ACL Reconstruction in the Skeletally Immature Patient
Peter D. Fabricant
Mininder S. Kocher
Sterile Instrument/Equipment
• All cases
• Tourniquet
• Knee arthroscopy equipment
• Preadolescents: modified MacIntosh procedure, combined extra- and intra-articular anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using iliotibial (IT) band autograft (Fig. 43-1)
• Cobb elevator
• Burr
![]() Figure 43-1 | Modified MacIntosh procedure: combined extra- and intra-articular ACL reconstruction using iliotibial (IT) band autograft. |
• Periosteal elevator
• Meniscotomes (left, right, and end cutting) (Fig. 43-2A)
• Large curved hemostat/clamp (Fig. 43-2B)
• “Rat-tail” rasp (Fig. 43-2C)
• Heavy nonabsorbable suture
![]() Figure 43-2 | Equipment for the modified MacIntosh procedure. Meniscotomes (A), large curved hemostat/clamp (B), and rattail rasp (C). |
• Adolescents: transphyseal hamstring ACL reconstruction (Fig. 43-3)
• Graft preparation board
• Suspensory fixation button (femoral fixation)
• Nonmetal interference screw (tibial fixation)
• ACL drill guides based on surgeon preference
• Open- or closed-ended tendon harvester based on surgeon preference
• The patient is placed supine.
• Bumps can be placed under the hip and at the foot of the table to help with knee flexion.
• A nonsterile pneumatic tourniquet is placed on the proximal thigh.
• A lateral post is used based on surgeon preference.
Surgical Technique Considerations
• Minimal (<1 cm in each limb segment) growth remains around the knee after age 12-13 in girls (ie, 1 year after menarche) and 14 in boys.1
• Before this time, reconstruction strategies must respect growing physes.
• Posteroanterior left hand radiograph can be obtained to measure skeletal age for surgical decision-making.
Preadolescents: Modified MacIntosh Procedure, Combined Extra- and Intra-articular ACL Reconstruction Using IT Band Autograft3,4
• Indicated for children who are Tanner stage 1 or 2; skeletal age ≤11 in females, ≤12 in males.
• The thigh tourniquet is inflated based upon surgeon preference.
• IT band graft harvest
• An 8- to 10-cm longitudinal oblique incision is centered over the mid-portion of the IT band just proximal to the lateral joint line.
• The central portion of the IT band is harvested proximally and left attached to Gerdy tubercle distally.
• A Cobb elevator is used to elevate the subcutaneous tissue off the superficial surface of the IT band a minimum of 15 cm up the thigh.
• The IT band is incised with a no. 15 scalpel near the border of the fascia of the vastus lateralis anteriorly and the posterior intermuscular septum posteriorly.
▪ A few millimeters of intact IT band are left anteriorly and posteriorly.
• Left and right meniscotomes are used to dissect the IT band proximally in line with its fibers (Fig. 43-4A).
• A curved meniscotome or an open-ended tendon harvester is used to truncate the graft proximally.
▪ If similar instruments are unavailable, a counterincision can be made proximally to detach the graft.
• The graft is further freed from the lateral joint capsule with a knife or dissecting scissors but is left attached to Gerdy tubercle distally (Fig. 43-4B).

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