Anterolateral Approach to the Talar Neck

Anterolateral Approach to the Talar Neck

The full extent of the anterolateral approach to the ankle allows exposure not only of the ankle joint but also of the talar neck. The approach is very useful for viewing the talar neck from the anterolateral side; however, this approach cannot be used in isolation for fixation of talar neck fractures. The combination of an anterolateral and anteromedial approach is necessary for fixation of talar neck fractures to ensure accuracy of reduction. The approach can also be used for surgeries in which the anterolateral portion of the talar neck needs to be visualized. It could be used to reduce a talar dislocation as well.

Position of the Patient

Place the patient supine on the operating table (see Fig. 3-1). If the patient will be undergoing both the anterolateral and anteromedial approach to the talar neck simultaneously, a sandbag should not be placed beneath the buttock. If the anterolateral approach is used in isolation, insert a sandbag under the buttock of the affected side to internally rotate the leg (see Fig. 7-1). After exsanguination, apply a tourniquet to the mid-thigh.

Landmarks and Incision

Palpate the lateral malleolus at the distal subcutaneous end of the fibula and the base of the fifth metatarsal, a prominent bony mass on the lateral aspect of the foot. Identify the alignment of the fourth ray of the foot by palpating the subcutaneous surface of the fourth metatarsal bone. Make an 8-cm straight incision on the anterolateral aspect of the ankle. Begin some 2 cm proximal to the ankle joint and 2 cm anterior to the anterior border of the fibula. Extend the incision distally in line with the fourth ray of the foot, staying medial to the styloid process of the fifth metatarsal (Fig. 13-1).

Internervous Plane

The internervous plane lies between the peroneal muscles (which are supplied by the superficial peroneal nerve) and the extensor muscles (which are supplied by the deep peroneal nerve).

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Sep 23, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Anterolateral Approach to the Talar Neck

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