Patients with different forms of systemic vasculitis experience long-term morbidity and mortality caused by cardiovascular disease due to premature atherosclerosis.
Epidemiologic reports of patients with GCA suggest that long-term mortality in this disease is not increased compared with the general population of the same age. The risk of a stroke, however, in particular in the vertebrobasilar territory, is increased. In addition, the occurrence of aortic aneurysmal disease and aortic dissection is also clearly increased in GCA. Mortality due to ischaemic heart disease, however, is not increased.
In Takayasu arteritis accelerated atherosclerosis has been clearly documented both clinically and in autopsy reports. Atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid artery may be present in the carotid arteries especially in patients with a documented history of arteritis involving the carotid artery.
It is controversial whether Kawaski disease is associated with accelerated atherosclerosis. Young adults with a history of Kawasaki disease may have abnormal brachial artery reactivity, increased carotid IMT values and increased arterial stiffness. At autopsy examinations of KD patients, however, no significant atherosclerotic lesions are detected and carotid IMT measurements were found to be clearly different from those in young adults with familiar hypercholesterolaemia, suggesting that the remodeling process in KD is different from atherosclerosis.
In ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV), an increased mortality as a consequence of cardiovascular disease is well-documented. In these patients the relative risk for coronary heart disease is two- to fourfold that in control subjects. In addition, a similar relative risk has been found for stroke.
Diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, abdominal obesity (metabolic syndrome), impaired renal function, persistent proteinuria and increased production of C-reactive protein are common risk factors for premature atherosclerosis in patients with systemic vascuilitis. Furthermore, cholesterol and its modifications play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of accelerated atherosclerosis in vasculitis.
The (preventive) therapy for accelerated atherosclerosis in systemic vasculitis is based on an aggressive approach against inflammation and against risk factors of premature atherosclerosis such as smoking, inactivity, obesity and unhealthy diet. In addition, patients should be treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor-1 blockers for hypertension and statins for dyslipidemia. Finally, low dose acetylsalicylic acid should be prescribed in patients with large vessel vasculitis, i.e., both in GCA and TA, who do not have contraindications for ASA.
Atherosclerosis is responsible for cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death in developed countries (World Health Organization Statistical Information System, http:\\\whosis ). Atherosclerotic lesions may be present throughout a person’s lifetime. The earliest lesions in atherosclerosis, the so-called fatty streak, may be found in children. Progression of the fatty streak leads to an advanced complicated lesion later in life. For an acute ischaemic condition to occur, plaque rupture or endothelial erosions must develop resulting in thrombus formation on the surface of an atherosclerotic plaque.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arterial intima . Premature and accelerated atherosclerosis, with enhanced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, occurs in the course of systemic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and vasculitis .
In the initial phase of the atherosclerotic process, lipoproteins are retained and modified in the vessel wall, resulting in an inflammatory response in the surrounding cells. As part of this initial vascular response, arterial endothelial cells (ECs) express leucocyte adhesion molecules. The expression of these molecules is enhanced in most patients with systemic vasculitis . Furthermore, autoantibodies such as anti-cardiolipin antibodies, anti-EC antibodies and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) may further activate ECs as has been demonstrated in vitro . Chemokines guide recruitment of immune cells that enter the vessel wall at sites where leucocyte adhesion molecules are expressed. Importantly, elevated levels of many chemokines that are important for atherogenesis can be detected in patients with systemic vasculitis . Probably, the most important cell recruited during atherogenesis is the monocyte which differentiates into a macrophage after leaving the circulation. These macrophages take up lipids and form lipid-laden foam cells in the vascular intima. Next to monocytes, neutrophils penetrate the vascular wall in atherosclerosis . These cells are pro-atherogenic. Importantly, myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme from neutrophils, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis ( Fig. 1 ) . There is substantial evidence that oxidants generated by MPO have a key role in the modification of low- (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles .
The adaptive immune system is also involved in the pathophysiology of accelerated atherosclerosis . Uptake, processing and presentation of antigens by dendritic cells and other antigen-presenting cells in the intima and adventitia leads to activation of the adaptive immune response. Vascular dendritic cells not only have an important role in the development of systemic autoimmune diseases, but also play a part in the further progression in atherosclerosis. Antigens such as modified LDL (mLDL), heat shock proteins and beta2-glycoprotein 1 may preferentially stimulate Th1 cells which predominate during the atherosclerotic process . Of special importance are CD4 + CD28 − T cells. Monoclonal expansion of these T cells occurs in ruptured plaques in patients with myocardial infarction . This subset of T cells is also implicated in systemic autoimmune diseases such as systemic vasculitis . Abnormalities of Treg and the pro-inflammatory Th17 cells are important in systemic vasculitis , and have also been shown to have a role in atherogenesis . Finally, autoantibodies to β2-glycoprotein 1, mLDL and heat shock proteins may be important in acceleration of atherosclerosis in systemic vasculitis .
Diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, abdominal obesity (metabolic syndrome), impaired renal function, persistent proteinuria and increased production of C-reactive protein are more common in patients with systemic vasculitis than in healthy controls . The aim of this review is to discuss the association between prevalence and aetiology of cardiovascular diseases and systemic vasculitis.
Accelerated atherosclerosis in vasculitides
Vasculitides are diseases characterised by inflammation of blood vessels. Its clinical manifestations are dependent on the localisation and size of the involved vessels as well as on the nature of the inflammatory process. Vasculitis can be secondary to other conditions or constitute a primary, in most cases, autoimmune disorder . Secondary vasculitides may be associated with infectious diseases, connective tissue diseases and/or with certain drugs. Primary vasculitides are systemic diseases with variable clinical expression ( Table 1 ) and will be discussed.
Large vessel vasculitis | Giant cell (temporal) arteritis |
Takayasu’s arteritis | |
Medium-sized vessel vasculitis | Polyarteritis nodosa |
Kawasaki disease | |
Small vessel vasculitis | ANCA associated vasculitis |
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Immune complex vasculitis | |
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In the ‘large-vessel vasculitides’, the vasculitic process is confined to the aorta and its major branches. The most common form, particularly in the white population, is giant cell arteritis (GCA). Histopathologically, invasion of the vessel wall with macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells is seen. In addition, giant cells are present in the lesions. Clinically, the disease frequently presents with headache, tenderness of the scalp, claudication of the jaw and/or tongue, loss of vision and polymyalgia rheumatica. Systemic symptoms, such as fatigue, malaise and fever with highly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are almost invariably present. The disease occurs generally at older age, above 50 years, almost exclusively in whites.
Takayasu arteritis (TA) is another form of large-vessel vasculitis. It affects the aorta and its brachiocephalic branches but may also affect the pulmonary arteries, other visceral arteries and arteries of the lower extremities. Lesions are characterised by granulomatous GCA with infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, histiocytes and Langerhans cells. As a result of active inflammation, segmental narrowing and dilatation with aneurysm formation may occur. At the time of active inflammation, systemic symptoms are present accompanied by an increased acute phase response. Later occurring symptoms are related to the localisation and extent of obstruction of the involved vessels and may include claudication of upper and lower extremities, cerebral symptoms, ischaemic bowel disease, renal vascular hypertension, aortic insufficiency and others. The disease occurs at younger age, particularly women between 15 and 45 years of age and is most frequent in Orientals, Africans and Latin-Americans.
GCA and TA generally require steroid therapy for more than 1 year, often accompanied by other immunosuppressives such as methotrexate (MTX), azathioprine, tocilizumab and/or anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy .
Epidemiologic reports of patients with GCA suggest that long-term mortality in this disease is not increased compared with the general population of the same age . The risk of a stroke, in the vertebrobasilar territory in particular, is increased. This complication, however, mainly occurs at the time of diagnosis before therapy is started . In addition, the occurrence of aortic aneurysmal disease and aortic dissection is also clearly increased in this disease. This latter complication, however, is in particular observed during long-term follow-up. Mortality due to ischaemic heart disease, however, is not increased . Endothelial dysfunction occurs in patients with active disease, but normalises during steroid therapy . Indeed, it has been suggested that corticosteroid therapy in these patients may be anti-atherogenic and not pro-atherogenic . Gonzalez-Juanatey et al. demonstrated that carotid-artery intima media thickness (IMT) was lower in patients with GCA than in age-matched controls . In addition, as expected in unselected elderly individuals, carotid plaques are commonly observed in both GCA patients and controls.
In TA, accelerated atherosclerosis has been clearly documented .
