To assess executive function in children with developmental dyspraxia.
Patients and method
Inclusion criteria: children aged 8 years to 12 years 5 months at the time of the study, diagnosed with developmental dyspraxia between January, 2008 and August, 2009 by a multidisciplinary team in one single center.
Assessment tools
(1) Paper-and-pencil neuropsychological and ecological tests to assess flexibility, planning, inhibition and prospective memory; (2) two questionnaires answered by parents; (3) the ‘Children’s Cooking Task’ (CCT), an ecological task performed in a real environment (Chevignard et al., 2009 ). In this last test, children were compared to matched controls. Non-parametric statistical tests were used.
Thirteen patients participated in the study (11 boys–2 girls; mean age 10.3 years [SD = 1.3]). Neuropsychological tests highlighted planning and inhibition disorders, but no impaired flexibility. For more than half of the children, the questionnaires indicated impaired executive functions in daily life tasks. Finally, patients showed a significantly increased rate of errors during the CCT, compared with the control group ( P < 0.001).
Overall results suggest that some children diagnosed with developmental dyspraxia also exhibit executive function disorders. Ecological tests seem more sensitive for identifying executive function disorders than conventional tests.
Évaluer les fonctions exécutives chez des enfants présentant une dyspraxie développementale.
Patients et méthode
Critères d’inclusion : enfants âgés de huit ans à 12 ans cinq mois au moment de l’étude présentant une dyspraxie développementale diagnostiquée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire entre janvier 2008 et août 2009.
Outils d’évaluation
(1) Tests neuropsychologiques papier-crayon classiques et écologiques évaluant la flexibilité, la planification, l’inhibition et la mémoire prospective ; (2) deux questionnaires remplis par les parents ; (3) une tâche écologique de cuisine réalisée en milieu réel (Chevignard et al., 2009 ). Pour ce test, les patients ont été comparés à des sujets témoins appariés. Les analyses ont été faites avec des tests non paramétriques.
Treize enfants ont participé à l’étude (11 garçons ; âge moyen 10,3 ans [DS = 1,3]). Les tests neuropsychologiques ont montré des troubles de la planification et de l’inhibition mais pas de la flexibilité. Les questionnaires mettaient en évidence des troubles des fonctions exécutives chez plus de la moitié des enfants. Enfin, les patients faisaient significativement plus d’erreurs que les témoins ( p < 0,001) dans la tâche écologique de cuisine.
L’ensemble des évaluations suggère que certains enfants présentant une dyspraxie développementale ont des troubles des fonctions exécutives, qui sont mieux objectivés par les tests écologiques.
English version
Developmental dyspraxia is a developmental disorder covering a heterogeneous group of motor skills and coordination disorders associated or not to perceptual-motor difficulties, in children with no neurological or psychiatric pathologies. Its prevalence is estimated at 5 to 6% according to the WHO . These disorders lead to difficulties in completing daily life tasks and impact the child’s ability to learn in school. Furthermore, disorders linger into adolescence and adulthood . Developmental dyspraxia is very often associated with other developmental disorders , such as Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD) and specific speech disorders .
The international terminology, stemming from the DSM-IV , uses the term Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Today, there is a real wish to harmonize the terms for this disorder . However, in clinical practice, there is often a difference between the two concepts that remain distinct from one another , developmental dyspraxia was most often presented as a subgroup of DCD . In this study, we chose to refer to the concept of developmental dyspraxia proposed by Gérard promoting a neuropsychological approach of the disorder.
Executive Functions (EF) are control functions used to implement or execute a task in order to face new situations; these functions are involved in all types of cognitive activities. Pediatric neuropsychological research has only recently focused on the development of executive functioning in children . However, we know that in humans the prefrontal cortex is one of the last regions of the brain to reach maturation. Anderson proposed a model of executive function including four distinct but inter-related domains: attentional control (ability to select specific stimuli, inhibit automatic responses and focus attention), information processing (efficiency and speed of information processing), cognitive flexibility (ability to change strategy, divide attention and process multiple sources of information) and finally goal setting (ability to plan, use a strategy, and develop new initiatives or concepts). Barkley proposed a model based on observations in children with ADD/H, focused on inhibition impairment. It is now well known that executive functions are essential in the cognitive development of children and are involved in learning acquisitions. Assessment of EF in children is difficult and mainly based on tests used in adults . Furthermore, EF are only evaluated through instrumental functions and finally only partially assessed by so-called “paper-and-pencil” tests (i.e. in an office, with a clearly determined objective, linear course, short duration and very structured context), which do not always reflect the difficulties experienced in daily life situations . Dissociations have been described between performances in the neuropsychological tests (which can be normal or normalized) and abilities observed in daily life. Paper-and-pencil EF assessment should therefore ideally be completed by ecological tests, i.e. requiring more self-management and open to more conflicting stimuli and situations in order to complete the interpretation derived from standard tests .
Three types of ecological assessments have been developed and studied mainly in acquired brain injury, epilepsy or ADD/H: paper-and-pencil tasks simulating situations close to daily life tasks; questionnaires evaluating executive functioning in common daily situations (home or school), and finally implementing real-life situations. Recently, Chevignard et al. proposed an assessment in a real-life open-ended setting, i.e. the Children’s Cooking Task (CCT).
In the French literature, at the time of this study and to the best of our knowledge, we did not find studies assessing executive functioning in children with developmental dyspraxia. However, the issue of EF impairment in development dyspraxia has been raised by several authors and is routinely seen in clinical practice. In the international literature, studies evaluating executive functions in DCD children are stemming from research on children with ADD/H. Some authors have brought up the hypothesis of a common neurocognitive mechanism such as executive dysfunctions ; others underlined the possibility of a relationship between motor performance, attention and executive functions . But these studies are very rare in DCD and most often only focused on one domain of executive functioning.
