Differences Between Pediatric and Adult Musculoskeletal Systems

Differences Between Pediatric and Adult Musculoskeletal Systems

James G. Jarvis

Megan E. Johnson


There are anatomical and physiological differences between the pediatric and adult musculoskeletal systems. Certain anatomical differences of the bones and joints in children combine to produce unique and variable responses to injuries and healing that are not seen in the mature skeletons of adults. Furthermore, due to the presence of growth plates, there are also different physiological factors at play. Neurological development and milestones, remodeling accelerated by growth, and the effects of increased body mass index (BMI) on the growing skeleton are just some of the special features and unique aspects that must be considered when examining and treating pediatric patients.

Anatomical Differences and Their Potential Clinical Importance


At birth, bone is relatively less dense, less lamellar, and has increased porosity relative to a mature bone1,2,3. With increasing age, adaptive changes occur that result in progressive formation of lamellar and osteon bone within the diaphysis compared to the spongy, trabecular bone of the metaphysis and epiphysis. Immature bone has a lower elastic modulus than mature bone. It bends to a greater extent when stressed and absorbs more energy before it breaks. These differences in architecture result in different healing patterns with buckle fractures in the softer spongy bone of the metaphysis and greenstick fractures and plastic deformation in the diaphysis of the long bones (Figure 2.1A-C).

One of the most distinguishing differences between the bones of a child and an adult is the presence of a thick and robust periosteum. This layer is strong but is easily lifted by hematoma or purulence and is less likely to rupture than in adults. This thick bridge adds stability to fractures, is instrumental in the remodeling and correction of longitudinal deformities (Figure 2.2A-C), and also accounts for the rapidity with which infant and toddler fractures heal relative to their adult counterparts (Figure 2.3). While periosteum is an important aid in fracture remodeling, it can also be a block to reduction. For instance, it can often be found in the fracture site on the tension side of a displaced epiphysis (eg, distal tibia) or through an apophyseal injury (tibial tubercle avulsion).

Growing bone is constantly changing due to the endochondral ossification process (Figure 2.4). The chondro-osseous epiphyses are variably radiolucent, especially in the very young, and can be difficult to interpret on plain radiographs. Similarly, the physis (growth plate) is constantly changing in appearance making interpretation of radiographs more challenging. Physeal injuries often need to be inferred on the basis of sound clinical judgment coupled with an accurate physical examination, rather than on the radiographic appearance. In cases where fractures are suspected, a contralateral radiograph can allow one to distinguish between subtle injury and normal developing bone. Of course, once periosteal new bone has appeared 10 days after the injury, the diagnosis can be confirmed in retrospect (Figure 2.5).

FIGURE 2.1 A, Buckle fracture (arrows) in a seven-year-old girl. The soft spongy bone of the metaphysis is more susceptible to bending or “buckling” than a more brittle mature bone, which tends to break. B, Greenstick fracture (seven-year-old girl). This greenstick fracture shows how the child’s softer bone can break on only one side and bend on the other. The fracture does not extend all the way through the bone. C, Plastic bowing of the forearm. Due to the thinner cortex and higher elasticity of the bone in children, bending or plastic bowing of the entire bone is not unusual (when subjected to angulated longitudinal forces). (C, From Andrew F. Kuntz MD, Wei-Shin Lai MD, et al. University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Department of Radiology.)

FIGURE 2.2 Periosteal healing—distal radius fracture in a six-year-old girl. A, 2 weeks post injury. B, 8 weeks post injury. Notice the rapid remodeling of this distal radius fracture due to the robust periosteal healing. C, Periosteal healing.


Normal infants can have joint contractures as a result of intrauterine positioning that will eventually stretch out. For instance, infants have 70° to 80° of passive and active hip external rotation, and this progressively resolves as they become ambulatory. It is well known that toddlers and young children are very flexible and with time, the joints become stiffer. Increased ligamentous laxity can be associated with hereditary diseases of connective tissue such as Ehlers-Danlos, Marfan, and Down syndromes. Nonsyndromic ligamentous laxity is often familial and is seen in 10% to 15% (this likely factors into many common conditions such as hip dysplasia, recurrent patellar subluxation, and flexible flat feet). Generalized ligamentous laxity can be established clinically based on the thumb-to-forearm distance, hyper extensibility of the long fingers, and hyper extensibility of the elbow and knee joints4 (Table 2.1; Figure 2.6).