In autopsy reports in young TA patients, atherosclerotic changes are well documented . Seyahi et al. performed ultrasonography in 30 female patients with TA . Atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid artery were present in 27% of the patients and in only 2% of the age-matched, sex-matched controls. Plaques in the carotid arteries were only present in patients with documented arteritis involving the carotid artery. Compared to the TA patients without atherosclerotic plaques, patients with atherosclerotic plaques were consistently older and had higher levels of total cholesterol. Mean IMT of carotid arteries was also significantly increased compared with controls. Arterial stiffness is also more prominent in carotid arteries and aorta, areas predominantly affected by TA, rather than the peripheral femoral arteries which are only infrequently affected by the disease . Stroke in TA occurs in 10–20% of cases. Both haemodynamic compromise in large artery stenosis and thromboembolic mechanisms play a pathophysiological role in the development of this complication . Furthermore, symptomatic coronary artery disease occurs in 10–30% of TA patients .
Vasculitides involving predominantly medium-sized vessels are Kawasaki disease (KD) and polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). KD is a form of systemic vasculitis that mainly affects infants and children under 5 years of age. There is a clear ethnic bias towards oriental or Afro-Caribbean children. Principal symptoms include persistent fever, reddening of palms and soles, cervical lymphadenopathy, polymorphous exanthema and injection of conjunctiva, lips, tongue, oral and/or pharyngeal mucosa. About one-third of the patients suffer from cardiovascular complications, such as coronary artery dilatation, pericarditis and/or cardiac failure. Patients are treated with low-dose aspirin in combination with high-dose intravenous gamma globulin. In patients who do not respond to gamma globulin treatment, high-dose steroids and/or anti-TNF therapy are advised.
It is controversial whether KD is associated with accelerated atherosclerosis. Young adults with a history of KD may have abnormal brachial artery reactivity , although this could not be confirmed in several other studies . Furthermore, carotid IMT and arterial stiffness in adolescents with a history of KD is increased compared to sex- and age-matched healthy controls . From these studies, we previously concluded that patients with KD might be predisposed to accelerated atherosclerosis . More recently, however, autopsy examinations of KD patients did not reveal significant atherosclerotic lesions , whereas carotid IMT measurements were found to be distinctly different from those in young adults with familiar hypercholesterolaemia, suggesting that the remodelling process in KD is different from atherosclerosis .
Another form of medium-sized vessel vasculitis is classical PAN. According to the Chapel Hill definition , PAN is an ANCA-negative form of vasculitis confined to medium-sized arteries without involvement of smaller-sized vessels. Applying this definition, PAN is now an extremely rare disease. The disease is mainly associated with infections, such as hepatitis B virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and/or streptococcal infection. No case series have been reported with respect to the development of accelerated atherosclerosis in PAN as defined according to the Chapel Hill definitions.
Finally, within the spectrum of vasculitis ‘small-vessel vasculitides’ occur. Patients with small-vessel vasculitis can be classified according to the presence or absence of ANCA. Patients with small-vessel vasculitis without ANCA have immune complex vasculitis such as IgA vasculitis (Henoch Schönlein purpura), essential cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis, hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis or anti-glomerular basement membrane disease. These forms of vasculitis are characterised by attacks of purpura, urticaria, arthralgias/arthritis, gastrointestinal symptoms and/or glomerulonephritis. In these forms of vasculitis, it has not been studied whether accelerated atherosclerosis occurs.
Furthermore, small-vessel vasculitides may be associated with ANCA . In these vasculitides, patients are being classified as having either granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s; GPA), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg Strauss; EGPA) or microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). In GPA, granulomatous inflammation of the respiratory tract, systemic vasculitis and necrotising crescentic glomerulonephritis are found. Limited forms of the disease also occur. Clinically, the disease is characterised by symptoms of the upper respiratory tract, such as bloody nasal discharge, nasal ulceration, chronic sinusitis and/or otitis. Systemic symptoms, such as malaise, arthralgias and myalgias, are frequently present. Later on, manifestations of small-vessel vasculitis may occur in virtually every organ. In EGPA, patients have asthma, hypereosinophilia and systemic vasculitis. Initially, most patients suffer from nasal obstruction due to nasal polyposis, asthma, lung infiltrates and systemic symptoms. Finally, systemic vasculitis occurs in different organs. Mononeuritis multiplex often dominates the clinical picture in these patients.
In MPA, most patients present with systemic symptoms, such as fever, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia and skin vasculitis. Later on, a renal–pulmonary syndrome often occurs.
ANCA in GPA, EGPA and/or MPA are directed to MPO or proteinase 3 . Untreated, these diseases result in death within weeks to months. Since the introduction of cyclophosphamide and prednisolone as standard therapy, survival has improved dramatically from <20% at 1 year to at least 60% 5-year survival. With prolonged survival, patients may experience long-term sequelae as a result of their vasculitis or its treatment .
