Arthroscopic Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears

Arthroscopic Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears

Surena Namdari

Jay D. Keener

Ken Yamaguchi

Aaron M. Chamberlain


  • The rotator cuff is a complex of four muscles arising from the scapula and inserting onto the tuberosities of the proximal humerus.

  • The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles make up two-thirds of the posterior rotator cuff. The two tendons fuse together and have a direct bony insertion.

  • When performing a double-row rotator cuff repair, knowledge of the dimensions of the rotator cuff insertion or “footprint” is critical.

    • The footprint of the supraspinatus is triangular in shape, with an average maximum medial to lateral length of 6.9 mm and an average maximum anteroposterior (AP) width31 of 12.6 mm.

      • The infraspinatus has a long tendinous portion in the superior half of the muscle, which curves anteriorly and extends to the anterolateral area of the highest impression of the greater tuberosity.31

    • The footprint of the infraspinatus is trapezoidal in shape, with an average maximum medial to lateral length of 10.2 mm and an average maximum AP width31 of 32.7 mm.

  • Suture anchor repair constructs using a single row of anchors have been shown to restore only 67% of the original footprint of the rotator cuff.2

    • Adding a second row of anchors increases the contact area of the repair by 60%.41


  • The etiology of rotator cuff tears is multifactorial.

  • The major factors are age-related degenerative changes of the tendon and physiologic loading.

    • The theory of age-related accumulative damage is supported by histologic findings of decreased fibrocartilage at the cuff insertion, decreased vascularity, fragmentation of the tendon with cellular loss, and disruption of Sharpey fiber attachments to bone.

    • Clinical studies support the aging theory as a primary cause of rotator cuff disorders.44

      • In a review of 586 consecutive patients with unilateral shoulder pain, rotator cuff tears were found to be correlated with increasing age, with an almost perfect 10-year difference between patients with no tear, a unilateral tear, and bilateral tears.

      • The average age of patients presenting with rotator cuff-derived pain with no tear was 48.7 years old; unilateral tear, 58.7 years old; and bilateral tears, 67.8 years old.

  • Physiologic loading of the tendon has also been postulated as a mechanism for cuff tearing.

    • Localized degeneration of the articular region of the tendon, most commonly in the supraspinatus, is indicative of a tendon loading etiology.

    • Uniform changes throughout the entire tendon, which are not commonly found, would be more suggestive of an age-related degenerative process.

    • Age and loading likely have a multiplicative effect, with tendons in an older person both being more susceptible to damage from normal physiologic loading and exhibiting a worse healing response.

  • Genetics may also have a significant role in the predisposition for rotator cuff tears.

    • A strong relationship between rotator cuff tearing and family history has been shown.37

    • One study found a relative risk of 2.42 for full-thickness rotator cuff tears in siblings of patients with cuff tears versus controls.14

    • This increased risk in siblings implies that genetic factors may play a role in the development of rotator cuff tears.


  • Information about the natural history of rotator cuff disease is fundamental to understanding treatment indications.

  • Because symptomatic tears are often treated, our understanding of the natural history of rotator cuff disease is based on the study of asymptomatic rotator cuff tears.

  • Asymptomatic tears are extremely common in the population, and many of these are at risk for the development of symptoms over time.

    • In one study, over 51% of patients with a previously asymptomatic rotator cuff tear and a contralateral symptomatic tear developed symptoms in the asymptomatic tear over an average of 2.8 years.45

    • Once a tear became symptomatic, 50% progressed in size. Only 20% of those remaining asymptomatic progressed in size.

    • No tears were found to decrease in size over time, suggesting that there was a limited intrinsic healing potential for the rotator cuff and that a significant percentage of patients with asymptomatic tears were at risk for symptom development.

    • Pain development in shoulders with an asymptomatic rotator cuff tear is associated with an increase in tear size.27,32,45

    • In addition, the potential for healing after surgery may be influenced by the irreversible muscle and tendon changes that occur in delayed repairs and in older patients.

  • Clinical evidence of spontaneous healing of partial-thickness tears also appears limited.