The aims of this study were:
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to conduct an in-depth, specific and standardized assessment of executive functions in children with developmental dyspraxia;
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to combine previously validated paper-and-pencil tests with more ecological evaluations;
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to compare the respective sensitivity of the various tests used, and specially the CCT in this population.
Our hypotheses, based on our clinical experience and data from the literature, were the following:
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the CCT would be feasible in this population of patients with impaired motor skills;
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some children with developmental dyspraxia are likely to have executive dysfunctions, which can be observed in various examination modalities and should be taken into account in rehabilitation;
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the ecological tests would be more sensitive to a dysexecutive syndrome than the neuropsychological paper-and-pencil tests.
Preliminary Study
First, we conducted a retrospective study: we analyzed the medical files of children who were seen in clinics between January 2008 and August 2009 with a diagnosis of developmental dyspraxia (either for a first diagnosis or for follow-up clinics) in the rehabilitation unit for congenital neurological pathologies within Childhood Rehabilitation Center at the Saint Maurice Hospitals. The main objective of this study was to refine the neuropsychological characteristics of children with dyspraxia . During the study period, out of 52 files, 33 children (22 boys; 67%) had no significant medical/surgical history and were diagnosed with a specific learning disability. The mean age was 9.5 years (range 3.75–13.5). More than one out of three children had an attention deficit associated with executive function disorders, either suspected based on qualitative observations, or confirmed by standardized tests performed during the clinical check-up.
Patient group
Our study focused on assessing patients from this preliminary study with the following inclusion criteria:
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diagnosis of developmental dyspraxia based on a multidisciplinary assessment based on the diagnostic criteria proposed by Gérard and Dugas ;
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age comprised between 8 years and 12 years and 5 months by January 1st, 2010 so the children could all undergo the same neuropsychological tests;
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parental approval.
Exclusion criteria were:
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associated dyslexia impairing the performance of the ecological CCT, which requires the child to be autonomous in reading a simple cooking recipe;
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a Verbal IQ (VIQ) or Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) below 70 on the Wechsler Intelligence scales .
Sixteen patients met the above described inclusion criteria. Two did not wish to participate in the study and one was psychologically fragile. Finally the patient group comprised of 13 children aged 8.2 to 12.3 years (mean 10.12; Standard Deviation [SD] 1.44). There were 11 boys (85%) and two girls. Two patients were diagnosed with ADD/H and one of them was treated by methylphenidate (the treatment was not stopped for the assessment). Demographics and results of the Wechsler intelligence scales for the patient group are presented in Table 1 .
Dyspraxia group ( n = 13) | Control group ( n = 14) | |
Demographic data | ||
Sex | 11 boys, 2 girls | 8 boys, 6 girls |
Age (years, M(SD); min–max) | 10.12 (1.44); 8.2–12.3 | 10.37 (1.32); 8.4–12.5 |
School level (years of school since 1st grade) | 4.69 (1.44); 3–7 | 4.43 (1.4); 2–7 |
Associated ADD/H | 2/13 | – |
Dysexecutive syndrome suspected after the multidisciplinary evaluation | 5/13 | – |
Familiarity with the cooking task | ||
Never (%) | 38.50 | 71.40 |
Once in a while (%) | 61.50 | 28.60 |
Intellectual efficiency | ||
WISC-III ( n = 5) [M (SD)] | ||
Verbal scale (VIQ) | 112.6 (10.5) | – |
Performance scale (PIQ) | 88.4 (11.4) | – |
Processing Speed Index (PSI) | 81 (22.3) | – |
Language Scale (LS) | 100.5 (6.1) | – |
WISC-IV ( n = 5) [M (SD)] | ||
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) | 97.5 (19) | – |
Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) | 73.2 (11.3) | – |
Working Memory Index (WMI) | 80.5 (12.4) | – |
Processing Speed Index (PSI) | 83.8 (13.3) | – |
Control group
We used data from a control group used in a previous study for the CCT . Both groups were matched for sex, age and school level.
Outcome measures
The standard neuropsychological assessment included 6 tests exploring various domains of Executive Functions
The Trail Making Test A and B for children
The Trail Making Test (TMT) A and B for children evaluates flexibility. Part A consists in connecting a set of eight numbers in increasing order. In part B, the child needs to alternatively connect numbers and letters. We took into account the time taken and number of errors; the results are given in raw score and percentage of children in the clinical range (at least 2 SD below the norms).
The NEPSY tower subtest
The NEPSY tower subtest evaluates non-verbal planning, control and self-regulation as well as problem-solving. The child must move three colored beads onto three pegs according to a predetermined number of moves to reproduce the model while respecting the guidelines. The result is given in standard score.
The NEPSY verbal fluency (semantic and phonemic categories)
The NEPSY verbal fluency (semantic and phonemic categories) is a test designed to evaluate planning and organization of word search in long-term memory. The child must produce as many as possible words for each of the categories in 1 minute. The result (sum of the words produced) is expressed in standard score.
The NEPSY Auditory Attention and Response Set subtest
The NEPSY Auditory Attention and Response Set subtest is a complex intermodal task. Part A evaluates vigilance and retaining selective auditory attention and Part B evaluates the aptitude to change the response pattern (flexibility and inhibition). In the first part, the child learns to produce a response to the « red » stimulus (place a red chip when the child hears the word « red »). In the second part, the child must change the response pattern and respond to contradicting stimuli (place a red chip when hearing the word « yellow »). Results are expressed in standard scores.
