Arthroscopy-Assisted Management or Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine Fractures

Arthroscopy-Assisted Management or Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine Fractures

Itai Gans

Theodore J. Ganley


  • The tibial eminence is found lying in the intercondylar area of the tibia (FIG 2).

  • It is anatomically divided into four distinct regions: a medial and lateral triangular elevation (or medial and lateral tibial spines) and an anterior and posterior recess.

    • The ligamentous ends of the medial and lateral menisci insert into the intercondylar eminence.

    • The medial elevation provides the attachment for the fibers of the ACL with the anterior attachment of the medial meniscus just anterior to the ACL insertion and the anterior attachment of the lateral meniscus just posterior to the ACL insertion.

      • The intermeniscal ligament is vulnerable to entrapment within fractures of the tibial spine where it traverses between the medial and lateral menisci, just anterior to the tibial spine, thereby blocking reduction8 (FIG 3).

    • There are no structures that attach to the lateral portion of the eminence.

    • The tibial eminence also serves as an insertion for the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL); the fibers of the PCL typically arise from the posterior portion of the intercondylar eminence.16

  • In the younger child, the majority of the anterior portion of the tibial eminence is cartilaginous.16


  • Avulsions of the tibial spine are usually traumatic in nature. This injury is more common in children, particularly those with incomplete ossification and open growth plates.

  • The usual mechanism of injury is a hyperextension injury, with or without a forced valgus or external rotational force about the knee.17 These fractures may also occur following a direct blow to the distal femur when the knee is flexed.

    FIG 1 • Meyers and McKeever classification with Zaricznyj modification. Type I has minimally displaced fragments. Type II has displacement through the anterior portion of the fracture with an intact posterior hinge. Type III has complete displacement of the fracture fragments. Type IV has complete displacement and comminution of the fracture fragments.

    FIG 2 • Axial view of the tibial plateau. A. The intercondylar eminence lies between the medial and lateral condyles. B. The medial portion serves as the attachment of the ACL.

  • The injury occurs because of a tensile load placed on the ACL. The ligamentous ACL is much stronger in resisting tensile forces than the immature, incompletely ossified and primarily cartilaginous, osteochondral surface; this often results in failure and avulsion of the osteochondral attachment of the ACL.

  • Before bone failure, in situ stretch injury of the ACL may occur18 and may result in clinical laxity despite adequate reduction of the fracture fragment.10, 22

  • Different loading mechanisms are likewise implicated in the development of the injury. Experimental models have shown that rapid loading rates result in midsubstance ACL tears, whereas gradual loading results in tibial spine avulsion fractures.18, 26

  • The inherent anatomy of the knee has likewise been implicated. Kocher and colleagues11 compared 25 skeletally immature knees with tibial spine fractures against 25 age-matched skeletally immature knees with midsubstance ACL tears and found a narrower notch width (intercondylar notch) in individuals who had sustained the midsubstance ACL tears.


  • Fractures of the tibial spine are usually precipitated by an acute traumatic event. The clinical presentation usually coincides with the severity of injury.

  • Usually, a patient with a tibial spine injury will have a history of trauma or sports-related injury; the most common mechanism is historically a fall from a bicycle. With increasing numbers of children playing in competitive athletics, sports-related tibial spine fractures have been reported with increasing frequency. High-velocity trauma may also cause tibial spine injuries.

    FIG 3 • Arthroscopic view of the knee. A. A completely displaced tibial spine fracture with interposition of the intermeniscal ligament blocks reduction of the fracture. B. Probe helps remove the entrapped intermeniscal ligament to allow proper reduction of the tibial spine fracture fragment.

  • The patient will usually present with a painful swollen knee. Swelling is secondary to hemarthrosis from the intraarticular knee injury.

  • Gentle palpation and examination of the knee are undertaken. Most patients have some degree of swelling due to hemarthrosis secondary to the intra-articular fracture. Other superficial injuries are related to the degree and nature of the traumatic event.

  • Knee joint laxity is often present, and patients typically have an inability to bear weight on the affected extremity.

    • It is important to note that patients will typically only have positive anterior drawer tests or Lachman tests with complete fractures (ie, type III and type IV) of the tibial spine. However, due to stretch of the ACL complex during injury, subclinical laxity may be noticed in incomplete fractures.

    • A positive anterior drawer test indicates knee joint laxity. However, this is not as sensitive as the Lachman test in assessing for ACL deficiency.

    • A positive result on the Lachman test indicates deficiency of the ACL complex. The test has greater sensitivity and specificity for ACL tears.

    • In the presence of a deficient ACL complex, during the pivot shift test (usually done intraoperatively when the patient is anesthetized), the femur falls posteriorly in relation to the tibia as the leg is raised and rotated internally. The valgus force applied to the leg along with slight flexion of the knee results in the pivot shift phenomenon. The intact iliotibial band reduces the femur when the knee is brought into 20 to 30 degrees of flexion.

  • The knee should also be carefully examined for any concomitant injury including meniscal and collateral ligament injury.


  • Good imaging is crucial in the assessment and management of tibial spine fractures as appropriate classification of the fracture pattern dictates treatment (see section on Nonoperative Management).

  • Standard anteroposterior (AP) and lateral views of the knee are usually adequate in making the diagnosis. These views help to define and identify the extent of bony injury.

    • A precise lateral radiograph is necessary as this is the best view to accurately assess fracture classification and fracture fragment position.

    • In lesions that are predominantly cartilaginous, radiographs may sometimes detect a small piece or a fleck of avulsed bone, which may be indicative of the avulsed osteochondral fragment, and underestimate the true size of the fracture fragment (FIG 4).

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a good imaging modality for suspected tibial spine injuries, especially in the immature knee, where the tibial spine is predominantly cartilaginous and radiation exposure is of concern. MRI can help differentiate between a midsubstance ACL injury and a true avulsion fracture of the tibial spine and allow for classification of the fracture pattern. MRI can also allow assessment for fracture displacement and help to detect concomitant injuries around the knee joint.9

  • Computed tomography is helpful in the older age group and in cases of severe trauma, where the fracture configuration may be severely comminuted and there is no suspicion of concomitant meniscal or collateral ligament injury.


Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Arthroscopy-Assisted Management or Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine Fractures

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