Cranial nerves

Cranial nerves, overview

a N. olfactorius [I]
b N. opticus [II]
c N. oculomotorius [III]
d N. trochlearis [IV]
e N. trigeminus [V]
  • N. ophthalmicus [V/1]

  • N. maxillaris [V/2]

  • N. mandibularis [V/3]

f N. abducens [VI]
g N. facialis [VII]
h N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII]
i N. glossopharyngeus [IX]
j N. vagus [X]
k N. accessorius [XI]
l N. hypoglossus [XII]

Cranial nerves, functions (fibre qualities)

(GSE) General somatic-efferent: innervation of the skeletal muscles (III, IV, VI, XII)
(GVE) General visceral-efferent: innervation of visceral and vascular smooth muscles and glands (III, VII, IX, X)
(SVE) Special visceral-efferent: innervation of the facial muscles, masticatory muscles, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus, M. sternocleidomastoideus, M. trapezius (V, VII, IX, X, XI)
(GVA) General visceral-afferent: information from viscera and blood vessels (IX, X)
(SVA) Special visceral-afferent: taste (VII, IX, X)
(GSA) General somatic-afferent: pain, temperature, information via mechanoreceptors of the skin and musculoskeletal system (V, VII, IX, X)
(SSA) Special somatic-afferent: smell, vision, hearing, equilibrium/balance (VIII)

Cranial nerves

N. olfactorius [I]

The Fila olfactoria are collectively known as the N. olfactorius . They constitute the peripheral neuron of the olfactory pathway.

Origin olfactory cells of the Regio olfactoria
Passage through the cranial base Lamina cribrosa
Passage through the dura mater Lamina cribrosa
Entry point into the brain Bulbus olfactorius
Innervation areas mucosa (olfactory epithelium) at the roof of the nasal cavity, the upper nasal concha and the upper part of the nasal septum

N. opticus [II]

The N. opticus is not a peripheral nerve but a part of the diencephalon.

Origin Stratum ganglionare of the retina
Pathway in the dura mater Vagina nervi optici
Passage through the cranial base Canalis opticus
Other visible pathway Chiasma opticum, continuation of fibres in the Tractus opticus, Corpus geniculatum laterale
Innervation area retina

N. oculomotorius [III]

Nuclei (quality)
  • Nucleus nervi oculomotorii (paired main and unpaired accessory nucleus) (GSE)

  • Nucleus accessorius nervi oculomotorii (GVE) → Ganglion ciliare

Exit point from the brain Fossa interpeduncularis of the mesencephalon
Location in the subarachnoid space Cisterna basalis, Cisterna interpeduncularis
Entry point into the dura mater roof of the Sinus cavernosus
Exit point from the dura mater Fissura orbitalis superior
Passage through the cranial base Fissura orbitalis superior (medial part, within the Anulus tendineus)
Innervation areas motor: M. levator palpebrae superioris, Mm. recti superior, medialis and inferior, M. obliquus inferior parasympathetic: M. ciliaris, M. sphincter pupillae (via Ganglion ciliare)
Adjunct nerves sensory fibres of the N. nasociliaris (V/1) sympathetic fibres of the Plexus ophthalmicus

N. trochlearis [IV]

Nucleus (quality) Nucleus nervi trochlearis (GSE)
Exit point from the brain dorsal, caudal of the Colliculus inferior (Tectum mesencephali)
Location in the subarachnoid space Cisterna ambiens, Cisterna basalis
Entry point into the dura mater gap between the Plicae petroclinoideae anterior and posterior
Pathway within the dura mater lateral wall of the Sinus cavernosus
Exit point from the dura mater Fissura orbitalis superior
Passage through the cranial base Fissura orbitalis superior (lateral part)
Innervation area motor: M. obliquus superior

N. trigeminus [V]

Nuclei (quality)
  • Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini (GSA)

  • Nucleus pontinus nervi trigemini (Nucleus principalis nervi trigemini) (GSA)

  • Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini (GSA)

  • Nucleus motorius nervi trigemini (SVE)

Exit point from the brain lateral margin of the pons
Location in the subarachnoid space Cisterna basalis, Cavum trigeminale
Entry point into the dura mater as Ganglion trigeminale in the lateral wall of the Sinus cavernosus
Division into three branches
  • N. ophthalmicus [V/1]

  • N. maxillaris [V/2]

  • N. mandibularis [V/3]

N. ophthalmicus [V/1]
Pathway within the dura mater lateral wall of the Sinus cavernosus
Exit point from the dura mater Fissura orbitalis superior
Exit point from the cranial base Fissura orbitalis superior
  • N. nasociliaris: medial part

  • N. frontalis: lateral part

  • N. lacrimalis: lateral part

Innervation areas sensory: dura mater of the anterior cranial fossa, Falx cerebri, Tentorium cerebelli, forehead, upper eyelid, dorsum of the nose, sclera, cornea, Cellulae ethmoidales anteriores, Sinus sphenoidalis, nasal cavity (anterior part)
N. maxillaris [V/2]
Pathway within the dura mater lateral wall of the Sinus cavernosus
Exit point from the dura mater Foramen rotundum
Exit point from the cranial base Foramen rotundum
Innervation areas sensory: dura mater of the Fossa cranii media, cheek, lower eyelid, lateral surface of the nose, upper lip, teeth and gingiva of the maxilla, Cellulae ethmoidales posteriores, Sinus sphenoidalis, Sinus maxillaris, Conchae nasales superior and media, Palatum, Tonsilla palatina, pharynx (roof)
Adjunct nerves parasympathetic (secretory) fibres to divergent Rr. nasales for the Glandulae nasales , the Nn. palatini for the Glandulae palatinae as well as to the N. zygomaticus for the Glandula lacrimalis (derived from the Nucleus salivatorius superior via N. facialis, N. petrosus major, and Rr. ganglionares to the Ganglion pterygopalatinum, N. zygomaticus, R. communicans cum nervo zygomatico, N. lacrimalis)
N. mandibularis [V/3]
Pathway within the dura mater lateral wall of the Sinus cavernosus
Exit point from the dura mater Foramen ovale
Exit point from the cranial base Foramen ovale
Innervation areas motor: masticatory muscles, M. tensor veli palatini, M. mylohyoideus, M. digastricus (Venter anterior), M. tensor tympani sensory: dura mater of the Fossa cranii media, Cellulae mastoideae, skin of the mandible, temple, cheek, auricle (upper part), external acoustic meatus, Membrana tympanica (outer surface), teeth and gingiva of the mandible, anterior two-thirds of the tongue, Isthmus faucium, temporomandibular joint
Adjunct nerves sensory: anterior two-thirds of the tongue (from N. facialis [VII] via Chorda tympani to N. lingualis) parasympathetic (secretory) fibres
  • a)

    to the N. lingualis for the Glandulae submandibularis and sublingualis (from Nucleus salivatorius superior via N. facialis and Chorda tympani to the Ganglion submandibulare)

  • b)

    to the N. auriculotemporalis for the Glandula parotidea (from Nucleus salivatorius inferior via N. glossopharyngeus, N. tympanicus, Plexus tympanicus, and N. petrosus minor to the Ganglion oticum)

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Aug 6, 2023 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Cranial nerves

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