The paired images test
The paired images test consists in identifying among six images, and during a limited time period, the one identical to the model. This test includes 10 sets. It evaluates inhibition abilities and impulsivity, mainly with the impulsivity index score. Results taken into account were: total time needed to perform the task, time to the first answer, number of good answers, number of errors, impulsivity index (ratio of the number of errors per time period) and accuracy index (number of right answers per time period). These results are expressed in raw score and percentage of children in the clinical range.
The 6-Part test adapted to children
The 6-Part test adapted to children is a subtest of the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome for Children (BADS-C) . It evaluates planning, task scheduling and performance monitoring in a more ecological dimension. Children have a pre-determined time period (5 minutes), which they can self-manage with a timer. During these 5 minutes, they need to get organized to perform three types of tasks each made up of two sub-parts (picture naming, simple calculations, and sorting objects), while respecting a set of rules. We took into account the global score (expressed in standard score) as well as the ‘success’ and ‘strategy’ scores (expressed in raw scores). The ‘success score’ corresponds to the sum of the sub-parts performed by the child. The ‘strategy score’ reflects the way the child got organized to perform the test.
Two subtests for prospective memory from the ecological Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test
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The ‘personal object’ subtest: the child needs to hide a personal object in the room where he or she is performing the testing and ask the examiner for it at the end of the session.
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The ‘meeting planning’ subtest: the examiner informs the child at the beginning of the session that he or she needs to ask the following question “when will we see each other again?” before leaving.
Scores are expressed in standard scores.
The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) and the Dysexecutive Questionnaire for Children (DEX-C) were completed by parents
They can bring in qualitative elements to interpret cognitive and behavioral disorders in daily life situations. The BRIEF includes 86 questions and is made-up of five cognitive subscales: initiation, working memory, plan/organize, organization of materials and monitor and three behavioral subscales: inhibit, shift and emotional control. These eight subscales form two indexes: Metacognition and Behavioral Regulation and one composite score, the Global Executive Composite (GEC). The results are expressed in T -scores (a higher score reflects more problematic behavior). A T -score greater than 65 is considered in the clinical range.
The DEX-C includes 20 questions leading to a global score. Scores superior to the 95th percentile (i.e ≥ 45) are considered clinically significant.
Ecological assessment: the cooking task
We used the CCT , a test assessing executive functioning and multi-tasking abilities. Guidelines and material are standardized and the child has to perform two simple recipes (a chocolate cake and a fruit cocktail). The steps are numbered and presented in the format of a checklist with pictures illustrating each step. Written instructions are read to the child and the examiner checks that they are fully understood. The instructions are available to the child throughout the task. The child is informed that he/she must pretend to be completely alone to prepare a surprise for his/her family. An examiner is present and observes the child. The examiner only intervenes in case of “fatal” mistakes or dead-ends, to avoid complete failure or in order to put the child back into tracks to finish the task. All actions and comments of the child are noted, and they are analyzed later. The assessment takes place in the therapeutic kitchen within the occupational therapy department, and the exact same settings were used for all patients. The child has a folder with six cooking recipes, all presented in the same manner (title, illustrated list of ingredients then steps to perform the recipe illustrated with pictures). Thus, the child must find the two recipes among the four distracters. Ingredients and utensils are laid out on the table with the instructions and cooking book. They include semantic and morphological distracters.
The analysis consists in classifying the errors observed and quantifying them. They are classified at two levels ( Appendix 1 ). First a descriptive level: omissions, additions, commentary-questions, substitution-sequence error and estimation error. This leads to the total number of errors. Then, the errors are classified according to a neuropsychological level, in order to interpret the cause of the mistakes. There are six types of errors for this level: control errors, context neglect (including among other things all comments/questions), environmental adherence, purposeless actions and displacements, dependency and behavioral disorders. The error types are defined and described in Appendix 1 . Finally, a qualitative analysis of the task was conducted, taking into account the time required to complete the task (in minutes), as well as three criteria (rated yes or no): ability to reach the task’s goal (making a chocolate cake and a fruit cocktail), onset of dangerous behaviors and need for adult intervention to prevent complete task failure.
Data collection method
The study was approved by the local ethics committee. All participants and families gave their written informed consent after having received oral and written information. The assessment included two parts: first the paper-and-pencil tests followed by the cooking task. The time to complete the evaluation varied from 2 to 3 hours (including breaks). The questionnaires were answered by the parents.
Results analysis
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 11.5 software for Windows. Descriptive statistics were conducted for demographic data and results to the tests and questionnaires. Descriptive data were observed in order to look for aberrant results. Thus, for the number of comments/questions (in the cooking task), an extreme value (166) was corrected by adding three standard deviations to the results’ mean for the other children in the group.
For each neuropsychological test and questionnaire, the number and proportion of children with results in the clinical range were computed. We considered pathological a result less than or equal to 7 for scaled score or beyond two standard deviations for the Z -scores.
Given the small sample size and the fact that the cooking test results were not normally distributed, nonparametric tests were used. The level of significance was set at less than or equal to 0.05.
For the cooking task we checked the paired concordance of demographic data with Mann-Whitney test. To test difference between patient and controls we used Mann-Whitney test for quantitative variables and Chi 2 test for qualitative variables.
Results to the neuropsychological tests
“Classical” neuropsychological tests of Executive Functions
The group’s average scores on each neuropsychological test were within the norms. However individual results were very heterogeneous ( Table 2 ). Results of the TMT showed a slow visual scanning in five children and one patient exhibited flexibility disorders. Flexibility, measured by the Part B of the auditory attention test, was pathological in one child (who had a normal TMT score).