Patients with AAV clearly have increased mortality as a consequence of cardiovascular disease. Generally, early deaths in patients with AAV are due to the disease itself and/or infectious complications of immunosuppressive drugs . Late deaths, however, are either due to cardiovascular disease and/or malignancies . In patients with AAV the relative risk (RR) for coronary heart disease (CHD) is two- to fourfold that in control subjects . The differences in RR for CHD are especially noteworthy in younger patients with AAV. However, in older patients, the burden of CHD is much higher. In addition, patients with AAV suffer more often from a stroke (odds ratio: 3–4) .
Consistent with these findings, patients with AAV may demonstrate signs of accelerated subclinical atherosclerosis that can be detected by ultrasound (e.g., carotid plaques, intima–media thickening), increased aortic stiffness and/or impaired endothelial function.
Results obtained in AAV patients with respect to IMT measurements are, however, conflicting . Further, endothelial function tests also reveal contradictory results in different studies . Raza et al. assessed endothelial function by measuring flow-mediated brachial artery vasodilatation after reactive hyperaemia and found significantly impaired vasodilatation in AAV patients that normalised during therapy . Endothelial function as assessed by plethysmography after infusion of acetylcholine demonstrated an impaired or an increased response . Importantly, EC dysfunction may be expressed differently in resistance or microvascular vessels versus large vessels such as the brachial artery . Finally, abnormal ankle–brachial pressure indexes and/or increased arterial stiffness are reported in patients with AAV .
Findings in patients with AAV suggest that during active disease patients may experience acceleration of the atherosclerotic process. However, when inflammation is controlled, these patients may have atherosclerotic development as in healthy subjects since endothelial function and arterial stiffness now return to normal values. Because damage that has occurred in the blood vessel may persist, every disease reactivation may damage blood vessels further, resulting in acceleration of the atherosclerotic process as compared to healthy, age-matched controls .
Risk factors for accelerated atherosclerosis in vasculitis
Diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, abdominal obesity (metabolic syndrome), impaired renal function, persistent proteinuria and increased production of C-reactive protein are common in patients with systemic vasculitis . Because the increased risk of CHD events cannot be fully attributed to traditional risk factors it is questioned whether a shared genetic risk factor exists for premature atherosclerosis and systemic vasculitis as in other systemic autoimmune diseases . Cholesterol and its modifications play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and therefore this subject will be reviewed in detail.
Lipid profiles in systemic vasculitides
In patients with systemic vasculitis, HDL cholesterol levels are decreased, whereas LDL cholesterol levels are not elevated but elevated LDL cholesterol levels occur when moderate to severe proteinuria is present .
HDL may both protect and promote atherosclerosis . LDL shuttle in and out of the blood vessels and become pro-inflammatory/pro-atherogenic after modification/oxidation. This oxidation process generally occurs within the vessel wall. Apart from measuring HDL and LDL levels, apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A can be measured to ascertain the risk to develop accelerated atherosclerosis . Apolipoprotein B is pro-atherogenic. In contrast, apolipoprotein A is anti-atherogenic and low levels predict accelerated atherosclerosis. Because LDL, very-low-density lipoproteins and intermediate-density lipoproteins are rich in apolipoprotein B, these lipoproteins are pro-atherogenic. In contrast, apolipoprotein A is primarily carried in HDL. The simple quantitative analysis of HDL is, however, inadequate to estimate the role of HDL in protecting against atherosclerosis . To illustrate this point, the HDL-raising drug torcetrapib substantially increases HDL levels (up to 70–75%), but its use was found to be associated with more atherosclerotic events rather than less, as had been expected .
In recent years, it has become clear that HDLs are a collection of spherical or discoid particles with high protein content. Apolipoprotein A1 is approximately 70% of the total protein content in these particles. In addition to apolipoprotein A1, other apolipoproteins are present. Furthermore, antioxidant enzymes such as paraoxonase (PON) are present in these particles. Different methods to separate HDL have revealed more than 10 different subsets. The HDL that is measured in routine laboratories includes primarily the large, cholesterol-rich HDL particles . These cholesterol-rich HDL particles have protective functions against atherosclerosis because they participate in reverse cholesterol transport (shuttling of cholesterol out of cell membranes into the circulation and subsequently to the liver), have an anti-oxidative function and an anti-inflammatory interaction with pro-inflammatory lipids in endothelial cells and, finally, they downregulate immune responses .
