Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in recreational and competitive sporting activities. According to an ongoing study in the United States, an estimated 200,000 ACL reconstructions (ACLRs) are performed annually, and the incidence of ACL injury is roughly 1 in 3000 per year. The treatment of ACL injury is an area of considerable controversy, despite advances in sports medicine literature. The current gold standard for the treatment of acute ACL lesions is reconstruction with tendon graft, with a high success rate of 80%. Despite the good results, donor site morbidity, poor proprioception, and incomplete return to high-risk sports are potential pitfalls of this procedure. In addition, there is the risk of iatrogenic damage of the distal femoral or the proximal tibial growth plate, and subsequent growth disturbance and angular deformity in adolescents.
Considering the fact that ACL injury most commonly affects young people, leading to significant morbidity, other therapeutic options should be investigated to effectively address acute partial ACL lesions. In addition, developing a regenerative method for ACL repair would preserve the proprioceptive function and the architecture of the ligament insertion site.
Is Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair Feasible?
Many authors in animal and in vitro studies investigated ACL biology and its healing response to injury. Rapid degeneration of ACL has been observed following acute rupture, which is associated with a significant increase in collagenase activity and a decrease in total collagen of the injured ligament. The poor healing abilities of ACL, when compared with the medial collateral ligament (MCL), are well known. The outgrowth of cells from ACL explants in vitro was slower than from MCL explants, as shown by the size of the surrounding clusters of cells, suggesting a lower proliferation and migration potential of ACL cells in comparison with MCL cells. In a rabbit model, a higher level of procollagen mRNA was consistently detected in normal MCL than in normal ACL, suggesting higher collagen synthetic activity in the MCL and possible differences in their healing capacities.
Comparing the healing response of ACL with other ligaments, the process of platelet fibrin clot formation of injured ACL is deranged/deficient. Without this clot, the wound remains opened and interferes with tissue remodeling and cellular migration, ultimately leading to nonhealing of the ruptured ligament. Presence of circulating plasmin in the joint space, which prematurely breaks down the fibrin clot, has been postulated to be the reason for lack of clot formation. Moreover, synovial fluid is also proven to inhibit ACL fibroblast proliferation and migration and thereby retard healing of tissue. Identification of strategies that could either form or aid in the formation of a scaffold between the tendon ends to address this problem has become an area of active research and investigation.
Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair—Healing Stimulation
The primary suture repair of the torn portions of the ACL was popularized in the 1950s. Long-term follow-up studies showed that these techniques presented failure rates up to 90% and were therefore abandoned. Despite these reports, recent investigations showed the possibility of ACL healing after primary suture of the ligament augmented with the use of growth factors and bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The potential advantages over ACLR technique are the preservation of the anatomy and kinematics of the ACL and knee proprioception, while donor site morbidity and muscular weakness are significantly reduced.
Cellular Therapies—Mesenchymal Stem Cells
The concept of “biological solutions for biological problems” has led to the development of less invasive procedures and accelerated treatments that in general reduce morbidity while enhancing functional recovery. Cellular therapies offer an interesting option in the treatment of injured ACL by addressing the defect in healing at a molecular level and leading to a biological means of healing. Steadman’s “healing response therapy” was one of the earliest treatments described, which extolled the role of MSCs in aiding the healing of a ruptured ACL in humans. The results of this therapy were reported as encouraging and were based on the multipotent nature of MSCs.
MSCs were initially isolated from bone marrow and since then have been reported to be isolated from a number of other tissues such as fat, muscle, skin, connective bone, and so on. The easy availability, coupled with the self-renewal capacity and multilineage differentiation potential of MSCs, has drawn the attention of researchers for various reasons. The phenotypic plasticity of these cells has generated considerable enthusiasm to use them in repairing or regenerating connective tissue with ex vivo, tissue engineering, or in situ techniques. The similarity between ACL outgrowth cells and MSCs gives the possibility to modulate these cells to enhance the healing of a repaired ACL.