Executive function tests | M (SD) | Score range (min–max) | Percentage of children with a score in the clinical range |
Neuropsychological tests | |||
TMT-A ( n = 11) | 45 | ||
Time (seconds) | 25 (9.1) | 13–38 | |
Number of errors (RS) | 0.16 (0.4) | 0–1 | |
TMT-B ( n = 11) | 36 | ||
Time (seconds) | 56.8 (17) | 29–91 | |
Number of errors (RS) | 0.8 (0.7) | 0–2 | |
NEPSY Subtests | |||
Tower | 10 (2.2) | 6–12 | 23 |
Fluency | 10.7 (2.9) | 6–15 | 8 |
Auditory attention | 10.6 (1.8) | 8–14 | |
Part A | 11.3 (1.9) | 7–14 | 8 |
Part B | 10.1 (1.8) | 7–13 | 8 |
Paired images test ( n = 9) | |||
Total time (seconds) | 352 (135) | 164–573 | 44 |
Impulsivity index (RS) | 2.5 (2.1) | 0.73–6.20 | 44 |
Ecological tests | |||
6-part test | |||
Total score | 7.8 (1.4) | 5–10 | 46 |
Success score (RS) | 9.5 (2.6) | 2–12 | |
Strategy score (RS) | 0.46 (0.87) | 0–2 | 77 |
RBMT | |||
Meeting | 1.75 (0.4) | 1–2 | 66 |
Personal object | 1.25 (0.6) | 0–2 | 25 |
Questionnaires | |||
BRIEF ( n = 9; T -score) | |||
BR | 59.7 (10) | 45–74 | 22 |
M | 68.3 (5) | 61–76 | 44 |
GEC | 66.2 (4.7) | 61–74 | 55 |
DEX-C ( n = 11; RS) | 33.2 (11.2) | 13–48 | 18 |
For the paired images test, only the results of nine patients could be studied. Four of them had a pathological impulsivity index. Four also exhibited slow visual scanning in this test (the detailed results of the test in Table 3 ).
Paired-images test ( n = 9) | M (SD) | Range (min–max) | Percentage of children with a pathological score |
Time to the 1st response | 27.9 (17.8) | 4.9–57.3 | 44 |
Total time | 352.1 (135.1) | 164–573 | 44 |
Number of successes | 3.6 (1.4) | 2–5 | 0 |
Number of errors | 11.3 (1.4) | 6–23 | 44 |
Accuracy index | 0.7 (0.4) | 0.2–2.1 | 11 |
Impulsivity index | 2.5 (2.1) | 0.7–8.6 | 44 |
The results for the information planning and organization, measured by the verbal fluency test, were within the normal range, except for one patient. However, for the Tower Test, which explores information planning and involves visual spatial components, results were not as good: three children out of 13 had a pathological score.
Ecological tests: 6-part and Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) tests
We noted more disruptions in the results of the ecological tests. For the 6-part test, almost half of the group had a scaled score less than or equal to 7. Moreover, 10 children had a strategy score equal to zero. Furthermore, the maximal standard score was 10 (norms ranging from 8 to 12), and only for two children.
On a qualitative level, children seemed to have understood the rules and were able to reformulate them. However, three of them completed the two subparts for one same task consecutively and eight did not complete the six sub-tasks: four did not complete the sixth sub-part due to lack of time or forgetfulness and four other children only completed one to four tasks. Eleven patients out of 13 ended up acknowledging their mistakes.
Regarding the two prospective memory subtests, results did not correspond to those expected in children aged 8 to 12, who should obtain maximum scores in more than 80% of the cases. In our group, more than half of the children did not get the maximum score.
Results to the questionnaires
Results are presented in Tables 2 and 4 . Unfortunately, there was missing data, as two parents did not send the questionnaires back after two reminders, and two others sent incomplete answers for the BRIEF.
Questionnaires | M (SD) | Range (min–max) | % of children with a pathological score |
BRIEF (n = 9) | |||
BR | 59.7 (10) | 45–74 | 44 |
Inhibit | 53.4 (7.7) | 43–68 | 11 |
Shift | 63.9 (14) | 45–92 | 44 |
Emotional control | 57.3 | 40–75 | 44 |
M | 68.3 (5) | 61–76 | 44 |
Initiation | 61.2 (9.5) | 41–73 | 22 |
Working memory | 67.1 (5.2) | 58–75 | 55 |
Plan/Organize | 65.1 (6.5) | 54–73 | 55 |
Organization of materials | 63.3 (5.7) | 55–71 | 33 |
Monitor | 64.3 (4.8) | 56–72 | 55 |
GEC | 66.2 (4.7) | 61–74 | 55 a |
DEX-C (n = 11) | |||
Total | 33.2 (11.2) | 13–48 | 18 |
Behavior | 12.8 (6.7) | 3–20 | – |
Cognition | 8.5 (2.6) | 4–12 | – |
Emotion | 5.2 (2.7) | 1–9 | – |
Motivation | 6.6 (3.2) | 0–11 | – |
a The percentage of children with a GEC > 65 (i.e. > 90th percentile, cut-off score set in the manual) was 55%. If we consider the scores > to the 95th percentile, the percentage was 33%.
For six out of nine children, the Global Executive Composite score (GEC) of the BRIEF was in the clinical range, with a T -Score greater than or equal to 65 (> to the 90th percentile). Among these patients, three had a T -score superior to the 95th percentile. Thus, parents of children with dyspraxia often reported executive disorders in activities of daily living. These difficulties were predominant in the following domains: “working memory”, “plan/organize” and “monitor” (where mean T -scores were > 65). The “inhibit” and “initiation” domains were less disrupted.
