Recent trends in clinical research have moved attention toward reporting clinical outcomes and resource consumption associated with various care processes. This change is the result of technological advancement and a national effort to critically assess health care delivery. As orthopedic surgeons traverse an unchartered health care environment, a more complete understanding of how clinical research is conducted using large data sets is necessary. The purpose of this article is to review various advantages and disadvantages of large data sets available for orthopaedic use, examine their ideal use, and report how they are being implemented nationwide.
Use of the International Society of Arthroplasty Registries’ recommendations on creation of registries will enable orthopedic surgeons to target quality improvement initiatives and better track patient outcomes.
Use of the International Society of Arthroplasty Registries’ recommendations on creation of registries will enable orthopedic surgeons to target quality improvement initiatives and better track patient outcomes.
The Electronic Medical Record
In the era of big data, new technologies are allowing orthopedic surgeons to collect and compute all patient data. The EMR will serve as the conduit between patient registries and clinicians, and as a result EMR functionality will be of utmost importance. The content and design of health care IT systems should be guided by the clinicians and not by administrators and their financially motivated concerns. The rigidity of medical records should give way to readily programmable and adaptable EMRs tailored to orthopedic surgeons. Lastly, EMRs should have a continuum capability in an effort to avoid the repopulation of previously collected data. As orthopedic surgeons attempt to create physician-owned medical facilities and ambulatory surgery centers, choice of EMR with such capabilities becomes a necessity.
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