Platelet Rich Plasma and Growth Factors
Bioactive proteins and growth factors play an important role in tissue healing, as they can regulate key processes in tissue repair, including cell proliferation, chemotaxis, migration, cellular differentiation, and extracellular matrix synthesis. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) contains many important growth factors that have been proven to enhance cellular proliferation and migration, as well as increased collagen production in in vitro studies. The rationale for the use of PRP is to stimulate the natural healing cascade and tissue regeneration by a “supra-physiologic” release of platelet-derived factors directly at the site of treatment. Autologous PRP can be obtained from simple blood extraction with a commercially available kit. Once the blood is collected into a tube containing anticoagulant, it undergoes a centrifugation process to produce PRP. Among the contained growth factors, PDGF, FGF, BMP, and TGF-β have shown to enhance the healing of ligaments.
Kobayashi et al. noted improved healing and vascularity following instillation of FGF in the canine ACL. Aspenberg and Forslund reported the use of GDF 5 in the Achilles tendon and showed improved healing. These growth factors can be used along with synthetic scaffolds to enhance the process of ACL repair. Chen reported the use of BMP 2 along with hydrogel and periosteum to stimulate tendon-bone healing in an ACLR model and showed that PPC-BMP-hydrogel composite is an effective inducer of healing and can act as a matrix for encapsulation of cell and growth factors. Murray et al. contested the role of PRP in ACL healing, following their results in skeletally immature animals in which they performed ACL repair with or without PRP injection. The addition of PRP to the suture repairs did not improve AP knee laxity maximum tensile load or linear stiffness of the ACL repairs after 14 weeks in vivo. The use of collagen-platelet composites has been shown to have beneficial effects as well.
Study Group
Gobbi et al., in a prospective case series, demonstrated that ACL primary repair combined with bone marrow stimulation (BMS) and growth factors injection is an effective technique to restore knee stability and function in young athletes with acute partial ACL tears, at 5-years follow-up. Fifty patients (mean age 28.3 years) presenting with a partial acute ACL tear were treated by primary repair, BMS, and growth factor injection into the ligament.
The distribution of patients in different types of ACL tears was as follows:
Type I: Partial lesion (<100%) of the anteromedial bundle in 30 patients
Type II: Partial lesion (<100%) of the posterolateral bundle in 8 patients
Type III: Both bundles partially torn (<100%) in 12 patients
Type IV: Complete ACL tear (no patient)
Exclusion criteria include lesions not amenable to primary repair, midsubstance ACL tears, associated chondral lesions greater than grade 3 on ICRS classification system, partial or complete tear of the lateral collateral ligament or posterior cruciate ligament, grade 3 MCL injury, patients with contralateral ligament knee injury, severe lower limb malalignment, and history of previous surgery on the same knee.
Surgical Technique
The patients are placed supine under spinal anesthesia. After routine standard sterile preparation and draping, a complete examination of the knee stability is performed. A routine arthroscopic evaluation of the knee by standard anteromedial and anterolateral portals is performed, and partial tear of the ACL is confirmed. Associated pathologies of other intra-articular structures are addressed prior to ACL repair. ACL repair is performed by passing #1 polydioxanone sutures (Ethicon, Piscataway, New Jersey) using a Clever Hook or Express suture passer (DePuy Mitek, Raynham, Massachusetts) to suture together the torn portions of ACL and tied using a Duncan loop ( Fig. 96.1A ). Using a 45-degrees microfracture awl, several holes (1.5 mm in diameter, 3–4 mm apart, and 3 mm deep) are made around the anatomic femoral insertion of the ACL (see Fig. 96.1B ). PRP glue preparation is done using a commercially available system (Arthrex Angel System, Naples, Florida). Approximately 3 mL of PRP is isolated and activated with batroxobin enzyme (Plateltex act-S.R.O., Bratislava, Slovakia) to produce a sticky PRP gel, which is injected at the repaired site to biologically augment the healing process (see Fig. 96.1C ).

Rehabilitation Protocol
All patients followed the same rehabilitation protocol. The knee was kept in a brace locked in extension for 3 weeks, and patients were allowed partial weight bearing with crutches, followed by weight bearing as tolerated. The postoperative brace is locked in full extension in order to avoid loss of extension; however, hyperextension should be avoided as well as active full extension against resistance (i.e., leg extensor machine). A continuous passive motion machine was used for 4–6 hours a day in a range between 20 and 60 degrees, starting the day after surgery. The range of motion (ROM) was increased up to 90 degrees by the end of 2 weeks and then gradually increased up to 120 degrees of flexion. Full active ROM was achieved between 6 and 12 weeks postoperation. Running was allowed at 3 months. No high-contact sports were allowed before 5 months.
