Arthroscopic Management of Distal Lower Extremity Syndesmosis Injuries
Tun Hing Lui
Lung Fung Tse
The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis consists of the interosseous tibiofibular ligament (IOL), the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), the posterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (PTFL), and the transverse tibiofibular ligament (TL).1 Approximately 20% of the AITFL is intra-articular. Ankle syndesmotic injury is not uncommon. It is reported to occur in 1% to 11% of soft tissue injuries about the ankle.2, 3 Ebraheim et al.4 reported that 8% of all ankle fractures have syndesmotic disruptions and that this kind of injury should receive special care owing to the increased risk of associated complications. Burns et al.5 reported that a complete disruption of the syndesmosis caused a 39% decrease in the tibiotalar contact area and a 42% increase in the tibiotalar contact pressure.3, 6 Purely ligamentous injuries of the syndesmosis, or high ankle sprains, occur when the external rotation force is insufficient to create a fracture.3, 7 Unstable syndesmosis injuries are associated with a high risk of articular surface injury to the talar dome.8
Injury to the syndesmosis occurs through rupture or bony avulsion of the syndesmotic ligament complex.1, 9, 10 These injuries result most often from an external rotation mechanism.3, 11 In anatomic specimens the proportional contribution to syndesmotic stability of the individual syndesmotic ligaments to syndesmotic stability was found to be 35% for the AITFL, 33% for the TL, 22% for the IOL, and 9% for the PITFL.12 The AITFL is the weakest of the four syndesmotic ligaments and is the first to yield to forces that create an external rotation of the fibula around its longitudinal axis. As the PITFL is a thick and strong ligament, excessive stress results more often in a posterior malleolus avulsion fracture rather than a ligamentous injury. During external rotation of the foot the fibula is translated posteriorly and rotated externally, which results in increased tension on the AITFL. This may result in isolated rupture of the AITFL.13 Rupture of the AITFL, in turn, can result in instability of the syndesmosis and ankle mortise.1, 8, 9, 13, 14
The diagnosis and reduction of syndesmostic injuries, either isolated or in conjunction with an ankle fracture, can be challenging. Previous studies have demonstrated that standard radiographic measurements used to evaluate the integrity of the syndesmosis are inaccurate.15, 16, 17 Many surgically stabilized syndesmotic injuries were malreduced on CT scan but went undetected by plain radiographs. Radiographic measurements did not accurately reflect the status of the distal tibiofibular joint. Furthermore, postreduction radiographic measurements were inaccurate for assessing the quality of the reduction.
Historically, it has been difficult to treat neglected syndesmosis disruption. Reconstructive salvage procedures include syndesmotic fusion and ligamentous reconstruction. Although it has not been correlated to functional outcomes, the known morbidity of postoperative syndesmotic malreduction should lead to heightened vigilance for assessing accurate syndesmosis reduction intraoperatively.10
The role of arthroscopy in the management of syndesmotic injury includes
Diagnosis of syndesmosis injury
Guidance of reduction
Ability to assess and treat associated intra-articular pathology
1. Diagnosis of syndesmosis injury
Ankle fractures are among the most common operatively treated lower extremity injuries. Displaced fractures require anatomic reduction to ensure restoration of joint surfaces and normalization of tibiotalar contact forces to minimize the risk of posttraumatic arthritis.10, 18 Although AO Weber type C ankle fractures have traditionally been associated with syndesmotic injuries, injury to the syndesmosis may occur with other fibular fracture patterns.10, 19 Complete disruption of this complex often manifests in diastasis that is visible on plain radiographs; however, more subtle injuries can go undetected. Increasing evidence exists that the traditional radiographic parameters for determining the status of the syndesmosis may be inaccurate.10, 20 None of the specific syndesmotic stress tests was uniformly positive in the presence of a syndesmotic rupture.6 No definite diagnosis should be made based on the medical history and the physical examination alone.6
Arthroscopic evaluation of ankle fractures has the advantage of being minimally invasive while providing excellent visualization of the ankle joint intraoperatively.21 When, based on medical history and physical examination, syndesmotic injury is suspected, but standard radiographs of the ankle show no indication that syndesmotic injury is present or the diagnosis is still open to debate, additional evaluation of the syndesmosis can be desirable. During arthroscopy of the ankle, injury of the anterior syndesmosis can be confirmed with more certainty.6, 11, 15, 22, 23, 24 The arthroscopic stress test is useful for evaluating the stability of the tibiofibular articulation.24 By means of ankle arthroscopy, the pattern of syndesmosis disruption can be assessed in three planes (coronal, sagittal, and frontal).14
2. Guidance of anatomic reduction
An accurate initial reduction of a disrupted syndesmosis is crucial to the long-term stability and function of the ankle.25 Failure to reduce and stabilize a disruption of the syndesmosis that occurs in association with some rotational ankle fractures is associated with poor outcomes. A recent study of human cadaver specimens concluded that no optimal radiographic measurement exists to assess syndesmotic integrity, and that repeated radiographs of the ankle are of little value because of the inability to reproduce ankle positioning even under optimal laboratory conditions.7 In the setting of ankle fractures with syndesmosis disruption, fixing the fibula in as much as 30 degrees of external rotation may go undetected using intraoperative fluoroscopy alone. These findings are clinically relevant since in both supination-external rotation and pronation-external rotation injuries of the ankle, which constitute the majority of ankle fractures, the distal fibula is displaced in external rotation26 and may therefore be subject to malreduction and fixation in this position. As it may be difficult to obtain an accurate lateral fluoroscopic view and there is no definition of the anatomic location of the syndesmosis on the lateral view, the integrity of the syndesmosis in the sagittal plane is difficult to assess radiographically.15 Assessment of the three-dimensional position of the distal fibula within the incisura is difficult when relying on two-dimensional imaging. The incidence of incongruity of the distal tibiofibular joint after operative reduction and internal fixation for syndesmotic injury was higher than previously reported the literature.10 The prevalence of postoperative syndesmotic malreduction has been reported to be between 0% and 16%.8, 16, 21, 27

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