Much has happened in the field of chronic pain in the past few decades. Things continue to change, even in the way chronic pain is characterized, as well as in treatment strategies. In the field of chronic pain, the University of Washington has a longstanding history of excellence in both research and clinical care. Among the leaders here include my good friend and colleague, Dr Jim Robinson. Dr Robinson came immediately to mind when thinking of who could edit a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America issue on chronic pain. Thankfully, he was up for the challenge once again, as he has done this topic for the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America previously.
Along with coeditor, Dr Virtaj Singh, they have recruited leading clinicians and researchers to write articles ranging from basic science, through applications of assessment techniques, to practical treatments for chronic pain. This issue will be of immediate usefulness for practitioners, with innovative treatments to chronic pain discussed in great detail, and emphasizing their practical use.
I want to extend my personal gratitude to all of the esteemed authors, most of whom I consider good friends, for taking on this task and for producing such an excellent treatise on chronic pain.
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