For the DEX-C, five children out of 11 exhibited a score superior to the 90th percentile including 18% (2/11) with scores superior to the 95th percentile.
Results of the cooking task
We compared the quantitative and qualitative results of both groups in the cooking task. Results are presented in Table 5 . Patients with developmental dyspraxia made significantly more errors than matched controls. Differences between groups were significant for the total number of errors (86,5 [SD = 44,7] versus 25.5 [SD = 12.4]; P < 0.001) and for all types of errors ( Table 5 ). In the descriptive analysis, the number of ‘commentary-questions’ was extremely high: 53.6 (SD = 42.8). Regarding the neuropsychological analysis, the most frequent mistake was ‘context neglect’, with a mean of 60.2 (SD = 43.3). The other types of errors were less frequent, yet in second position came the ‘dependency’. Furthemore, only two patients (among the oldest in the group [11.5 and 12.2 years of age]) mastered the cooking task with a total number of errors below the maximal number obtained for the children in the control group (38 and 41).
Number of errors: M [(SD) min–max] | Mann-Whitney test | Chi 2 test | ||
Children with dyspraxia | Controls | |||
Total number of errors | 86.5 [44.8 (35–203)] | 25.5 [12.4 (8–48)] | Z = 4.1; P = 0.000 | |
Descriptive analysis | ||||
Omissions | 5.9 [3.1 (3–14)] | 0.86 [0.94 (0–3)] | Z = 4.1; P = 0.000 | |
Additions | 13.4 [7.3 (4–30)] | 7 [3.96 (2–14)] | Z = 2.4; P = 0.014 | |
Inversions-substitutions | 5.5 [2.6 (2–10)] | 1 [0.96 (0–3)] | Z = 4.1; P = 0.000 | |
Estimation errors | 7 [2.85 (2–11)] | 1.4 [1.5 (0–5)] | Z = 4.0; P = 0.000 | |
Commentary-questions | 53.6 [42.8 (15–166)] | 15.2 [11.9 (3–38)] | Z = 3.4; P = 0.001 | |
Neuropsychological analysis | ||||
Control errors | 6.5 [3.4 (1–13)] | 0.3 [0.47 (0–1)] | Z = 4.5; P = 0.000 | |
Context neglect | 60.2 [43.3 (17–173)] | 20.5 [12.3 (6–46)] | Z = 3.2; P = 0.001 | |
Environmental adherence | 11 [4.4 (6–18)] | 2.6 [2.8 (0–9)] | Z = 3.8; P = 0.000 | |
Purposeless actions | 6.5 [4.5 (1–16)] | 2.2 [2.9 (0–9)] | Z = 2.7; P = 0.005 | |
Dependency | 12.5 [14.2 (2–53)] | 2.4 [2 (0–7)] | Z = 3.4; P = 0.001 | |
Behavioral disorders | 0.7 [0.6 (0–2)] | 0.3 [1 (0–4)] | Z = 2.6; P = 0.008 | |
Qualitative analysis | ||||
Task duration (min) | 31.6 [9.7 (15–45)] | 31.9 [7.1 (20–45)] | Z = 0.25; P = 0.098 | |
Goal achievement | No: 33% | No: 7% | P = 0.244 | |
Dangerous behaviors | Yes: 23% | Yes: 0% | P = 0.057 | |
Spontaneous initiation of cocktail | No: 25.5% | No: 7% | P = 0.500 | |
Intervention of adult necessary | Yes: 61.5% | Yes: 21.5% | P = 0.034 |
Regarding qualitative analysis, the duration of the cooking task was similar in both groups. The intervention of an adult was necessary for eight out of the 13 patients, significantly more than in the control group ( P = 0.034). This intervention was necessary either to avoid complete failure (not finding the recipe at the beginning of the task, not finding an ingredient), or during the task (not making the cocktail, not asking to turn on the oven, not putting away the ingredients and utensils) or finally to avoid putting the child at risk.
One dangerous behavior (e.g. putting the mold into the oven or taking it out alone, when the instructions specifically stated that this action had to be done by an adult) was seen in three of the patients versus none of the controls and this difference almost reached significance ( P = 0.057).
The main objective of this study was to evaluate EF in children with developmental dyspraxia in a systematic manner using classical neuropsychological and ecological tests. Overall, the assessments suggest that some of these patients exhibit EF disorders in various domains. Common neuropsychological tests highlighted a deficit for the non-verbal planning ability on the NEPSY tower test and BADS-C 6-part test, with a very low strategy score. Results of the dysexecutive questionnaires were similar, for the BRIEF, the subscales working memory, plan/organize and monitor (ability to check the work and evaluate performances) were the most disrupted. Slow information processing was also highlighted (TMT and paired-images test), related in part to these children’s visual spatial disorders. There did not seem to be flexibility disorders. Regarding inhibition deficits, almost half the children exhibited a pathological impulsivity index at the paired-images test. These results could in part be explained by the associated ADD/H condition present in half of the group, indicating an inability to inhibit inappropriate responses . However, based on the results from the auditory attention test and BRIEF’s inhibit subscale, the ability to inhibit an automatic response was retained. Prospective memory (RBMT subtests) was impaired. Furthermore, BRIEF’s cognitive working memory subscale was among the most disrupted elements. The observed results matched some of the data from the literature, mainly regarding children diagnosed with Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD) and, as previously described in the introduction, these diagnoses do not always overlap.