All patients were available at final follow-up. No infections or major postoperative complications were seen in this case series. Four patients (8%) had a retear during sporting activity and underwent ACLR within 2 years from primary repair surgery; their last evaluation scores were included in final results.
The difference in anterior translation of the knee compared with the unaffected side was reduced from 4.1 mm preoperatively to 1.4 mm at 5-years follow-up ( P < .05). A significant improvement in Tegner, SANE, Marx, Noyes, and Lysholm scores was observed at 5-years follow-up ( P < .05). The final International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) objective score was rated as normal in 39 patients (78%), nearly normal in 10 patients, and abnormal in 1 patient. The 11 patients with a nearly normal or abnormal IKDC scores had associated pathologies (meniscal or chondral lesions). Thirty-nine patients (78%) fully resumed sport activity. Return to previous sport activities was reached at a mean of 6 months after surgery. Eleven patients (22%) did not return to sport at preinjury level; in four of them, this was a personal choice.
Second-look arthroscopy was performed in six patients (12%) and revealed a healed ACL which was stable on probing and had minimal fibrous tissue ( Fig. 96.2A–D ).

ACL primary repair combined with BMS and growth factors is an effective technique to restore knee stability and function in young athletes presenting with partial ACL tears. Hypothetically, preservation of the native ACL would avoid complications associated with ACLR surgery, such as loss of proprioception. MSCs and PRP will act as the source of precursor cells and growth factors that have shown to enhance the healing of ligaments. An anatomic repair of the torn portions is essential; any gap between ligament fascicles may prevent cell migration and tissue regeneration.
The potential benefits of MSCs in ACL repair have also been described by Steadman et al., who reported excellent outcomes in terms of knee stability, function, and return to sport. The authors investigated the results of this procedure in the treatment of proximal ACL tears in a group of 48 active individuals over 40 years of age and reported improved clinical outcomes after 2-years minimum follow-up. In another study, excellent clinical outcomes were reported in 10 out of 13 athletically active, skeletally immature patients with proximal ACL tear treated with “healing response” procedure (ACL femoral footprint microfracture). Interestingly this procedure was performed without concomitant suture of the ACL.
In the present study group, 98% of patients presented at final follow-up with a normal or near normal IKDC objective score and Tegner score comparable to preinjury levels. Improvement in the other evaluation scores (Marx, Noyes) indicated good outcomes, with recovery of stability and function, similar to preinjury levels. Although previous studies showed that the complication of re-rupture of the repaired ligament was very high (approximately 50%) following primary repair, in the present study group, a very low re-rupture rate (8%) was reported, which is comparable to the results following ACLR at this time point.
A limitation of this study was the lack of a control group, including patients with partial ACL tears that did not receive any treatment, in order to investigate the possibility of spontaneous healing. On the other hand, in the literature there are only a few reports of spontaneous ACL healing capability, which was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging, with or without conservative treatment (immobilization using an extension brace). However, it should be highlighted that not all the ACL lesions can be treated with the described technique; patient selection is essential and strict inclusion criteria should be followed. The relative lower percentage of partial compared with complete tears in young athletic individuals, combined with the requirement of compliance for a strict physical rehabilitation and the novelty of the technique, leads to a low number of available patients. The precise selection criteria, adherence of the patients to the physiotherapy regimen, and regular follow-up could be the reason for the high success rate (90%) of this technique at the end of a mid-term follow-up.
The addition of PRP preparations to MSCs would form a bioactive composite suited for the healing of tissue defects in vivo by acting as sources of growth factors and “working cells,” and can play important roles in future regenerative medicine. Furthermore, with greater advances in tissue engineering and molecular biology, the concept of scaffolds and cell-scaffold composites and their role in augmenting ligament repair offers interesting therapeutic options. Studies have reported accelerated healing with increased tissue formation and enhanced ACL cell viability, metabolic activity, and collagen synthesis following the use of PRP-scaffold composites in tissue healing in experimental ACL models. The underlying premise is that while PRP/MSCs will act as the source of growth factors and precursor cells, the scaffold would act both as a matrix in the cellular process and as a biomechanical support following primary repair of ACL, and provide a secure environment for the cells away from the effects of circulating plasmin in the joint space, which prematurely breaks down the fibrin clot.

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