During inflammation, changes occur in HDL . Several proteins carried in HDL are decreased including the antioxidant enzyme PON. Consequently, the anti-oxidative function is hampered. In addition, reverse cholesterol transport function works less well because HDLs are depleted in cholesterol ester and enriched in free cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acids. Because apolipoprotein A1 is displaced by serum amyloid A, a pro-inflammatory HDL is formed. These HDLs enhance oxidation of LDLs and are chemotactic for monocytes.
In vasculitis, total HDL as measured by standard laboratory methods is usually low. Quantitative measures of HDL have been demonstrated not to be predictive of subclinical or clinical atherosclerosis in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases. Pro-inflammatory HDL, however, is present in a substantial proportion of patients with SLE and/or RA . At present, no data are available regarding whether pro-inflammatory HDL is also present in patients with vasculitis. Interestingly, low activities of PON have been found in patients with vasculitis . Importantly, statins increase the activity of PON . Hence, these anti-atherosclerotic drugs not only decrease LDL but also influence the oxidative process of LDL.
Lipid profiles during therapy
Glucocorticoids clearly have an effect on lipids and lipoproteins. Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol all increase during corticosteroid therapy . A 10-mg increase in prednisolone dose is associated with a change in serum cholesterol of about 7.5 mg dl −1 . The most important increase seems to occur in the HDL fraction. Importantly, pro-inflammatory HDL is increased during prednisolone therapy of >7.5 mg day −1 . Cyclophosphamide, azathioprine and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) do not increase cholesterol levels. MTX, however, influences the lipid profile and cyclosporine increases LDL cholesterol levels as well as total cholesterol levels . Further, anti-TNF therapy increases HDL cholesterol . Finally, hydroxychloroquine is associated with lower LDL, total cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, but no change in HDL .
Oxidised LDL and autoimmunity to oxidised LDL in systemic vasculitis
High circulating concentrations of cholesterol promote atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease as has been demonstrated in animal experiments, epidemiologic studies and clinical investigations. Circulating LDL particles accumulate in the intima and LDL can be retained in the subendothelial area. Here, oxidative modification is mediated by enzymes such as MPO and lipoxygenases . Modified phospholipids, mLDL and other oxidised products can initiate innate inflammatory responses resulting in activation of EC and macrophages. Modification of LDL particles is actually a spectrum of changes that occur during this oxidative process. Proteins modified by oxidation are generally recognised by the immune system and become autoantigens. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that antibodies to oxidised LDL can be detected during atherogenesis in experimental animal models and in patients with accelerated atherosclerosis . These antibodies recognise oxLDL, modified phospholipids in apoptotic cell membranes and also phosphorylcholine in the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae .
T-cell activation follows arterial dendritic cells taking up mLDL for antigen presentation in regional lymph nodes and/or tertiary lymphoid structures. Activated T cells not only help B cells to produce antibodies, but also produce pro-atherogenic cytokines that contribute to accelerated atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is mainly driven by a Th1 response . Interferon- γ (IFN-γ), mostly from Th1 cells, is present in the human plaque and has multiple pro-atherogenic features. Treg cells clearly have a protective effect in experimental models of atherosclerosis . Treg cells are often quantitatively or functionally deficient in many systemic autoimmune diseases. The importance of Th2 cells and Th17 cells in atherogenesis is controversial .
Increased concentrations of mLDL and autoantibodies to mLDL occur in vasculitis . Immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-oxLDL immune complexes do not bind to the Fcγ-receptor on the macrophage and Fcγ-receptor-mediated activation cascades do not occur. However, IgG anti-oxLDL immune complexes bind to Fcγ-receptors on the macrophage triggering signal transduction pathways resulting in foam cell formation and the release of inflammatory cytokines . With accelerated atherosclerosis, IgM antibodies to oxLDL are decreased whereas IgG to oxLDL areincreased .
Therapy for accelerated atherosclerosis in systemic vasculitis
Inflammation, whether due to the underlying autoimmune disease or a comorbid condition, should be treated aggressively . Classic risk factors for cardiovascular disease should be addressed (e.g., smoking, lifestyle activities, obesity and diet). In addition, patients should be treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor-1 blockers for hypertension, statins for dyslipidaemia and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).
Low-dose ASA should be considered in patients with large-vessel vasculitis, that is, both in GCA and TA, who do not have contraindications for ASA. In a retrospective study in GCA, Nesher et al. demonstrated that patients receiving low-dose aspirin were fivefold less likely to experience ischaemic complications compared to patients not taking aspirin . In another retrospective study, these findings were confirmed by Lee et al. . Further, in a retrospective study in 48 patients with TA it was found that taking anti-platelet therapy had a protective effect against ischaemic events (occurrence of ischaemic events during anti-platelet therapy was 14% versus 82% in patients not taking anti-platelet therapy) .
