Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendinopathy

Sydney C. Karnovsky

Mark C. Drakos


  • Place the patient in a prone position.

  • Place a nonsterile tourniquet on the operative thigh. Prep and drape the lower extremity in a sterile manner.

  • Exsanguinate the lower extremity and inflate the tourniquet 250 mm Hg.

Surgical Approach

  • Identify the Achilles, and make an incision over the tendon (Figures 12-1, 12-2, 12-3).

    • Cheat medial to midline because of improved vascular supply.

      Figure 12-1. The patient’s area of tendinopathy is identified on the magnetic resonance imaging (arrow indicating area of tendinopathy). This is a patient with mid-substance tendinosis.

      Figure 12-2. The patient’s area of tendinopathy is identified on the magnetic resonance imaging (arrow indicating area of tendinopathy). This is a patient with insertional tendinosis.

      Figure 12-3. The site of the incision is identified and marked on the patient’s leg in a prone position.

    • Base the size and location of the incision on the degree and location (either mid-substance or insertional) of tendinosis.

      Dissect the incised area to the level of the Achilles tendon (Figure 12-4).

      Figure 12-4. An incision is made over the Achilles tendon and the paratenon layer is incised.

  • Incise the paratenon sharply in line with its fibers.

  • Identify the area of tendinosis. Look for small tears, tissue integrity, and tissue quality. Determine whether any tissue looks salvageable (Figure 12-5).

    Figure 12-5. The area of tendinosis is exposed.

  • Proceed to debride the area of tendinosis and remove the parts of the tendon that have significant degeneration within them (Figures 12-6, 12-7, 12-8, 12-9).

    Figure 12-6. Degenerated and unhealthy tendon is removed.

    Figure 12-7. The removed tissue from a patient with mid-substance tendinopathy.

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    Dec 14, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Achilles Tendinopathy

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