Planning disorders are rarely described in the international literature, where DCD is considered as motor control impairment. In fact, for some authors this motor control impairment would stem from the cerebellum. In the literature on developmental dyspraxia, gesture disorders are also considered as motor control impairments but some authors bring up the issue of executive dysfunctions. Leroy-Malherbe reported that impaired gesture organization could be caused by frontal lobe injury. Gerard and Dugas brought up difficulties in executive control of action, thus disrupting practognostic pathways, sometimes associated to attention disorders with or without hyperactivity in the subtype 3 of their classification. Recently, Feige et al. explored the role of executive and attention disorders in praxis disorders and thus dyspraxia, asking if they could be associated disorders, or a common underlying neurocognitive mechanism? They proposed the term of “executive dyspraxia” to underline the integration of gesture and construction disorders within a larger executive system. Our results suggest an overall planning dysfunction, beyond gesture planning.
Slow information processing has been well described in this population , as well as perception and attention visual spatial disorders . Mandich reported a selective visual spatial deficit at the level of endogenous attention related to impaired inhibition. However, this impaired inhibition has not been validated by Pieck et al. , who suggested that slow information processing was related to impaired working memory, especially the visual spatial sketchpad.
Alloway also studied the components of the short-term and working memory in children with DCD and showed that visual spatial abilities were impaired, related to movement planning and control. We did not use specific tests to assess working memory and its different components , however the results from the BRIEF suggested that the working memory subscale was the most disrupted. To our knowledge, no other studies used this questionnaire in children with DD or DCD.
Regarding the CCT, it proved to be feasible in children with developmental dyspraxia, in spite of their gesture disorders. Moreover, children enjoyed this task. Results showed that children with dyspraxia made significantly more errors than children in the control group; all types of errors discriminated patients from controls, as well as the qualitative analysis.
There was quite a very high number of ‘commentary-questions’, indicating the need for patients to verbalize their actions. This need to verbalize could be due to praxis disorders (children speak in order to compensate their difficulties in completing the gestures) or their planning and/or working memory difficulties. Nevertheless, children were not able to inhibit this behavior to adapt to the task’s guidelines (the latter clearly stated that children should act as if they were alone and not speak to the examiner).
More precisely, within the ‘commentary-questions’, the number of ‘dependency’ was also significantly higher in children with dyspraxia, suggesting a limited search for strategies/solutions to face a problem without an immediate solution, as described in adults and children with brain injury . Furthermore, similar to children with brain injury , the most common error noted in the neuropsychological analysis was ‘context neglect’. Children with dyspraxia have a hard time integrating environmental parameters in order to adapt their behavior.
For the qualitative analysis of the cooking task, the patient group required adult help; this dependence was significantly lower in controls. Two patients did not spontaneously start the cocktail, which brings up potential prospective memory disorders, even if only one of them failed one of the RBMT subtests. One patient finished the cocktail but not the cake, which brings up the suspicion of “goal neglect”, described in the dysexecutive syndrome . Finally, three children exhibited a dangerous behavior, which did not happen with the controls, highlighting patients’ poor environmental and instructions management .
In summary, the cooking task is feasible in children with developmental dyspraxia. It seems sensitive enough to detect a dysexecutive syndrome, even mild, similar to children with acquired brain injury . Of course, it remains a global task, not allowing the in-depth analysis of impaired cognitive mechanisms, but it could be a good complementary assessment to analyze a child’s ability to follow guidelines while abiding by certain rules in a more open environment.
Our objective was also to compare the sensitivity of the various types of tests used to assess executive functions in children with developmental dyspraxia.
EF assessment in children is a well-debated issue and studies are ongoing in France to validate a test battery for children. In our study, the neuropsychological tests sometimes lacked sensitivity as previously described . It seems thus essential to include more ecological tests that are more sensitive and more similar to daily life tasks. Input from questionnaires was interesting and has proven essential in the evaluation process to explore several domains of daily life related to executive functions and they seem more sensitive than the paper-pencil tests. Nevertheless, similar to the pilot study in children with traumatic brain injury, a certain number of families did not complete, or incorrectly completed the questionnaires, rendering the data useless and underlining the limits of these assessments.
One of the limits of our study was the small sample size, which does not allow to extrapolate the results to the population of children with developmental dyspraxia. The sample was also biased, since the patients are usually sent to this department when diagnosis is particularly difficult to establish, and children often have co-morbidities. The concept of developmental dyspraxia probably comprises of heterogeneous clinical entities.
Another limit is the choice of neuropsychological tests. A more in-depth assessment of working memory, especially its visual spatial component, would have been interesting. But we did not want to lengthen the duration of the assessment for these children. Finally, we did not report on the anatomical-functional mechanisms of dyspraxia since it was not the objective of this work. We suggest looking at the integrative model reported by Lussier and Flessas , which is a synthesis of all developmental dyspraxia models, proposed by various authors.
This study is relevant on two levels. First, we showed that some children with developmental dyspraxia also have a dysexecutive syndrome. In fact, we observed EF disorders both in common neuropsychological tests, in dysexecutive questionnaires and the ecological cooking task. To our knowledge, and even if several authors have already brought up this issue, very few studies have comprehensively explored executive functions in these patients. These first results need to be completed with further studies in order to better understand the disorders of children with developmental dyspraxia. We should however take into account the presence of executive function disorders and systematically screen for them during neuropsychological assessments. Indeed, when EF disorders are identified, children should benefit from specific care using rehabilitation methods not only centered on gesture control, but also on executive functions.
Secondly, assessment of executive functions in children is very important, and should be performed using neuropsychological tests, but also more ecological tests, allowing to better characterize the consequences of the dysexecutive syndrome on a child’s activities of daily living. This study also highlighted the relevance of the CCT, a multitask assessment performed in a real-life setting, in interpreting the children’s difficulties in carrying out complex tasks.