Therefore, aspirin (75–125 mg day −1 ) is at present recommended in patients with large-vessel vasculitis . More recent studies, however, pointed out that severe ischaemic complications occur despite aspirin therapy in GCA . Patients with GCA who are already treated with ASA at the time of diagnosis usually have a history of ischaemic heart disease, which is an independent risk factor for future ischaemic events in these patients . Therefore, the increased risk of developing an ischaemic event during ASA therapy is likely to reflect this association .
Statins are powerful drugs that decrease LDL levels. However, in several large trials statins reduced CHD morbidity and mortality by only 25–30% . Statin therapy should be started early and should be aggressive in meeting goals. Steroid-induced diabetes further increases CHD risks. In these patients, a combination of lipid-lowering medications may be justified. Supplements to statins include nicotinic acid (niacin), fibrates and omega-3-fatty acids (O3FAs) .
Statins have, however, side effects that frequently occur in patients with vasculitis. Importantly, statins have been associated with myopathy, diabetes mellitus and an increased occurrence of systemic autoimmune diseases. The spectrum of statin-induced myopathy can vary from asymptomatic increase of creatine kinase (CK), to myalgias, polymyalgia rheumatica, myositis or even rhabdomyolysis. Muscle symptoms occur in 1–3% of patients in clinical trials whereas in routine practice up to 33% of patients may have muscular complaints . A meta-analysis of trials found atorvastatin to have the highest risk and fluvastatin with the lowest risk of muscular events. This probably reflects relative capacity to inhibit hydroxymethylglutaryl-Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. Important risk factors that precipitate statin-induced myopathy are the concurrent use of other agents that reduce lipids such as fibrates, nicotinic acid and ezetimibe (Zetia), drugs that interfere with cytochrome P450 such as CYP-3A4 iso-enzyme inhibitors (azolen/antifungals, macrolide antibacterials, calcium channel antagonists and grapefruit juice) and inhibitors of CYP-2C9 (proton pump inhibitors and histamine H2 receptor antagonists). Furthermore, cyclosporine is an important drug that may precipitate statin-induced myopathy. Genetic factors influence vulnerability to statin-induced myopathy. Common variants of the SLCO1B1 gene, which encode an organic anion-transporting polypeptide that mediates hepatic uptake of most statins, may either increase or decrease risk of myopathy . Advanced age, female gender, small body frame, fragility, pre-existing myopathies, chronic systemic diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, vitamin D deficiency and excessive alcohol consumption are also associated with enhanced risk of statin-induced myopathy.
Statin therapy may also promote autoimmune diseases. Several case studies suggested that diseases such as SLE and vasculitis could develop after statin use. If one considers that statins may promote a shift in the Th1–Th2 balance, affect regulatory T cells and that unstable Tregs may promote autoimmunity it becomes feasible to suggest vasculitis and/or relapses might be induced by statins. Otherwise, one can also hypothesise that in selected individuals, statins may promote expression of subclinical autoimmune conditions and that because statins reduce Th1 responses, infectious agents may not be cleared as efficiently as under normal circumstances and that the persistence of these infectious agents might result in an autoimmune response. Recently, we performed several studies to see whether statins actually induce or reduce the occurrence of autoimmune diseases. We found that statin use was associated with an increased risk of developing RA, SLE and/or polymyalgia rheumatica ; however, others have not confirmed this finding . Importantly, we found in an experimental model of arthritis that statins accelerated arthritis onset and increased arthritis severity . More definitive studies in patients with vasculitis, however, are needed. Until this question is resolved, one should be conservative in prescribing statins for individuals with a low risk of cardiovascular disease.
In summary, most patients with systemic vasculitis should be treated with statins. However, because statin-induced myopathy is not uncommon, treatable risk factors for statin-induced myopathy should be addressed (e.g., vitamin D deficiency and hypothyroidism). If the patient has statin-induced myopathy, statins should be discontinued and symptoms and findings, including CK, followed. A repeat challenge may be attempted because many patients will tolerate lower doses of statins after symptoms have resolved. In some patients, however, other lipid-lowering drugs should be used such as O3FA, nicotinic acid and/or fibrates. If in the course of statin therapy triglycerides are persistently elevated (>150 mg dl −1 ), O3FA therapy should be considered. When persistently low HDL cholesterol levels are found, nicotinic acid or fibrates should be considered .