Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

CHAPTER 9 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. The disease is named after its discoverer, Hakaru Hashimoto. It is also called chronic thyroiditis and Hashimoto’s, and it is one type of hypothyroidism.

2 Diagnosis by Western medicine

Diagnosis is based on serological tests for antibodies and hormone levels in the blood.

3 Chinese medicine aetiology and pathology

The body’s metabolism is governed by Spleen and Kidney Qi and Yang. The Spleen function is to transport and transform food Essence and provide material basis for the acquired constitution. The Kidney stores the Essence that supports the function of all other organs; it is the foundation of the pre-heaven constitution.

The Spleen cannot function well without Kidney Qi and Yang; if the Kidney is deficient, this may lead to Spleen Qi and Yang deficiency, resulting in insufficient energy to support the Kidney. The Spleen and Kidney promote each other physiologically and also affect one another pathologically. Spleen deficiency affects the Kidney, and vice versa. Eventually, both the Spleen and Kidney develop deficiency together.

Qi is one manifestation of Essence. The patency of Liver Qi is important to help Spleen Qi function well. Water and food are the chief source of the nutrients that maintain life and health after birth; they are also the material basis for the production of Qi and Blood, which the Spleen transports, distributes and transforms. If there is Spleen dysfunction, this will cause poor absorption and delivery of nutrients, and the person will have fatigue and weak muscles. There will also be poor transformation of water, which can cause water retention and inability to control Blood circulating in the vessels. In women, this can result in heavy menstrual flow.

When Spleen Qi is deficient, food Essence cannot be transformed in a timely way. It may accumulate in the Middle Jiao, which can block the smooth flow of Liver Qi in the channels, causing Liver Qi stagnation and Blood stasis. This may also cause goitre and emotional disorder.

Spleen Qi deficiency can develop into Yang deficiency and then affect Kidney function, making the disease more severe.

4 General treatment principle

Replenish Spleen Qi and Kidney Qi or warm Spleen Yang and Kidney Yang, promote the flow of Liver Qi and remove Blood stasis.

Differentiation and Treatment

5 Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency

Supplementary Treatment

If the patient has oedema, add Ze Xie Alismatis Rhizoma, Che Qian Zi Plantaginis Semen and Yi Yi Ren Coicis Semen, and needle Ren-9 Shuifen and Ren-6 Qihai; if the patient has frequent colds or flu, use SNIFF & RELIEVE1 aromatherapy and prescribe YU PING FENG SAN/Jade Windscreen Powder with Huang Qi Astragali Radix, Fang Feng Saposhnikoviae Radix and Chen Pi Citri reticulatae Pericarpium, and needle ST-36 Zusanli and Ren-6 Qihai, and apply moxibustion to both points.

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Jan 19, 2017 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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