Disclosure of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this article.
We would like to thank the patients and their family for their participation. Also many thanks to the rehabilitation team in the congenital neurological pathologies department in the Saint Maurice Hospitals, especially occupational therapists and neuropsychologists for sharing their clinical experience. Many thanks to the occupational therapists in the rehabilitation department for children with acquired brain injury.
Appendix 1
Definition of the different types of errors in the analysis of the cooking task, with examples for each type of error.
(A) As a first step, the errors were classified at a descriptive level:
Omission : any action or sequence of actions necessary to reach the goal, which is omitted, or incompletely performed, such as forgetting an ingredient or an instruction stated in the recipe.
Addition : any action or sequence of actions unnecessary to the completion of the task, such as using distracter ingredients, opening the drawers or closets, picking up an object and putting it down without using it.
Substitution-sequence error : any action performed out of the appropriate temporal sequence or any object that is misused or inappropriate to the sub-goal, such as putting a spoon covered in chocolate into the flour bag or a salad bowl in the oven or not following the order of ingredients incorporated in the recipe.
Estimation error : poor estimation of the quantity of ingredients, of the size of an object, of space or time, such as putting to much sugar or too many eggs in the cake, placing the salad bowl on the cook book, cooking the cake too much or not enough.
Commentary-question : any question, remark or joke to the examiners, although the subject had been clearly instructed to act as if he were alone, such as commenting on the weather or asking how to perform an action or where to find an ingredient or a utensil.
(B) Then, the errors were classified at a second step analysis, taking into account the neuropsychological mechanisms underlying the occurrence of errors.
Control errors : inefficient monitoring of action, such as not using the right recipes or letting the cake burn or not letting it cook long enough.
Context neglect : failure to follow the instruction or the recipe, poor evaluation of environment, such as not using the quantities in the recipe, not taking the recipe into account, not using the utensils or ingredients prepared on the table and searching for them in drawers or not washing one’s hands although they are covered in butter; all the commentaries and questions, since the subject was informed he was supposed to act as if he were alone.
Environmental adherence : inappropriate action induced by the presence of an object, such as washing an utensil or the sink several times, mixing the dough again and again without being able to stop, using all the eggs in the egg box, placing the bowl on the recipe book.
Purposeless actions and displacements : behavioral sequence not contributing to goal achievement, such as interrupting ongoing action without resuming any purposeful activity, picking up an object and putting it down again without using it, any purposeless displacement.
Dependency : any question about the way to perform an action or to find an object (this does not include the other commentaries), such as asking how or what to do, where to find the recipe, a utensil, an ingredient or the oven, how to open the pack of apple juice.
Behavioral disorders : any socially inappropriate or dangerous behavior, such as attempting to use the oven, although the child had been specifically instructed not to.
Version française
La dyspraxie développementale est une pathologie du développement à l’origine d’un ensemble hétérogène de troubles du geste et de la coordination, associé ou non à des difficultés perceptivo-motrices, chez des enfants qui ne présentent pas de pathologie neurologique ou psychiatrique. Sa prévalence est de 5 à 6 % selon l’OMS . Elle est à l’origine de difficultés dans la vie quotidienne et retentit sur les apprentissages scolaires. De plus, les troubles persistent à l’adolescence et à l’âge adulte . Les comorbidités avec les autres pathologies du développement sont importantes , notamment avec le trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) et les troubles spécifiques du langage .
La terminologie internationale, issue du DSM-IV , utilise le terme Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), traduit en français par trouble de l’acquisition de la coordination (TAC). La volonté actuelle est à l’homogénéisation de la terminologie . Cependant en pratique, il persiste une différence entre les deux concepts qui restent distincts , la dyspraxie développementale étant le plus souvent présentée comme un sous-ensemble du TAC . Le concept de dyspraxie reste un ensemble hétérogène avec des présentations cliniques variées. Nous avons choisi ici le concept de dyspraxie développementale de Gérard qui privilégie une approche neuropsychologique du trouble.
Les fonctions exécutives (FE) sont des fonctions de contrôle permettant la mise en œuvre ou l’exécution d’une tâche pour faire face à une situation nouvelle ; elles sont donc impliquées dans toutes les formes d’activités cognitives. La recherche neuropsychologique pédiatrique ne s’est intéressée que récemment au développement des fonctions exécutives chez l’enfant . On sait cependant que le cortex préfrontal constitue la zone cérébrale qui se développe le plus longtemps chez l’Homme. Anderson propose une modélisation des fonctions exécutives chez l’enfant où il décrit quatre domaines distincts mais inter-reliés entre eux. Ces domaines sont le contrôle attentionnel (capacité à sélectionner des stimuli spécifiques, à inhiber des réponses automatiques et à focaliser son attention), le traitement de l’information (efficacité et vitesse de traitement de l’information), la flexibilité cognitive (capacité à changer de stratégie, à diviser son attention et traiter des sources d’informations multiples) et enfin la formulation de buts (capacité à planifier, à utiliser une stratégie, à développer de nouvelles initiatives ou concepts). Barkley propose un modèle basé sur les observations faites chez l’enfant présentant un TDA/H centré sur le défaut d’inhibition. Il est désormais admis que les fonctions exécutives occupent une place prépondérante dans le développement cognitif de l’enfant et qu’elles sont impliquées dans les apprentissages. L’évaluation des FE chez l’enfant est difficile et utilise principalement des tests issus de ceux utilisés chez les adultes . De plus, les FE ne sont évaluées qu’à travers les fonctions instrumentales et enfin elles ne sont évaluées que partiellement par les tests cognitifs dits « papier-crayon » (c’est-à-dire dans un bureau, avec un objectif clairement déterminé, un déroulement linéaire, une durée relativement brève et un contexte très structuré), qui ne reflètent pas toujours les difficultés observées dans la vie quotidienne . En effet, une dissociation entre les performances en test (qui peuvent être normales ou normalisées) et les capacités observées dans la vie quotidienne est possible. C’est pourquoi l’évaluation classique des FE doit être complétée par des tests plus écologiques, c’est-à-dire requérant plus d’auto-organisation et ouverts à plus de sollicitations conflictuelles, qui permettront de compléter l’interprétation issue des tests standards .