    • Partial-thickness tears are likely to progress to full-thickness tears over time and tear progression is associated with symptom development.27

    • In a cohort of subjects with an asymptomatic rotator cuff tear who were prospectively monitored, 40% of partial-thickness tears progressed to full-thickness tears with pain development.27


  • Patients with rotator cuff disorders often complain of pain and/or weakness.

  • The development of symptoms is often insidious.

    • There may be a recollection of minor trauma (eg, episode of heavy lifting, catching a heavy object).

    • Pain is usually localized to the anterior or anterolateral aspect of the shoulder, often extending down the front or side of the shoulder to the elbow.

    • Pain exacerbated with use, especially with overhead activities, is common.

    • Sleep disruption is also common in patients with symptomatic rotator cuff disease.

  • Weakness is a complaint for patients with symptomatic full-thickness rotator cuff tears.

    • When asymptomatic, a rotator cuff tear is often associated with a clinically insignificant loss of shoulder function compared with an intact rotator cuff.18

    • Large tears in asymptomatic or symptomatic individuals are more likely to manifest in weakness21,29; however, pain from tendinitis or small tears may also simulate lack of strength.

    • Similarly, patients with large or massive tears may have very reasonable function.

    • More commonly, however, these patients report overhead weakness and fatigue.

    • If gross weakness is recognized suddenly after a trauma, a rotator cuff injury should be suspected and investigated.

  • In the setting of chronic rotator cuff tears, inspection of the shoulder will often reveal atrophy of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus.

    • Prior surgical incisions should be noted. If previous open rotator cuff repair with deltoid detachment was performed, deltoid integrity should be assessed, along with axillary nerve function.

    • Range-of-motion testing should be performed both actively and passively.

    • Passive range of motion is often preserved except in the setting of chronic large tears where static superior head migration leads to limited forward elevation with inferior capsule contracture.

    • Posterior capsular contracture is also a common finding with both small and large tears.

    • Active motion is often limited in scapular plane elevation. This may be due to either weakness or pain.

  • Shoulder strength should be evaluated with manual muscle testing.21

    • Various arm positions will isolate the rotator cuff and specifically test these muscles for dysfunction.

    • The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor can be isolated with resisted scapular plane elevation at 90 degrees in neutral rotation, resisted external rotation in full adduction and slight internal rotation, and external
      rotation in 90 degrees of abduction and 90 degrees of adduction, respectively.

    • The belly press, lift-off, or bear hug tests can be used to test subscapularis function.

      • Belly press test: Inability to maintain maximum internal rotation without the elbow dropping posterior to the midsagittal plane of the trunk indicates impaired subscapularis function.

      • Lift-off test: Inability to maintain active maximal internal rotation with hand off the lumbar spine without extending the elbow indicates impaired subscapularis function.

      • Bear hug test: Inability to maintain resisted internal rotation with the palm of the hand on the involved side placed on the opposite shoulder and the elbow positioned anterior to the body indicates impaired subscapularis function.

    • Electromyographic analysis has shown that the belly press activates the upper subscapularis, whereas the lift-off activates the lower subscapularis.

  • Special tests have been developed to aid in diagnosis:

    • The Neer impingement test (forward elevation in internal rotation) and the Hawkins impingement test (elevation to 90 degrees, cross-body adduction, and internal rotation) were designed to elicit symptoms by impinging the rotator cuff on the undersurface of the acromion and coracoacromial ligament.

    • The hornblower’s sign indicates teres minor dysfunction or tearing if there is weakness or inability to achieve full external rotation in an abducted position.

    • A positive result (weakness or pain) with the empty can test (Jobe sign) indicates dysfunction of the supraspinatus tendon.

    • Inability to maintain the shoulder in a fully externally rotated position indicates a positive external rotation lag sign and significant dysfunction or tearing of the infraspinatus tendon.

    • Variable accuracy of these tests has been shown when used in isolation, but accuracy may be improved when used in combination with other provocative examinations.34


Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Arthroscopic Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears

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