedge osteotomies; however, these differences are now less of a consideration with the development of newer implant devices that allow earlier weight-bearing with both techniques. Disadvantages of closing wedge osteotomies include bone loss and the technical challenge of the technique for achieving a precise angular correction.
The primary indication for an HTO is symptomatic medial compartment osteoarthritis with varus deformity. The lateral closing wedge HTO was initially popularized by Coventry in the 1960s and demonstrates good long-term functional outcomes.31,32 The medial opening wedge HTO has increased in acceptance over the past several decades and equally successful outcomes have been reported.33,34,35,36 Additionally, the technique avoids the need to expose the lateral side of the leg and risks associated with peroneal nerve exposure, tibiofibular joint disruption, fibular osteotomy, and anterior compartment dissection. Medial opening wedge HTO does have the potential disadvantages of higher nonunion rates, patella baja, and risk of increasing tibial slope.37 Dome-type tibial osteotomies are considered when a correction of greater than 10° to 15° is required, as this degree of correction is beyond the limits of the standard opening or closing wedge osteotomies. A coronal plane osteotomy can also be used, with the coronal plane bone cut oriented from the anterior-proximal aspect of the tibia to the posterior-distal tibia. This osteotomy starts just proximal to the tibial tubercle. Both varus and valgus correction can be done with this coronal plane cut. Concomitant fibular osteotomy is required to achieve the correction.
Degree of Correction
Deformity correction planning for tibial osteotomies is based on the lower extremity measurements on alignment radiographs and has evolved over recent years with the development of new technology. The overall goal is to shift the mechanical axis lateral to the center of the knee to unload the degenerative medial compartment. In general, a more modest correction is recommended for osteotomy that is performed in conjunction with concomitant cartilage repair or medial meniscus transplantation, as compared to osteotomy done in the setting of more advanced medial compartment arthritis.
Dugdale and colleauges26 described a method of measuring the correction angle that can be utilized for both lateral closing wedge and medial opening wedge HTO techniques. This method involves identifying a reference point on the tibial plateau that is 62.5% from the medial cortex.38 A line is then drawn from this point to the center of the femoral head, and a second line is drawn from this point to the center of the ankle. The intersection of these two lines is the angle of correction, also known as the alpha angle (Fig. 26-3). The correction angle is proportional to the measurement of the osteotomy distraction on the medial cortex of the tibia. Precise measurement of an angle is not easy to do intraoperatively, Rather, the height of the base of the opening or closing wedge can be measured. The height of the wedge is calculated as the tibial width at the level of the osteotomy multiplied by the tangent of the desired correction angle. As a rough guide, a 1-degree correction generally corresponds to approximately 1 mm distraction.
This calculation can be used for both opening wedge and closing wedge osteotomy.
Ligamentous instability is also taken into consideration when planning the correction angle. Varus ligamentous instability requires an additional 2° to 3° of correction to correct for the varus intra-articular deformity.18 In the presence of anterior instability and ACL deficiency, the tibial slope can be decreased to restore alignment and potentially improve stability without ACL reconstruction.39 Similarly, the tibial slope can be increased while performing HTO in the setting of PCL insufficiency to potentially decrease posterior instability. Alteration of tibial slope may also be considered during concomitant ACL or PCL reconstruction. Biomechanical studies demonstrate that increased posterior tibial slope results in higher forces on an ACL graft,40 while PCL graft forces increased as tibial slope decreased (flattened).41
Numerous technological advances have led to the development of novel methods for preoperatively planning HTO correction. Preoperative computerized planning software programs using digital images have been recently developed. These programs have demonstrated excellent reliability and good consistency with real-size paper template methods.42,43,44
New methods have also been developed to intraoperatively assess the ability to achieve the preoperatively planned correction angle. Conventional methods of evaluating the angle of correction include using an alignment rod or cable and fluoroscopy to determine alignment. These methods have high variability and measurement error in addition to increasing radiation exposure with the multiple intraoperative fluoroscopy images necessary to evaluate the correction.45,46,47 Kim and colleagues48 evaluated the utility of three-dimensional (3D) printed models for opening wedge HTO procedures. The model based on preoperative CT allows for three-dimensional evaluation of the deformity and subsequent correction. The printed 3D osteotomy wedge can then be used as a guide intraoperatively to attain the desired correction angle. The authors found satisfactory results with the use of the 3D-printed model with accurate correction to the target point. In a similar manner, patient-specific cutting guides have also been proposed.49 Computer-assisted navigation techniques have also been developed to improve
accuracy, precision, and reliability of HTO.47,50,51 A recent meta-analysis comparing navigated and conventional HTO for the treatment of the osteoarthritic varus knee demonstrated that navigated HTO resulted in more accuracy and precision of alignment correction. However, the authors noted that there was no difference in clinical outcomes between the two groups.51
accuracy, precision, and reliability of HTO.47,50,51 A recent meta-analysis comparing navigated and conventional HTO for the treatment of the osteoarthritic varus knee demonstrated that navigated HTO resulted in more accuracy and precision of alignment correction. However, the authors noted that there was no difference in clinical outcomes between the two groups.51
![]() FIGURE 26-3 Calculating the correction angle. This method26 involves identifying a reference point on the tibial plateau that is 62.5% from the medial cortex. A line is then drawn from this point to the center of the femoral head, and a second line is drawn from this point to the center of the ankle. The intersection of these two lines is the angle of correction, also known as the alpha angle. |
Surgical Techniques
Medial Opening Wedge Osteotomy
Standard medial opening wedge osteotomies are performed through an approximately 5 cm longitudinal incision extending from 1 cm below the joint line to the medial border of the tibial tubercle. The sartorial fascia is divided; the pes tendons are identified and are then elevated as an L-shaped flap or retracted distally. The distal superficial medial collateral ligament (MCL) can either be subperiosteally elevated off the medial tibia or incised at the level of the osteotomy (Fig. 26-4). A biomechanical study demonstrated that medial opening wedge HTO maintains high medial compartment pressure after bony correction into valgus until there is complete release of the MCL.52

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