Plusieurs types d’évaluations écologiques ont été développés et étudiés principalement dans les lésions cérébrales acquises, l’épilepsie, ou encore le TDA/H. Trois types de tâches sont possibles : des tâches de type papier-crayon, mais simulant des situations proches de la vie quotidienne ; des questionnaires évaluant le fonctionnement exécutif au quotidien (au domicile ou en classe), et enfin des mises en situation réelle. Récemment, l’équipe de Chevignard a proposé une évaluation en situation d’exécution réelle d’une tâche en situation ouverte : la tâche de cuisine adaptée à l’enfant Children’s Cooking Task (CCT).
Dans la littérature francophone, au moment où est réalisé ce travail, il n’existe pas à notre connaissance d’étude évaluant les fonctions exécutives chez les enfants présentant une dyspraxie développementale. Cependant, la question d’une atteinte des FE dans la dyspraxie développementale est soulevée par plusieurs auteurs et elle se pose régulièrement en pratique clinique. Dans la littérature anglo-saxonne, les études évaluant les fonctions exécutives chez les enfants TAC sont issues des travaux chez les enfants TDA/H. Certains auteurs émettent l’hypothèse d’un mécanisme neurocognitif commun comme un dysfonctionnement exécutif ; d’autres posent la question du lien entre performances motrices situationnelles, attention et fonctions exécutives . Mais ces travaux sont peu nombreux, concernent le TAC et étudient le plus souvent un seul domaine des fonctions exécutives.
Les objectifs de cette étude étaient :
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d’évaluer de manière approfondie, spécifique et standardisée les fonctions exécutives chez des enfants présentant une dyspraxie développementale ;
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en combinant des tests papier-crayon validés et des évaluations plus écologiques ;
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de comparer la sensibilité respective des divers tests employés et notamment de CCT dans cette population.
Nos hypothèses, basées sur notre expérience clinique et les données de la littérature, étaient les suivantes :
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CCT serait une tâche écologique réalisable dans cette population de patients présentant une maladresse motrice ;
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certains enfants présentant une dyspraxie développementale auraient un syndrome dysexécutif, observable dans différentes modalités d’examen et qu’il faudrait prendre en compte pour la rééducation ;
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les épreuves dites écologiques auraient une sensibilité plus importante que les tests classiques pour l’évaluation des FE.
Étude préliminaire
Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur dossiers. Nous avons analysé les dossiers des enfants vus en consultation ou en bilan entre janvier 2008 et août 2009 pour dyspraxie (soit pour un premier diagnostic, soit pour le suivi ultérieur) dans le service de rééducation des pathologies neurologiques congénitales du pôle de soins de suite et de réadaptation enfants de l’Hôpital National Saint Maurice (94). L’objectif principal de cette étude était de préciser les caractéristiques neuropsychologiques des enfants présentant une dyspraxie . Durant la période étudiée, sur les 52 dossiers étudiés, 33 enfants (22 garçons ; 67 %) n’avaient pas d’antécédents médico-chirurgicaux notables et entraient dans le cadre diagnostic d’un trouble spécifique des apprentissages. L’âge moyen était de 9,5 années (3,75–13,5). D’après les données des dossiers, plus d’un enfant sur trois avait des troubles de l’attention et des fonctions exécutives associés, soit suspectés en raison d’observations qualitatives, soit établis par des tests standardisés réalisés par les cliniciens selon la présentation clinique de l’enfant et les besoins du bilan, et non dans le cadre d’un protocole standardisé et systématique d’évaluation.
Groupe patient
Notre étude visait à évaluer les patients de cette étude préliminaire, avec les critères d’inclusion suivants :
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diagnostic de dyspraxie développementale établi par une évaluation multidisciplinaire, s’appuyant sur les critères diagnostiques proposés par Gérard et Dugas ;
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âge de huit ans à 12 ans cinq mois au 1 er janvier 2010, afin de permettre que tous les enfants aient l’âge requis pour passer les mêmes tests neuropsychologiques ;
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accord des parents.
Les critères d’exclusion étaient :
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trouble dyslexique associé, ne permettant pas la réalisation de la tâche écologique de cuisine, qui nécessite la capacité de lire une recette simple de manière autonome ;
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Quotient Intellectuel Verbal (QIV) ou Indice de Compréhension Verbale (ICV) inférieur à 70 aux échelles de Wechsler .
Seize patients entraient dans les critères ci-dessus (deux enfants ont refusé et un autre présentait une fragilité psychologique ne permettant pas de réaliser le bilan). Ainsi, le groupe patient se composait de 13 enfants âgés de 8,2 à 12,3 ans (âge moyen : 10,12 années ; écart-type [ET] : 1,44). Il y avait 11 garçons (85 %) et deux filles. Deux patients présentaient un TDA/H et l’un d’eux était traité par méthylphénidate (le traitement n’a pas été interrompu lors de la passation). L’ensemble des données démographiques ainsi que les résultats aux épreuves de Wechsler du groupe patient sont présentés dans le Tableau 1 .