Growth Plates

The most distinct structural difference between young and mature bone is the presence of the physis or growth plate. The anatomy and function of the various layers and components of this structure are well defined (Figure 2.7). The zone of hypertrophy is where chondrocytes are undergoing enlargement

and programmed cell death (apoptosis). This region is very susceptible to shear forces and represents the weakest and most vulnerable area of the growth plate. Although deriving some mechanical protection from the perichondrial ring of Lacroix, the weakness of the hypertrophic zone is associated with, or affected by, many common childhood conditions as noted below.

FIGURE 2.3 Robust periosteal healing. Birth fracture humeral shaft. Nearly complete regeneration of the humeral shaft is due to the powerful periosteal remodeling potential in a newborn.

FIGURE 2.4 Sequential endochondral ossification of the knee—birth to age 18 years. The ossified portion of the distal femoral epiphysis is very small at birth. Notice how it progressively enlarges with growth to ultimately “cap” the end of the bone at maturity.

FIGURE 2.5 Toddler fracture of the tibia in a two-year-old boy. Barely perceptible “toddler fracture” of the tibia, confirmed one month post injury by evidence of healing periosteal new bone (yellow arrow) along the distal tibial shaft (arrow).

Slipped capital epiphysis of the proximal femur likely represents an admixture of pubertal hormonal imbalance which may widen the growth plate and, coupled with increased shear forces, can overload the hypertrophic zone leading to gradual or abrupt slipping of the femoral head (Figure 2.8). In rickets, due to defective mineralization, the hypertrophic zone becomes disorganized and expanded (Figure 2.9). Skeletal dysplasias also affect this zone, leading to progressive deformity (Figure 2.10).

Another major difference in the growing skeleton is the presence of the apophysis, which is basically a growth plate under tension from the insertion of large tendons. These growth plates do not lengthen the bone much, yet can be a location of acute injury or chronic irritation. In adults, a rapid increase in tension at a tendon can lead to rupture while overuse can lead to painful mid-substance tendonitis. In children, similar acute stress on the strong tendon will lead to failure through the apophysis as opposed to adult tendon rupture. Chronic overuse can lead to clinical inflammation and pain at the insertion of the tendon and not along the tendon itself as seen in adults. With chronic apophysitis, radiographs will show fragmentation and irregular bone at the insertion site. Osgood-Schlatter disease of the tibial tubercle is an example of abnormal bone development due to repetitive traction through strong ligaments (Figure 2.11).

Table 2.1 Criteria for Generalized Ligamentous Laxity

  1. Passive dorsiflexion and hyperextension of the fifth MCP joint beyond 90°.

  2. Passive apposition of the thumb to the flexor aspect of the forearm.

  3. Passive hyperextension of the elbow beyond 10°.

  4. Passive hyperextension of the knee beyond 10°.

  5. Active forward flexion of the trunk with the knees fully extended so that the palms of the hands rest flat on the floor.

FIGURE 2.6 Criteria for generalized ligamentous laxity. Metacarpophalangeal hyperextension, passive apposition of the thumb, and excessive trunk forward flexion (also see Table 2.1). (A, From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligamentous_laxity. B, From The Pediatric Upper Extremity. 1811-1821.)

In acute trauma, it is important to remember that the tendon and ligaments are stronger than the bone and the growth plate. Suspicion of these growing conditions should direct the examination to bone rather than the ligaments. Many “ankle sprains,” “medial collateral ligament strains,” and other injuries in growing children are actually Salter-Harris type 1 fractures and not sprains at all. This can easily be differentiated on examination by accurately localizing the area of maximal tenderness to the bone and not the ligament.

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Aug 12, 2021 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Differences Between Pediatric and Adult Musculoskeletal Systems

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